Chap. 5

Hehehe. I know, you all hate me for the cliffhanger, but I promise this chapter will be better. I'm very sorry for taking so long again, but I

pretty much just watched my love life wither and die...stupid cheating jerks. Anyway, heres the new chap, so Enjoy!

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Kagome's POV

I woke up, shooting up so fast I nearly fell off the cot. It was that dream again. Its always that dream, every time I sleep.

No. I told myself. He can't find you now. You should be safe. Just keep your guard up. Shaking my head, I lowered my feet to the floor and

stood. Walking to the front of the tent, I saw that the old woman was gone.

Not knowing what else to do, I wandered out, glancing around the large cave-like room as I made my way to the stove that a dark haired

woman stood over.

Looking up at me as I approached, she said "Hey there. You want something to eat?" I nodded. As she ladled out a bowl of some kind of soup,

she told me her name was Sango, and she worked in the kitchens here.

"What kitchens?" I asked. From all I could see, the "kitchen" was only the stove and a small sink.

"You don't know what this place is yet, do you?" I shook my head. She sighed, and gestured for me to come sit on a mat with her. I plopped

down and listened to the story.

"A long time ago, humans and demons could live together without fighting. But the humans grew afraid of the demons, and began to attack

them, driving them out of their homes and lands. The demons ran at first, but soon fought back, and because they were much stronger than

humans, they defeated them, and drove them away. Since then, the demons have ruled the land, taking humans as slaves of all kinds. Thats

why they brought you here. Slave labor. You should just be glad the ruler of this castle doesn't prefer other types of entertainment from his

slaves, but his lackeys are a different story. And when they find a half demon, like Inuyasha, they kill them. But hes the half brother of the

demon lord that runs this castle, Sesshomaru, who wants him to suffer. So he works here too." she finished.

"Who's Inuyasha?" I asked. The name didn't sound familiar.

She giggled. "He's the guy you were with last night."

"Oh no, it wasn't like that!" I screeched, blushing a furious red.

"Ha ha, I was just kidding. He isn't like that." She said, waving me off. "But its nice to see him smile like that."

"Uh, sure, I guess." I said, looking down. "So what will I do here?"

"Oh, probably cleaning." She told me, putting a finger to her chin. "I think the last maid was killed when she spilt the tea."

"W-what?! Killed?!" I yelled.

"Don't worry, as long as you do well, you'll be fine." She assured me. "Its not so bad. I'll help you till you get the hang of it."

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I know its short still, and I swear the smutty parts are comming! But I need more reviews and ideas on what you guys would like to see in this

story, so please review or pm me please!
