Chapter One:
Eight Years Ago...
Maka sat at a large oak tree in Death City Park, crying. She didn't know what to do. Little did she know a blue haired boy sat in the branches.
"Why are you crying?" The boy said.
Maka gasped. She didn't even know he was there. "Why do you care?" Maka said as she wiped away her tears.
He jumped from the tree and said, "Well I'm going to surpass God someday. Even a God needs friends, right?"
She smiled brightly, "You want to be friends?"
The boy nodded with a grin. Maka answered with, "Sure, let's be friends. I'm Maka."
With a small wince he said, "My name is Black Star."
She just smiled and said, "Nice to meet you Black Star. What were you doing in the tree?"
He could tell she knew he was part of the Star Clan. She just didn't care. That just made him grin wider, "This tree is one of my first good memories. Now it has another one."
Present Day…
Black Star sighed heavily as he leaned against his favorite tree; their tree. From the corner of his eye he saw her. The person whom he would give his life for in a heartbeat: Maka.
"Hey, Black Star, where'd you go?" Maka said before her eyes widened as she noticed the tree, "Do you know what tree this is?"
Black Star grinned, "Well, duh! Like I'd forget!"
Maka smiled as she took a seat next to him. Black Star enjoyed having her so close while he could. Soon they would have to rejoin their friends. So he just enjoyed the feeling of her being so close while he still could.