Okay, I admit it... It's been way too long since I last posted. Hopefully the next chapter will come a little quicker.

Chapter 15

Addy and Izzy hadn't felt awkward around one another since they had first been put into the same cabin the summer before after their pranks got out of hand. Izzy couldn't admit to Addy about her renewed secret affair with Sonny... or how she had kissed Orion, now on several occasions. And Addy was ashamed that she had tried something so foolish and had almost been killed by a monster for a third time. Well, third time that summer, as she didn't really want to think about the summer before when they went camping with their father and Linda.

So, they sat in Addy's infirmary room in silence as they ate their dinners.

"Anything new?" Addy asked finally.

"Aside from you trying to kill yourself again?" Izzy asked.

"Iz, you know that is not what happened," Addy argued.

"Seriously, you couldn't go two days?" Izzy accused. She stood up from her chair. "Can't you just finally let yourself heal fully before you go do stupid things?"

"Talk about stupid things, look at all you did to get Sonny's attention and he barely ever glanced at you," Addy said.

Izzy gasped. "I guess I just should have pissed off the Aphrodite girls too and maybe they would have blessed me too."

"Oh, you wish," Addy said. "They only cursed me because they knew I wouldn't like it. They may be incapable to making anyone look worse, but they'd try with you. I guess the only reason Sirius liked you was because you were wearing those skimpy outfits that Char made for you. Maybe he thought you looked easy."

Izzy steamed. "For your information, at least I've gotten attention from a boy aside from needing protection. You know Sloan's got a hero complex and only comes to your aid because you're a helpless damsel."

"Oh, really, and using your lack of sex-appeal is so superior?" Addy questioned.

"And give your friend Alex my apologies, but Orion isn't into her because he likes me," Izzy said.

"Excuse me?" Addy asked. "Where did you get that screwed up notion?"

"Oh, he has made it very clear when he started kissing me," Izzy said. "And, since he actually enjoys my company, I think I'll go join him to finish dinner."

Addy stared as Izzy walked out, not even bothering to close the door behind her. After a moment, Addy threw her fork at a wall and put her dinner to the side, obviously not about to eat anymore of it.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the frame of the door and Addy looked over to see Alex. There was a smile on her face, and a little bit of soot on her cheek. "Hey, just checking up on you," Alex said, walking in and taking her gloves off her hands.

Addy smiled weakly. She was not in a smiling mood, and especially if what Izzy had said about Orion was true. "I'll survive," she said.

"You always seem to," Alex said with a smile. "Anyway, I'm kind of here for measurements."

"Measurements?" Addy asked.

"Your uncle has commissioned a special piece of gear for you," Alex said. "A sort of leg brace for your broken leg." She smiled. "He doesn't trust you to stay off it and out of danger, so he at least wants something so you can walk on it."

"One small incident..." Addy said, rolling her blue-green eyes.

"And then the second, and third... you really do know how to attract those monsters," Alex said. "Are you sure you don't have some super-strong demigod scent?"

"Definitely not," Addy said. She held her head high. "The manticore didn't even notice me until I tried to shoot him." She wrinkled her nose. "Granted, with just the sponge baths that the Nymphs have been giving me, I'm gonna start smelling pretty fresh pretty soon."

Alex laughed. "I'm sure that Izzy would help you get to a bath tub if you wanted her to."

Addy's smile left her face and she frowned a bit. "Not right now she wouldn't," Addy said.

Alex cocked her head. "What's wrong?"

"We just got into an argument," Addy said. "I don't know what got her so mad. She just suddenly went off on me."

Alex thought for a moment. "It must be kind of stressful on her, what with everyone making her cross the border over and over," Alex said. "And, well, your uncle has kind of been more focused on you than her."

"Well, sorry but he's been my uncle for twelve years longer than her uncle," Addy said. "And you know, Miranda hasn't stopped in to see me once since she arrived. And, sure, she only did arrive today, but clearly, I can't go seek her out." She pointed to her leg.

"Could it have to do with Sonny?" Alex asked. "I heard that he paid you a visit last night."

"Where did you hear that?" Addy asked, suddenly stiff.

"I kind of over heard some of your uncle's friends talking about it," Alex said. "One was talking to one of my older brothers about it, talking about some sort of device that could be used against Sonny in case he came at you again."

Addy groaned. "Izzy knows that I want nothing to do with him," Addy said. She sighed and leaned against her pillows. "Enough about me, what's been going on with you since I became a permanent resident of the Big House?"

This time it was Alex's turn to sigh. "Nothing new, really," she said. "I've gotten less time in the forge, what with the number of weapons I've already acquired from my time there. They're really pumping out weapons for when we can cross the boundary again... or if the barrier breaks and the monsters can get in."

"Do you think it will?" Addy asked.

"I don't know," Alex said. "They're using Chiron as a source to power it right now, but its not like he's a god. They're trying to come up with a better idea for the mean time."

"Isn't there anything?" Addy asked. "I mean, there are so many things here, something has to work."

"It used to be the tree," Alex said. "Along with the golden fleece, but that power is running low. That's how all the monsters were able to break in."

"Well, how about another artifact?" Addy asked.

"All the ones that could be used are outside the barrier right now," Alex said. "And they haven't been able to get ahold of anyone outside that they could send to get it."

Addy felt her breath catch. "My parents are outside," she said. "Why can't they get ahold of them?"

"Who knows," Alex said. "Do they have a cell phone?"

"They only use them for work purposes," Addy said. "They probably both have them turned off. But, my uncle has a list of all the Inns they're staying at along with phone numbers."

"Well, that looks pretty nasty," Katie said. She and Travis had almost arrived at the camp, but had pulled over when they had spotted a monster. It had to be the biggest they had ever seen. It wasn't able to cross the border, but then again, the many Half-Bloods just inside the boundary were just standing there. There were a few arrows embedded in the creature, but from its size, Travis figured that they were more like splitters than anything.

"Hey, there's Miranda," Travis said, pointing to someone arriving at the boundary.

"Why aren't they coming out to kill that thing... whatever it is," Katie questioned.

"Maybe the same reason you and I are hiding here," Travis said. "I don't think it can cross the border." He pulled himself more behind the tree they were hidden behind. "Okay, you get on my back and I'll super speed us into the camp."

"And if it spots us?" Katie asked.

"I'm sure they'd come out to help us," Travis said. "They don't often just let people die."

"Travis, Addy and Izzy are in the camp," Katie said. "What if they try to come save us?"

"Okay, I'll distract it while you sneak in," Travis said. "And I'll speed in as soon as you are inside."


"Katie, you're pregnant," Travis said. "You, most of all, need to get to safety."

For once, Katie didn't have an argument. "I don't want to raise another child without a father," Katie said.

"Then don't run off on me again," Travis said. He smirked and pulled out his sword. "Wish me luck." And with that, he went charging. His sword tore into the monster's leg, causing it to roar loudly. Travis was nearly deafened by the roar, but he managed to keep his balance and dodge a few swats the creature made at him. He saw the other Half-Bloods yelling, but he had to keep his focus on the monster and Katie. He dodged around, slicing at the monster a few more times, leading it to look away from Katie and the camp. As soon as its back was to her, Katie ran out from behind her tree toward the boundary.

And then Travis spotted something that really confused him. Clarisse and Percy were both inside the borders of the camp. He would have assumed that either of them would have taken the monster out by this time. In his distraction, the creature swatted at him again with a huge paw and this time, Travis didn't dodge enough and got knocked about ten feet back from a glancing blow.

"Travis!" Katie screamed. She had just gotten past the pine, but turned to run back for him. But she stopped. She pressed her hands against an invisible wall.

Travis picked himself up, but the creature was huge. He knew getting around it would be impossible at the moment. Miranda had her arms around Katie, so Travis locked eyes with her for a moment, and then ran in the opposite direction. He was aware that the monster, whatever it was, followed. He didn't slow down and didn't think about it. He was still weakened from the hellhound a few days earlier, and even the glancing blow had been nasty.

Then he noticed that the creature was gaining. He turned to face it again. It roared at him again, so Travis charged sword swinging.

Izzy let off an annoyed sigh and rolled her eyes hearing the roar of the creature outside the camp. "That stupid creature," she muttered sitting with Trixie. Trixie was sharpening her sword, so Izzy had decided to join her and sharpen her old sword. Her new one was still sharp.

"If it's so stupid, why don't you go kill it?" Trixie asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Because it's stupid," Izzy said. "But I'm not."

Trixie smiled and laughed lightly. When it roared a second time, it seemed farther away. Izzy thought nothing of it, but Trixie cocked her head. "That was weird."

"What?" Izzy asked.

"It sounded farther away this time," Trixie said.

"So, it's probably bored with us," Izzy said.

"Or it's spotted someone that is outside the border," Trixie said. "I assume that people will think its a mutant elephant when seen through the Mist." She checked the blade of her sword.

Izzy, however, had stopped. "Outside the camp?"

"Yeah," Trixie nodded. "You know, that whole wide world that is not inside the borders of this ever more crowded camp."

"Do you suppose that it would be interested in Mortals?" Izzy asked.

Trixie looked up at Izzy. "I suppose not," she said. "Why do you ask?"

"My parents aren't here yet," Izzy said, standing up. "What if it's them?"

"Izzy," Trixie said, or at least tried to, but the girl was running toward the border before Trixie could even stand up.

"Excuse me, please, let me through," Izzy said, pushing her way through the crowd. Someone tried to stop her, she wasn't sure who. But then she heard her mother's voice, yelling for her father. Izzy tore through the crowd. "Mother!"

"Izzy, oh, Izzy," Katie cried, her arms circling her daughter. Katie was sobbing. Izzy hugged her mother, trembling as she did so. Her parents had made it. They were alive. However, a moment later, she noticed that her father wasn't there.

"Where's Father?" Izzy asked, trembling. Katie's green eyes glanced outside the border and it took Izzy just a second to understand.

"Izzy, don't you dare!" Miranda said, taking a few steps in her direction. It only took Izzy two quick steps, and she dodged at least four sets of hands trying to grab her. She was just inches away, but out of their reach.

"Izzy, no, Izzy, please!" Katie cried, pressed against the border.

"I'll be back," Izzy said. She glanced to the side. "Tell Addy not to worry." With that, she turned and was running in the direction that she still heard the monster.

"Izzy!" Katie screamed, but there was nothing the woman could do. Her daughter was beyond her reach.

Izzy heard the creature roar, and this time, Izzy knew exactly what was happening. She twisted her wrist, activating her new sword and then went charging as fast as her legs would take her. Izzy heard the creature roar, but its back was to her. She jumped onto its tail, which was large enough for her to walk on, though it was moving, making it much more difficult. The creature became aware of her, and flicked its tail. Izzy held on and pulled out her dagger, plunging it into the tail for something to hold onto. This apparently annoyed the creature. The tail stilled for a moment, so Izzy pulled out the dagger and ran up the tail to the back.

This time, the creature began to shake. Once again, Izzy stabbed her dagger into the creature, this time turning the handle to lengthen it to a short sword. She tried to look around to spot her father, but just holding on without biting her tongue off was proving difficult. So, with her other sword, she began hacking away. At first, just bits of skin and fur. But soon enough, she drew blood. At least, she assumed it was blood. Granted, it was black in color.

"Father?" Izzy yelled out, trying to elicit a response.

"Izzy!" Travis's voice yelled out, panicked. In a moment, Travis had jumped up onto the back as well. Izzy was astonished that her father was able to stand without being thrown off. "What in Hades are you doing here?" Travis yelled. "What about this doesn't seem dangerous to you?"

"Then why are you trying to take on this creature?" Izzy yelled.

Before responding, Travis ran at Izzy, grabbed her around the waist, and jumped, just as the creature was rolling onto its back. "Point your sword down!" Travis yelled over a roar and Izzy did so, her new sword sinking deep into the creature's belly as they fell. So deep that her arm followed. Travis pulled her arm out and helped her rip the sword upwards, ripping it up and out the creature's chest.

Yet it still wasn't dead. "What is this thing?" Travis questioned stepping back and pulling Izzy with him. Whatever the creature was, it was screaming loudly. He held his hand out. "Give me your sword."

"Why?" Izzy asked.

"Your sword is longer than mine," Travis said. "You get back to camp."

"Not without you," Izzy said.

"Do not argue with me, Izzy," Travis said. "I'm trying to protect you."

"We can kill it together," Izzy said.

Travis looked at her. "I'll distract its attention, you go for its neck. One try, and if you miss, you turn back to camp."

Izzy nodded. "I promise," she said.