Author's Note 9/16/17: As a result of personal growth, I'm no longer comfortable with the incestuous themes of the Newsflesh Trilogy. I no longer support the Shaun-Georgia pairing. Incest is still incest, regardless of the precise relation of the people involved. I believe it is impossible to have a healthy incestuous relationship, as one member will always have personal power over the other member, and so an equal and just relationship with a balance of power allowing for valid consent cannot be achieved. I consider this depiction of incest, and all others, as encouraging the practice, and so I disapprove.

While this work does not directly address the pairing, I supported the pairing when I wrote this work. Therefore, the work supports the pairing, and I can no longer support my own work as a result. I have chosen not to delete this work and instead to write this message as I wish to remain accountable for my past actions and opinions, and that hopefully someone who supports the pairing will begin to think critically about it and all other positive depictions of incest in their lives or have preexisting critical thoughts nurtured after seeing this message.

If you or someone you know is in or affected by an incestuous relationship, please visit the website of the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, and if you need help, call RAINN's National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at (800) 656-HOPE (4673) or chat with a RAINN representative on their website. More information on the Hotline can be found on their website. If you are in immediate danger, and you believe it is safe to do so, please consider calling your local police department or 911. Outside of the United States, please consider calling your local police department or emergency operator number. You can donate to RAINN to help them continue to provide support to survivors of rape, abuse, and incest on their website.

Thank you.

Andrew Ferguson (DominateEye)