Auto bot base

Bloom was rushed into the Med-bay with Ratchet, and the 'bots stood around while Optimus stood in the room and you could just feel the waves of anger rolling off of him. Arcee walked over to Elita, and nudged her with her elbow. "Hey Elita, I think you should go talk to him. He needs to calm down" said Arcee and Elita had this solemn look on her face.

-Sweet spark, please calm yourself- Elita

-I can't control the wave of anger I feel against the decepticon medic. He wanted to experiment on her. He wanted to take her to megatron- Optimus

-It will benefit both us if you can control your emotions. - Elita

-Your right Elita, I should keep my emotions in control. - Optimus

Elita smiled at her Spark-mate, and watched with pride as he simmered down, and walked down the hall and into the Med-bay. Arcee and Chromia walk over and stand next to their sister. "Boss bot gonna be okay?" asked Chromia with a little bit of sadness on her voice. "Ya, he'll be just fine." Elita said and walked to Optimus' quarters.


Bloom lay on the medical berth with a white blanket over her still injured form, and Optimus walked in only to freeze in shock. He eventually got out of his shock, and walked over to his daughter who was previously thrown against a rock wall. "What is her condition Ratchet?" asked the Autobot leader with a clear unwavering voice. "Her condition is stable. She is surprisingly resilient for a girl her age, and for her species. I also believe it is possible that she may have used an energy field around herself to protect her fragile form from breaking. Although there are injuries not related to the impact. Must have been when knockout was holding her." Ratchet said with a growl. "I trust she'll make a full recovery old friend. She's in very good hands." Optimus said, and walked out of the med-bay after taking a lasting look at his daughter.

Main room

Arcee and Chromia stood next to the ground-bridge, Bulk-head and bumble-bee stood near the kids at the loft while they played some games, and they all looked up when Optimus walked in. Arcee was the first one to walk up to him with a sympathetic look on her face. "What's her condition Optimus?" asked Arcee. "She will recover. Ratchet is working as carefully as he can to bring her back to us" Optimus said with a flat and even tone, and walked right back down the hall to his quarters.

Optimus's POV

I felt so angry towards Knockout back in the canyon. I let out all my anger on a single mech, and when I came back through the ground-bridge, I couldn't help but feel like I needed revenge. Thankfully Elita calmed me down through our bond that I was able to regain my composure, and walk to the med-bay. I should not have lost my self like that, and I feel like I don't deserve to be a prime. A prime is supposed to keep his/her emotions in check for the sake of their team. Today, I didn't live up to the title of prime. I trust that my team will forgive my unreasonable outburst of anger. I think I should recharge for a few hours, just so my systems can cool down.

Normal POV (the winx house)

The winx lived in a two story house that had 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, a basement, patio out back, a large front porch, and a rather large garage that led underground. Stella and Layla were currently in the basement while they set up Layla's exercise equipment. "Thanks for helping me Stell. By the way, what's with Sunny?" asked Layla and Stella took a breath after setting a box of weights down. "I don't know. He was so mad today after school today. Sides said he had a temper. I can see that, but when I was talking to him earlier, he kinda shut me out. I think that him and sunny were talking like in their minds or something. I don't know what his issue is, but he needs to chill, like major" Said Stella, and Layla giggled. "Whatever Stell, just unload those weights and get upstairs. The twins need to get washed." Layla said and they heard grumbling come from above them. "Huh, they have super hearing, who knew" Stella said with a shrug. "Stella, their highly advanced robots, and they have the ability to transform into a vehicle, and back into their robot forms. Why did you think they didn't have super hearing?" asked a voice from the stairs. Tecna came down the stairs in her jeans, oversized t-shirt, and socks. "Well, I thought they couldn't hear us through concrete, and dirt." Stella said and tecna shook her head. "Hey, have you noticed why Mrs. Faragonda already knows about this race and we didn't? I thought Tecna was the first to know about this stuff?" asked Layla and Tecna sighed in disappointment. "Well, it must have not picked up on my computer. Or they could have been blocking me out. They are from an entirely different planet." Tecna said walking in while Layla sat next to the treadmill and started hooking it up. "It sure was nice of Agent Fowler to give us these cards so we can buy what we need for the house. Although I wonder how him and Mrs. F know each other?" Stella asked and Tecna looked puzzled and walked over to the computer console on the far wall of the basement. She started typing in random codes and sequence of numbers until she reached a frequency for an Outpost Omega one. "That's odd. Why would there be another out post in Jasper?" asked Tecna and she was shut out by some kind of security system, "Man, they must have a really good security system." Said Tecna and sat in the chair. "Why would there be a block on a frequency? I just don't understand it. (Pushes a button on the keyboard) Hey Jazz, can you come down here please?" Tecna asked and the wall next to the computer slid down. The silver Pontiac drove through the doorway, and transformed. He fit nicely in the small space provided. The three girls that were in there stood in awe as he transformed out of his vehicle form. "Wow" Stella said in shock. "That will definitly take some getting used to." Layla said and finished hooking up the treadmill. "What 'ya need little lady?" Jazz asked kneeling down to her level. "Do you know anything about an outpost? Called Omega One?" asked Tecna sitting in her chair. "No, I don't think so. Why 'ya ask?" asked Jazz. "Well, when I was looking at random frequencies, I found one for an outpost Omega one, and when it blocked me out, this logo appeared." Tecna said and she pushed a button. The mech froze when he saw his logo that was on his arm, appear on the screen. "That's an Auto-bot insignia. There's more 'bots here?" Jazz asked and saw the screen shut off. "Must be a virus, I wonder if that base is where Optimus is." Jazz said and then he transformed back into his vehicle mode. He drove back up the tunnel, and the door slid back into place. "That was weird" said Tecna and she called Agent fowler. "Hello, what can I do for you?" Fowler asked and Tecna smiled. "Is there any possible reason as to why Jazz just sped off when he saw the autobot insignia?" asked Tecna with her hands on her hips. "The auto bots are their faction. You didn't get briefed on the situation did you?" asked Fowler and the two girls shook their heads once they joined Tecna. "I'll contact their leader and have them rendezvoused with you and the bots soon. Fowler out" he said and cut the connection.

"They have a leader?" Stella asked and Layla Gibb smacked her. "Just don't talk Stella" said Layla and went to the other equipment. Stella walked up the stairs while rubbing the back of her head.

Autobot base

Bloom was in recovery in the Med-bay when Optimus walked in. "How is she doing Ratchet?" Optimus asked with Elita close behind. "She's almost at %100. I don't know how a human could heal this fast" Ratchet said showing him the scans from that afternoon. "How is this possible?" asked Elita, and Ratchet shrugged his shoulders. "From what I've heard from Arcee, she transformed herself when the con was holding her" Elita said, and Optimus looked puzzled. "That may have been the cause of the rapid healing. When will she be awake Ratchet?" Optimus asked and the medic looked puzzled himself. "From my scans, she should be awake any day now." Ratchet said and they heard a groaning come from the berth. "Wow, did that hurt or what" Bloom said holding her head. "Bloom, you should be resting. You could reopen your injuries." Ratchet said and bloom smiled. "Don't worry about me doc, I'm a fast healer remember?" asked Bloom jumping up, and doing summer-saults on the medical berth she was placed on. She landed with her feet and legs together and with her arms up, and palms facing up. "See, totally fine" Bloom said, and Ratchet gave her a lift down. "Come back tomorrow so I can check anyway. For today your free to go" said Ratchet and Bloom cheered. She raced out of the med-bay, and found herself tackled by Miko when she got in the main room.

Main room

The small Japanese girl tackled Bloom when she got in the room, and knocked the wind right out of her. "Geez Miko, let me breath" Bloom said struggling to get up. The girl got off of her, and helped Bloom up. "Sorry. Man that was totally wicked when we ran into that 'con. You are awesome under pressure!" Miko exclaimed and Bloom shrugged. "It was something anyone of the 'bots would have done. Your safety is a number one priority" said Bloom and the girl hugged her. They saw the Boss bot walk in flanked by Elita and Ratchet, and the entire group looked up when they heard a beeping. "PRIME!" yelled a voice that everyone knew as agent fowler. "What is the problem this time Agent fowler?" asked Bloom walking up to the computer while in her Jeans, tank top, boots, and mini-sweater. "I asked for prime, not his daughter" Fowler said and Bloom felt like liquefying the computer because she couldn't reach the actual fowler so she could choke him. "What is it that you need Agent Fowler?" Optimus asked to break the tension between the two. "I got a message from a woman in the government that would like to meet with you. She says she has some friends of yours, and would like to get in contact with their leader. You recognize the name Iron hide?" Fowler asked with a smile, and Bloom saw Chromia's optics glow suddenly because of the mention of her spark mate. "I do Agent Fowler. When did he arrive on Earth?" Optimus asked and Bloom walked to his foot. "Hey dad, I need a lift" said Bloom and Optimus knelt down to lift her up and place her on the platform infront of the computer screen. When she was safely secure on the platform, she looked at the agent. "You tell hide that he's got a niece that's waiting to see him." Bloom said with a smile. "Will do. And to answer your question Prime, he came here a few days ago, and they would like to meet soon. What should I tell them?" asked Fowler. "I suggest we meet them as soon as possible, that way we avoid the threat of any 'cons getting to them first" Said Arcee while beside her purple sister. "I agree. Agent Fowler, have them meet us at these coordinates." Optimus said and typed in the coordinates to meet in the many canyons of Jasper. "Will do Prime. And Bloom, sorry I snapped at you. Just not in a good mood today" Fowler said with a smile, and Bloom nodded at him before he logged off. "Cool, were gonna meet new 'bots. I wonder what they'll be like" Bloom said wishfully and Optimus smiled at his daughter's curious nature.

"Autobots, Prepare to Roll out" Optimus said and the 'bots all got their limbs ready to transform. "Hey Optimus, can we come with? I mean we can always get ratchet to bridge us back if there's trouble." Jack asked and Optimus nodded. "Agreed. The human children may accompany their guardians." Optimus said and the 'bots cheered with their charges. "Uh, no can do dad. I got cheerleading practice in an hour, and I can't afford to miss it or else they'll kick me off the team." Bloom said and Optimus nodded.

"I will have Bumble-bee take you and make sure you make it there intact." Optimus said and Bloom smiled. She ran to the ladder, slid down the rail, and ran to her room to get her uniform, and gym bag.

10 minutes later, she came back in and she was donned in her uniform with the orange and black with the initials of the school. JHS (Jasper High School). The group looked at the human looking up at bee and he transformed. "You look nice Bloom" Arcee said kneeling down to her. "Thanks 'cee. Don't wait up!" Bloom said and she climbed into Bumble-bee and sped off. "Does anyone know what cheerleading is?" Arcee asked while standing up. "I have no idea." Ratchet said and Miko smiled. "You really don't know do you? Okay, I'll show you the routine she does when we get the other bots." Miko said with a smile and the doc just looked at her with a "what are you talking about?" look. They all nodded, and watched as their human friend, ally, and family drive away. "We should get ready to roll out." Said Jack and Ratchet activated the ground-bridge. "Auto-Bots Roll out!" Optimus said as Raf went with Bulk-head and Miko while Jack of course went with Arcee.

Canyons in Nevada

Optimus rolled through first while Arcee followed after Bulkhead. They let the kids out/off and transformed after Optimus did. "So, where's the bots. Iron hide fall asleep again?" asked Arcee with a chuckle. "I would respect your elders if I were you little femme" Said a musky voice from the shadows. "Iron hide. It is a pleasure to see an old friend after such a long time." Optimus said with a genuine smile on his face behind the battle mask. "It is a pleasure to see you again too Optimus. I seem to remember there being one that was yellow." Iron-hide said with a chuckle after shaking his hand. "Bumble-bee is on recon. He could not make it, although he will be at base when we return" Optimus said and looked behind him to see a pair of silver cars, a golden yellow one, and a red one sitting in vehicle form. "Guys, you can join us now." Iron-hide said and Optimus now noticed a human female with dark skin and long dark brown hair. "You have already acquired human companions?" Optimus asked and Jack walked up to him along with Raf and Miko. "You have some too. Everyone, come join the party" iron hide said and the doors of the vehicles popped open to reveal a blonde, a brunette, a girl with bright pink/purple hair, and one with navy blue or black hair. "Is that Stella?" Miko asked amazed. "Oh, hey Miko!" Stella said walking closer while the vehicles transformed. "Optimus, I would like you to meet Jazz, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, and Mirage. Guys, this is Optimus Prime. He's our commanding officer." Said Iron-hide and they all saw the ground-bridge open up behind them. "Time to motor. Introductions can be done at base" Miko said and climbed into Bulk-head as Raf did.

Jasper High school football field

Bloom and Bee raced to the parking lot outside the stadium and when she got out, she took her bag, and her phone. "I'll call when I'm done okay bee?" Bloom asked. –got it. I'll come get you then- Bee said and Bloom ran off with a pat on his hood. She got into the field, and saw her entire squad sitting in a line, and they turned their attention to Bloom who had no idea what was about to happen. "Bloom. Do realize that you're an hour late right?" asked Marcie with this glare on her face. "That's not right; I had it all written down for weeks. Practice time is always 5:00 every day after school." Bloom said putting her hands on her hips. "Oh, you weren't here last week when we changed it. It starts at 4: 00 pm now. Didn't you get the email, oh wait. You don't answer your emails anymore so we decided that as a team, that I should be captain of the squad, and you, kicked off. Permanently." Marcie said with an evil grin. "No, I will not allow this. You're only the Co-captain! You can't make decisions like this." Bloom said while she felt an energy surge building up in her hand. "Actually, as Co-captain, I have every right to make a decision like this. You have until Monday to turn in your uniform and palm-palms." Marcie said. "I bought these palm-palms, and I made all of your uniforms. I'm keeping mine because its custom fit to my size and mine alone. So go crawl in a hole and decay. I don't want anything to do with any of you, ever again" Bloom said and walked off. She was glad she didn't have her bike or her car, because she would have had an accident if she drove when she was angry. She simply just stormed out of the stadium and walked down the road to the KO burger.

KO burger

Bloom walked into the restraunt, and looked around to find it practically deserted. "Figured." Bloom said and ordered a large chocolate milk-shake. Once in hand, she left the safety of the restraunt, and decided to walk home with her gym bag across her shoulders. Her phone rested inside it, and it was buzzing because she had a call from Optimus, but she couldn't hear it over her own crying. Bloom had finished her shake and was getting dusty, and dirty from walking in the desert heat and sand. "I hate walking. I need a ride" Bloom said adjusting her bag on her shoulder. She fiddled with her necklace which doubled as a panic button, and she was lost in her thoughts until she heard engines come up from behind her. She turned around, and saw a green and Yellow muscle car drive up. "hey babe. Need a ride after getting rejected from the squad?" Vince asked and drove off while laughing. She picked up a rock and threw it in his direction. "GLITCH HEAD!" she yelled and the rock didn't even touch his car. She took her bag off, dug out her phone, and saw a missed call from her dad. "Weird. Didn't even hear it." Bloom said and dialed Ratchet. "Hey Doc. Can you send someone after me?" Bloom asked about to break into tears again.


"Hey Doc. Can you send someone after me?" Bloom asked with a sniffle. "Who's the human?" Sunstreaker asked while the girls weren't paying attention. "It's one of ours. She sounds upset." Ratchet said with worry in his voice. "Bloom, I'm coming. Are you injured?" Ratchet asked. "not on the outside" she said and he could feel his spark aching for the girl as her voice cracked. "I'll be there momentarily." Said Ratchet and left Sunny to ground bridge duty. "please hurry doc. I just wanna curl up and sleep forever." Bloom said and she hung up. "That poor Femme" Said sunny as Ratchet rolled out.

In the desert

Ratchet rolled through the desert and found the girl lying on the side of the road with a bag next to her, and with her curled in a ball. "Bloom!" he yelled and looked around before he transformed. He stood up, kneeled next to the girl while scanning her. "ya know, that feels really invasive." Bloom said and Ratchet sighed with relief. "I and just glad you're okay" Ratchet said turned back into an ambulance. "For the most part anyways. Is dad home?" Bloom asked and Ratchet was silent. "He went to the decepticon space bridge. They all did besides the new bots. Bumble-bee left right after he got back." Ratchet said and Bloom saw the base open up infront of them.


Ratchet rolled through, and allowed Bloom to get out before transforming again. Bloom wanted to go to her room and pass out, but the group of humans robbed her of her sleep tendencies, and she gaped in surprise. "You're not supposed to be here" Bloom said glaring at them once it set in. "We were already assigned to the bots. We didn't know you were involved too." Tecna said and Bloom didn't see anything after that because she passed out there on top of the Auto-bot insignia. Ratchet rushed to her side, and gently lifted her onto the human couch. He made sure she was stable, and went about to guiding Arcee in the correct order of reversing the energon current that pulsed through the space bridge. It was a few minutes later that Optimus came over the comm. "Ratchet, we need a bridge NOW" he yelled and the swirl of green and blue lit up the room again. Raf looked at the portal and said, "Do you think their?" "Four life signals, one very faint" Ratchet said looking at his arm computer. Optimus came through the portal first, and then Bulkhead was next. Miko sprinted down to her guardian and screamed "BULK-HEAD!" and hugged his hand. Then when Bumble-bee came through, he carried Arcee with him, and kneeled to the approaching Jack and Raf. "We lost one this week, by the al-spark don't let it be two" Ratchet said walking up. Jack walked up to Arcee after breaking out of Raf and Miko's gentle hold and put his hand on hers. Arcee's optics opened slightly and Jack looked up at her. "Arcee?" he asked with a smile. "Jack, really? There are other motorcycles in the world" Arcee said with a laugh. "But your my first" Jack said and Stella smiled at the touching moment. The moment was ruined when the doc started talking. "And megatron?" asked Ratchet to Optimus.

"Not even he could have survived ground zero." Optimus said and Fowler walked to the elevator. "PRIME!" he said while the girls turned in shock. "Is he always like that?" Musa asked holding her extra sensitive ears. "You have no idea" Jack said with a smile. "I didn't get to thank you bots for the save, I owe you one. We all do." "I'll hold you to that tubby" Bloom said as she sat up slowly. Arcee stood up with help from Bee, and smiled at Jack while he smiled right back. Miko got this realization look on her face, and walked over to Optimus. "so is this the part where you say good-bye and forget we ever saw you?" Miko asked and Optimus got this stern look on his face.

Monologue (fades to Jasper high school 3 days later while Miko sits on the steps. Reading of all things.)

"Without a means of leaving this world, we Auto-bots take strength in the bonds we have forged, with our 3 young friends, and one who I consider my own. (Raf, Jack, and Bloom join the girl on the steps while wearing their usual get ups.) True warriors. (turns to look at Bulk-head, Bee, Arcee, and Optimus in the parking lot.) if not in body, then in spirit. (doors open and Arcee's lights flash. Optimus' driver's side door is open for Bloom for which she gladly climbs in.) My name is Optimus Prime, and I send this message. Though we did not choose to be of earth, it would seem that we are here to stay. If you approach this planet with hostile intent, know this. We will defend ourselves, we will defend humanity, and we will defend our home"




To see the entire Darkness rising movie, go to youtube!

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Updated at 1:45 pm on December, 21st, 2012