Let's see what a great teacher KK is today. I'm including JakeDirk because I can. Also to "guest

" who said :

what if karkats condition takes a turn for the worst or he has a nightmaire

just sayin




allso your awesome at writing.

First off thank you. Secondly I don't quite understand what you mean by his condition. But now Sollux is here to make the bad dreams go away if that answers that. Also quick note in the chapter it'll say swag but it's referring to the term being used as in a bouquet of flowers cause thats what swag originally meant so yeah. I'd also like to apologize for not posting, these past few weeks have been kinda stressful and I want nothing more than to make you guys have your servings of SolKat and fluff, it isn't acceptable under my standards to have had it take me so long and I'm very sorry but I love you guys. The note written was made by my friend(s) otakudrawsalot ft. KanaNoHana so thank you [insert heart here]

The next day Mituna dropped of Sollux's car keys. Karkat had to teach today, and he had his own classes too. Sollux had spent another night there but it was time to leave the safe haven aka Karkat's house.

" KK, you want to do something later?" he asks as he puts on a sweatshirt Karkat let him borrow. It seemed that Karkat only had sweatshirts because he had one on too.

"What might that something be? " he asks. His voice, Sollux could probably listen to it all the time. He was completely smitten with Karkat, and Sollux couldn't help but smile at even the smallest glance in his direction.

"You wanna get some coffee then go to the park?"

"Sure, I'll give you a call later then?" Sollux nods happily back towards him and they both head out the door. Karkat leaves Sollux with a soft peck on the lips and then drives away. Sollux gets in his car to head to college. You can't wait for your date later and hope the day will go by quick enough.

-3rd person with karkat-

Karkat pulls up at the school after about twenty minutes of driving. He'd be subbing at Alternia Middle School for 7th language arts, how suiting he thought. Mituna went to this school maybe he would be in one of Karkat's classes. In the room across from him was his friend Kanaya who taught Home EC, he had met her when subbing at the school before. He smiles as Kanaya greets him.

"You seem to be in a lovely disposition today, what's the cause?" she inquires. Karkat rolls his eyes and answer "I have a date later," she chuckles and then it hit him. He had a DATE LATER. Karkat couldn't remember the last time he'd gone on one. What was he supposed to do or wear? He'd have to figure it out later because the bell to start the first class would soon ring. Karkat took out his attendance for first period looks like he had Mituna in this class.

Minutes later the bell rang and students began walking into the classroom one by one the occasional group. Mituna ambles in and practically tackles him with a hug.

"Mr. Karkat! How are you?! How's Sollux?! Are you guys doing anything later!? Can I come?!" he loudly barrages Karkat with a succession of question"

"Calm down Mituna, I'm fine, Sollux is fine. We're getting coffee later and no you can't come, sorry." Karkat replies and Mituna huffs but takes his seat. His eyes scan across the class room, kids chattering away, some drawing, some getting ready for the day. Karkat quickly takes roll call and then goes to the front of the room.

"Alright you f- er, guys my name is Karkat Vantas just call me Karkat. If anyone needs help with their work today ask me or a group member. Any questions?" a kid in the back with stupid pointy anime shades holding hands with another boy raises his hand. Karkat nods for him to continue.

"So who's Sollux?" Dirk asks smugly. Karkat blushes and giggles errupt from a few students.

"He's my brother, they're going on a date later," Mituna quickly blurts out. Karkat,now furiously flush faced and embarrassed, glares at Mituna then sighs.

"Yes, Sollux is my date later, Mituna, but there is no need to announce that to the hole mob of ass holes at this fucking school. Oh shit sorry excuse my language, not that you really give a fuck anyways but whatever." he manages to say. A few more students raise their hands too, Karkat calls on the boy holding hands with Dirk, Jake was his name.

"So you like him Karkat? Are you ready for that though?" that made Karkat wonder, was he really ready to date someone again? Would he be able to after he was traumatized by the incident with Terezi?

"Does anyone have any question that DON'T have to do Sollux and I?" Karkat asks and the rest of the kids slowly lower their hands.

He sighs "What do you want to know?" Jake raises his hand and Karkat nods to him.

"You didn't answer my question sir,"

"Oh, well I'm not sure. I like him but I haven't been in a relationship for quite some time now. Oh this just great you know, I'm getting fucking dating advice from people literally half my age!"

The classroom erupts with laughter including Karkat for a moment. A girl with bright green eyes and short black hair hidden under a blue cat hat raises her hand,"Is he cute? You should bring him furlowers you know, it would be purrfect!" Nepeta, the energetic girl exclaimed.

"Yes, he's cute. Now have I humored you enough with my pathetic excuse of a social life enough for you to do your work, if so: good, if not: too bad get to work anyways." Karkat says and thankfully for him the kids listen and start working. He sees Nepeta smile mischievously and set out on working on something. Dirk and Jake, it seemed also had a similar idea as they pulled out a sheet of paper and started taking turns writing something most likely a note.

The rest of class went by pretty fast and before Karkat knew it and it was time for the next class. Mituna gave Karkat a quick hug before starting the trek to his next class. Dirk and jake waltzed over, Dirk handed him a note and Jake smiled then they walked away too. Karkat opened up the note that read:

Dear cranky dude,

So like good luck with Tuna's bro.

Have a jolly good time chap! May the best of luck be with you always in your

endeavors! You can do it, allons-y and tally ho!

Yeah. If you're getting beat by a couple of middleschoolers your life is

really pathetic.

So that's it.


Dirk and Jake

The rest of the day was rather uneventful until at the end of the day when nepeta came back to his room with a swag of roses.

"they're to give to your date," Nepeta said sweetly. Karkat was just in awe, where had she gotten the roses and why would she get them for him? No matter Karkat only smiled and thanked her.

"Come teach here again soon, okay?" She said more than ask but he chuckled and nods. As Karkat walks out to his car slipping out his phone to call Sollux his thoughts were on his first class how he would try to thank them somehow. Now if only he could just get to Sollux and have the first date he's had in at least a year.