(a/n) hey guys! Maya again I'm starting up another story thanks for reading my other one if you have. This is human!stuck. Karkles in this story is 24 and Sollux is 20. Also no I'm not going to write in Sollux's lisp because it looks weird I'm my opinion also it's hard to decipher sometimes so if you want to add in the lisp then more power to ya :3

I sit at the window in my room, a notebook and pencil at hand. I've been sick for a few days so i've been writing poems to pass the time. I'd written a few already, none of which are particularly positive by the way. Out of the window I see my street it's pretty nice I guess, small children are playing outside people are riding bikes. The day was so pretty and I was stuck inside with the damn cold. I nearly jump off of the ledge of the window when the door bell rings. Who would want to visit me?

Getting up and sauntering towards the door wrapped in a blanket, the ringing is relentless. I swing the door open and standing there is some guy a little younger than me maybe 20 but still a lot taller than me. He has dirty blonde hair and ridiculous 3-D style glasses with one lens red and the other blue. I'm not even gonna get started on his outfit and HOLY FUCK he's bleeding. I open my mouth to speak but he cuts me off

" Hi I'm Sollux can I hide here for a bit, thanks." he asks with an annoying lisp. Before I respond he walks in anyways. He shuts the door then runs into another room, my bedroom I think. What just happened? I walk into my room sure enough there he is curled up on my bed shaking, and bleeding still. I sit down next to him.

"Sollux, right? I'm Karkat, anyways we should get you fucking cleaned up, then you can tell me why you're hiding, okay?" I say trying my best to stay calm. He looks up at me and nods and tries to get up but he's shaking so much he can't.

"Okay scratch that, I'm gonna get you cleaned up and you stay here and rest," I say handing him a blanket before leaving my room. I come back with some wet wash-cloths and bandages.

"Stay still Sollux, I'm trying to fucking help," I say trying to wipe the blood off of him. I take his glasses off, they were in the way. Whoa, his eyes much like his glasses are different colors one blue the other brown. They're mesmerizing and I find myself staring into his eyes.

"Uh, Karkat, I know I look great and all, but we just met, so maybe another time eheheh," he says weakly trying to make a joke of the situation. I noticed I had gotten a little close for his and my liking and backed away slightly flush-faced.

"What?! No, fuck you. I'm not the one who ran into some random guys place, and now you're flirting with me. That just doesn't work!" I say and he sniggers.

A few minutes later he had stopped shaking. I was still draped in my own blanket, why, because I can. "So can you tell me why you're hiding now sir lisps a lot?" I say casually.

"Rude KK, but I'll tell you. I was visiting my family cause college isn't that far from home. I um, came out to them today, they didn't really accept me like I thought they would. Ma, she scratched me and Dad chased me out so now I'm hiding, but at least my little bro still loves me," he responds sadness leaking from his voice. So he's gay, I know how he feels but at least my parents supported me.

"So you just chose to run into my place?" I ask.

"Well yeah, what did you expect me to knock on everyone's door till I found someone suitable?" he responds sarcastically.

-Be Sir Lisps A Lot-

There weren't any classes today in college for you. So you decided it would be a good day to visit your family. They didn't live that far from campus maybe a 45min drive at most. Today you decided to come out and tell them you were gay. You pulled up into the driveway, they were waiting outside for you. "Hey Ma and Dad! It's great to see you." you said.

"Hello Sollux, how are classes?" they said in monotone unison.

"Oh they're really great, is Mituna home?" you ask cheerfully. You weren't much like your parents but you still loved them, although sometimes you weren't sure if the feelings were mutual.

"He'll be home shortly, why don't you come in," Dad says.

You loved your little brother Mituna. He was the one who always stuck up for you. You were both different than other people, but that didn't phase you at all. You with your bi-polar disorder and him with anxiety issues. He's also kinda(super) clumsy so sometimes he wore a helmet. Sometimes you felt like you were more parents for each other than Ma and Dad were.

Minutes later Mituna came prancing through the door.

"MITUNA!", "SOLLUX!" you shouted at the same time. Mituna ran into your arms in the best bro-hug ever. " I missed you Sollux," he mumbled into your chest.

"I missed you too Mituna, I love you" you whisper back kissing his head.

Your parents look slightly disgusted by your displays of affection, you didn't see what was so bad about hugging your own brother. Okay I can tell them, you think to yourself. "Ma, Dad, Mituna, I have to tell you guys something," you pause for a second then go on "I'm... Gay," you can see your parents plastered smiles quickly dropping into frowns, you looked to Mituna for support he tried to get up to hug you but he was held back by Dad.

"Stay away from him Mituna," he growled.

"But Dad, he's MY BROTHER!" Mituna protested

"Not any more Tuna, go back to your room now," Ma said maliciously

"No! I love my brother you can't take him from me," Mituna shouted jumping up and running over to you. You hug Mituna and hold back tears caused by the words now coming from your parents' mouths.

Then every thing went down hill Dad tore Mituna off of you and threw him to the side. Then he started beating you, you being so overwhelmed just took each hit, Ma came up and literally clawed your face. Pain searing through your body vision clouded, you lash out in any direction you can and break free from your attackers and sprint towards the door "I'm sorry Tuna," was the last thing you yelled before running out of the house. Dad was chasing after you but you quickly out ran him, heart pounding you didn't stop running until you tripped and fell. I gotta find somewhere to hide, you thought.

You surveyed the street around you and there it was. A grey house with a bright red door and blue flowers in the front. Why would you pick it based on colors, because time was running out and cause you could. You got up and ran towards the house and started ringing the doorbell like a madman.

About a minute later the door swung open. A man, maybe 19 (but you couldn't really tell), very short (5'6)compared to you at least. Ruffled up black hair and brownish/red-ish eyes glaring at you. He was also draped in a blanket the way a little kid might when they were sick. He was kinda cute in your opinion but now wasn't really the time for flirting. He looks like he was about to say something but you interrupt him

" Hi I'm Sollux can I hide here for a bit, thanks." you say quickly then push past him. You run down the hall into probably his bedroom, jump on the bed and curl up shaking. Everything will be fine you keep telling yourself. The younger man comes and sits on the bed by you "Sollux, right? I'm Karkat, anyways we should get you fucking cleaned up, then you can tell me why you're hiding, okay?" he says calmly. You nod in agreement and try to get up but your shaking arm collapses and you fall back down. Great I can't even move without falling, what is this guy gonna do to me, you think starting to regret your decision of running into someone's house.

"Okay scratch that, I'm gonna get you cleaned up and you stay here and rest," he says. Karkat hands you a blanket then walks out his own blanket dragging behind him he looked super adorable like that. Karkat came back to you with washcloths. He climbed onto the bed by you and started wiping at the cuts. It stung at first so you tried avoiding the cloth

"Stay still Sollux, I'm trying to fucking help," he says obviously frustrated. You stop moving away and stayed still after that. He took off your glasses, then just stopped, you were inches away from each other staring into the others eyes. This made you just slightly uncomfortable and you croaked out "Uh, Karkat, I know I look great and all, but we just met, so maybe another time eheheh,". Karkat blushes and pulls away

"What?! No, fuck you. I'm not the one who ran into some random guys place, and now you're flirting with me. That just doesn't work!" he sputters out and you chuckle.

You stopped shaking and bleeding too. Karkat asks you the question you've been meaning to delay but "So can you tell me why you're hiding now sir lisps a lot?" after some thought you just summarize what happened today.

"So you just chose to run into my place?" He asked

"Well yeah, what did you expect me to knock on everyone's door till I found someone suitable," you respond. It wasn't a total lie saying you did only knock on his door. Maybe you had found a new friend, you hope so. You had taken a liking to Karkat

"So how old are you KK,19?" you ask with genuine curiosity.

"Hell Fucking*cough* No. I'm 24 fuckass, just because *cough*I'm short doesn't make me younger than you" he responds grumpily. You smile and run your hand through his hair

"Aww poor KK has a cold, but one last question and that's it, could I stay here tonight? I managed to leave my keys back at home and I wouldn't be able to get them unless only Mituna, my little bro was home" you say slightly embarrassed.

"Wait Mituna is your brother? I help him with homework here, he should come over tomorrow if you want to see him. And I guess you can stay for a little longer but you're sleeping on the fucking couch." he answers and your face lights up at the mention of seeing Mituna again. You hug Karkat and thank him, he tensed up during the hug you guess he didn't like them as much as you did, but you really needed a hug. You noticed through the window it was getting dark,it had been a long day for you so you got up, went to the couch, and fell asleep.

Awww nighty night Sollux your such a cutie! Also Karkat's hair is usually smooth and he has bangs but he hasn't been worried about his hair cause he's sick like stated earlier