Disclaimer: none of this is mine.

A/N: Inspired a bit by Half-Blood Prince? (and by that I mean there is a blatant Romione reference.) This is the first Zevie fic I've ever written, but I absolutely had to write this after HTR Camping. So much zevie, so adorable. 3 Anyway, I wrote this in like two hours and it's short and blah blah whatever bye please enjoy. (x-posted to my tumblr, because I don't know if anyone reads HTR fanfiction on )


The sound of her name awakes her, and she picks her head off her shoulder. She's on the floor, curled in a ball on one side of Zander's chair, in which he is still slumped over. Their arms are outstretched on the wooden arm of the chair and their hands intertwined. His head rests on their forearms.

"Zander?" She clears her sleepy sounding voice, "You okay?"

"Where's Stevie?" He speaks up again, lifting his head, his voice still slurred.

"I'm right here, Z." She says softly, tightening her grip on his hand.


She rolls her eyes little, raises to a kneeling position and places herself between his knees.

"Zander. Relax, it's me."

"Stevie… "

"Yeah?" she says, picking up his medicine bottle from off the floor and reading the ingredients.

"I like her."

"Like who?"


"What?" She says, her voice escalating from its previous soft tones to an impatient growl.

"I like Stevie."

"You do, eh?" she mutters, focused on reading the side effects. Then her head pops up. Eyes narrow, voice drops an octave. "Oh. Do you?"

"Suuuure do." He smiles, "She's so… pretty. And badass. Like she's… wonder woman or something."

She giggles, and brushes his hair off his forehead. He's still a bit feverish, she notices, and her hand drops down to his cheek.

"Well…" she takes a quick glance around to see if anyone's listening, and fortunately, no one is, "truth is, you scared tough ol' Stevie Baskara half to death today." She finds her voice cracking again, and she takes a deep breath and clears her throat. She really was quite terrified.

"Tell her I said I'm sorry."

"She says it's okay." With a sudden rush of affection, she brings her other hand up until she's cradling his face, leans forward and softly presses her lips to his forehead. She sighs, "You're okay." She pauses a moment, then gives a silent chuckle, "High decorated Falcon Scout Zander Robbins doesn't know how to identify poisonous berries, huh?"

"I was a Falcon Scout for two hours," he admits, eyes still glazed over. "Kept the bag, though. I thought it would, uhh…" he lets out a silly sounding laugh, "I thought it would impress her."

"Who, me?" She says, eyebrows pinning together at the center, "Er, uhh, Stevie?"

"Yep. S'pose I got a little cocky." He professes, blinking slowly.

"Well, Stevie took good care of you." She embarrassingly looks around again, suddenly finding it ridiculous that she's referring to herself like that.

"Cool. I love that lady."

She bites back her smile, trying to rationally attribute his attraction to her to his poison-induced delirium.


"How are you feeling?" Stevie asks as Zander stirs in the bus seat next to her. His delusion had long worn off, the only remaining symptom being extreme drowsiness.

He yawned, "Better."

"So… you said you don't remember anything from when you were… you know, out of it?"

"Nope. Not one bit."

She nods, returns to reading her book as he gets comfortable on her shoulder.

"Well… there is one thing…"

Stevie pauses, unblinking, hanging on his words.

"But… nah, nevermind. I had to've been hallucinating, right? I mean… You said I thought you had antlers? I must've been completely bonkers."

"Right…" Stevie says, pretending to focus her attention on her book again, "Bonkers."

Hope you liked, and please don't favourite without reviewing! xx