Chapter 1: Manners

The rain lashed against the windows of Malfoy Manor and to the twins it was the perfect imitation of their moods.

"What are we going to do?" Harry sighed, running his hand through his hair while he stared at the rain with longing.

Neither he or Draco had been allowed to step one foot out of the manor that summer.

They were five weeks in and all their mail was been screened and the replies were been monitored as they were written back.

They were due to break out of the manor and go for a run with Neville and Blaise but without their wands, brooms, potions supplies, books and prank supplies they were completely stuck.

They hadn't even seen anyone their age, apart from a few hours a week with Pansy and Daphne, when Voldemort wasn't at their house.

"No idea," Draco muttered.

"I could message Sirius, I'm pretty sure one word and he'll have us out of here,"

"No, one word and he'll be over here demanded for us to go with him and be met by Voldemort's wand and killed. No one knows he's back and we wouldn't be able to tell him anyway," Draco huffed, hating the band around their upper arms.

The ability to lie had been stripped from them and now they had to work out how to tell only partial truths.

Not only that but they also couldn't resist going to the man when he wanted them and when they did some how manage to resist, mental anguish washed through them, instantly making them practically race to Voldemort to get rid of it.

The band also meant they couldn't try any action against Voldemort at all, the pain brought on if they tried was more than even they could handle.

They knew the only reason Voldemort hadn't made it so they had no choice but to obey him was because Voldemort was enjoying the torture they brought upon themelves in their defiance.

Harry had also seen that Voldemort thought they would eventually break and bow to his will.

"We could ask," Harry murmured hating himself for even thinking about it.

It was what Voldemort had been aiming for.

For them to ask his permission to regain fractions of their freedom back.

"Like hell," Draco snapped glowering.

Harry knew Draco could handle confinement better than he could, just like Harry could handle the torture better than Draco could.

"What about Ashanti?" Harry smirked the idea sparking in him.

Draco looked at him with a glimmer of hope before it was gone.

"Father knows about her remember,"

"Yeah but he's never actually bothered about her. I mean last summer I used her to break into your room," Harry said slowly.

"Does Voldemort know about her?" Draco quizzed.

Harry shrugged a smirk lighting his face.

"I've never told him about her, father rarely even sees her anyway so I doubt he's told him and mother tries to stay out of his way so I doubt she's told him and you haven't told him, so my guess is a no,"

"That's a lot of doubt, what happens if he does?" Draco asked raising his eyebrow.

"Then we get a slap on the hand again, it's no big deal," Harry shrugged.

"And if he finds out after?"

"Then we get a bit of a harder slap. We can handle it when it comes, Draco, you know we can," Harry said shaking his head.

Draco knew it would be a bit more than a slap on the hand but he was itching to see his friends and he knew Harry would do it whether he was or not.

"Fine," he sighed.

Later that night they sat in a forest with Blaise and Neville.

The twins watched as their friends transformed back and knowing they were in for the Spanish inquisition they transformed as well.

"He's at the manor isn't he," Blaise said bluntly.

"Trust me the way things are at the moment I wouldn't be surprised if he declared the manor Dark Lair. Father and mother are kissing his arse and every time we do something not approved of by him then we're punished," Draco huffed rolling his shoulders.

Blaise and Neville were surprised by the twins, they had both filled out and grown taller, it was their eyes that surprised them though.

There was a flicker of power in them and a darker edge.

"You're oddly silent about all this, Hades," Neville said looking at Harry suspiciously.

"What the fuck do you want me to say, Neville? That I'm having the time of my life? That been a prisoner, in every sense of the word, is just what I wanted from my summer?" Harry snapped harshly his fists clenching.

Blaise and Neville looked around warily waiting for things to start rattling.

Harry smiled bitterly.

"Trust me, after blowing Voldemort across the graveyard because of my bursts of magic he's been drilling me all summer to keep control of them. Anytime I let go of control I end up unconscious and after getting fed up of been unconscious I have firm hold on it,"

Neville gaped.

"You both need to get out of there," he whispered horror filling him.

"The bands make it impossible to run," Draco sighed shaking his head.

Both of them had taken the events of the graveyard badly but neither knew how to talk about it especially with people that weren't there.

It was as if he knew they were talking about him, both Harry and Draco felt the band start to burn up.

"He's calling us to him, the bands are going to take us any minute," Draco said frantically wincing.

"Do you have your wands?" Blaise demanded realising that Harry hadn't been twirling his like usual.

"Yeah right," Harry snorted before the twins were pulled from the forest.

They landed out of breath in front of Voldemort.

Harry squeezed his eyes shut concealing his anger.

"And where were the pair of you?" Voldemort asked coolly disguising his anger that they'd managed to outwit him.

Draco started to choke next to him, obviously trying to lie.

"In a forest," Harry breathed glaring at the snake like man in front of him.

They needed to keep their animagius abilities away from him.

"And what were you doing in a forest?"

"Talking to Neville and Blaise, they're worried about us," Harry bit out.

"And how did you get out of the manor," Voldemort drawled obviously enjoying their inability to dodge his questions.

"Ashanti, Hadrian's phoenix," Draco breathed his breathing returning to normal.

Voldemort was obviously less than impressed.

"You failed to tell me you had a phoenix at your disposal," he demanded his anger seeping through.

"Fuck you," Harry snarled his eyes flashing. "Just because you think you fucking own us all doesn't mean you do. Our business is not your business!"

Harry felt the stinging blow that made his eyes water and his head smash off the floor but he brushed off the pain and stood back up with a mocking smirk.

"Does it get annoying knowing that the two people you long to rule over are the two people out of the whole pureblood community that don't kiss your arse,"

Voldemort glowered at the boy that still hadn't broken.

"Things will be very different by the time, September 1st comes around," Voldemort smirked cruelly.

Both boys faltered.

"Why?" Draco asked hesitantly.

"Because unless I have co-operation off the pair of you, you will not be returning to Hogwarts," Voldemort drawled.

Dread seeped through them.

"What!?" Harry exploded. "You snake faced prick! You can't just do this! You can't just make us rely on you!"

Voldemort grabbed Harry by the scruff of the neck and sneered at him.

"I can do what I like and I'm going to show you that while I learn you some manners,"

Harry spat at him scowling.

Draco watched in horror as Voldemort dragged his brother away without a look back at him.

Hadrian had been a lot more easier to piss off than usual and he knew that his brother had been a lot harsher with everyone since getting out of the hospital.

As he thought it though, he knew that the same could be said for him, he was a lot more cooler towards people.

It took four days before Draco saw Harry again and when he did he winced seeing a fresh scar through his brother's eyebrow.

"Don't worry about it Draco, it matches the rest that I've acquired these past couple of months," Harry said bitterly as he stared out of his window.

"What did they do to you?" Draco asked quietly.

Harry turned and looked at Draco.

"They lashed me and made me plead to Voldemort to get them to stop. Me been me I endured well over what they thought but they had a spell on me that stopped me passing out and it got more than anything I could bare. Lucky me, Voldemort decided my body could be used as a tool of persuasion so he cast a spell to stop it scarring too badly,"

"Sick bastards," Draco muttered gaping.

Harry shrugged silently thanking the heavens that it wasn't Draco that had been put through it.

"I want you to give me a tattoo," Harry said changing the subject.

Draco's mouth fell open as he stared at Harry in shock.

"What?" he spluttered.

Harry nodded and showed Draco a sketch he'd drawn.

"And how the blazes do you expect me to do that to you?" Draco said dryly.

Smirking Harry slid his twin the book that had the spell in.

Draco shook his head, of course Harry would make sure he had everything raring to go.

"We haven't got wands," Draco pointed out.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"When we get them back,"

Draco snorted.

It was more like if they got them back.

AN: Well there we go, the first chapter to book 5! What did you guys think?