Hey guys! This is my first fanfiction, constructive criticism appreciated. Enjoy:)

For as long as she could remember, Cammie Morgan had always spent her summer vacation in Virginia with her aunt Abby, and the summer before eighth grade, is no different.

As soon as the cab driver dropped her off, she could tell things had changed. First of all, the nosy old neighbors weren't peeking out the window like they normally would be. No, instead, there was a super HOT guy playing basketball in the driveway. Did she mention he was SHIRTLESS? With a SIX PACK? And that was REALLY TAN? And- okay, sorry got off track there... The other difference was that her aunt, who had sworn off men since Micheal Townsend broke her heart five years ago, stood smiling wildly with who could easily be described as Brad Pitts better looking twin by her side.

"Hey Squirt!" Abby chirped. Since when, exactly, did Abby CHIRP? Cammie wondered to herself.

"Hey Abby." Cammie said while pulling her aunt in for a bone crushing hug. "Who is this? My new uncle?" Cammie asked, teasingly. What she didn't expect was for her aunt to blush. Yes, that is correct: BLUSH.

Abby cleared her throat awkwardly,"Cammie this is our new neighbor, Joe Solomon." looks like Abby has a crush, Cammie thought to herself.

She then assumed her position of perfect niece,"Nice to meet you Mr, Solomon, I'm Cammie."

He shook her hand and then said," The pleasures mine. Zach!" he yelled to the boy playing basketball. When he jogged over Joe said," Cammie, this is my adoptive son Zach Goode."

"Hey." Zach spoke with a smooth voice.

"Hi." Cammie said. The adults carried on with the conversation although Cammie barley heard a word they said. She was too mesmerized by his emerald green eyes and the way his lush brown hair would fall into his eyes.

In that moment, she knew she was in love, though she would never admit it.

Thank you for reading. Tell me what you think?
