hush little baby
don't say a word
mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird

yeah fucking right

mama's gonna buy you just enough food to eat before she kills herself just that little bit more

but that's okay now

i tried, you know i fucking tried
and that's more than you ever did

every sound sparkles like a lullaby

the shouting doesn't penetrate any more

their screams are blurry, unfocused, like a sunset

they're nothing
but they're more than you'll ever be

it's like she's falling falling and drowning as she gasps for air

it feels like those phantom limbs are crushing her again

the worst part is she doesn't care

she can't bring herself to care

is there room in your life
for one more breakdown?




not even her, not any more

when everyone you ever loved is gone, what is there to live for?

the water put the candles out
there's no light at the end of the tunnel any more

"a shell of a former self"

that's what she is now

an oyster with the pearl removed

no matter how many times Mr. Fairbrother said how special they all were

who fucking cares?

...please, help me

her hand shakes, only slightly

the poison feels like heaven

like home