Present Time


40 Days After Being Rescued

"Tragedy occurred last night at the Central Hospital when a woman impersonating one of the nurses killed private investigator Matthew Williams. Authorities believe it was the same woman who killed Alistair Kirkland and severely injured the now deceased investigator.

Not many details are known at this time but it is believed that his latest case most likely led to his death…"

"... In the footage taken from the security cameras of the hospital you can see the mysterious woman enter the hospital and many cameras catch her as she is going around tending to patients who don't realize that the person checking in on them would kill private investigator Matthew Williams.

Due to the careful treatment of the patients it is now believed that the woman has received education in medicine and might be a nurse herself. Authorities have also released footage which shows the mysterious woman talking with one of the doctors, who has already been reported missing on the same night as the murder. There is currently no concrete evidence that the doctor in question was involved in the cold blooded murder…"

"... the police are now asking the public to report anything that they believe will help identify the woman and find the missing doctor; Emilio Almeida…"

"Matthew Williams will be forever remembered by his colleagues and friends as a dependable friend who enjoyed helping others. The families that he has helped throughout his career are going to be hosting a vigil tonight in his honor.

Matthew's only living relative is his father who is going to be present at the vigil…"

Arthur flipped through the news channels in amusement.

"Francis outdid himself didn't he?" Dylan asked as he picked up a scone and took a bite out of it. "They don't even suspect a cross dressing male as a suspect."

"Both Francis and Emilio did a good job." Arthur said as he picked up a manila envelope and tossed it to Emilio who took it.

"What's in this? A brick?" Emilio joked before opening it. "This is way more than what you promised."

"It went well and I'm in a good mood." Arthur said as he turned off the TV. "How about a little celebration to commemorate this wonderful moment in our lives." Arthur looked at all the people in the room who cheered at the prospect of a good party.


"We definitely needed something to celebrate around here." Dylan commented to Arthur after the festivities were finally over.

"Indeed, but the only thing that would have made this better would have been if Kiku was here."

"How are the plans coming along?"

"The new location has already been secured and we thankfully managed to move everything away from headquarters before the police found it. Kiku's house has unfortunately been seized so there's nothing that can be done about that. Francis managed to get the majority of the documents and weaponry out. Thankfully they can't arrest him for owning the katana."

"Indeed. He kept it in the house and never walked around in public with it. And Francis informed me that they checked it for blood a while back and Kiku lied his way through that interrogation by dumping the blame of the blood on you."

"I don't blame him. It would be harder to bust him out of prison than escorting him out of his house." Arthur sat down and opened his laptop. "What exactly did you want to show me?"


"Don't drink so much Maître." Francis said as he took the sake away from him. "I do need you sober enough to not raise suspicions from your grieving family members."

"It might help me fake sadness." Kiku said as he tried to get hold of the same again.

"Sorry Maître but we can't have you getting arrested for underage drinking. Besides I have a surprise for you that will take your mind of drinking yourself silly."

"What is it?" Kiku asked as Francis walked over with a laptop.

"Dylan gave this to me and told me to launch it around this time. He said you deserved some peace of mind after the stress of the past month or so."

"And what exactly did he want you to do with it?" Kiku asked as he watched Francis login and began opening some programs.

"You'll see. It's a surprise that took us a while to set up but it's untraceable now so we don't have to worry about unwanted people interfering or finding out about this." Francis twisted the laptop around for a while as he did other stuff. Then he did a little wave at the laptop before twisting it around so it faced Kiku. Kiku's eyes grew wide and if he could have glomped the laptop he would have.



Both Francis and Dylan were trying not to die of laughter at how those two were gazing at each other. Then after silently gazing at each they both began talking at once and Kiku even cried at one point.

"Now that we have caught up we might as well clarify some things." Arthur said after they both finally finished ranting. "I wish to apologize to you Kiku. You were right about Alistair."

"You did look into it then." Kiku said as he smiled. "So you did go and hire someone to kill him."

"That was not my doing." Arthur said smiling. "For that you have to thank the person next to you."

"Francis?" Kiku turned and looked at him in surprise. Francis just shrugged.

"Indeed. Dylan helped him get away from the hospital when he got rid of the detective." Francis just shrugged again.

"I'm glad. Even though my family is currently grieving. I snuck out of the house. They are currently at the vigil mourning."

Both of them continued talking and Francis and Dylan joined in at some point. After a couple of hours they ended the chat.

"We need to celebrate." Kiku said as he grabbed wine and sake.

"I was just doing my job."

"Still." Kiku said as he poured each drink into its own glass. "We need to celebrate this victory." Kiku handed the wine glass to Francis. "Not only for you and I. But also for everyone that we know."

Author's Note:

Hi everyone! I promised to post before the end of the week and I end up posting at the end of the week. XD

But at least I got the next chapter for you guys! And another chapter as well! The other one took me forever and it may be somewhat short because of the wall that I have up that's determined to keep me in writer's block. So Chapter 6 of Time's Revelations should be up soon.

Happy Readings