Hi hello! Ok so I've never written a fanfiction before so I hope it's up to standards! Let me know what you guys think please!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, unfortunately. Cassandra the life ruiner does.

(Magnus POV)

"ALEC! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Isabelle yelled in between the cries of the demon her whip was lashing.

"We're really sorry Izzy! Magnus here," Alec said as he shot Magnus a quick glare, "had to finish his getting ready-make up and all that."

"It's not like you had to stay with him, Alec. Honestly. We needed some extra help it would've been helpful if you showed up on time. One Raum demon is a lot for two people. But two Raum? We could've used your help." Jace snapped at Alec. "Not that it matters. We're finished anyways."

Alec hated that he had just upset both his best friend and adoptive brother. What if something bad had happened when he wasn't there to back Jace up? Without Alec, Jace doesn't even think about his actions before he does anything. What if something happened to Jace and Iz while Alec wasn't there? Just thinking of the possibilities gave him chills. An awkward silence lasted for about 15 seconds before somebody finally spoke.

"W-well…," Izzy stammered, cutting the silence, "what's done is done so why don't we just go back to the Institute? Have some dinner and cool off? Clary said she was going to make a bunch of food for when all four of us got back."

"That sounds like a GRAND idea, Isabelle. Let's go home and tell everyone how we managed just the two of us." Jace spat out in disgust, spinning on his heels and storming off in the other direction.

Well, that could have gone better.

"Try not to worry about him too much. He'll get over himself soon enough. Go back to Magnus's for now alright? I'll tell Clary you guys will come over for dinner another time. See you later?" Izzy could sometimes be a little loud, demanding, even a little bitchy. Ok, maybe a lot-a bitchy. But right now, he could tell she was trying to cheer him up and that made him feel a little better.

"Yeah, see you later, Iz. Thanks." And with that Alec strode off back to Magnus' apartment where they had just come from, Magnus trailing a few steps behind him.

Magnus and Alec walked in silence for 20 minutes back to the apartment. Magnus could tell Alec was mad. Alec had his fists shoved in his pockets and was walking so fast it was practically a jog. Once they returned to the apartment and Magnus had shut the door behind him, Alec turned around. His face was completely expressionless, to Magnus's surprise.


Really? That's all he had to say to Magnus? He didn't like where this was heading.

"Look Alec, I'm sorry but you kno-"

"No, I do know Magnus. I get that your appearance matters to you and that you like spending time on perfecting it. I get it. But Jace and Isabelle were out there fighting off Raum demons! I should have been there, I mean, what if something happened? What if one of them was bitten? Raum are poisonous, you know. Both of them just fight without a clue that something might sneak up on them and that's where I come in. I keep them safe, Magnus. If something happened, by the Angel, I wouldn't be able to live with myself." The blood was rushing up to Alec's face at an extraordinary rate, except not quite for the reason Magnus would have liked.

"Darling, please. I do get it. If I had known-" He was, yet again, cut off by an angry Shadowhunter.

"But that's what I'm talking about! As a Shadowhunter you have to just assume the worst."

"Alec! STOP. CUTTING. ME. OFF. I'm just trying to be understanding! I want to apologize but I can't if you won't even let me talk." Alec had turned his head away from Magnus, arms crossed and tapping a foot.

"Magnus, I know you're trying to understand but you never will. Being a Shadowhunter comes with such a great deal of responsibility and work. If you were a Nephilim, you might-"

"I might what? Understand? Alec, do you realize who you're talking to? I am the High Warlock of Brooklyn for goodness sake. Don't act like I have no idea what it's like to be stressed out." Magnus was getting extremely impatient. Were they actually having this fight? The entire thing was completely preposterous.

"I'm just saying. Try being a Shadowhunter, put yourself in my shoes." Alec was full on glaring at Magnus now.

"Alec, look, I'm not trying to degrade you and your demon hunting or anything but I can't see how it's any harder than my job. The clients I have aren't ever polite and they just continue to demand what they need. If I use up all my energy, oh well. They don't care. I'm in the same boat with you, darling." Magnus just really wanted this conversation to blow over. Alec can't possibly stay mad at him. Can he?

Alec gave Magnus a blank stare with a "yeah-sure-whatever-you-say" look. His face twisted into a grimace before muttering "I need to go home." He proceeded to walk out the door, he didn't slam it though so that's a good sign, right?

Magnus really could understand that, yes maybe he shouldn't have taken so long to get ready when it wasn't like he was going to a party or anything. But Alec had taken it over the top. To say that as the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus didn't work as hard as him? Well what did he know?! Alec had been a Shadowhunter for 18 years. Magnus had been dealing with people's shit with no much as a thank you for 800 years. He got paid, yes, but a 'thank you' would've been nice once in a while. Alec has never had to deal with the clients Magnus had to put up with on a daily basis. Earlier in the day, it had been some other werewolf who'd gotten into a fight with a vampire. That was a total mess.

"DAMMIT!" exclaimed Magnus. He needed to stop thinking about this childish dispute. He head over to the bathroom to shower and go to sleep. It was only 7 but he would've just stayed up and continued to think about trivial things. After his 25 minute shower, he went straight to bed, Chairman Meow curling up next to his cheek.

(Clary POV)

Clary heard the entire thing.

She was waiting for Jace, Izzy, Alec and Magnus to all come back to the Institute for a special dinner she cooked up. Well, if you could call chicken pot pie, lemonade, and rolls special. Hey, she wasn't a five-star chef. What would they be expecting? She had told all four of them about it beforehand so when only Jace and Iz came back, she was confused. Isabelle told her about the fight and how Alec and Magnus had gone back to the apartment. She was not having any of this. She spent so much damn time on this dinner and made so much. Those two needed to be here.

Clary ran outside, hailed a cab, and gave the driver the address. She got there in approximately 15 minutes and ran straight up the steps to the door with the nameplate BANE. Her fist was 3 inches from the door when she heard arguing.

"I might what? Understand? Alec, do you realize who you're talking to? I am the High Warlock of Brooklyn for goodness sake. Don't act like I have no idea what it's like to be stressed out." This was definitely Magnus, from his distinct voice to the fact he referred to himself as a warlock.

"I'm just saying. Try being a Shadowhunter, put yourself in my shoes." This was Alec, for sure. She'd never heard him sound so exasperated. Clary then heard a retort from Magnus, something about them being in the same boat. Then there was a good minute of silence and shuffling on the carpet. Somebody was coming toward the door and she didn't want them to know she'd been eavesdropping on a personal conversation like that so she quickly ran a couple doors down and hid behind a bush. Alec emerged from the door and closed it, rather quietly for someone who seemed so upset. He turned onto the sidewalk and walked straight past the bush Clary was hiding behind, in the direction of the Institute.

She needed to do something about this. She hadn't heard the entire conversation but it seemed they really needed to see things from the other's perspective. If this was a cartoon, a light bulb would have immediately popped above her head. She hailed another cab and drew the sketchbook out from her bag. There was work to be done.