"Out of the nothingness of sleep,

The slow dreams of Eternity,
There was a thunder on the deep:
I came, because you called to me."

"The Call" by Rupert Brooke

It has been 15 years.

15 years since the power went out.

15 years since she seen a decent tv show, decent food, her own bed.

She feels like it's been forever since she's felt the nice soothing feeling of an actual shower. Now she has to substitute it with cold river water. Not the best feeling in the world, but adaptation was a must if you wanted to survive the new world.

Once the blackout hit she tried going back home, however transportation wasn't working just like everything else that went wrong that day and so she walked. It had taken her a long time to reach her destination, but she made it.

The streets around her home were eerily deserted, cars crashed, paper rolling out in front of her. It almost reminded her of a ghost town.

Yet she still felt like people lived here, just out of sight, watching from their boarded windows.

Maybe being out in the open wasn't the best option and so she headed for the cover of her house two houses down from her.

"Mom, Dad." No answer was called out and she felt her heart sink for a moment. Not even the family dog answering her call.

She then moved further into the house, rooting through the cupboards for food. Just something to eat that seemed normal for once.

At the back of the bottom cupboards she found a small quantity of canned food. Enough to last her a week if she rationed it properly.

"This should do," she murmured out.

"That's mine."

She jumped, grabbing a butter knife that sat idle upon the counter, "Brody?"

The man's eyes soften pulling her immediately into a hug, "Oh god, thought I'd never see you again, Jane."

Jane relaxed into her older brother's arms, dropping the butter knife upon the ground. When he released her she soon noticed the family dogs at his heel.

"Oh Knight, you are such a good boy," she ruffled the dog's hair in admiration.

"Where are mom and dad?"

She saw the way his facial features changed, "They're gone."

Jane stood before two covered holes in the backyard, willing herself not to cry.

They were killed just before I got back from hunting a couple of rabbits, both murdered in their sleep. If I'd just stayed home, I could have prevented it. All of it.

She knew her brother was taking it hard. Blaming himself for something he had no control over. Even then, Jane herself felt the need to blame herself for going back to university.

When the first tear fell, she couldn't do anything more than drop to her knees and let it all out.

Present Day Blackout.

Jane Whitmore crouched down among the leaves of a nearby bush, her belly scratching uncomfortably against the underbrush as she spied on the town before her. Her faithful dog, Knight was lying down by her side waiting for some kind of signal.

She had noticed early on in her investigation that there were more guards than usual. At least a lot more guards than the typical security she usually seen in these parts.

"There's too many," she sighed talking to thin air knowing full well that knight only responded to certain tones of voice.

She looked over at the dog, a loud grumble coming from his stomach and he whined in response.

"I know boy, I'm hungry too," she gave him a pat to the head, "Maybe..." she spotted the back door of a small store, analyzing the lack of security there, "Come," she commanded the dog and he followed her willingly. Jane then made her way across the field, keeping a straight face and then ducked into the alley way. "Stay," she commanded the dog to guard the entrance, confident he would make a noise to warn her if anybody approached.

The door creaked slowly open and Jane slid in undetected to the backroom of the store. Grabbing a small bag, she began grabbing the necessities; some snacks, a hair brush and even a cloth to wash her face later after she was finished with this job.

On a shelf a bit higher than her, she spotted the looks of a small bag of apples and she reached for it, her mouth-watering for the taste of an apple. A food items she hadn't seen in a while. Jane reached with outstretched hands till she was able to grab the edge of the bag. Last minute she noticed the hole in the bag and next thing she knew, everything came tumbling out of it. With a loud crash, all the apples were on the floor.

She froze, hearing the voices in the front room.

"Just a second, I'm hearing something from the back," a woman's voice noted.

There and then, Jane grabbed some of apples off the ground, running off towards the back door only to bump into the woman whose voice she just heard.

With disbelief, the other woman stared at her and then let out a cry of horror, screaming out 'Thief'.

Jane made a run for the door, "C'mon Knight!" She commanded and she took off before she could be caught, making a push into the field so she could disappear into the shadows of the trees.

"Stop!" the voice was low and threatening. She stopped finding herself rooted to the spot. With curiosity she turned her head enough to see where he stood. He held a gun, pointed directly at her, "Drop the Bag," she let the bag drop from her hands limply. "Turn towards me." She did as he said, turning towards him.

It wasn't till she seen his face clearly that she felt her stomach sink on the spot, "I-I. General Monroe," she breathed out, cursing inside at her carelessness of not being aware of what type of security laid within the town. She cursed herself for such carelessness, it could have taken the dumbest person on earth to turn tail and run when they've seen clues that the General was around.

He began approaching her, long strides before he stood no more than two feet away. Jane looked around nervously; people of the town began gathering and whispering. His guards were approaching them, circling, so she couldn't run.

"Your bleeding," he murmured - her eyes shifted to his taller figure and then back down at her arm, where she spotted the rather vertical looking slicing through her arm. She realized then that she must have cut her arm on one of the shelves in the store as she was making a break for it. Jane never moved to wipe away the blood and instead she stood there, looking everywhere but his eyes. "I've been looking for you, Jane," he said his voice low, but she could tell that it was threatening.

When she had the courage to look up, his gaze was looking past her into the woods, "Why would you be looking for me?"

He looked down upon her then, eyes connecting with hers, "Well," he started, "Your brother wanted to see you, afraid that you'd chosen a wrong path," he looked down at the bag on the ground, "though it's nice to see you're not a rebel."

His right hand gripped her injured arm firmly and he pressed into the wound. Pain shot through her and she winced, almost doubling over. Instead she gripped onto his arm, steadying herself.

"Bass please, just let me go," There was no formality in her words. She had known him too long to start calling him by General Monroe.

He nearly smiled, "I can't do that," he murmured, "I've spent too much on finding you for your brother's sake and my own."

"Let me go," Jane pleaded.

He looked at her long and hard for a minute, "If I did that then I'd never see you again," he took only a moment to knock her out with a pressure point technique. Catching her before she fell to the ground unconscious.

The banging on her room door wasn't a coincidence, but a summoning for a meeting being held in the residence's lounge room. She emerged soon after, pulling on a sweater and headed towards the meeting. Her boyfriend, Drew was standing on the coffee table in the middle of the room, motioning people to crowd around him to hear out what he had to say.

"It's been almost two weeks, two weeks and no power. People are going crazy I don't know about you guys, but I want protection! Earlier the boys and I have come up with a solution and we've decided that security among our ranks is needed. I've already taken it upon myself to appoint guards for out exits, patrols-"

Jane couldn't remember when she lost her attention to what was going on around her, but ever so often she'd listen in on what was going on. When the meeting was over, she returned to her room with no plans of talking to Drew. He'd want something from her and she didn't want to deal with it at that hour.

Over the weeks, Drew rose to a leadership position, weapons were introduced, fights would break out amoug the different residences, staff of the university were either killed or ran off. Not to mention the males had choice in doing whatever they wanted and the females were left was little to do other than wash, cook and clean.

Over the months, she seen the worst, death, rape and everything in between. It had scared her and inside she felt the wronging that was going on and she knew her breaking point was coming.

"Jane!" It was Drew who called her name then, as she walked down the hallway towards her room, beckoning her towards him. She headed down his way.

"Yes," she answered, "What is it you need?"

He showed her into his room that was now made into an office, his bed moved into another room. With ease he sat down in the chair and motioned for her to close his door. He then leaned on the desk, both hands together and speaks, "I have a proposition for you."

"A proposition?"

He flips open a folder to which her name was plastered to the front of it, obviously taken from the school's archive, "I know your good with medicine and your abilities seem to be more experienced than the rest of the people who are taking medicine. We are need of a medic at least."

"I can't do surgery, but minor things I can handle. However this is not something to pin on one person and especially not me."

"Why not, you?"

She cursed inside, "-because I'm leaving."

"Your leaving? and what about protection?"

"I'm going alone and I'm going to find my parents and brother."

He shakes his head and leans back in his chair, studying her carefully, "You do realize that you could be killed out there," his tone changed, "We've protected you! I've protected you and you repay me with leaving?"

"I-I," he steps around his desk and crowds her, "Drew, don't get me wrong, I love you, I've loved you for the four years we've been dating. It's just lately your different. You've changed."

"I'm not different,": he cups her face with one hand but she pulls away from him. His anger flares and he slams her against the wall with his hand now on her shoulder pushing her.

Realization hits soon after and he moves, turning away from her.

"Goodbye Drew," she's gone when he turns around again and he lets her leave without a word more, knowing that the damage was already made.

A/N: Well just some revolution story that was in my head, not sure whether or not I like, so feedback would be nice.