Title: Colours
Characters: James. P + Lily E.P
Summary: It's a kaliedoscope of colours but no - You've got seven years to get her to love you, but maybe - maybe you'll be able to please her with your vibrant colours of the rainbow.
Notes: Okay, so this is for the 'Colours of the Rainbow competition' and because I might be entering this more than once, my first pairing will be Lily and James, because their story of each other is awesome! Well, I hope you like this - and reviews are extremely appriciated!
Oh James.
Oh dear baby boy, why'd you have to fall now – you're only eleven, and yet you already know how to plan out your love life. After all red is the colour of romance and love isn't it? It's the colour of oh so many lovely romantic gestures you can use and you know even in first year that you're going to be the one sending roses and flowers to her on Valentine's Day.
Once again you're unbelievable aren't you dear? And once again you know...
Oh James, why do you have to be so obscure?
Don't you know that red is also the colour of danger? Or blood? Or pain? Are you sure you really want to go through all of that, go through all of the torture?
Sure she's a red head, but do you know her yet? Probably not, you're only eleven and you don't even know what you want yet.
Think about it, while red is the colour of love and romance, it's also the colour of heartbreak and danger and are you sure you want to cut yourself into the deeper edge of your heart to where lilies belong?
Don't you know that Lilies are found in normally found in lakes? And in this lake you'll need to be careful won't you – after all, you don't want to drown...