edowdle: What if princess Jasmine was trapped in the cave of wonders with Aladdin both meet genie and wished for a kingdom of their own and with a harem too? My idea is Jasmine is with Aladdin and meeting genie he sings never had a friend like me to them and Jasmine convinces Aladdin she wants to be free of her kingdom and become a princess of her own kingdom with Aladdin as her prince

The question was a bit longer, but it was hard to incorporate other parts of the question. I did truly try and spent many hours on this one-shot. I hope it's an enjoyable piece to get me back into this silly little series of mine.

Jafar nearly crawled out of his own skin with excitement when Aladdin insisted he bring someone with him to the cave of wonders. Another poor girl, in as much need for money as he. Despite her attempt to dress as a commoner, he was no fool and recognized this poor girl as the Princess Jasmine herself. When she had first run off he nearly tore apart his laboratory in a fit a rage, but then realized the opportunity this presented. Sure, with the princess gone he was now wanting for a potential wife. But his ultimate goal, to seize the throne from that foolish man Jasmine called a father, was now closer in sight. He could lose her in the cave of Wonders with the boy, and with the kingdom lacking an heir the vizier would find himself next in line with the power of a djinn in his pocket. But would the finicky cave allow her inside beside that… diamond in the rough.

"Hey keep up old man!" Aladdin's voice grated on his nerves. They had been travelling by camel since unset, and he swore he was going to vomit with the constant smiles and stares the young pair were giving each other every several minutes.

"How much farther is it?" Jasmine inquired. She wasn't used to riding; her thighs were chafing and her hips and lower back ached. Her initial excitement about this adventure was dwindling with the reality of it coming to light. It was always so easy in the books she read. The hero and his love would leap onto the backs of horses or more prudently, camels; and ride into the night to save the world. The books never talked about the long stretches of boredom or the aches and pains that came with a longer travel. But she was free.

"Another half-hour by horse." Jafar ground out. He could hear Iago groan from his perch on his back, a combination of discomfort from being stuffed into his cloak and annoyance at listening to these idiots chatter like children.

"It's a really nice night, enjoy it!" Aladdin cheered, his voice so cheerful Jafar wondered if the boy was being sarcastic. He clumsily directed his horse to get closer to Jasmine, the animal giving an annoyed snort and shaking its head.

"Easy on the reigns!" If he broke the horse's tooth the animal would be worthless.

"Sorry… never rode before." He admitted. Jasmine had ridden, but mostly short trots around the grounds surrounding the palace, sitting side-saddle and accompanied by whatever suitor was desperately vying for her hand. The rest of the ride was spent with short bursts of conversation between Jasmine and Aladdin, Jafar struggling with every ounce of will power that he had not to murder the both of them. Having spent more than fifteen consecutive minutes with Jasmine made him wonder why he had ever lusted for her. Even if as her husband he could command her to silence he wasn't sure he could bear her as a wife. Was he just old?

"There," Jafar spoke, and pointed to a large sand dune.

"We gotta dig?" Aladdin asked. But the sands began to shift, the rumbling spooking the horses and throwing the inexperienced rider off, Jafar and Jasmine able to soothe their mounts while the third ran off despite Jafar's calls. He cursed under his breath, rolling his eyes and slid off of his own horse, soothing it before hobbling up to the younger pair.

Who disturbs my slumber?

The voice that rang out from the Tiger's Head that had emerged from the dune, a hot wind blowing from the mouth, carrying with it a distinct metallic tang. The voice was ethereal, almost as if coming from all around them, not from the sand-creature speaking before them.

"Allah…" Jasmine whispered, eyes wide as she stared ahead.


"Go on boy, speak your name." he insisted. Abu, the money that had been sleeping on Aladdin's shoulder, had woken amist the chaos and was cowering inside his friend's vest, quivering.

"It is I… Aladdin…"

You May Enter.

"What about my friend here?" he gestured to the girl beside him. She had told him her name was Dima, but wondered if this creature needed her to speak her name herself. Jasmine stood beside him and appeared frozen with fear.

"Go on girl, speak your name."

"Jasmine." Her voice was so soft and when there was no response from the Tiger's Head she repeated herself a bit louder, standing a bit straighter and leveling her shoulders. Aladdin lifted a brow at her, and the look she gave him told him he better not ask for clarification now.

You May Enter.

"And I am just a humble old man, no diamond in the rough. I will wait for you both here, back back you know. Remember our deal."

"The lamp is yours, we get everything else." Aladdin recited.

"That's a good boy. Hurry now, you don't want to leave an old man to bake in the desert sun, so best be back with enough night left to get back to Agrabah."

"Yeah." Aladdin responded with a shiver. He was no stranger to what happened to men who got lost in the desert. More than one mummified corpse had been dragged back to town by a traveler seeking to help the deceased receive a proper burial. A growl snapped his attention back to the cave, and he saw the tongue shift into a set of stairs. He exchanged worried glances with Jasmine standing beside him, and together they stepped up onto the Tiger's Lip, and began to descent down the stairs. The old man shouted something to them, but the sound was too muffled by the soft breathing and quiet growl of the Tiger's head as hand-in-hand they began to descend into the cave.

Touch Nothing But The Lamp.

"Huh?" Alladin looked around him, startled by the voice. It sounded no different than when he was standing outside, and he pondered how this could be now that he was inside the cave. "Wait, he promised me the treasure if I gave him the lamp… you tellin' me that was a lie?" he asked the air, but was greeted only with soft breathing.

"He tricked us!" Jasmine complained. Abu scambled out of Aladdin's vest at this point, looking back at the stairs leading to the mouth of the cave and shook his fist, chattering at it.

"This place is fascinating… where did all this come from?" Jasmine's amazement snapped Aladdin out of his angry haze, and he ran his hands roughly through his hair before dropping them by his sides.

"I thought I was finally going to have enough money to buy a house, and never need to scrounge for food again, maybe have some actual clothes." He lamented. "The gold in this place could feed every poor person in all of Agrabah for the rest of their lives!"

"Surely the sultan makes sure his people are fed?" He looked at her , brows knit together.

"Okay, what's going on? Did you trick me too? You told me your name was Dima, but told the Tiger's Head that its Jasmine. Back in town you said you were poor too but now you act all surprised Agrabah is full of hungry people. Who are you?" he asked, crossing his arms before his chest. Abu mimicked this gesture, blowing a razzberry at Jasmine whom he had never liked to begin with.

"I… lied to you." She admitted, and pulled back her hood. "I'm Princess Jasmine."

"The Princess?!" Abu again echoed him.

"Please don't bow." She pleaded, holding up both her palms. "I fled the palace because I'm sick of rules. I'm sick of people bowing because their told. I go to breakfast because I'm told. I eat what I'm told, wear what I'm told, go where I'm told to go. And now they wanted to tell me who to marry. What's the point of living if I can't make a single decision myself?" she rambled, sighing and avoided his eyes. Aladdin was unsure how to respond. He wanted to tell her she had no idea what it was like to shiver in the desert nights, to chew on sticks to assuage the never-ending hunger pangs. To see children with protruding bellies. To see men and women scream and beg as a scimitar is held over their wrist for the offense of stealing a piece of food for those starving children. But then he wondered what it was like to be on her side. Never hungry, never cold, but everything dictated for you.

"Come on." He wasn't sure how to respond to her and they began to follow the path that wound around the towering piles of treasures. Each room held wonders of a different kind. One full of gold and jewels, another was a vast library that must hold everything mankind had ever written, yet another full of food and drink. Aladdins stomach roiled as he recalled giving up the only thing outside half a melon he had been able to eat for over a day. Touch nothing but the lamp. Echoed in his mind. There was no follow up to the statement, but a threat was unnecessary. He was sure the consequences would be dire if he grabbed at anything they passed by.

"Whoa, what's this?" Aladdin asked when they entered a new chamber of treasures and saw that a beautifully adorned carpet was standing on its tassels as if they were legs. The carpet clapped its tassels and flew around them.

"Do you live in this cave?" Jasmine asked, tilting her head and twirling as the carpet flew circles around her.

"A magic carpet? I thought these were just stories…"

"After seeing a Tiger Head emerge out of the desert and talk to me I don't know what to just call a story anymore." Jasmine admitted. The carpet had nodded in answer to her earlier question.

"Hey wait, if you live here you must know where everything is, right?" Jasmine inquired, and got another nod. Or what looked like a nod. The fabric at the top furled in and bobbed in a very human-looking gesture for a square-shaped object. "Can you show us where a lamp is? The only thing we're allowed to touch?" the carpet nodded again, zooming away and despite Abu's chittering protests Aladdin and Jasmine followed.

The final chamber smelled of wet stone and stagnant water. It was dim, save for a light source that may have been the full moon peering through a hole in the ceiling of the cave where there was none. Aladdin noted the path was flanked on either side by a golden ape holding a ruby bigger than his head. Abu looked transfixed, and he grabbed him by his scruff,

"Look," he gestured to where the sole source of light, illuminating a stone upon which sat a golden oil lamp. He couldn't see how there was any other object the old man could have been to referring to.

"is that the lamp?" Jasmine asked.

"It's the only one I've seen in this place" Aladdin felt Abu leap off his shoulder, which was all well in good he was beginning to feel sore anyway. He walked with Jasmine up the narrow path, and saw that the stone in the center of the room was surrounded by a lake of water. He approached it carefully and reached out, and Jasmine held her breath beside him. His fingers brushed the cold metal, and when nothing happened he gripped the handle and lifted it, looking the small object over. "This thing is what he led us through the desert for?" he asked.

"Well let's hurry back… this place is starting to make me nervous." Jasmine admitted.


"What?!" Aladdin flinched, his startle causing him to toss the lamp but Jasmine was quick to reach to grab it out of the air but it bounced off her fingertips. Luckily the magic carpet curled itself around the object and unfurled to drop it back into Aladdin's hands.

You Have Touched The Forbidden Treasure! Now You Will Never Again See The Light Of Day!

Aladdin saw Abu in the distance sheepishly trying to shove one of the immense rubies back into the grip of its golden ape only to have the gold begin to melt, and the ruby in his paws burst into flame. He shrieked, leaping away from the fire and sticking his hands in the stagnant water, pulling them out to assess the burns just before the lake itself began to boil, and he shrieked again. Carpet gestured madly at Aladdin and Jasmine who stared in horror as the path away from the stone table glowed and melted away into lava, and leapt onto the carpet surprised at the strength it had to hold them both. The carpet flew, grabbing Abu's tail in its tassels, the monkey scrambling onto the carpets back as it spirited them away from the chamber that was quickly growing overbearingly hot.

It was no different as they soared through the rest of the cave, a blue of fire and terror. Abu clung to Aladdin's face, Jasmine clinging to him from behind, her chest pressed against his back. Were they not fleeing for their lives he may have appreciated something about her embrace. He looked up when the carpet shot up at a sharp angle, soaring towards the crumbling stairs. He grunted when he was launched forward, and grasped at the abrasive stone he impacted with. He heard a shrill scream, and a quick frantic glance around him told him neither Jasmine nor the carpet were nearby. He clawed at the stairs, looking up at the haggardly old man. His breathing came in rapid short gasps, his heart throbbing in his ears. He felt tears burn his eyes, stinging his cheeks as they fell, and he reached a trembling hand up. Did the Princess just die? Did this stupid adventure for some gold kill her? He cursed himself, and clawed at the stairs to pull himself out of the cave. The old man demanded the lamp, and in his confused haze he held it out, thinking it was so he could reach him. But once he had the lamp in hand Aladdin felt something impact his face and fell, and then the blackness consumed him.

"Aladdin?" he felt someone shaking his chest, and a smaller pair of hands was tugging at his hair also chittering his name.

"Ugh… what happened?" he asked. He tried to sit up but was quickly pushed back down.

"You hit your head… really hard." It was Jasmine's voice. So she survived the fall.

"Abu?" he asked, and got a chittering answer and he could check that concern off. "How?"

"The carpet saved me, then when you feel it flew up to catch you, and Abu right after" Jasmine explained.

"The lava?" The blur was beginning to leave his mind, and a sharp pain began to settle in as the pain left.

"Didn't reach this room. We need to find a way out…" her voice trembled, and he could feel the tremor reaching her hands that were still pressed against his chest. "Oh I just wanted to do something for myself for once!" she admonished, balling her fists and striking the sandstone on either side of her legs. The pain that shot through her hands and up her arms was almost a comfort, allowing her to shift her mind away from the anxiety threatening to turn into pure panic.

"Ugh… That old man tricked us… got what he wanted and bugged off leaving us to die." He could only imagine what the Sultan would do should he learn his daughter, his heir, was left to die in a cave by that old man. He had heard horror stories of what the Sultans of Old had done to enemies, and a chill ran through him as he wondered if he would be caught up in the mess that would follow. If they ever got out of here. He almost wondered if starving to death in a cave was the more merciful of his options.

"Err…" Abu chittered, and reached behind Aladdin's head and held the lamp above his face.

"Whoa, how did you…?" Abu made a dismissive gesture, and Jasmine clapped in excitement.

"What's so special about this oil lamp?" Aladdin asked, glancing around it. "It looks like its made of gold but its too light for that… and it looks ancient."

"Maybe its an ancient artifact? We can have the scholars look at it." Jasmine offered. He rubbed at it with the corner of his vest, needing something to keep his hands busy or he's likely start punching the sandstone floor in frustration. A quick glance around the room showed that the entrance above them was sealed, and the one that led deeper into the cave was nowhere to be seen. They were trapped in an empty cavern with no way out and a stupid oil lamp some stupid old man had tricked them into fetching from this stupid cave. A lot more colorful words were coming to mind, but he tried to think of more polite terminology, being in the presence of royalty and all. Which made him realize how casual he'd been with her.

"So you were the Princess the whole time… I should be hanged for how I talked to you." He started, and she was vehemently shaking her head before he finished his words.

"I dressed like a commoner so I would be treated like one. If I wanted to be bowed to, and pontificated at, I would have stayed in my royal garb with an escort of guards and watched as everyone tripped over themselves to prove they were the most cordial as they give themselves concussions slapping their heads to the ground as I pass. You treated me like a person… I wanted to know what that was like." She sighed and shook her head, "I guess I'm too naïve."

A blue light shot out of the lamp, startling the pair and silencing any reply Aladdin had prepared to Jasmine's little confession. A loud voice filled the small chamber,

"Ten. Thousand. Years! Will give you such a crick in the neck…" an enormous blue humanoid ballooned in the limited space, creaks and pops punctuating its words as he contorted his limbs in unnatural ways.

"Is that a djinn?!" Jasmine exclaimed, falling back and scooting away from it. She had read about these damned things. Tricksters, beings of chaos. They would grant you three wishes, but always with an ironic catch. Allah strike me down for letting that thing be set loose on the world! No wonder that lamp was buried in a place like this! Her chest heaved, her entire body trembled as she scooted away, failing in every attempt to stand refusing to take her eyes off of it.

"Hey, no need to panic little lady! Just stretching my limbs!" he shrank down until he was only a head taller than Aladdin, "And who are you two delightful young things? Such a pretty couple. You meet on the love boat? Nah, too young. Won't get it. More like a harlequin romance? No, your hair is too short and her clothes cover too much. Hmm…" he drummed his fingers on his bicep, tapping his foot and slipping into a string of odd words and phrases that made Aladdin wonder just how hard he had hit his head.

"Who… who are you?"

"Me? Oh, how rude of me!" a fan appeared in the djinn's hand, fanning his face, "I really do need to watch my manners, mama always told me I would never catch a man's fancy with my brusque ways," it spoke in a mock-female tone and a strange accent. "I, am Genie!"

"Genie?" Aladdin asked. That would be like me being named human-y! How long has that thing been crammed in this lamp? It's insane!

"Let me tell you a bit about myself! Only right to give my new master a proper introduction!" Orchestral music filled the chamber like nothing he had ever heard. Jasmine's posture began to slack, lifting a brow as the Genie began to… sing?

Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves
Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales

In a series of bright flashes men appeared with swords, swinging them around, a woman sitting on pillows appearing and spoke to a half-naked man eating from a golden platter on his side. As the song continued, more images burst into life. The chamber became more alive than the marketplace.

But master you in luck 'cause up your sleeves
You got a brand of magic never fails
You got some power in your corner now
Some heavy ammunition in your camp
You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how
See all you gotta do is rub that lamp

"Is that how I woke it up?" Aladdin asked Abu, but the money was busy running up to the pile of food next to the Scheherezad-ie image, and Aladdin couldn't deny how amazing the food looked and mirrored his friend. Jasmine got up from her cower, hands on her hips wondering what the consequence would be from eating that magic food. She groaned, rolling her eyes, and wondered if that silly boy had ever read a book in his entire life. Wait, do commoners even know how to read? She was jerked from her thoughts as the djinn grabbed her by the wrist, shifting into the form of a man she had to admit was devilishly handsome, spinning her so she was sent staggering in Aladdin's direction.

And I'll say,

Master and Mistress, sir and ma'am
What will your pleasure be?

Jasmine had staggered into Aladdin, both exchanging shy smiles before being knocked off balance when a table appeared before them, falling backwards but were caught by chairs. Smooth paper appeared on the tables, and djinn once again looked like a human male with thin facial hair, holding a piece of paper and a thin piece of what looked like paper-wrapped charcoal. Jasmine once again found herself wondering what this thing was, clearly not as entranced by it as Aladdin was.

Let me take your order
Jot it down
You ain't never had a friend like me

Life is your restaurant
And I'm your maitre d'
C'mon whisper what it is you want
You ain't never had a friend like me

The table vanished from under them and they hit the hard floor of the chamber, Jasmine slapping the ground beside her with a frustrated grunt as Aladdin followed the djinn that had shifted, this time, into an alluring female dressed like a girl from a brothel.

Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service
You're the boss
The king, the shah
Say what you wish
It's yours, true dish
How about a little more Baklava?

In the chaos of lights, sounds, objects, people, sights, smells, an outpouring of baklava appeared from a horn, scattering all over the floor until all she could smell was the delightful treat her father used to give her as a child, and she would occasionally plead the kitchen servants for. Honey and nuts, just a touch of roses. She wrinkled her nose as she approached the pile, giving it a small sniff and wondered what the catch was. She sighed, figuring if she was going to die in this forsaken cave, may as well accept this djinn's temptations.

Have some of column A
Try all of column B
I'm in the mood to help you dude
You ain't never had a friend like me

Can your friends do this?

Aladdin laughed, Abu chittered, and Jasmine yelped when the djinn took off its own head and duplicated it, beginning to juggle its dismembered heads in what she considered a grotesque display, Aladdin clearly entertained.

Do your friends do that

The djinn spun into a wheel, twirling though its own closed dismembered fist.

Do your friends pull this out their little hat?

A small rabbit pulled from a hat,

Can your friends go poof?
Well, looky here

"Are you serious?!" Jasmine admonished when, this time, the djinn appeared as dozens of girls that belonged either in a harem or a brothel. The Scheherezad-ie illusion got up from his pillow, running away form the storytelling woman who crossed her arms in a huff, the man she had been speaking to quick to garner the attention of several of the nearly-nude women laughing madly as they showered him in attention and she quickly diverted her eyes in fear of seeing these illusions take it a bit too far.

Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip
And then make the sucker disappear?

A handsome Prince walked up to her, wearing royal garb and a false smile. Clearly an attempt to appease her, the djinn clearly having noticed it was failing to entrance her as much as her male counterpart.

"No dice." She shouted, and made a rude hand gesture at the Prince who pressed the back of his palm to his forehead, gasped, and fell backwards vanishing into a series of fireworks that shot into the air with his impact with the ground.

So dontcha sit there slack-jawed, buggy-eyed
I'm here to answer all your midday prayers
You got me bona fide, certified
You got Genie for your chargé d'affaires
I got a powerful urge to help you out
So what-cha wish?
I really want to know
You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt
Well, all you gotta do is rub like so - and oh

Master and Mistress, sir and ma'am, have a wish or two or three
I'm on the job, you big nabobs
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend like me
You ain't never had a friend like me, hah!

And all at once, the illusions vanished. A whirlwind of lights, sounds, colors, smells, all twirled into a chaotic tornado and vanished into the lamp, leaving the djinn lying on his side, a strange curl of glowing… metal? No… glass? Above his head bearing the words applause. Aladdin and Abu were applauding, and Jasmine was holding her arms in front of her chest.

"Man, what's it take to impress you little lady?" he tapped at the bottom of his chin and quickly came down to size. "My my I forgot my manners again!" he flourished a bow,

"Oh stop it! One more person bows to me today I'll barf!" she threw her hands up, and the djinn backed up, tisking.

"You are clearly tensed my dear. Lemme try lemme try. Twirl, twirl. Come now girl, I know a way to get those tense muscles to just relax." He walked up to her and quickly moved behind her. She tensed up, wondering what this thing was up to but it began to rub at her shoulders, and she had to admit. It sure as hell knew what it was doing. "Now, isn't that better? Tell me tell me. What is a delightfully cute little couple like you doing in my humble cave?" that odd accent from earlier was back, and the djinn began to look around. "Okay. Really humble. What happened?"


"Oh first things first. What's your names? You know mine is Genie, and you are?"


"and Abu!" the monkey climbed atop his friend's shoulders, quite content with a full belly. Aladdin too realized he felt significantly better with a belly full near-to-nausea, and decided he didn't want to bother wondering why he felt full when the other food vanished into nothing ness when the song finished.

"And you?"


"Oh! Like the rice!"


"So you're a djinn, a real djinn?" Jasmine asked.

"Ding ding ding! Eight-hundred to the little lady! Next question Alex,"

"Alex?" Jasmine asked, looking over at Aladdin who simply pouted out his bottom lip and shrugged, shaking his head with a palms-up gesture.

"Know that that means?" Genie asked.

"You granted wishes with horrible side effects."

"Oh that's the other djinn, I don't play those stupid games. Gets so boring after a while. Nope. Three wishes, consequence free. As long as you follow the rules,"

"Rules?" Aladdin asked.

"Rule number one! I can't kill anyone, so don't ask," he lopped off his own head, causing both Aladdin and Jasmine to wince, and Abu began to laugh. It listed the other rules, no bringing back the dead, and no forcing people to fall in love. So no catches? Just rules? Jasmine wondered.

"So you're an all-powerful djinn?" she asked again. This got the cogs in Aladdin's head twirling. He looked around the chamber, and a cheeky grin came over his features.

"I dunno about all-powerful. I mean, he did say he was in that lamp for… ten thousand years? How powerful can he be if he couldn't get out of that lamp. Bet he can't even get us out of this cave." He sighed and shook his head. "Come on guys, let's go find an exit. Besides, you said something about consequence Jasmine? Probably best to just leave that lamp here and find our own way out."

"Oh no you don't!" Genie shouted, squinting an eye and pointing a finger, "You doubtin' me? You talkin' to me? You, talkin' to me?" He began to balloon up with each word spoken. At this point carpet appeared, and stood defensively between Genie and the humans, gesturing madly between them. "Oh hey dude!" Genie shrank back down and did an elaborate series of high-fives with the carpet, which was an impressive feat with an object with no actual hands. "Shall we show 'em?" he asked, and got a vehement nod from the carpet. "It's showtime! Let's get ready to- oh wait, can't say that one. Royalties," he slapped his forehead with the heel of his hand, and grabbed the trio of mortals in one hand, popping them onto the carpet, sitting at the front of the carpet twirling until it looked like a woman waring foreign garb, slurring though a strange series of phrases and they burst out of the chamber and into the cold desert night.

They landed on an island that by all descriptions was a paradise. Jasmine looked around her and was still waiting for the catch to happen. They were free of that cave, and by all means the place they were brought to was far from unpleasant. She kept waiting for the axe to fall, but maybe Genie's intentions were pure.

"How's that now, huh?" he shifted into a dragon, "don't make be burn nobody to prove no point," he twirled again and was once more the almost humanoid blue man, hands on his hips. "Wish number two?"

"You mean wish number one we never actually wished to get out of that cave."

"I…" Genie's jaw fell, and he groaned and shifted into a fluffy lamb, "well I feel sheepish. Listen here you baaaad boy, from here on out no more freebies!" he poofed back to normal and began to stretch. Jasmine's mind began to work. She thought about going home, and winced at the mere idea. She loved her father, and she would miss him, and she would miss Raja. But when she had fled the palace she had done so with the intention of never returning home. She thought about what her controlled life had felt like, every damn thing dictated for her to the point she had to be sneaky just to eat a damned piece of baklava when she wanted! She thought about Aladdin's talking about life as a poor boy, and how many poor existed in Agrabah. She thought about how often her father simply played with his toys while Jafar pulled the strings. About the guards terrorizing the city and how she had always pranced about with this illusion her family were perfect leaders. But if they were perfect why were there so many poor in Agrabah when her family was so rich?

If she was sultan, she wouldn't let her people starve. She wouldn't build another elaborate garden while people ran homeless. She wouldn't hold an elaborate banquet to marry off her only child with enough food for one damned party to feed half of Agrabah for a week. If she were sultan people wouldn't be hungry, or cold, or hot, or naked, or thirsty. They wouldn't long for her constrained life in the palace simply because it would mean the end of hunger pangs.

If I was sultan…

"Genie? Are you only Aladdin's master?" she inquired. The song had been so chaotic she wasn't sure if him calling her mistress was a reference to his granting her wishes we well, or if he was calling her Aladdin's mistress, and she would punch the both of them if it was the latter.

"As long as you two don't start fighting to the death over wishes, I am yours as well my lady," He made as if to flourish a bow but recalled her earlier reaction. She looked over at Aladdin, and couldn't help the smile. He cared so much about the poor of Agrabah, and seemed to know what it was like to be poor. If anyone could stand by her side and make a just kingdom it was him.

"I wish… for Aladdin and I to have our own kingdom to rule over. Where I can be as free as I want… and make sure my people are never wanting. A paradise… on this island! Not back in the desert where everyone is apparently fighting for scraps and dismembering those who dare to feed the impoverished. I want a just land of plenty!" She put her hands on her hips, standing tall as she looked expectedly up at the djinn.

"Wait, I know nothing about being a sultan!" Aladdin tried to deny, holding up his hands. He had been hoping for a date with that pretty girl from the market, not to end up as sultan.

"I can do the complicated political nonsense parts of it. I need you to be beside me…" she flushed, recalling how well they seemed to bond in their short time in the city together. "I need you to guide me in ruling a Kingdom without hunger or poverty!"

"I don't know…"

"We can do this together Aladdin. You were lamenting all the hungry people… and how being poor makes you feel trapped. Together we can rule a kingdom where people are happy." Aladdin opened his mouth and closed it, looking up at the djinn.

"is that even possible?"

"You aren't killing anyone, or bringing back the dead… or forcing love. Well, if you want some utopia that's all on you, gotta make your people fall in love with you, I can't help you there."

"We can do that part"

"Showtime!" Genie rolled up his sleeves, cracked his knuckles, and rolled his head to crack his neck. He reached out to make a grand gesture with his hands, but simply snapped. Aladdin and Jasmine found themselves standing on the balcony of a palace. It was grander than any home Aladdin could have ever dreamed of, and it was far more modest than the palace Jasmine had lived in. And she couldn't be happier. She didn't want a grand sprawling palace. She knew the power of images, and needed a place to rule from that was grand, but not ostentatious. Large enough to show her station, but modest enough not to enrage the people.

"Now, for those clothes…" Jasmine gestured at Aladdin, "If you're going to be beside me ruling this Kingdom together, you should look the part." Genie once again snapped his fingers and was suddenly in pants, a shirt, and vest. A measuring thread was around his neck, pins poking out from his lips. He held his hands up in a flamboyant gesture,

"What do we have to worth with. Ugh, this is so last century we need modern chic!" he declared. He gave the vest a hard yank, tearing it off of Aladdin's form and rather than find himself shirtless Aladdin looked down to find himself in an elaborate cream and gold suit that would make any sultan enraged with jealousy.

"He looks like every suitor I've ever had." She sighed. Genie snapped his fingers and the garment fit slightly looser, the had replaced with a simple neat hairstyle. The suit was blue with grey trims, and Jasmine's brows shot up at seeing the odd looking suit. And thought it was devilishly handsome. "Much better. You ready to do this together?" she asked the still confused Aladdin.

"I'm ready to try." He smiled.

"I'm ready to succeed."

I feel like I did Jasmine NO justice here... I did honestly try. This took me 10 hours to belt out, so you can't say I didn't put effort in. I do hope it was still enjoyable!