A/N: Faberry lovin' there is a g!p so if you are no into that kind of thing then do not read this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or its character, trust when I say you would know if I did.

All mistakes are mine.

The blonde beauty stepped out of the elevator, her stilettos clicking on the floor as she made her way out of the building and into the cold air of New York City. Shane, her driver was leaning against the door of said blonde's car waiting for her arrival. When he caught sight of her he quickly straightened up and opened the car door.

"It's fine Shane, I actually meant to call you. Go ahead and head home to your family. I'm going to take a walk."

"Are you sure Miss Fabray? It's rather chilly out tonight."

"I'm sure Shane," she smiled reassuringly. "I have a coat and scarf. I'll be fine. Go home, and don't worry about tomorrow either. Spend time with your family. I'll see you Monday."

"Thank you Miss Fabray."

Quinn nodded and smiled before proceeding down the block paying no attention to the surrounding world. It had been a rough day for Quinn…actually it had been a rough week. The law firm was being sued because one of their clients were unhappy with a settlement they received, and on top of all of that somehow two thirds of the firms major clients managed to get them self into some type of legal trouble in the past week. Quinn really needed a drink. Once this realization dawned on her she made a detour and headed to a restaurant she frequented.

"Miss Fabray, what a pleasure it is to see you again," a man dressed in a black and white suit took Quinn coat. "Can I get you a table?"

"No, the bar will be fine, thank you." Before the man could speak another word Quinn shuffled through the light crowd to make her way to the bar stopping half way there to gaze at the petite brunette singing on stage. Quinn felt a slight stirring below her waist and forced herself to look away and proceed to the bar. But once Quinn took her seat her eyes immediately locked back on the stage behind her to watch the singing beauty. She was so indulged in the angelic voice that she hadn't noticed the bartender asking for her order.

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

"Yes?" Quinn turned around after the third time the bartender asked.

"What can I get you?"

"Whiskey neat, please," the man nodded and grabbed the bottle and shot glass from behind him, then poured a shot for Quinn before proceeding to take other orders.

"Well you did always have a preference for straight liquor."

Quinn recognized the voice immediately, and decide to take the whiskey down in one swing before acknowledging it. "Harmony," Quinn turned, allowing hazel eyes to lock with blue. "What brings you here?"

"Oh you know," she took a seat on the stool beside Quinn, "Just needed a break."

"Huh, well I'm not too surprised, with how well your firm is doing and all."

"I wouldn't be having that problem if you had just made me partner like I asked."

"No one told you to leave Harmony; that was all your own doing."

"You gave me no other choice."

"Yes I did."

"What? To wait? To climb myself up a latter of people we both knew I was better than."

Quinn shrugged in her response to Harmony's questioning while gaining the bartender's attention and motioning she wanted a refill. "A little hard work for something you want never hurt anyone Harmony." Quinn looked over when she heard the music stop to see the woman exiting the stage, it made her heart sink a little. She enjoyed the powerful voice that the small body was able to project.

"Says the woman who inherited everything from her father."

Quinn was about to take in some of the newly poured whiskey when she stopped to scowl at Harmony. "Low blow Harmony. I have worked harder that anyone at that firm." Quinn spoke through clenched teeth. Her anger starting to show. "My father did not just hand it over to me."

Harmony knew this was always hot button topic for Quinn, anything that involved her father usually was. Which is exactly why she enjoyed bringing it up. Harmony enjoyed seeing Quinn angry; it tended to turn her on a bit. "I know Quinn. I'm sorry."

Quinn noticed as Harmony bit down on her lip, she scoffed, "You honestly can't help yourself can you?"

"I'm sorry, it's just so…mmm."

Quinn ignored Harmony's blunt moan and took in more of her whiskey, sadly her little friend couldn't ignore it as well as her mind. So she chose to distract herself looking for the brunette. Something about her had intrigued Quinn since she entered the restaurant. Whether it was her voice or just the genuine warmth that seemed to radiate from her, Quinn wasn't sure, but she wanted to know more about her, to be near her.

"Looking for someone?" Harmony questioned, following Quinn's gaze.

Quinn finally caught sight of the brunette in crowd and the smile that had wanted to form switch into a stern scowl. "No," Quinn finished her drink and stood to make her way through the crowd. "Rodger," she spoke once she reached her destination.

A man who was a good five or so inches taller than Quinn with short brown hair was holding on to the young brunette that had gained Quinn's attention by the arm. "Miss Fabray, what can I do for you?"

"Well I saw you from over there, by the bar, and was just wondering how you're kids were doing." Quinn answered, her eyes never straying from the other girls. She could see the odd combination of annoyance and fear on the girl's face.

"I wouldn't know… you took them from me."

"Ah, yes that's right. Why did I do that again?"

"I don't know. Because you're bitch was always my guess."

"Only to you," Quinn shot back.

"What do you want Fabray." Quinn pointed at the girl. Rodger looked over at her, shrugged,then pushed her toward Quinn. Who steadied her so that she wouldn't fall."Happy?"

"Anything that involves you Rodger is incapable of making anyone happy."

"Screw you."

"You're not my type." And on that note Quinn ushered the young girl out of the crowd. Once a good distance had been put between the two and Rodger Quinn slowed her pace and introduced herself to the brunette."I'm Quinn. Quinn Fabray."

"Rachel Berry."

"It's a pleasure Miss Berry," Quinn bowed her head slightly. She wasn't sure what had sparked this part of her, but she wasn't complaining. Especially not with the little blush gracing Rachel Berry's cheeks.

"Do you know what time it is?"

Quinn checked her phone, "Eight forty five."

"Oh, no. I have to go. I'm so sorry. Thank you for everything." Before Quinn could object Rachel was hurrying towards the door. She chased after her, but by the time Quinn reached outside Rachel was already in a cab that was driving off.

"Miss Berry wait! Miss Berry!" A man came out of the restaurant after Quinn. Watching the same cab as her.

"What is it?" Quinn turned to the man holding a small clutch, who was ironically the same man who had taken her coat earlier.

"I'm afraid Miss Berry forgot her purse," he said examining the small clutch, unsure of what to do with it.

"Put it in my coat. I'll return it to her."

"Are you sure Miss Fabray, we can hold on to it until she returns for it."

"That won't be necessary. Place it in my coat pocket, and please have my coat ready in five minutes."

"Yes ma'am."

Quinn returned to the bar where Harmony still sat, sipping on a glass of wine. "Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Quinn questioned once she reached her.

"I don't know; being next you always seemed like the right place." Quinn smirked and got the bartender's attention for another shot. He filled her glass and she downed it. "How long am I going to have to wait Fabray?"

"For what?" Quinn questioned as if not knowing what Harmony was referring to.

"I want you," Harmony whispered in Quinn's ear, her voice was low and husky, making Quinn's friend twitch as it began to rise to attention.

"It's nice to want things Harmony."

"I get what I want Fabray. You know that better than anyone."

"Shit! Quinn yes! Yes! Yes!" Quinn pounded into Harmony harder and faster with each moan Harmony released. They were currently in the middle of Harmony's living room with Harmony's legs wrapped around Quinn's waist and her back against the wall. "Deeper Quinn! Deeper!" .

"I can't damn it!" Quinn growled while biting Harmony's neck who let out a loud moan, loving the feeling of Quinn's tongue over the area that would surely be bruising. Quinn picked Harmony up and carried her inside Harmony's bedroom.

"Ugh yes!"

"Fuck Harm! You feel so good! God I missed this! FUCK!"

Quinn and Harmony's grunts, screams and moans could be heard throughout the entire loft as they defiled each other in every way. The two went for hours on end until finally collapsing beside one another, heavy breathing, that only even out when the two fell asleep.

Quinn woke a few hours later, Harmony still fast asleep. She slipped out of bed, and made her way into the bathroom to take a leak then into the kitchen to find milk and cereal. Quinn hadn't even bothered to grab a robe or anything to cover herself. As she passed through the living room, naked, on her way to the kitchen Quinn saw her coat on the floor, where it had been discarded in Harmony's attempt to strip her of all clothing. When she picked up her coat to place it somewhere that wasn't the floor when she realized it was heavier than usual. She dug into the pocket and pulled out the familiar clutch. It was a simple clutch, sparkling with silver sequins. Quinn felt herself smile as she opened it and pulled out the driver's license. Rachel Barbra Berry 1438 Brooklyn New York 5'2 brown hair, brown eyes, Quinn scoffed at the description of the brunette. She found it to be extremely incorrect. Brown hair should have been silky dark chestnut, and brown eyes should without a doubt have been more along the lines of deep dark chocolate… Quinn hadn't noticed how much she had observed the girl it the small amount of time she has spent with her until now.

She reached into her second coat pocket and pulled out her phone, she hit speed dial two and waited for answer.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Rachel Barbra Berry 1438 Brooklyn, I need you to find out if she works during the day, and if so where."

"Alright. I'll send you the info tomorrow."

"Thank you."


Quinn hung up her phone, and put it back in its pocket. She looked around for second examining her surroundings. She knew coming here had been a mistake, but somehow Harmony always knew how to get in her pants, and it wasn't like the sex wasn't always good because it was.

Instead of grabbing a bowl of cereal and sitting down to watch Family Guy like she had planned on doing Quinn chose to get dressed and make herself scarce. Luckily Harmony had stripped her of all her clothing before they made it to the bedroom, so Quinn wouldn't have to worry about waking Harmony as she reclothed herself.

Quinn was out of the house and in a can in less than five minutes. On the cab ride back to her own home Quinn couldn't help but let her mind wander to one Miss Rachel Barbra Berry.

Well there it is. The first chapter in faberry land. I'm not sure how long this will be. I'm just going with the flow. Please do review, they tend to help me write because I like knowing what you guys think.