A/N- Welcome Merthian shippers or curious followers! Here are my oneshots on Merthian. They will follow a general line, but not a strict plot. Just sit back and enjoy the love.

"Welcome back to Camelot, Princess Mithian," Arthur greeted. His former fiancé had agreed to visit Camelot for a week; it had only been a year since he had broken off their engagement, but Mithian held no resentment toward the young king.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, my lord." As she curtsied, Arthur couldn't be help but be struck yet again at how beautiful she was. She was going to make a man very happy someday, just not him.

"The queen's handmaiden, Felicia, will be escorting you to your chambers." The young girl stepped forward, smiling.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness," she greeted, dipping her head in respect.

"All the same to you."

As Arthur led them up the courtyard stairs, Mithian asked, "Where is the queen?"

"She and some of the knights went on a ride this afternoon. They will be joining us for dinner, though."

"That sounds lovely," Mithian replied, forcing a smile. While she and Arthur were on good terms, she had yet to meet the woman who had so captured this man's heart. The princess didn't resent Gwen, she only hoped they could both forgive the other for their parts in winning Arthur's heart.

The banquet hall was already crowded and noisy by the time Mithian entered, though a hush overcame the room when the young beauty walked to her seat next to Arthur.

All the men rose from their chairs until she was seated before following suit. Arthur remained standing and announced, "We welcome Princess Mithian as our honored guest here in Camelot. She and her father have proven to be loyal allies and our kingdoms can only prosper from our allegiance. To Princess Mtihian," he finished, raising his glass in the air.

"To Princess Mithian," the room echoed back, before drinking from their goblets. As the king took his seat, the room commenced talking.

"So how do you like Camelot so far?" Mithian turned to find Gwen smiling at her from beside Arthur. She took in the queen's apparent attempt at friendship and smiled back.

"It's lovely. Though I must say I like it in spring better."

"Oh, why so?"

"There's just something about the way the flowers are all in bloom that add to the beauty of the city. At home, for instance, we grow blue and gold flowers to match our own citadel."

"Do you help with the flowers?"

"Occasionally." Mithian's smile grew; Guinevere was turning out to be a lovely person.

"I used to grow flowers all the time, though I haven't had much time as of late. We should start a garden while you're here. Have some girl time."

"I'd like that."

While the two women talked, Arthur smiled. He was overjoyed the two were getting along so well, but after a few minutes of nonstop talking about flowers and dresses, he couldn't help but grow bored.

Women, he thought, rolling his eyes.

Later Mithian was brushing her hair before bed, reflecting on the evening. Throughout the night she had been watching Gwen and Arthur closely for signs of their love. She didn't know what she had been expecting, but it certainly what they had shown. Most nobles kept their personal affairs, even love, completely out of the public eye. But the couple appeared to have no qualms with holding hands for the entire evening or with Arthur kissing his queen's hand when she was in the middle of speaking to a servant.

The princess understood now why Arthur's servant had been so against her trying to marry Arthur a year ago. It would have been devastating to throw away a love as true as theirs.

At the thought of Merlin, she paused in her brushing. That was a man she needed to apologize to. He had only been trying to help his friend, after all, and she really couldn't blame him for it, no matter how much the broken engagement had hurt her.

Tomorrow, she decided, tomorrow I'll speak with him.

Merlin too was feeling the weight of the way he had treated the princess. Seeing her there tonight without the thought that she was the reason Arthur and Gwen weren't together put a new perspective on his views on her. She was delightful company: witty, a good sense of humor, and intelligent.

When he remembered how awfully cold and rude he'd been to her last time, he couldn't help but feel guilt settle like a weight in the bottom of his stomach. Luckily, Arthur had scheduled a hunt for them to entertain the guest of Camelot. It would be the perfect excuse to apologize to her.

When Merlin entered the courtyard with horses for himself and Arthur, he spotted the princess making her way down the stairs.

"Here," he said, thrusting the reigns of Arthur's horse to the king.

"Where are you going?"

Merlin looked back at his friend. "I've got to, I mean-" and then he turned and continued walking as if stuttering nonsense was an answer. He very well couldn't tell Arthur that he was apologizing; it would be too embarrassing.

"Mithian," he called out, grabbing her attention before he walked up beside her, " I'm sorry for the way I acted last-"

Mithian held up her hand for Merlin to stop. "It's fine, Merlin. I now understand the love you were trying to preserve. Arthur and Gwen seem truly happy together." They both turned to look at the couple waiting in the courtyard; Arthur was helping Gwen into her saddle, kissing her hand before mounting his own horse.

When Merlin and Mithian looked back something strange happened: their eyes met. Eyes full of longing to find a love, and maybe eyes full of longing for each other.

"Will you be accompanying us on the hunt Merlin?" Mithian questioned curiously, a smile coming unbidden to her lips.

"Of course."

"Hmmm," she nodded, "Interesting. Then I will see you there."

"Indeed you will."

"Let's ride out!" Arthur called. "Merlin, you're up here with me!"

As the group ventured out, the king and servant took the lead, with the princess and queen close behind. Gwen could hardly keep the knowing smile off her face when she saw Merlin continually looking back and Mithian continually looking forward.

It was obvious enough to Gwen that the pair was smitten with each other; she herself had done enough of her fair share of longing looks over the years. She only hoped they knew what they were getting into. While she and Arthur had worked it, it had not been an easy journey to get there. It still wasn't easy. Many noblemen still disapproved of the choice, even if they were less vocal about it now.

When the entourage finally arrived at Arthur's favorite hunting spot, Merlin quickly dismounted and helped Mithian to do the same. Arthur too helped Gwen off her saddle before unloading the hunting equipment they had brought along.

"Merlin, would you hand me that bow as well as a quiver of arrows?" Mithian requested.

"Right away, my lady." Merlin quickly grabbed the items she had asked for and hurried over to her side.

"Tell me Merlin, are you any good at shooting?"

He smiled sheepishly, "I can't say that I am."

Mithian smiled back. "That's alright. Here, let me show you." The two walked off into the woods, conversing in whispers.

"That is ridiculous," Arthur commented to his wife as they watched Mithian teach Merlin how to properly shoot a bow and arrow. Her hands placed his correctly and helped him pull his arm back far enough to get tension in the bow. "I've been trying to teach Merlin that for years! And now he's taking- What?" Gwen's giggles interrupted Arthur's tirade.

"You also haven't been a beautiful girl in that amount of time, Arthur."

"What? You think… No! He hates her!"

Gwen shook her head. "Not anymore. He was just protecting me, protecting us." She reached out and grasped his hand.

"So you think they're in love?"

"No, not yet," Gwen smiled and continued," but maybe they will be. Someday."

As if on cue, Mithian's laugh broke through the forest at Merlin's pitiful attempt to shoot a tree ten feet away. At first Merlin blushed, but then laughed along with her. Maybe Gwen was right; maybe they could be together.

