He didn't like how fond he was growing of her. Out of the four women he was stuck with, the most unlikely to catch his attention was the one who had.

A princess who was unused to the rough life that had followed the curse. She was adjusting, but obviously she wasn't made for a rough life.

At first he thought she was shy. Out of the group of women she talked the least, but it wasn't timidity Aurora wasn't a timid person, he had learned. She was quiet because she was observing. Studying rather than teaching. She would be quite good at chess he had once thought briefly.

One night when he couldn't sleep and she had wandered her way into his thoughts he had wondered how she was still alive. No survival or fighting skills, the only thing she had, it seemed to him, that might be the reason of her survival was her friendship with Mulan. However, as he had gotten to know her, Hook realized her survival was based on her mind.

Life was the ultimate strategy game. One power play after the other to get what you wanted. When things turn rough and the only wants are things absolutely needed it seems that the physically strong have the greatest advantage. He knew the falseness that statement held.

True, he was a great fighter, but Hook hand clawed his way to the top with his mind, not his sword And he had no doubt that if Aurora hadn't been born a princess, she would have ended the game one. Simply because she knew how to play.

Also because of her stubbornness As he had gotten to know her it didn't take long to figure out how stubborn she was. Once she had slipped, fell on a thorn bush and bloodied up her leg. They did what they could to clean it, but it obviously was still very painful.

The group had offered to camp their for the night and let her have a bit of time to heal and rest. But did she let them? Of course not. They'd insisted and told her it was okay, they had come far enough for the day, but she would have none of it.

He guessed that's when she first caught his attention.

Hook had watched her more closely after that. She had become a puzzle that he wanted to figure out. What piece was she in chess? Not a knight but he didn't think she was a pawn either like he had originally guessed.

As he watched, he noticed a lot more than he intended to. Her smile at the birds that flew by them sometimes, the calculating look hidden just behind her eyes, the way her hair whisped around her when the wind blew. It was too much. Too much for him to look at. Too much for him to look away.

The more he looked, the more he couldn't look away. And with every glance he was losing the game of chess neither of them knew they were playing.

A/N: So this will be a two shot about my favorite new OTP Sleeping Hook! Because I am a proud Beautiful Hooker and out of context that sounds weird. So look forward to the second part to be posted soon!

Thank you for reading and review please! etc, you know the shpeal