A/N: Just a preview to show what else I am working on. This a story that you can look forward to me posting in future. I haven't given up on my other stories, nor will I ever give up on them.

As of right now this is marked as complete, but this will be where the actual story is going to be posted so feel free to add it to your alerts. In fact I strongly encourage you to do so.

Also as of right now this has not been beta'd, but I will get it beta'd before I start posting chapters.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the characters or plotline in the Harry Potter books. Nor am I making money off of this or any other fanfiction story I write. Anything recognizable as belonging to something else is not mine. All I own are my ideas that have inspired me write this.

-Prologue: Befuddlement-

The third year Ravenclaw Defense of the Dark Arts class was just ending. A young blond girl walked up to the teacher and handed him her homework. When she didn't leave immediately the teacher looked at her shrewdly, one unnaturally cobalt blue eye was spinning around madly. The extremal scared scowling face, that had scared many grown and war hardened men, did nothing to phase the girl. In fact she wasn't even looking at him, just gazing dreamily at a blank spot on the wall behind the desk.

"What do you want?" he asked gruffly.

The girl merely hummed, remaining silent for a few more minutes.

He was starting to get impatient, and was almost ready to through her out of the classroom when she spoke.

"I am just turning in my assignment," she said, absently.

He gritted his teeth, "Then why are you still here?" he asked, pointedly. To any other student that would have been an immediate dismissal, and they would have fled before he had the chance. This girl in front of him, did nothing.

Just as he opened his mouth to give her a direct dismissal. She turned to stare directly into his eyes, not just his good eye, both of them. Her eyes which were usually distant and dreamy had this strange knowing look. It was only the fact that he needed to keep his cover that he hadn't been the one fleeing the room. There was just something about her that made him fear that she knew all of his deepest and darkest secrets.

Her eyes held his for a moment longer, and then she blinked. It was like a transformation one moment he could have sworn she had been staring into his soul, the next thing he knew she she was back to her dreamy almost absent appearance. She was no longer looking at him, her eyes having drifted away to stare at something on the ceiling.

He looked her over trying to understand what was going on. There was something unnatural about this girl, he'd need to pay closer attention to her in future.

As he was lost in thought the girl had started wandering towards the door. She stopped with hand on the knob. "There are enough wrackspurts in here for two people."

He stared at her, with a look of confused disbelief on his face. If anyone had came into the office right then his cover would have instantly been blown. No one would have been able to believe that he was Alastor Moody.

He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts, the girl was just insane. She had no way of knowing what he was up to. No one did. Least of all a student. Right?