I am writing the second part of this now, it will be up ASAP. They will remain 2 chapters for a little bit and then be merged. Sorry about the confusion but I just want to get this out there :)
As for last chapter's question, you'll see the answer next chapter (AKA the second part of this chapter as I explained before.) But as a hint, it IS canon. If you think about say...third year, you might get it a little easier. Someone already guessed it so see if you can too!
And *****IMPORTANT***** I will start posting when I'm updating on my tumblr so, you know, you should follow me ;P Info in my bio.
There was a girl laying there, leaking through the cloth she was held in. Soft specks of beautiful color were staining the tiles now, smeared by the lady Nurse's white shoes as she panicked about.
"Put her there," a flash of blue light swept over the bundle. Professor Snape turned suddenly, thuds of cement and plaster fell from the bundle as he moved. Harry could feel a grip on his arm, tightening to a painful level, but he couldn't blame Daphne for it. Blaise looked confused and upset, he opened his mouth to ask what was going on but Snape turned and shot the three of them a look. The curtains around Harry's bed were drawn fast and the scene was gone. Harry looked to Daphne, Daphne looked to Blaise, Blaise looked at the curtains. Slowly, Blaise turned to the others. He took Daphne's offered hand and sat.
The noise outside was a cacophony now, teachers were coming in and leaving at a rate faster than the three could keep track of. More kids were being brought in and the Professors weren't in the main bay any longer. There was a flutter in the curtains and a lanky boy fell through the makeshift wall, a pile of moving metal on top of him. In the frenzy of movement Harry managed to reach over and pull a piece of the metal out, but despite the armored leg he now held he now held the movement didn't stop. The suit of armor continued to quietly thrum until a black smoke poured out. A young Ravenclaw boy screamed. The smoke rose into the air, an ever-changing mass, but didn't dissipate. Daphne watched as it levitated to the ceiling. It just sat there. The screaming continued below. A Griffindor cast a bombardment of flames at the cloud.
The room was on fire now.
"We need to get out," Daphne said, her voice held a trace of a tremble- Blaise didn't say anything. He just nodded and grabbed Harry. Daphne pointedly ignored the tremble in his arms. Neither had to ignore a tremble in Harry, he only had a look of interest on his face as he looked about the chaos.
Harry looked at the people, they were scattered about the room. There weren't all injured though, only about 15 of them were. The rest looked only haunted, or fierce in protecting their friends. A jostle startled Harry, and from his position on Blaise's back he could see both Daphne and Blaise pushing viciously through the cracks in the crowd moving away from the fire.
It came to the point where Daphne, Blaise, and Harry had gotten near the front of the pack. There was a problem. The large wooden door which led to the outside hallway had a bar across it, and though several older students were pushing against it, the bar was not budging. The fire was spreading behind them, curtains catching and spreading to the beds. Harry saw a couple people attempting spells but fire extinguishing wasn't exactly a subject covered in Charms class and high stress situations were detrimental to spell accuracy.
There was a pop and a hiss, Daphne turned her head. Harry watched in almost slow motion as she spun, wide eyed, and dragged both Blaise and him to the ground. Harry turned his head fast enough to see the flames engulfing one of the many potions cabinets in the wing.
Windows shattered. Scream, crack, weeping, rip. A tiny body was shivering between the three Slytherins- their blue stripped tie was wretched and undone, their hair knotted and half out of its pigtails. Blaise reached put and put a hand around the the girl. She melted into the other, letting out soft hics evey so often. A hand patted her hair kindly and she let out I whimper, "I don't think I like magic anymore."
The fires raged on, and that's when the thumps came from from the door, and a smell like rotten eggs entered Harry's nose. The tiny Ravenclaw whimpered again.
So, you know the deal with this right? Review what this is so far pleaaaase. Pretty please with a chance of your favorite character getting out of this alive on top. Also- If/when you review I'd really really really appreciate it if you told me what you think of my writing. Legitimate writing I mean. Would you read a story made by me if I got it published? If I wrote a book?
Thanks, also- important information at the top of this page.