A/N: I had a friend request that I write a story based on "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne. If you're not familiar with it check it out. Except using Hermione falling for Draco's mom. So that's what this is. There is some Hermione/Draco in the beginning, but Narcissa/Hermione is endgame.

8 o'clock on the dot Hermione arrived in Shaklebolt's office. She was there to talk about a new position opening in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. Hermione was excited about the new opportunity. She was excited to use her brain for a better cause. She had one of the best N.E.W.T scores in the history of the test and she was ready to prove herself outside of the Golden Trio. Hermione had no idea what position they would be offering her but she would be willing to take almost anything.

The Ministry had recognized her talents and had asked her to come in to talk about a job. Shacklebolt had watched her when they were both members of the Order and he had noticed how she was always cleaning up the messes that Harry and Ron seemed to create. In the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes she would be heading up the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad division and help the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee when they needed her.

Hermione was startled from her thoughts when the loud boom of the Minister's voice hit her ears. He had been calling her name. A warm smile spread across her face as she got up to meet her old friend. He wrapped her in a tight embrace before leading her into his large office. His office was large but cozy. Hermione took the seat opposite Kingsley's desk and waited for him to start.

After an hour Hermione walked out the meeting more excited then ever about her new position. "I'll see you Monday," Shaklebolt called after her.

Hermione smiled, "I'll see you then."

Hermione used one of the floo's and went back to her apartment. Her apartment was on the east side of muggle london. She had decided it would be a good place to settle after the war. It wasn't likely that she would be recognized or get harassed in a muggle neighborhood, and so far she was right.

Hermione's apartment was spacious due to some undetectable extension charms. It was filled with gold oversized furniture and the walls were crimson. Book shelves adorned almost every wall. So far Hermione had read about half of the books on the shelves. It was her goal to read all of them.

The windows were huge and looked down on the streets of London. Hermione loved settling down in front of one of the windows with hot chocolate and a book. She would switch between reading and people watching. It was her favorite thing to do in her down time. Hermione had broken up with Ron after the war and found that she had a lot more free time.

After the war she had remained friends with all the Weasly's even Ron. Although she found that she needed someone who was more on her level intellectually she found that she still enjoyed hanging out with him. She still talked to Harry every week to. He was getting ready to marry Ginny and she couldn't have been happier for the couple. Hermione had no one special in her life. She was still waiting for the world to settle down after the war and wasn't going to actively seek anyone until her life went back to normal.

Hermione walked to her closet and looked through her clothes. She was throughly disappointed with what she saw. It was becoming apparent that sweat pants and old shirts wouldn't cut it for her new job with the ministry. That settled it. She would have to go shopping for a new wardrobe immediately.

Hermione walked over to the floo and called up Ginny. Moments later her face appeared in the fire place.

"Would you like to come shopping with me. I need clothes for my new job," the brunette knew that Ginny would be more than happy to go with her. Ginny's favorite thing to do was buy things. Hermione knew that her friend would pick out a ton of outfits for her and Hermione wouldn't have to put much effort into it at all. The less effort the better Hermione thought.

Ginny squealed. It was an obvious yes. "Let me get freshened up and I'll be right over."

Hermione rolled her eyes as Ginny's face disappeared from view. She took a seat on the couch and waited for her friend. After thirty minutes the flames in Hermione's fire placed roared green and out stepped her red headed best friend. Hermione jumped up from her seat to greet the girl. The two shared pleasantries before leaving for the local botiques.

It had been hours since they had started shopping. Hermione was exhausted and was ready to go home but from the look on Ginny's face they weren't close to leaving. Hermione had been dragged into more stores than she could count. She had purchased enough outfits to last her a year without ever wearing the same one twice. They were quickly approaching the wizarding side of London. Hermione tried to avoid this section. Every time she was there it seemed like people would come up to her and ask her about the war. Or they would ask her what it was like to be part of the Golden Trio and then ask for her autograph. Hermione wasn't taking well to her new found fame unlike Harry and Ron.

Ginny pushed her forward and Hermione found her self on the side of town she was least looking forward to. They went in and out of many of the shops picking up odd and ends. Ginny had bought a small gift for Harry in one of the quidditch shops.

"I need a break," Hermione whined.

Ginny rolled her eyes but she knew that Hermione would pout until she got her way. The red head grabbed her friends arm and led her straight to the nearest bookstore. Hermione wasn't paying any attention to where they were headed all she could think about was how happy she was to take a break from the endless amounts of shopping they had done.

The brunette witch felt her nose tingle as the faint smell of books entered her nostrils. She knew where they were headed and she couldn't of been happier. Her mind ran off in a million directions as she thought about all the books she wanted to purchase.

She lifted her head to mutter a 'thank you' to the man who had held the door of the store open for her. It took her a minute before she realized who it was that was holding the door open. Her face was reflecting the shock she felt in her mind as a smirk spread across Draco Malfoy's face. Hermione never thought she'd see the day when the blonde Slytherin would be thoughtful enough to hold a door open for a muggle born like herself.

"Thank you," Hermione said in a meek voice.

Malfoy nodded his head curtly but said nothing in return. Hermione couldn't tell if he knew it was her or not. She hadn't changed much since they had been in school together. Her hair was little tamer and she had grown a few inches but other than that she thought she still looked the same. Hermione quickly brushed off the incident and went in search of some things to add to her ever growing collection.

As she was standing at the check out she noticed that Draco was standing in a corner staring at her. It was unnerving and she didn't appreciate it. She quickly grabbed her items and walked for the door but the blonde wizard stepped into her path to stop her.

"Hello Miss Granger."

Hermione was taken aback. She hadn't seen him since the war and she could care less about having a conversation with him. "Hi Malfoy," she replied curtly.

"How have things been?"

Hermione forced a smile on her face and words out of her mouth. After talking to the young man for several minutes it had seemed that maybe he had grown up from his foolish ways of childhood. He no longer held his nose up in the air as if to say he was better than her. And by the fifth minute Hermione was actually enjoying the conversation.

"Would you like to grab coffee sometime?" Draco asked during a lull in their conversation.

Hermione was taken aback by the question. She honestly didn't know if she could make it through a whole cup of coffee with her former nemesis but she wasn't quick enough to come up with a reason why they shouldn't and before she knew it she was accepting his invitation.

After what seemed like hours to Ginny, they finally left the small book store. Hermione lugged out a decent stack of books under her arm. She was thrilled with the books she had bought. She quickly wanted to end their shopping excursion so she could go home and read. The two finished up and parted ways. They would be seeing each other the following evening.

Hermione arrived at her empty apartment just as the sun was setting. She quickly closed her blinds and set wards to protect her house as she did every night. She felt no imminent threat but the war had taught her that you could never be too cautious. After Hermione cast the last protection spell she made her way to the kitchen to make herself a hot cup of tea.

She settled in the over stuffed chair in her bed room and prepared to read one of the books she had bought on their shopping trip earlier that day. Hermione opened to the first page and let her eyes taken in the words. Before long she was softly snoring in an over stuffed chair. The book had fallen out of her hands and landed carelessly on the floor.

Hermione felt the stiffness in her muscles as she began to wake up. She had fallen asleep while reading like she did almost every night. She shed the clothes from the day and turned the lights off before climbing into her bed. She pulled the duvet to her chin and closed her eyes.

The next morning Hermione woke up earlier. She made herself a light breakfast that consisted of toast and coffee. After consuming the food she found her jogging shorts and set out for a run. She ran a mile every morning. It was part of her ritual. It helped her clear her head and then focus on the upcoming events of the day. Today she would be having Ron, Harry, and Ginny over for lunch.

The four of them tried to have lunch once a week at one of their respective houses. This week Hermione had offered to cook. She was excited to catch up with her friends and tell them about her new job position at the ministry. She would also be using the day to study up on her new job. She was already over qualified but in her mind she could never be too prepared.

Hermione walked straight to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. She washed off the sweat from her exercise. She washed her hair with a special shampoo she had created to help her keep the unruly locks manageable. After her shower she found some comfy clothes and decided to take inventory on the food situation.

She was throughly disappointed in what she found. She would have to make a trip to the market to pick up lunch items before her friends came over. Harry, Ginny, and Ron never expected much from Hermione's cooking. She could brew the most complicated potions but would somehow manage to burn water. Harry, Ron, and Ginny usually ate a light snack before they went to Hermione's to eat, just incase the food was inedible.

Hermione arrived home moments before her friends were due to arrive. She quickly ran to change her clothes then started pulling out things to cook for lunch. She was turning the oven on when she heard her front door open. She quickly wiped her hands on her apron and went to greet her company.

A smile spread across Hermione's face as Ginny and Harry walked into her flat holding hands. She flung her arms around the red heads neck and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before greeting Harry.

A few moments later Ron stepped out the fire place. The friends caught up as Hermione finished making dinner. She told them the news about her job and they all seemed genuinely happy for her. They all seemed to think the job was fitting for her. As the retired to the living room for after dinner drinks Ginny decided to push some fun at her friend.

"Guess who we ran into yesterday while shopping?"

"Who," Ron asked.

"Draco Malfoy," Ginny said with a pleased smile on her face.

"Really?" Harry asked surprised.

"Yes, in fact Hermione even talked to him for quite sometime."

At this point the brunette witch wished that her friend would just shut up before she told them anything else. But luck was never on her side.

"He seems to have changed a lot since the war," Hermione quickly added to save face.

"Yeah he even asked her to coffee," Ginny couldn't help but throw in.

Hermione was giving her friend a death glare while Ron's face started to burn with anger.

"Mione you can't have coffee with him. He's a complete prat," Ron complained, "You told him no, right?

"Well… I didn't exactly say no," She could see Ron's blood pressure rising so she quickly added, "I really think he's trying to be a better person. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and seeing what he wants."

After that the discussion was closed. None of them would agree on the topic so there was no point in talking about it any more.

A few hours later Hermione was seeing her friends to the door, as they left she vowed to herself that Ginny would pay for letting that little bit of information slip. She shut the door behind her guest and with a flick of her wand she sent all the dirty dishes whizzing to the sink.

The next week had went by without incident. She had started her job at the ministry and was finding it rather enjoyable. She was grateful to have something to do. After the war she had ended up with enough galleons to keep her living a decent life until she died. She took the job not for the money but because she wanted to keep busy. The first days had been training. Nothing of note had happened she mostly studied up on the workings of the department. They seemed rather unorganized and by the next day she had brought in a list of things that could help the department be more efficient.

When Hermione had arrived back to her flat on Wednesday she was greeted by an owl that seemed to be waiting her arrival. She hadn't recognized the creature so she quickly took the parchment off his leg to see who had wrote her.

Miss Granger,

I was wondering if you would accompany tomorrow night for coffee. I could meet you at the Ministry after work?

,Draco Malfoy

Hermione rolled her eyes at how formal the boy was. She quickly wrote out her confirmation and sent the tiny owl on it's way after giving it some treats.

The next day flew by and before Hermione knew what was happening it was time for her to meet Draco. She put her things in her office and headed out to meet the blonde. Just as they had planned, he was waiting for her. She appreciated the fact that he was punctual.

She grabbed his arm and he apparated them to a small alley in the muggle London. Hermione was shocked to say the least. He quickly led her to a tiny coffee shop a few blocks away.

The evening had went well. Hermione had enjoyed herself a lot more than she thought she would. They had spent more than a few hours talking about things that had happened since their Hogwarts days. Draco was working for Malfoy enterprises and seemed to be having quite a bit of success. After catching up on their present, the blonde broached the subject of their time at Hogwarts. He desperately wanted to apologizing for some of the terrible things he had done to her.

The meeting was coming to an end and Hermione had caught an undercurrent of flirtation from him through out the night. She wasn't particularly keen on having any thing but friendship with a Malfoy but she decided it might just be harmless.

"I would like to do this again sometime. I had a lovely evening, "Draco commented, "Maybe we could grab dinner next week."

Hermione agreed while making a mental note not to mention any of this to Ginny. She didn't need to give her ginger best friend any more ammo. The two former enemies said their goodbyes and formed a plan to meet the following week.

The rest of the week went by smoothly. Hermione was getting a better grip on her new job and was starting to work on things by her self more often. As friday came to a close she retired to her office to fill out paperwork before she called it quits. She quickly noticed a small bouquet of flowers sitting on her desk. She was pretty sure she knew who they were from but decided to read the card to confirm her suspicions.

Indeed they were from Draco. He was inviting her out to dinner the following evening. She sent him an owl confirming that she would be there. But as time passed by she was regretting it. She was really going to need to tell him that she only wanted a friendship with him before things got out of hand.

The following evening came too fast. Before Hermione knew it was time for Draco to pick her up for dinner. She heard the doorbell ring and rushed to answer while she was putting the finishing touches on her hair with her wand.

"Hello Hermione, you look lovely this evening," Draco said in a smooth tone.

Hermione needed to pinch herself. She could hardly believe that this was the same ferret Slytherin that she had went to school with. His change in personality was unsettling for the most part. Hermione knew how to react to the old Draco but she had no idea how to react to this.

"Hello Draco. Give me just a minute I need to finish getting ready, it will only take a second."

Before Draco could respond Hermione ran off to the bathroom. She took a few deep breaths looked her self over in the mirror and walked out the door. She could try to mentally prepare all night but it was all futile when she was in such a situation.

The blonde wizard took her to a nice restaurant in downtown London. The conversation was still a bit strained but the more Hermione drank the looser she could feel herself becoming.

"Look… Hermione… I know I apologized for the things I did while we were in school, but... I need to apologize for the things I did to you during the war," Draco started after taking a large gulp of his fire whiskey. "I was a prat and I understand if you never forgive me."

"Draco I've already forgiven you but why the sudden change of heart?"

"It's a long story but I realized that I never wanted to be a death eater I was just trying to please my father. It was stupid."

Hermione took pity on him. He looked embarrassed talking about his past transgressions and she felt truly sorry for him. She had never been in such a position and she would never be able to understand all the things that Malfoy had to endure. They let the tense moment pass in silence and Draco tried to broach a much lighter subject to get the attention off of himself. "So, what ever became of you and Ron?"

Hermione had to place her hand over her mouth so she wouldn't spit her wine all over the blonde. "We're not together anymore."

Draco remained silent prompting her to continue.

"We never really had anything in common. I think after the intensity, brought on by the war, ended we realized we weren't right for each other."

"All malice aside he really is an idiot."

Hermione smiled at the comment. "So are you seeing anyone?" Now it was Draco's turn to be in the hot seat.

"No. My parents offered me an arranged marriage but I thought I would like to try to do this on my own. You see how well it worked out for them."

Hermione nodded her head at this information. She couldn't imagine being forced to marry someone, especially if she didn't like them.

Draco continued, "I've dated a few girls. As it turns out pure-bloods just aren't that smart. Most of them have been raised to be house wives."

Hermione was genuinely surprised by this information. She had no idea that such archaic ideas still existed, but she had never been include in pure-blood society so she had no point of reference for this new information. She made a mental note to study up on pure-blood customs so she could relate to the blonde better.

Draco quickly changed the subject to something less personal, "I was wondering if you would care to attend a holiday party as my guest?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "When is it?"

"It's next weekend. My family throws an annual holiday party. Well really my mother is the one that cares about it. My father mostly just goes along with it. We must keep up appearances you know." Draco said the last sentence in a tone of voice that Hermione imagined his parents had used with him since he was a small child. She couldn't help but grin at his antics.

"I don't know if I will fit in there. And I won't really know anyone."

"Nonsense. You'll know me. You'll also be our token Muggle. We pure-bloods need to do a good deed every now and then." Draco said with an impish smile.

Hermione took his joke in the light hearted manner it was intended, "But you'll have to be off entertaining your guest. I can't expect you to stick by my side the whole time."

"You could bring the rest of the Golden Trio. I'm sure my father and his sycophants would get a kick out of having the boy who won't die in his house," her said in jest.

"You're really pushing it you know."

"I know," the blonde said with a grin plastered on his face, "Honestly these things are boring, stuffy, and no one would dare speak out of turn to you. I just want to have a friend there."

Hermione was touched that he had called her his friends. They had come a long way since their schools days. She reluctantly agreed to make an appearance as long as she could bring a few others along and if she could ditch out as soon as she started to feel uncomfortable. Now all she had to do was find some friends to tag along with her. That task was going to be easier said then done.

Monday morning Hermione arrived at her office. Her desk full of files that needed tending to but all she could think about was who to invite to the party. She knew Ron would be out. There was no way he could control his temper. She also briefly considered the twins. She knew that they would be a guaranteed good time but she didn't want to risk any bodily harm to the stuffy pure-bloods. After much deliberation she decided on Harry, Ginny, and Luna. She quickly pulled out her parchment and requested them in her office for lunch.

Luna had shown up half hour early. Hermione had always been entranced by her whimsical ways. The brunette didn't know what it was about the blonde but she truly enjoyed being in the girls company and she admired her ability to make light of every situation. As always Ginny showed up a few minutes early with Harry in tow.

"What's going on Mione," Harry asked.

"I have a request. Draco has asked me to his family's holiday party and I was wondering if you three would accompany me."

"It would be my pleasure," Luna quickly answered.

"You're kidding," Harry shouted.

"I don't think she is, " Hermione was grateful to Luna for fielding that question.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Concern was evident on Ginny's face.

"Honestly, probably not. But Draco seems to be putting forth serious effort to make amends and I have to admit I'm slightly curious to see what goes on at a Malfoy get together. "

"Curiosity killed that cat, but of course we will have your back." Hermione was grateful that Harry seemed to be on board.

"What about you Ginny?"

"Why not. Maybe I can manage to spit in Lucius's drink."

The whole room shared a laugh and Hermione made a mental note to watch her ginger friend like a hawk.

Hermione's anticipation was growing as the party drew nearer. She had met up with Draco twice in the past week. Once to go over what she should wear. The second time was to discuss proper etiquette so she wouldn't make a fool of her self. She was enjoying the blonde wizards company and it seemed that they were becoming fast and familiar friends. The awkward tension that had been between them during the first meeting was now replaced with easy conversations.

As Saturday approached Hermione had gotten ready hours before she needed to. Her nerves were a wreck and she couldn't calm down. She was beginning to question why she had thought this would ever be a good idea. At some point it had occurred to her that all of her friends were pure-bloods. It would have been in her best interest to at least invite one other muggle born. She was considering sending Draco an owl informing him that she had come down with some sort of terrible Muggle illness and she would be unable to make it. But with her luck he would show up and try to cure her. Just as she turned to make another lap of pacing around her place she heard an owl at her window.

Hermione immediately recognized the the bird as Draco's personal Owl and she quickly untied the package that was attached to it. She opened it and noticed a small vial containing an opaque liquid. She unfolded the note and smiled at how thoughtful Draco could be.


Despite the fact that there is nothing to be nervous about I know that you will be biting your nails to the quick. I included a calming draught. Consume it, calm down, and I will see you in a few hours.


Hermione did as the note instructed. Within moments she could feel the tension leave her body. She decided that she would use the extra time to read one of the books she had yet to finish.

A few hours later Ginny, Harry, and Luna were standing in Hermione's living room. The group was impeccably dressed and they were ready for a party. After a short discussion it was decide that Hermione would floo over first. She grabbed a handful of the powder and clearly stated Malfoy Manor.

A few seconds after Hermione had arrived her friends were stepping out of the fireplace. She was relieved that they had all arrived. The few seconds she was on her own were terrifying. Hermione had managed to convince herself that her friends would ditch her. She then worried that she would make a tragic social faux pas that would require her to be locked away in the dungeon and her friends wouldn't be there to save her. The brunette's mind could really get away from her sometimes. Before she could come up with any more terrible scenarios Draco sidled up to her and handed her a glass of what she could only imagine was alcohol.

"Drink up. I put some more calming draught in it."

Hermione took the glass to her lips and swallowed it in large gulps.

Draco rested a hand on her shoulder, "Slow down champ otherwise you well end up being a very calm drunk."

Hermione let out a nervous laugh. Meanwhile Draco stuck out his hand and offered it to Harry, "I'm glad you could make it Mister Potter."

Harry was reluctant to accept the gesture but he didn't want to appear rude and Hermione had said that Draco had changed. Maybe they could use a new start. "Hello Mister Malfoy, please just call me Harry."

Draco then turned to his other guest and greeted them in a similar manner. It was obvious that Ginny had tensed up while shaking their former enemies hand. On the other end of the spectrum there was Luna. "Please relax Draco, Harry isn't going to hex you." Hermione hadn't been more grateful for the airy witches presence. However Hermione didn't always appreciate her way of bringing up more uncomfortable topics no matter how relevant they might be.

Draco formed his lips in a tight smile and Hermione realized it had come down to her to make small talk between the unlikely group. She decided that talking about Harry's job as an Auror might interest the blonde wizard. She was right and the boys started talking shop. Draco even asked if they managed to catch most of the remaining death eaters. Everyone tensed at the subject but Hermione could tell there was no animosity in Draco's voice, he genuinely wanted to rid the world of them.

To Hermione's relief the rest of the night was going smoothly. Draco seemed to be loosening up. He asked Luna what she had been doing and he inquired how the rest of her family was fairing. The brunette haired witched was glad to note that none of the pure-bloods had tried to hex her. A few had come up to greet her, make pleasantries, inquire about her job in the ministry. But for the most part they left her alone. Draco would leave her side every now and then to go make nice with some official looking members of wizarding society. When he would return he would explain how this one was the head of this company or how that one was a figure head in a department. Hermione found most of the information dull but she stored it away incase she would ever need it in the future.

After a few hours Harry and Ginny had ditched Hermione's side to go and talk with a few other Auror's and their wives. Thankfully Luna had never strayed from her. Out of the corner of her eye, Hermione could see Draco approaching. He was obscuring her view of the two people that were following close behind him. He reached out and rested his hand on her shoulder. "Hermione I would like to formerly introduce to mister and misses Malfoy."

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think. If it's worth continuing.