A/N: Next few chapts will take longer to update since I'll be much busier, esp with writer's block after this chapt. I'm still deciding what's going to happen next and where it will take place, so please be patient with me. Til then! :)


"It's not a question."

"I said no."

"We say yes!"

Fred pushed the piece of clothing to Draco. "Go on. Put it on."

"Why can't I just dress normally?" Draco snarled, pushing the clothing back to him. "This! Is! Ridiculous!"

"I've told you, the girl who's after me wouldn't stop unless you show that you're much better than her." Fred forced the clothing back to the reluctant Draco. "You've to prove your worth even when you don't have any. Starting from your dressing."

"I refuse!"

"You can't."

"Why must I wear this..thing!" He eyed the piece in disgust. "This.. so low.. so high! And the colour!"

"Just, go in." Fred forced Draco into the changing room.

Grumbling throughout, Draco changed and stared at the mirror. He could hardly recognize himself now. Fred Weasley had changed his hair by using the Colovaria spell to prevent anyone from recognizing him, so now, he had dark red curls which were pulled back half up half down by a simple hair tie. The twins had dragged him early in the morning to various shops in Hogsmeade to try on god-forbidden dresses.

"This dress was made for you." Said the mirror.

"Shut up." Draco bit back. This dress was absolutely horrid! How could a woman bear to wear this.. thing! The top was like a river flowing downstream! And the ruffled bottom was slightly flared out and stopped high at the thighs! The worst was the maroon colour painted on that short-sleeved dress. This was surely done to make fun of him!

As if there was something dangerous lurking behind the curtains, he warily gripped it tightly and slowly pulled it open. Two pairs of eyes immediately landed on him. He covered his cleavage with a hand, trying to pull the top up discretely.

"Well. Love the dress." George shifted his eyes to his twin with a smug smile. "We chose correctly, eh Fred?"

"Yes we did." Fred answered, not taking his eyes off the dress and the overall look on Draco. He pointed to a pair of black flats. "Wear those and you're set to go."

Draco grumbled, taking off his manly shoes to slip into something he never dreamt of wearing. At least it was flats, not heels.

"10 galleons, 14 sickles and 13 knuts." Fred stretched out his open palm in front of Draco.


"For the dress and shoes." George explained.

"But I didn't buy them!" Draco refused, looking angrily at them.

"You're wearing them. Not like you have a choice in that matter." Fred said, wriggling his fingers in indication. "Come on."

"You cheaters!" The blond girl-boy stuck his hand into the pocket of his previously worn pants and fetched out his pouch. "Frauds! Swindlers!" He dumped the money into the welcoming hands of Fred who counted and quickly kept them safely in his pocket.

Once outside the shop with his pants and shirt shrunk and tucked in a small pocket, Draco looked around, his hand still covering his cleavage. That unfortunately, did not go unnoticed by George.

"Why're you covering up?" He asked.

"Think you're ugly?" Fred said.


"Don't worry, you are, regardless." George said.

Draco scowled. "I just don't like to show them." If he didn't have boobs, he wouldn't have minded if he wore a shirt that revealed a little chest. But with boobs now, it made him feel slightly vulnerable. He wondered why some women like to reveal them.

"Thought you would want to reveal your cleavage." George pointed out.

"Think they're too small?"


"Think they're too huge?"

"No! Yes!" Draco corrected.

Fred gasped. "You're shy!"

"I'm not!"

They burst out into song. "Shy shy Malfoy, red in the face. Shy shy Malfoy-"

"Shut up!"

"Walking on the streets-"

"Swaying his hips-"

"Tripping on the ground-"

"Falling down the stairs-"

"Smashing flat on his face!" They ended in unison.

"Annoying! Just, plain annoying!" Draco yelled, storming off in front of them.

"Hey wait up!" As Fred ran up to him, his eyes caught sight of something and an idea came up. "Let's go in!" He grabbed a startled Draco and pulled him by the back of his collar into The Three Broomsticks along with George behind them.

"To test out your charm, sit beside McLaggen and make him buy you a drink." Fred pointed to the male sitting by the counter.

"What!" Draco exclaimed incredulously. Not that McLaggen!

"Unless you've no appeal at all, which is not surprising. Now, go." He pushed Draco forward, who stumbled and support himself with his hand splayed against a seat next to the Gryffindor guy. He quickly stood straight and brushed his dress down neatly. Draco took a seat, not before sending a death glare towards Fred.

"Name's Cormac McLaggen."

Draco turned his head, just to see McLaggen eyeing at him with interest.

"I've never seen a beauty like you around. Are you from Hogwarts?"

Draco felt deign to answer him. Luckily, he was saved when that Gryffindor chose to blather on.

"Or perhaps you're from Beauxbatons, the school of lovely ladies. But I've to say, Hogwarts is the best school around, which is why I'm from there. But if you're from Beauxbatons, what are you doing here alone? A vacation? Or skipping school? Shall I, being the most gracious of Gryffindors, show you around? I can show you my house too. It's got the most grandeur design you've ever seen, made up of the finest materials and delicate designs. Or would you like me to show you my flying skills? I've got the best broom around, but of course, it wouldn't be good unless you've got a good flyer. I'm on the Quidditch team. The best Keeper around." He said proudly. "And I-"

Draco coughed, cutting in. "It would be great if I can just sit here and have a drink. I'm rather thirsty."

"Butterbeer is great, but Firewhiskey is even better, like the Blishen's Firewhiskey. I prefer Spiced Mead of course. I'm drinking one from 1754. It's a fine taste that not everyone knows how to appreciate, but I guess girls should not drink such a concoction that only men can handle."

Draco rolled his eyes inwardly. Such a typical chauvinistic Gryffindor. "I do drink Spiced Mead too, but presently, I just want something to quench my thirst. What drink do you recommend?"

"Hmm.. How about the Daisyroot Draught? It's as refreshing as someone like yourself. Or something exotic like Quintin Black?"

"Quintin Black sounds fine." Draco searched his pockets and pretended to count his sickles. "Seems I don't have much money with me now."

"Why don't you go to Gringotts?"

"My account is restricted to my parents and I've used a lot of money during this trip." As he smoothly crossed his legs, his dress rode up slightly and he pulled it higher, revealing more of his slim thigh. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw McLaggen peering at them. Ah… the charm of women. "Would it be alright if I borrowed from you?"

"What?" McLaggen looked back up at him with wavering eyes. "Well, I don't have much with me either."

An eyebrow raised. Liar. McLaggen was just mingy. After summoning his courage to show off his legs, how could his simple seduction not persuade that guy? It wasn't as if he had forgotten what had happened that night. Even thinking of it now made him nauseous. He was feeling uneasy pulling his own dress up and in the end, it wasn't even worth it. "Well, then I guess I have to leave now." Draco replied curtly and was about to stand up when a hand touched his shoulder.

"Please, let me buy you a drink."

Draco turned around and was surprised to see someone smiling dreamily at him.

"Roger Davies at your service. What would you like?"

"Uh.. Quintin Black."

"Madam Rosmerta!" He called. "One Quintin Black!"

The inn keeper glanced at the three of them and Draco hope she would not be able to recognize him. He breathed a sigh of relief when she turned around to prepare the beverage without sparing another glance at him.

"So, what's your name?" Davies asked as he sat on the other side of Draco.

"It doesn't really matter." He answered quickly. "What... What are you doing here?"

"Just to chill out with my friends. Until I saw a dazzling sight."

Draco squirmed under the half-lidded gaze that was settled on him.

"You're so beautiful." Davies said with a silly grin, his chin resting on his palm with an elbow on the table. "Like an angel." He whispered.

Draco cleared his throat with an uneasy feeling.

"The moment I saw you, I couldn't take my eyes off you. You're like the pretty flower amongst a field of grasses, as glorious as the moon. So you must be from Beauxbatons. Are you half-Veela?"

"No!" Draco almost sneered. "I'm a pure blood."

"But I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you are." The dreamy guy looked at Draco as if he had taken a love potion.

Draco wouldn't be surprised if Davies started drooling at any time. And what cheesy pick-up lines. As if anyone would fall for that.

"I can bring you around if you want."


The glass of alcohol came and as Davies was about to pay for it, McLaggen shoved a hand in front, holding out a few sickles. "I'll pay."

"What? I offered first." Davies said, bringing his money forward towards the inn keeper.

"Thought you didn't have money." Draco let out a bit of mockery in his voice.

"I found out I did bring extra. I can afford this simple drink." McLaggen insisted, pushing his money further front. "And I've offered to bring her around, so we don't need your company, Davies."

"I'll pay for her drink." Davies said, annoyed, pushing his sickles forward.

"No, I will." McLaggen said, doing the same.

"I will!" A push of the sickles further across the table.

"No, I will pay for it!" Further pushing.


"No, me!"

"Why don't…" Draco drawled, interrupting the blazing glares the two were giving each other. "You both split it?"

"Look, I can afford it." McLaggen said, as if to prove a crucial point.

"Paying whole for you is worth it and proves my sincerity, my beautiful one." Davies declared.

Draco cringed at the name and decided to take a sip of his drink.

"Why don't I… collect both." Madam Rosmerta then slapped both hands on the sickles and promptly took them away, her back already facing them.

For a moment, the two boys gawked at her, looking rather reluctant. Then, they collected themselves and looked at Draco.

"I would love to date you." Davies announced outright.

Draco almost spit out his drink as he coughed violently.

"After I bring you around and have dinner with you." McLaggen said and placed a hand on his thigh, much to Draco's disgust.

"Right." He shifted, taking McLaggen's wrist and pushing it away.

"Please, go out with me!" Draco was taken aback as Davies suddenly grabbed both his hands and looked at him with puppy-dog eyes which were not cute at all.

Draco looked at the both of them, feeling slightly terrified at how strongly they were coming onto him. His eyes then met the two Weasley twins who were sitting by a table nearby, snickering at him. He pulled his hands out of Davies' grasp with difficulty and lifted his glass, looking at the twins. He lifted a brow at them in pride and stuck his chin up, trying to convey to them that he had proven his charm. Gulping the alcohol down, he then stood up.

"Where're you going?" The two guys asked, standing with him.

"Off. I've to go."

"Where? I thought I'll bring you around?" Davies said, looking too concerned.

"I've things to do." He said curtly, wanting to quickly get out of their sight.

"But we've only just met." McLaggen said unhappily, grabbing his wrist before he could move away.

Draco pursed his lips, pulling his wrist with no avail. "Release me."

"McLaggen, do not treat a lady like that." Davies frowned disapprovingly. "Release her."

"Go away Davies. It's obvious I'm the better man here."

"A guy who only knows how to boast! At least I'm a gentleman."

"I'm more muscular!" He puffed out his chest.

"I'm more handsome!" A sweep of his fringe.

"That's boasting and a lie! I'm better looking! I'm better at everything!" McLaggen raised his voice, stepping closer to his opponent while Draco managed to get away from his grasp.

"I've brighter eyes!" Davies stepped closer at each retort and glared at him with widened eyes.

"I've seductive ones!" McLaggen squinted and winked, moving his eyes like they were having spasms.

Davies licked his lips exaggeratedly. "I've sweeter lips!"

McLaggen pouted his. "I've sexy ones!"

"I've a lower voice!" Davies said in a deep voice.

"I've a lower one!" McLaggen said in a deeper voice.




"Ahhh! I'm louder than you!" McLaggen shouted.

"Ahhhh.. louder!" Davies raised his voice in a soprano.







"AHHHHHHH!" They shouted and glared like long-time enemies, foreheads touching and pushing hard against each other.

Outside along the bustling streets, Draco continued walking briskly away from the mad men whom he could still hear across the street, with Fred and George laughing outright beside him.

"SHUUUUUUUUUTUUUUUUUUUP!" A woman's voice rattled from within the pub, shaking the sacred grounds of Hogsmeade, startling a few innocent bystanders.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you'll have a boyfriend before you turn back to a guy!" Fred guffawed.

"What was that for?" Draco turned back and stopped in front of him in frustration. "Why did you pull me in there?"

"I told you, it's to test out your charm."

"More like for your entertainment."

"It's just to estimate the chances of you convincing my chaser." Fred said calmly.

"And I wonder who the blind one is." Draco muttered.

"Fred! Fred! I'm here!" A girlish voice called out.

"Speak of the devil." George said as the three looked towards the voice.

Running towards them was a blond girl with thick, pink make-up waving at them. "Fred!" She called out cheerfully. "George."

"Lavender." The twins greeted stiffly.

"I've been finding you for ages, Fred." Lavender beamed shyly at him. "Shall we go?"

"Look Lavender." Fred sighed. "I need to talk to you."

"Alright. Shall we go to one of the pubs? Or a café?"

"No, I mean now. I need to talk to you now." Fred said firmly.

Lavender blinked. "Ok."

"Listen, Lavender. I've told you several times that I'm not interested in you." He said bluntly.


"Listen. Harsh as it may sound, I will never have feelings for you. Ever."

Draco looked at Fred with unhidden surprise at how direct he was. He had thought that the twins were direct and unabashed at confessions, but never knew it was the same with rejections. Lavender looked like she was about to be in tears, but in a second, she straightened up and gave a smile.

"But if you would give me a chance, you will see that I'm a great person."

"No, Lavender. To tell you the truth, I've a girlfriend." With that, Fred placed an arm around Draco's waist, pulling him none too gently, causing Draco to stumble against his side.

Lavender looked at Draco as if she hadn't seen him there. "Who're you?"

"She's my girlfriend. Dray."

Draco lifted a brow at Fred. Dray?

Lavender frowned, squinting her eyes at him, scrutinizing him from top to bottom. "Girlfriend? But I've never heard it from you. Or anyone for that matter!"

"We kept it low profile. And she's not from Hogwarts anyway." Fred explained.

Lavender pouted, staring at Draco with resentment. "How long?"

"A year."

"A year?" Draco and Lavender responded questioningly.

"A year." Draco quickly affirmed when the girl raised her eyebrows at him.

"Only a year." Lavender said, folding her arms and leaning on one leg. "Which means I still have a chance."

How thick skin can this girl get? Draco thought irritably.

"And how do I know whether she's really your girlfriend? Maybe she's a fake."

Yes, I am. I am a guy. Not a Weasley's girlfriend.

"Well…" Fred smirked. "Let's say I know every part of her."

"What?" Lavender and Draco responded together again.

The hand from Draco's waist moved up and rested on his chest once again.

"I wouldn't be able to do this if we haven't already done that." Fred smiled innocently.

"No... That can't be true!" Lavender denied, shaking her head as Draco pushed Fred's hand away. "I don't believe you! We're meant to be together Fred. I love you! You should know how much I do! We're supposed to be on a date today!"

Draco leaned up to Fred's ears and whispered. "Did you give her a love potion?"

Fred looked back at him with an incredulous look. "Not that I know of," he whispered back.

"I don't believe you Fred. Unless you show me proof!"

"What proof?" Fred frowned at her.

"Like a lover's shirt. Or engagement rings. Or pictures. Or… Or a kiss. Yes, a kiss! You've to French kiss each other!" She demanded in a more confident manner, not expecting them to prove her wrong.

"What?" The two boys exclaimed and George's eyebrows shot to his hairline.

"I'll continue chasing you until you show me."

"Look, Brown." Draco snarled, feeling agitated at her insistence. "What we do-"

"How'd you know my last name?" She asked.

Fred was about to say something when Draco answered instead. "Of course I know your name! Do you think you can get away with sending all those letters to We-Fred and me not knowing it? Of course he'd tell me you fool! And what we do in our private lives doesn't concern you. It's private. None of your business." No way was he kissing a Weasley. A Weasley twin! Not even with a hundred galleons!

"Why? Are you scared? You're not really Fred's girl are you?" She said snobbishly.

"So if you want to see us having sex, we'd show you? That's ridiculous!"

At that, Lavender turned red. "N..Not that! All I want to see is a French kiss! To prove if your relationship is real. Who knows? Maybe you're just fooling me."

Fred hesitated. He didn't want to kiss Malfoy. Images of an aroused Malfoy kissing him flooded his mind and he squashed down the queasiness and heat from rising to his face. But then, Malfoy couldn't even remember what happened! He, Fred, was the only one to suffer from that incident.

"I won't give up until I've absolute proof. Besides, relationships can always stray. Fred will realize I'm the one for him."

"Didn't you have Weasel?" Draco scrunched his face.

"Weasel?" Lavender looked at him in slight surprise and Draco realized his mistake. "Ron? That sounds like what Mal-"

"Didn't you like Ron before?" George interrupted.

"Yes, but I realize Fred was a better choice. I love him more." She then turned her attention back to Draco. "But how did you know about Ro-"

"You know what?" Fred suddenly loudly, catching all their attention. "Do you really need proof?"

Lavender nodded.

"So if I show you proof, you'll back off? Don't bother me with yourself again."

Lavender hesitated, but agreed in the end.

"Alright. It's a promise." Fred then turned towards Draco.

Draco looked back, wondering how the twin would be able to prove anything. They didn't have any pictures together. Nor a shirt. Definitely not a ring either. Unless Weasley suddenly pop a ring out and declare that they're getting married without even asking him first, which would be a nightmare. He shivered. All he wanted right now was to meet Adrian in the Three Broomsticks and hang around and possibly snog him again.

Fred continued to look at him. Were they going to… Dance?! He widened his eyes. To prove they're a couple, they might have to dance! That thought sickened Draco. He wouldn't be surprised if a Weasley twin did that. Fred would twirl him around til he's dizzy and make fun of him again. Or perhaps Weasley would suddenly shout out in the middle of the street that they're together! Or make smooching faces at him which would be gross with pouty lips making kissing noises and Draco wouldn't be able to stand it and punch him. Or maybe…

"Well then." The twin blinked.

The sequence of things that came next, happened in only a matter of seconds. Draco's breath was caught as he found himself being pushed and bent backwards in a dramatic manoeuvre of his body, Fred's arm around his back and the other hand grabbing his wrist. Draco automatically grabbed the front of Fred's shirt to balance himself, lifting one leg up. Weasley's face went down with him.

The world stilled.

He couldn't speak. He couldn't think properly. Those… Those lips… were touching his, moving.. sucking his upper lip, then his lower lip again and again. He gasped as a tongue licked his lips and pried into his mouth, then started playing with his own tongue. Unconsciously, his fingers started clenching Fred's shirt, his whole body stiffening. His wide eyes couldn't stop staring at the ones which were half-lidded, as if concentrating on how their mouths were moving against each other.

It felt like a nightmare.

It felt like hours before Fred pulled him up.

Draco stood there, half listening to the conversation going on.

Fred pursed his lips, then licked it quickly, heart beating fast but he managed a composed exterior, his arm still around a shock Malfoy who was staring into nothing, mouth gaping, trying to say something but unable to react. They had drawn the attention of a few people but that wasn't important right now.

"There's your proof." Fred said in a barely stable voice.

Lavender's face was priceless, plastered with surprise and disappointment and agitation all squashed into a single facial expression.

"Tha.. That…" She stuttered in disbelief, tears already forming in her eyes.

"Now, stay away from me." Fred said and started dragging a stunned Draco away, with an equally shock George who snapped out of it and followed them.

"Fred, my dear twin, what were you thinking!" George hissed after they were far away from the forbidden scene, unsure whether to be amazed or disgusted.

"I didn't have a choice," was Fred's response.

"It's Malfoy! Draco Malfoy! Are you… nuts?"

"As nutty as you, George."



"I can't believe you just... did that! I mean…" A disbelieving half-smile, half-frown formed on George's face. "That was crazy!"

"I believe we did crazier things."

"I would never have done that." He shook his head.

"Crazier things are needed for crazier times. And crazier people."

"But you just… Did you enjoy that?" George squinted his eyes at him.

"What? No! Definitely not!" Fred licked his lips. "It was terrible! The worst experience!" Then, he muttered to himself. "It was for revenge anyway."

"Revenge?" George asked in interest. "What revenge? Oh you mean when you saved him and he sedu-"

"Yes! And he didn't even remember anything. I am scarred for life!"

"But… this means that you'd be scarred twice, while he'll only be scarred once."

Fred widened his eyes. He never thought of that! "No…" He groaned. "No.. How could I.. Next time, I'd better be drunk and have my revenge so I won't be able to remember it."

"That'll defeat the purpose won't it? You won't even remember having your revenge. Or maybe you're just waiting for the next time to kiss him." George said in amusement.

"Revenge! I'm sacrificing myself, brother."

"Right. I'll try to believe you. Anyway, Malfoy." George waved a hand in front of the Slytherin's face. "Oi."

Draco jerked out of his stupor and glared at George, pointing his finger at him. "You…You.."

"He's Fred."

The finger changed direction and pointed at the other face. "You… You…"

"He's Fred."

"You.. You!" The finger pointed at both of them in intervals.

"Me. Fred Weasley. In case your memory's failed." Fred said in amusement.

Draco let out a half growl at him. "You.. imbecile! How could you.. could you.. do that!" He covered his mouth in disgust, trying to wipe off the feeling of the surprisingly soft lips lingering on his.

Before Fred could respond however, familiar looking people whom they hadn't notice before had already caught up to them.

"Fred, we never knew you have a girlfriend." Angelina said.

"Yeh, what was her name? Ray? Fray?" Lee asked curiously.

"I'm not his girlfriend!" Came the desperate cry.

Three Slytherin students who were walking pass them froze in their tracks and slowly leaned back, heads turned to that group.

In the meantime, Ron furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "Wait. That voice... sounds annoyingly familiar and shrill."

"Because it's me, you Weasel." Draco rolled his eyes.

Ron opened his mouth wide in shock, staring at him. "You!" He exclaimed loudly. "It's Dra-.. Dra.. Dra.. What the…" He stuttered.

"That's probably Dumbledore's spell in effect." Draco pointed out. "Effective against loud mouths like you."

"Wait a minute." Lee said, then looked straight at Draco in bewilderment. "That means… You're.. DM?" He said in a lower voice.

Draco nodded.

"And you.." He pointed to Fred. "Just.. kissed him!" He pointed back to Draco.

"What?" Pansy questioned loudly with wide eyes, staring at the girl wearing a low-cut dress.

The Gryffindor group then finally acknowledged the Slytherins' presence in surprise.

"No way!" Blaise walked up to Draco, eyeing him up and down with wide, shiny eyes, as if he had found a treasure chest. He grabbed both sides of the girl-boy's arm. "Draco, can I kiss you now? Like just a peck on the lips? Or a real kiss actually. Or should we French instead? Ow!" He hopped, feet aching from the stamp he had just received from his annoyed friend.

"Why did you do that?" Pansy glared at the tall ginger-head.

"Lavender was too persistent." Fred continued answering Lee's question, not bothering to look at the Slytherin girl. "She wanted proof that I'm attached, so I had to show her."

"But you didn't have to kiss her." Harry blinked. "Him. Herm. Himer. Herim." He licked his lips.

"It's a HIM!" Draco snapped. "I'm a him!"

Harry looked at him from top to bottom, then back at Fred. "You didn't have to kiss her."

"HIM! You blo-"

"It's the only way for her to believe me." Fred shrugged.

"Brother…" Fred turned to see Ron staring at him in disgust and shock, speaking in a trembling voice. "I thought you rejected him that day! Did you really just…"

"Well, yes." Fred said glumly. "And you should stop looking so shock and acting dramatic every time things concerned Dray."

"I don't!" He denied furiously.

"Dray?" Hermione asked.

"Dray?" Pansy parroted.

"Dray." Draco snorted. "Very original."

Fred looked at his fake girlfriend in disapproval. "Unless you wanted to be called Dracy? Drakypoo? Draynini? Drakilili?"

"No! Stop!" Draco cringed in outright disgust. "You're so creative."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It isn't. It's called sarcasm. Starts with an S-"

"Calling yourself?"

"-Ends with an M."

"Didn't know you're into that." Fred smirked and winked cheekily at him.

Draco looked at him questioningly. Then as understanding dawned on him, he flushed a brilliant red. "No! No Weasley! Argh! I'm not- I don't… you just.. No. Just, no!"

"Why Dray? Why not Drake?" George asked.

Fred frowned. "The one with a shorter tail or the one with a longer tail?"

"You mean the one with a beak or the one with a snout?"

"The one with feathers or the one with scales?"

"The one that squawks or the one that roars?"

"The one you can cook and eat or the-"

"Shut up! Just call me Dray."

"Ok, Drake." They said simultaneously and started to sing with actions.

"Drake the duck-"

"Somewhere on the streets-"

"And he goes waddle waddle waddle,"

"Flap flap flap he goes, flapping his wings." They flapped their arms.

"Then he goes waddle waddle waddle, quack quack quack."

"Butt sticking out and moving his knees."

Hermione burst out laughing at their antics, watching them sticking their butt out and shake their knees and feet sideways. "You both look ridiculous!"

On the other hand, Draco fumed with embarrassment. He wasn't a duck. Definitely not.

Pansy placed her hand over her forehead, shaking her head, not wanting to be seen near them. "I will never understand those twins…"

"Have you two done it yet?"

Everyone paused and looked around for that quiet voice. Eyes landed on the one who had not spoken so far.

"What do you mean, Theo?" Draco asked. "Do what?"

"What Weasley mentioned to Brown just now… he said you've done it with him. Did you two really engage in the vigorous activity of slapping of sweaty skin against sweaty skin and manhood into buttho-"

"Stop, Nott!" Fred yelled, at the same time that a paling Draco covered his friend's mouth.

The group had frozen amidst the still bustling streets.

"Couldn't you have said the word instead of describing it?" Pansy asked in a hushed tone.

Theo shrugged and motioned to Draco. "Hgmdgsmonungrstdwtsygn."

Draco removed his hand.

"He doesn't seem to understand what I was saying."

"I'm not that stupid, Theo!" Said a red-faced Draco. "And we did not! And will never!"

The group collectively heaved a sigh of relieve at that.

Images of that night flooded Fred's mind again, this time with additional ones of skin against skin and… He was startled out of his thoughts by a prodding finger against his arm.

"What are you thinking?" George asked.

"Oh, Weasley can think?" Draco jibed.

Fred didn't know whether the heat on his face was embarrassment from the thoughts he was having or anger at Malfoy, but it annoyed him that it was because of Malfoy that he was always reminded of that night, that body on the bed, the position, the voice, the colour of… "S..Shut your mouth you… you SHE-MAN!"

"Huuuhhh? She-man? That term is so… so…" Draco's face distorted in disgust. "Ugly."

Fred tilted his head in thought. "Like a garden gnome or a goblin?"

"Like a barbarian. Perhaps a mix of goblin and troll."

The two nodded in a once-in-a-lifetime agreement.

"What… is the point of that?" Hermione questioned blankly, in which Harry shrugged in response.

"I don't understand…" Ron whined, looking lost.

In the midst of confusion, a bang of doors sounded, catching their attention. A short man was pushed out by the shopkeeper of the Apothecary.

"What's a dwarf doing here?"

"Ron!" Hermione whispered harshly, nudging him. "It's Professor Flitwick!"


"You took my feather and it's gone! Unless you return it to me, I will not refund you." The shopkeeper sneered.

"There wasn't any red feather in the bag! You must have misplaced it and blame it all on me. The swan feathers you sold were faulty!" The Professor said in righteous frustration.

"My red one disappeared right after your student took the bag of feathers. By right, you owe me money for it."

"There certainly was no red feather when I received it."

"Then your student must have taken and used it. If you don't return it, do not enter my shop!" With that, the shopkeeper banged the door shut, leaving Professor Flitwick to walk away, feeling worse than when he had entered the shop.

Fred noticed Draco walking into the shop and followed together with George, wanting to know what the git was up to.

Draco looked around briefly at the various cool magical artefacts and as casually as possible, went up to the shopkeeper.

"You sell swan feathers?"

"Yes, Miss. They are of the highest quality." The unfriendly-looking old man said.

"Aren't they just normal magical feathers?"

"Yes, they are. But it's all strong magic."

"So it's impossible for it to not work in potions or charms?"

"Definitely not. If used correctly, the results would be excellent."

"What if it is faulty?"

"None of them are faulty!" The shopkeeper denied vehemently in his gruff voice. "Unless you damage them yourself. My products are of top quality."

Draco nodded in understanding. So it would be weird for that bag of feathers to not have worked during charms. "I heard about the red feather. What does it do?"

The shopkeeper looked at him suspiciously with a frown. "What do you want to know that for?"

"Well… I saw a red feather in school the other day."

The shopkeeper looked at him in alert.

"I tripped and the bag of feathers scattered. A red one flew out too, but it disappeared after."

"Why was the bag with you?"

"Well, Malfoy passed it to me to be brought to Charms class." Draco answered smoothly.

"The swan feathers scattered with the red one?" The alarmed old man stared at Draco with serious eyes.


"What did you see?"

"White feathers floating everywhere, some kind of glitter fell around me and a red feather floating around. But it disappeared."

A nod of the man's head. "The glitters were from the magic of the swan feathers."

"That's why the feathers didn't work in Charms.."

"Yes, yes, that's the reason. But why? How?" There was a pause as the shopkeeper pondered over something. "That Malfoy boy must have stolen my feather."

Draco frowned at him. "Maybe you accidentally put it in."

"And you had to trip!"

Draco hid his scowl. "Wasn't my fault." He muttered, quickly shooting a glare at Fred and George's way.

"You have no idea what you just did." The shopkeeper mumbled.

"What was the red feather?"

The shopkeeper looked at Draco, before glancing at the twins warily.

"We're with her." They said.

The shopkeeper huffed through his nose. "Since you are already involved in this whole incident, I will tell you." He stretched out his hand.

Draco raised a brow.

"1 galleon."


"1 galleon if you want to know about the feather and its effects on you."

Draco grumbled, and promptly dumped the galleon onto his hand.

"Phoenix feather." The shopkeeper finally said. "Rare. And powerful." He leaned his head nearer to Draco in a secretive way. "Not just any Phoenix. Not from the one Dumbledore has."

When he did not elaborate, Fred asked for a clarification.

"The feather was taken from a phoenix decades ago in Grindelwald's time. Rumours has it that it was Grindelwald's phoenix but it was never confirmed. It disappeared when he was imprisoned."

"How'd you get the feather then?" George asked.

"I happened to come across the phoenix that was flying in the sky. It dropped a feather onto the ground and I picked it."

Draco raised his brow. Was it really that coincidental that he happened to be where the phoenix was and it happened to drop a feather?

"What did you use it for?" George asked.

"As you know, Phoenix feathers are used for wands. But there is another function." He peered at the three boys intensely. "Usually, they are powerful and unpredictable. So if they are near certain magical items, they react, depending on the type of item."

"Which means the phoenix feather reacted with the swans'?" Draco said, starting to feel a little nervous about it.


"But what does that mean?" George asked. "If the phoenix feather reacted with the swan feathers, does it mean that it absorbed the magic from them?"

"You said there were… glitters all around you?" The shopkeeper stared at Draco who nodded.

"Yes. Some shiny, sparkling bits of particles that were shimmering around." Come to think of it, he had thought it was rather pretty looking when the glitters fell around him with feathers floating in the air. Like fairy land. Not that he liked fairies.

The shopkeeper, who never ceased frowning, frowned even deeper. "Which means the magic of the swan feathers were falling around you. They either disappeared or…" He squinted his eyes at Draco accusingly. "You absorbed them."

A clock ticking rhythmically could be heard in the sudden quiet space in the shop.

"Absorbed them?" The twins exclaimed.

"That's… impossible!" Draco shook his head. "I've never heard of anyone absorbing magic from a magical item."

"Remember, the phoenix feather was around."

"So?" Draco didn't know whether he should feel terrified or thrilled at the prospect.

"It works in mysterious ways." The gruff man replied mysteriously. "Probably reacted with the white feathers which released their magic. It's only a guess. It certainly explains why the magic of the swan feathers disappeared, aint it? Whether or not you absorbed them… time can only tell."

Before the three students could ask any more questions, the door of the shop opened. It seemed like a few of their friends had realised the three main people of interests had disappeared and decided to look for them here.

"You were right, Theo. Drac-Dray's here." Blaise said with a relaxed grin as some of them started flocking into the shop.

"Well then, Miss… whoever you are. You've to compensate me for the loss of my Phoenix feather!" The shopkeeper glared at Draco menacingly from behind his counter.

"What? But you were the one who placed it in the bag!" He shot back in irritation at being spoken to so rudely.

"Malfoy probably stole it! That damn boy. I knew nothing good would come out of him."

'I- he didn't steal it!"

"It was a rare feather! Genuine! Exquisite! And it had to be stolen! Now pay me or I will-"

He didn't get to finish the sentence because just then, a yell distracted them. They turned around, only to see Neville flinging something into the air. The object fell onto the floor with a clang and started spinning at a fast speed.

Flushing with embarrassment, Neville looked at them. "I was just wondering what it does. It frightened me when it started moving."

"What is it doing?" Hermione asked as everyone in the shop peered at the spinning object. It seemed to be spinning faster instead of stopping.

Suddenly, Draco felt something tingling the hairs on his skin. It felt like… magical energy.

"Do you feel that?" He asked as the magical energy became stronger.

"I'm seeing that." George was staring at him like he had grown two heads and a tail.

"What?" He frowned.

"Draco…" Blaise started. "You're… glowing."

"What?" He looked down and indeed, a pale white glow was surrounding his whole body. "What the… What's happening?"

"Holy Morgana!" Ron exclaimed, looking at the twins who were standing near Draco. The two were also glowing.

"Wow… Now I feel holy." George said with amusement and awe.

"Any minute now and we'll be having a halo and wings." Fred added.

As it turned out, the glow started to spread and surround the people in the shop, except for the shopkeeper who had retreated into the back, peeking behind the wall to observe what was happening.

The glow got stronger, flashing mildly.

"What is it going to d-"

A bright flash.

When the shopkeeper lowered his arm from his face, the glow had already disappeared along with the students, leaving the shop empty once more.