Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds.

Written for: Criminal Minds Weekly Prompts Halloween Drabble Challenge.

Drabble prompt: your character hosts a kids' Halloween party.

Word count: 484

JJ put her hands on her hips and flattened herself against the island, as a group of fifteen screaming ghosts and ghouls ran past her like the Wild Hunt, led by a short blonde ghost and a taller brunette pirate. As the last Harry Potter rushed past her brandishing his wand, she sank into the nearest chair and wondered what on Earth had possessed her to host a Halloween party for fifteen of Henry and Jack's closest friends. Of course, she had planned on having a little help, but a last-minute business trip had called Will away, and she wasn't going to let Henry and Jack down. Besides, they'd already spent a small fortune on supplies.

There was a loud crash from the living room, and she froze. It didn't sound like anything had broken, but she couldn't take any chances. Besides, broken china and fifteen small boys was just a bad combination. Pressing her eyes closed for a second, JJ took a deep breath and wished for the best as she tiptoed around the corner and prepared herself for the worst.

It wasn't as bad as she'd expected, but by no means was it good. The small bookshelf that held Henry's favourite books had been overturned. His precious paperbacks and hardbacks were strewn carelessly across the glossy hardwood. She turned to tell them to watch out, but the mob had already moved along. Sighing, she bent down and gently returned the memories to their rightful places.

Back in the kitchen, she pushed her fingers through her buttery blonde layers, and admitted that she couldn't do this alone. Reaching for the cordless phone, she dialled a familiar number, and put the phone to her ear as it rang, praying that he would pick up.

"JJ? How's the party going?" he asked, clearly confused as to why she was calling him.

"Out of control," she replied, leaning against the counter.

"JJ, they're ten. It's not like it's an out of control house party while the parents are away for the weekend," he said logically.

"Reid, please," she begged, desperation tinging her voice. "Will's away and I can't do this on my own. I need a little help, here."

"I'm in the middle of a case file," he hedged, twirling the cord around his finger.

"I made cupcakes. Chocolate ones with orange frosting. And there's candy corn," she said, aware she was making an offer that he couldn't refuse.

There was a gusty sigh on the other end of the line, and she stifled a smile, knowing she'd won.

"I'll be there in ten."

Fifteen minutes later, the mob were gathered in a peaceful circle around his armchair, watching in awe as he pulled lollipops out from behind Henry's ear and made treat bags vanish. JJ was watching from the kitchen, a small smile on her face. Sometimes, Spencer Reid was nothing short of a miracle.