A/N: I'm still a zombie but I managed to write the next chapter!

I want some macaroons~

Chapter 3

Seirin won.

Everyone was happy. Kuroko was happy. Kagami, who was so happy, ran towards to Kuroko only to trip over and fell on top of the light blue haired teen. Then their Captain who went towards them also tripped and landed on the two juniors.

After that long agonizing 40 minutes (plus 10 minutes of break and around 10 minutes or less of all the time outs), it was finished. They won. The battle was tough and tears were shed. But in the end, they won.

Since everyone was too tired to celebrate, Coach has decided that the team will be celebrating tomorrow in order for everyone to go home early and have a rest. Also they have classes tomorrow, and the second years is having an upcoming important test too.

After everyone had finished packing up and went out of the locker room. While walking Furihata's eyes wanderer around and saw a familiar girl standing in front of a very familiar red head.

'Wa-wait! Isn't it… ah- SHINOHARA-SAN!' Furihata-kun's eyes widened as he realized the girl was none other than Shinohara.

Kuroko turned around and noticed that the brown haired boy had disappeared. He blinked and looked around and saw the brown haired boy walking in the opposite direction.

"Oi Kuroko! Hurry-" Kagami shouted but to his surprised the light blue hair young man had disappear. This has just Kagami popped a vein.


Furihata knew it's bad to spy but he knows who the girl was. (Shinohara) He took a deep breath and slowly move his head a little to see the two.

'Why is Shinohara-san talking to Akashi?' he thought as he continued to spy on them.

"A-Akashi-san! A-are y-yo"

"Excuse me, who are you?" the red head had said, still scary as ever.

"I-I'm f-from…"

"You're from Seirin." he said as he look at her uniform. "Rejoice your basketball team has won against mine. Go and celebrate with them." Akashi said grimly making Shinohara more nervous than before.

"B-but… if I were in a different s-school… I'll root for Rakuzan! I-mean y-you see… I always wanted to go to Rakuzan… I like you!" Shinohara blurred out making Furihata lose his balance and accidentally fell on the floor.

'Ouch!' He winced in pain. If he didn't play awhile ago, the light fall on the floor wouldn't have hurt him. Going against the Emperor has taken its toll to his body leaving him still weak even if he had just played for a short while.

Akashi and Shinohara were surprised at the sound that they heard which made them turned around and saw the brunet on the floor. Furihata froze as he was seen by these two whom he was spying.

'Great! What should I do? Tell them I was just about to go home and I accidentally fell on the floor? But I bet they'll wonder why I fell on the floor.' He thought as he was still on the floor.

"Furihata-kun!" Shinohara said.

Akashi look at the brunet, he was the guy whom he faced after Tetsuya was sub out.

'His name is Furihata…' he thought.

"U-Um ha-Hi! Sh-Shinohara-san!" Furihata said trying to get up but still he could feel the pain on his lower leg. He swore he felt his legs were still shaking.

As Shinohara was walking towards the brunet, Akashi walk ahead of her and went straight to Furihata. To her surprise, Akashi squat down and look at the brunet.

Furihata had began shaking again at the same time he dropped his jaw. It was the same feeling again when he first face the red head awhile ago.

'W-what is he g-going to do? Is he going to attack me because our team won?' he thought at the same time swallow his saliva. He quickly remembered the first time he saw the red head and suddenly attacked Kagami with a pair of scissor. He almost wet his pants after that incident.



"Be my boyfriend and let's go on a date this coming Christmas." Akashi said staring at him.

"YES!" Furihata said out of fear.

'WAIT! W-WHAT DID I JUST SAID!' Furihata shouted in his thoughts. Once again he got himself into trouble.

Meanwhile somewhere a familiar light blue hair young man is not happy about what was going on.

A/N: Phewwww! That's done. Hahahaha… AkaFuri time will start on the next chapter and so on… I really hope I could write them as soon as possible. (BRAIN PLEASE COOPERATE WITH ME)

*There's a reason why Akashi suddenly said those words...

Thank you everyone! :)