Hi, everyone this is my first sequel and I hope it will be as good as Nightmares and bonds in this fanfic. It will continue after the events of Naruto's rescue and what happens when the young ninjas get home. Sakura is still unhappy about the situation between Sasuke and Naruto's relationship and does everything in her power to make sure that Sasuke knows how much he has hurt her. Meanwhile Kabuto is planning his revenge on the young ninja and his team.


Chapter one

Don't make Promises you can't keep

Three months have passed since Naruto and long-time rival and best friend Sasuke had returned to their home in Kohna. Naruto's recovery had been slow due to the attempted extraction of the demon fox the Kyubi that lived inside of , a former leaf ninja tried to take the fox for his own gain and alomst killed the young ninja, with the help of Sasuke and his teammates they were able to free Naruto and stop Kabuto from having the most powerful tailed beast.

Even though Naruto's healing was slow and frustrating he cotinued to keep his sprits up. He not only had his nijsa skills to keep his attention, Naruto had the heart-throb of the village Sasuke Uchiaha as a boy friend. Naruto still insisted that he train to keep his skills fresh even if it was just so he could see Sasuke shirtless.

So finally after weeks of pestering his sensi Naruto got his wish Sasuke and Naruto are battling it out together on the open plains of the training felid on the outskirts of the hidden leaf having a test fight they were both giving it there all, both not showing any signs of quitting. Naruto was swing punches and executing kicks like no tomorrow while Sasuke blocked them without even breaking a sweat.

Naruto jumped back away from his opponent for a moment to rest, his breathing was harsh from the heavy workout, his hands and legs burning from the effort. Sasuke observed his sparing partner's condition and could tell Naruto was reaching his limit if he pushed anymore it could prove too much. "Dobe you need to stop now we can continue tomorrow."

Naruto looked down and stared at his feet for a moment his expression giving away his disappointment "You … promised…not to use your… Sharingan?" Naruto spoke through his gasps.

Sasuke snorted "How insulting, I don't need to waste my superior eye technique to see that you are at your limit. Dobe."

Kakashi jumped down from the nearby tree to call it a day and not let Naruto continue in the state he was in. "Yo Naruto Sasuke's right give it a rest for today, anyway it will be dark soon and we need to get Sasuke back to the villager the ANBU will (not to mention Tsunade) throw a fit."

Naruto sighed with frustrated that he still wasn't allowed to use any of his jutsu he could use only taijutsu for now till Tsunade gave him the all clear.

Clenching his fists as he walked next to Sasuke not saying a word as he made his way towards the village entrance. Sasuke noticed his friends quite demeanour, which wasn't unusual just of late since getting back from the last mission Naruto had been quite, for some reason this really bothered Sasuke he would rather Naruto be bouncing around and getting under his feet, shouting about beating him next time.

Sasuke wondered if he should say something to him since Naruto had been put under constant surveillance it was hard to be on their own and talk since they had got back.


"Sasuke you have committed crimes against the leaf that are punishable by death. You have disgraced your home, abandoned your team and friends. What do you have to say for yourself?" Tsunade gazed down at Sasuke her eyes piercing with rage.

Sasuke sat in the dock looking unfazed by the charges that he was faced with. "I have successfully killed three wanted criminals single handily they include Itachi, Oriuchmaru and Deira . I got rid of a war tyrant that would have used Naruto as a weapon. I also have information about the workings of the known criminal organisation the Autaski . My skills and knowledge will benefit Kohna more than my death."

Tsunade grinned slightly she hated to admit it but he was right there was no way she would have him killed not just for Kohna but for Naruto as well. Naruto needs Sasuke to recover. Tsunade sighed into her hands it was a difficult situation to handle or anyone.

The trial lasted two weeks mainly to gain an audience with the Riakge so Sasuke could apologise and give him all the details about the remaining members of Atkusik. Tsunade had put heavy restrictions on Sasuke's movements. Sasukehad to be watched at all times by ANBU he had to stay at the Uchiha mansion with Naruto while he recovered. She did promise that once he earns the trust of both the village and his teammates again he would be allowed to do as he pleased. He also wasn't allowed to partake in ANY missions.

"Sasuke are you ok?" Naruto's call snapped him out of his flash back only to find that he was outside the village entrance. Sasuke gazed at Naruto's eyes filled with concern he couldn't help but smile his eyes were still beautiful even thorth he was tired.

Come on Naruto let's get you to bed before you collapse on me" Sasuke grinned watching Naruto's features change.

"Huh me faint never you'll be the one fainting." Naruto said while trying to jump on Sasuke's back trying to pin him to the floor. Yamato laughed at the sight of Naruto failing to pull Sasuke down. Only for Sasuke to just push Naruto down with only his foot. Naruto continued to struggle under his foot begging for forgiveness.

Kakashi sighed but not with exasperation with joy and happiness that Naruto was starting to sound like Naruto again, he too began to laugh when Naruto bit Sasuke's sandal making Sasuke shake his leg to try and rid himself of the determand Naruto.

Kiba happened to be passing by only to see the strange sight of Naruto biting Sasuke's leg "Hey look Akamaru the new village guard dog is here. Oh and look he already caught Sasuke Naruto I think you missed your calling as a nin dog."

Naruto growled deeply and realssed Sasuke's wet and slimy foot from his jaws, Sasuke grinned at sight of Naruto glaring at Kiba menacingly.

Kiba continued to taunt Narutoenjoying the fact he was retaluating, happy that he was reacting he continued tp push his luck. "Aww is Naruto pooch angry. Here boy come here."

Naruto made a hand sigh Kakashi made some sort of yelping sound trying to stop Naruto. It was too late soon a puff of smoke relived that Naruto had transformed into a fearsome wolf like animal and began to snap and snarl at Kiba.

Kakashi stopped laughing at once and grew concerned Naruto wasn't allowed to use his chakra. Kakashi's fears were confirmed when Naruto transformed back clutching his stomach in agony before going into a tight ball on the ground. Sasuke ran over and knelt besiade his stricken freind checking Naruto, Yamato came over as well worried the nine tailed fox was coming out.

Kakashi walked over and touched Naruto's shoulder "Oi, Naruto you know that you are under strict orders from Tsunade you know what she will do when she finds out you were trying to use Chakra again."

Naruto paled two shades whiter when Tsunade was brought into the conversation Sasuke sighed with relief when he stood up after a few moments still holding his stomach "Sorry I forgot that I'm not allowed. PLEASE don't tell Ba-chan about this she kill me."

Sasuke grins at Naruto "What Naruto afraid of that old hag lady Tsunade."

Naruto placed his hand around Sasuke's mouth before he said anymore "Don't say such things, Ba-chan will kill you for killing her old, she makes Sakura look sane. If I get punched by her I'm looking at four weeks of brain damage."

"That's right Naruto you tell him how it is." Tsunads cool ,calm voice sent shivers up Sasuke and Naruto's spine. She had heard everything that had been said.

"HEY BA-CHAN how are you? Me and Sasuke here were just saying…" Tsunade hushed him with her hand still smiling menacingly looking at Sasuke.

"Step aside Naruto or you will get hurt. I don't want to have to stitch your wounds again." Tsunades fist was being prepared Naruto knew what was coming next and quickly moved out-of-the-way. Kiba took this as a chance to leave before anyone noticed to avoid a beating from the Hokage, quickly he signaled to his dog to leave.

Kiba's sly escape was quickly noticed by the Hokage before he could even lift his feet. "KIBA, I will deal with you later meet me in my office I will be with you shortly. You knew full well that Naruto was in recovery so why did you try and pick a fight with him in the middle of the street."

Kiba turned his head slowly sweat pouring of his face "Ok I'll see you in a minute."

Tsunade darted across towards her chosen target with lightning speed and punched Sasuke in the face causing him to fly into the village. "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME OLD IM IN MY PRIME YOU LITTLE SNOT."

Naruto giggled a little before Tsunade snapped her head around at Naruto and walked up to him lifting his t-shirt to show his scared abdomen. Naruto flinched when she touched it with her cool hands.

Tsunade looked at Naruto's belly it seemed to be all healed now her attempts to reduse the apernce the scars had helped dramatically leaving only a relatively small v shaped scar. He wouldn't even have athescar if the Kyubi would heal him. Tsunade sighed "Naruto have you been able to reach the fox yet?"

Naruto mutterd something that sounded more like "I wish" under his breath before answering. "No I haven't not since then." Naruto looked down when he said then unable to utter Kabuto's name. "Ba-chan is Sakura nearly done with her missions yet." Naruto chirped happily trying to change the subject. Tsunade looked down for a moment avoiding his gaze, she couldn't let Naruto know that Sakura was avoiding him. Since returning not everyone had taken the news about Naruto and Sasuke well.

Sakura was one of those people. To be fair she had not been horrible towards Naruto, but she was not being supportive or helping him heal.

"She is due back today, Gaki you will see her soon. Now about your recovery you need to sleep Naruto."

Naruto flinched he hated the night and the dreams that came with it the night just always seemed to be filled with terror for Naruto now.

"Naruto, come and face me like a real ninja," Kabuto was on top of Sniper chasing after him on his mutated snake.

Naruto ran as fast as his legs could carry him towards the bright light at the end of the dungeons tunnel, but his legs felt like they were weighed down with bricks and he wasn't making headway towards his friends that where standing in the mouth of the exit. Sasuke was laughing at him he was standing next to Sakura touching her and kissing her intimately.

"Sakura my true love, I was so wrong to choose that dobe over a gorgeous woman like you. What can he give me that you can't?" Sasuke continued to taunt Naruto as he called out to him begging him for help.

Sniper finally caught up with Naruto, his rattle snake tail wrapping around his whole body in just a few seconds, slowly crushing him. Naruto tried to take in air only for his chest to refuse to inhale the life saving oxygen that was all around him; Naruto's lungs felt like they would explode with the effort. Sniper glared at Naruto, preventing Naruto from avoiding his monster glare. Naruto silently screamed as his slit eyes slowly faded, as the blackness loomed over him.

Unknowingly Naruto had started to thrash and yell uncontrollably in his frightening state of sleep, alerting a very sleepy Sasuke that Naruto was in distress in the room next to him. He tried to get in to the room only for his guards to stand in his way.

"Get out-of-the-way." He yelled at the guards desperate to see what was frightening his Naruto so badly.

"Sasuke, our medical ninja are doing what they can to help Naruto. They cannot do that if you keep hindering our attempts."

Sasuke looked past the guards to see that their attempts where feeble at best in trying to stop Naruto from screaming. Naruto was kicking and punching every ninja that tried to hold him down and sedate him. As soon as Sasuke saw the needle appear in the Ino's hand he knew what was coming.

To most people needles were scary enough, but for Naruto when he saw the woman coming at him with the medical tool all he saw was Kabuto coming back. The twisted pleasure that was still fresh in his dreams was in front of him again. Naruto's already panicked reaction almost instantly got worse and he began to bite and claw his way through the ambush of people, desperate to escape from the needle and the torture that would come with it. Naruto kicked Ino in the stomach smashing her into a wall.

Naruto saw what he thought was Kabuto go into the wall and was determined to stop him from hurting anyone else. With lightning speed the agitated blonde lunged at her ready to kill if necessary, Ino called out to him trying to stop him, but her desperate cried went unheard. All she could see was a primal like Naruto his blue eyes now had slits for pupils; his nails were like claws ready to slash her throat.

The ANBU's forgot Sasuke for a moment and went to stop Naruto before he attacked the medical ninja again. Before they could get close Sasuke slammed into Naruto in mid-air, Naruto shook off the sudden shock and tried to go for Ino again only for Sasuke to block his way.

Frustrated that the raven haired shinobi was preventing him from attacking his swiped at him trying to get him to step aside.

Sasuke was quick to react to his roommate's behaviour and ducked out of the incoming claws that threatened to harm him. Sasuke's dodge allowed him to get behind Naruto quickly he grabbed Naruto from behind and pulled him into a tight embrace restraining his arms in the process trying to stop him from hurting himself and others further.

Naruto's eyes were wide open and he was still thrashing despite Sasuke's tight grip around him trying to get away from the serpents deadly squeeze. "GET AWAY! LET ME GO!"

The ANBU black ops watched the scene unfold before them, they were worried for Naruto's safety and the safty of the medical team that Naruto had demolished with a few kicks and punshes. They were also amazed at Sasuke's skill and cunning.

Slowly in Sasuke's arms Naruto's struggles lessened before they finally stopped as if he had surrendered to his foe. Sasuke called out to Naruto to see if he was ok. "Naruto, talk to me…"

When Naruto realised that he could breathe again and that he wasn't in the dungeon, if he was he would have been punished for fighting back. Naruto gasped for breathe and grabbed hold of Sasuke and refused to let go of him. Sasuke didn't know how to comfort the terrified Naruto, all he could do was not let go of him. It was only then he realised he was soaked in sweat and shaking from cold and fear.

One of the ANBU's gently wrapped his arm around a frightened Ino as she left the room she was holding her arm she took one last look at aNaruto be fore she was and escorted out of the room. in his bed covers, aiding Sasuke a little. As soon as the covers were around him, Naruto felt different in Sasuke's arms. He had no idea what this feeling was; he hadn't been comforted by another person before.

When Naruto had finally calmed down to a point his speech was at least understandable through his shivers. He asked Sasuke what he was worried about it was plaguing on his mind eating away at his heart like a bug jutsu. "Sasuke, do you still care about me?"

Sasuke felt a lump form in his throat; why was he asking this? "What do you mean?"

Naruto paused for a moment before he spoke again. "Did you mean what you said in the cave with you know who?"

Sasuke knew who he was referring to. Naruto had refused to mention Kabuto's name since they had returned from their last mission. "Dobe, of course I care. I wouldn't be here if I didn't."

Naruto sighed, relived that his dream had only been a dream. He snuggled into his rival's chest, a little desperate to keep him close. Sasuke eyed him warily. "Would you like to sleep next to me tonight? I can speak to the guards to see if I can stay with you for a while till you fall asleep."

No one apart from Kakashi, Sakura and Tsunade knew about the full story about what happened down in those tunnels; Sakura had kept her word and had not told anyone. For now. Tsunade was busy hunting down the snake bastard, she wanted to rip every scale from Kabuto's body for harming her little ninja. Sasuke hadn't realised how protective the fifth was towards Naruto till they had that meeting in her office.

"I WANT THAT WRETCHED SON OF A BITCH FOUND! I WANT TO RIP THAT BASTARD IN HALF!" Sasuke jumped when the room shook at the ferocity of the Hokage's voice. She had finished reading the full account of what had happened to Naruto. They had decided to spare him from reliving those memories and had asked Sasuke and Saburo what had happened.

The account was awful to read even for the Hokage, it was hard to read what had happened to the blonde that made him crawl into a shell of fear. Ibiki had even commented that Naruto would have some serious psychological wounds to heal from before he can be put on to any sort of mission.

Sasuke was bought out of his flashback by the sound of Naruto whimpering next to him, gazing down he realised that Naruto was now half asleep and resisting it for as long as his eye lids would allow.

Sasuke sighed at the pitiful sight of Naruto trying to stop himself from sleeping, he had managed to get away with it for some time now but the effort was now taking its toll. The bags under his eyes were more pronounced than usual. "Naruto you need to sleep sooner or later you will collapse from exhaustion. Please let one of us sedate you just for tonight or at least talk to me about what you are dreaming about."

Sasuke please stay with me. I don't want to have anymore injections don't let them put anymore into me please." Naruto struggled to put the words in his sentence together.

"You know I can not stay with you just tell me what you dream about. I promise not to put injections in you." Sasuke spoke in a soft voice trying to get Naruto to open up to him he had hardly spoken to Sasuke or anyone about what happened in his nightmare's.

Sasuke sighed when Naruto didn't answer him only for the silence to be broken by a small bang Naruto jumped out Sasuke's grip and spun round to see Sakura standing there with a blank expression holding an empty syringe in her hand. Naruto instantly fell to the ground Sasuke raced to his side and held him still for a minute.

Naruto looked at Sasuke half asleep from the sedative"Sasuke, you promised." Naruto went limp and passed out before Sasuke could apologise to him.
Sasuke glareed and Sakura before he could utter a word to her she stopped him and walked to the door not even bothering to see that Naruto's condition was stable.

Before she walked out of the door to leave she turned slowly to Sasuke and spoke in a hollow tone "Sasuke, don't make a promise unless you intend to keep it. I'll be over later to check on him."

I will leave it here I AM SO SORRY THIS HAS TAKEN SO LONG TO UPLOAD. Things have just got int he way at the moment. I will hopfully have the next one up soon. Please review, favourtie and follow but most of all I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.