Just a little bit of fluff. Hope you enjoy.


Spock left his quarters and walked down the corridor toward the lift. His bridge shift began in 30 minutes, and he always liked to be early.

A woman in a long, diaphanous blue gown was walking toward him. There was a matching conical hat on her head, with streamers trailing from the peak. Her dark hair was drawn up into an elaborate style. In one hand she carried a silver rod about 3 feet long with a golden star affixed to the end. She smiled as she neared him. "Good morning, Commander."

"Good morning, Lt. Marston," he replied. He continued on his way.

As he waited for the lift, a young man joined him. The young man was dressed in a yellow and purple striped baggy suit, which fit snugly at wrists and ankles. His shoes had long pointed toes, with bells on the curled up tips. His face was painted white, with large red lips, exaggerated eyelashes and brows, and great pink cheeks. He wore a huge, fuzzy blue wig.

"Good morning, Mr. Spock," the clown said.

"Good morning, Ensign Hathaway," Spock replied.

The lift door slid open to a gruesome sight. A monstrously distorted greenish face leered at them. The monster wore ripped and ragged clothing. Chartreuse blood dripped from wounds in its shoulder, legs, and back.

"Good morning, sir," the monster said.

"Good morning, Airman Wales," Spock answered.

"Deck eight," the young clown said to the lift as he entered.

"Bridge." Spock said.

The monster got off on deck 11.

The lift stopped at deck 10. A young woman dressed in short, ragged jeans got on. The jeans were held up with a piece of rope. She wore a plaid shirt, tied so that her midriff showed. Freckles were liberally painted on her cheeks and nose. The long, curly, blond hair was clearly a wig. On her head was a wide straw hat. She smiled. "Good morning, Mr. Spock. Good morning, Hathaway."

"Good morning, Lt. Vickers," Spock replied.

"Good morning, sir," Hathaway responded

Both Vickers and Hathaway exited the lift at deck 8. A zombie got on. It grunted at Spock.

"Good morning, Dr. McCoy," Spock said stiffly.

A chuckle answered him.

At deck 6 Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy entered the lift.

"Good morning, Mr. Spock." "Good morning, Doctor." They spoke in unison.

"Good morning, Lt. Reyes, Ensign Leigh," he answered.

McCoy gave an eerie zombie groan.

Andy got off at deck 5; Ann at deck 4.

Mr. Scott got on at deck 2. He had on a kilt.

"Gud mornin' to ye, Mister Spock, Doctor McCoy."

Another groan.

"Good morning, Mr. Scott," Spock said.

Mr. Scott exited first when the lift stopped at the bridge. He was followed by a grunting, stumbling McCoy-zombie.

Finally, Spock stepped onto the bridge and looked around.

Uhura was wearing fairy wings.

Sulu had on a black, skin tight ninja outfit.

Chekov was clad in eyepatch and pirate hat.

And Captain Kirk was dressed as Superman!

Spock closed his eyes and almost sighed, thankful that Halloween came only once each Terran year.