I fell in love with the idea of you.

I fell in love with you.

You have the greatest smile.

People told me not to talk to you.

I probably should have listened.

You're a great person.

You have good intentions.

You tend to get distracted.

You're passionate about the things you love.

You're passionate about her.

You were interested in me.

I warned myself.

I couldn't stop myself.

I fell.

I fell badly.

I was addicted.

I made myself quit you.

I finally got over you.

I only thought about my side of it.

You were trying to get her back.

You betrayed her.

You didn't mean it.

You wanted to forget about the past.

We didn't even have a past.

You longed for her.

You longed for her.

You only "wanted" me.

You couldn't keep your head straight.

You tried to forget the past.

You try to erase the past.

You are repeating the past.

I was the distraction.

I needed to stay away.

I just wanted to be with you.

You were toxic.

You do bad things.

I didn't believe that you were bad.

You were so good to me.

We'd laugh.

We'd talk.

We'd stand close.

You're heart was never in it though.

Mine was.

Now I'm broken like never before.

I've slipped to a place I've never slipped before.

You've inspired me.

You've angered me.

You only "wanted" me though.

I thought I needed you.

I deserve better.

Nobody would argue that.

I stooped low.

I fell in love with the idea of you.

I fell in love with the idea of us.

I fell in love with the idea of rebellion.

I fell in love with your smile.

I fell in love with your touch.

I fell in love with you.

You fell in love with her

You always loved her.

She fell back in love with you.