I know exactly what I want and who I want to be
I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine
I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy

- Marina & the Diamonds, Oh No!

The fire crackling around him sounded distant as he wrapped his hands around the hilt of the dagger. Turning it back and forth, he stared at it in wonder, mesmerized by the orange light dancing across the blade and its elegant inscription. He could feel the power in it, buzzing in his fingers.

This was it. The answer.

A nearby crash of falling woodwork reminded him that celebration could wait. He fled, a thief in the night, clutching the dagger to his chest as he stumbled through the dark woods until he could no longer see the bloody red glow of the burning castle.

Holding out the dagger, he took a moment to admire the silver gleam of moonlight reflecting off it before calling out the name. He felt a rush of magic, and there, standing before him, was the Dark One.

The magic had felt so good, and it only stiffened his resolve to go through with his plan. By the time he realized who the Dark One was, it was too late. He watched with horror as his skin became grey-gold, racing up his arms, overtaking him, and he felt a brief moment of regret so profound he wanted to weep. But then the magic came, sparking along his new skin and popping behind his eyes like fireworks, and he forgot that there was anything about his decision to regret.