Thank you for all of the reviews, everyone. I really appreciate them. Here is another chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Please leave a review. Also, if you haven't already, I would love it if you could check out my new story, Vague, and let me know what you think.

"It was the day after the End of Senior Year Party. I was coming to Peyton's house to pick her up for Lucas's going away lunch..." Brooke began.


Brooke walked into Peyton's house, spotting trash everywhere. The house was completely cleared out of drunk teenagers, though the stench of alcohol was still apparent in the air. Brooke walked up the stairs, finally reaching Peyton's bedroom, where she hoped Peyton would be. She found Peyton lying down, buried in the comforter of the bed.

"Peyton," Brooke whispered.

Peyton's head immediately shot up. "Brooke! What are you doing here?!" Peyton screamed.

"Don't you remember? I'm picking you up for Lucas's going away party. Everyone's already at the restaurant. They're just waiting for us. I'd thought you'd be ready when I got here, but I guess not."

"Oh yea!" Peyton jumped out of bed, hurriedly changing into something nice. She fixed her hair and applied make-up to her face. After five minutes, she was ready to leave.

Her and Brooke left the house, Peyton gasping in shock when she saw the mess left in her house, and headed towards the restaurant. As they were walking in, Brooke looked at Peyton.

"Peyton, there's something different about you. I noticed it this morning, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. What changed?"

Peyton looked at Brooke, debating whether or not to tell her the truth. "Ok, Brooke. But you have to swear you won't tell a soul."

"I promise."

"Alright. So last night... I lost my virginity," Peyton told her.

"What?! How?! To who?! How was it?!" Brooke asked, getting jumpy and excited.

"What? I lost my virginity. To who? A complete stranger. How was it? Amazing. And how? I don't think I have to answer that one."

"Oh my God! I'm so happy for you! No wonder you were walking kinda funny!" Brooke pulled Peyton into a hug.

"Brooke!" Peyton laughed.

Brooke looked off to the side, spotting everyone walking towards them. "Ok, we'll talk more about this later." Brooke smiled at her other friends and walked up to them.

Lucas came up to Peyton and pulled her into a hug. "Hey. How are you?" he asked.

"Good. And you?"

"Good." Lucas shifted his feet awkwardly. "It suck's that I'm leaving so early, but I needed to get a feel for the campus. I wish I could stay a little longer. Maybe spend some more time with you."

Peyton looked at him, wishing things weren't so complicated, and she could just take him into the bathroom and have him right there. But she knew how weird things could get if they broke any of their rules, so she stayed quiet. She headed toward the table with Julian, Nathan, and Haley.

Brooke was about to follow them, when Skillz grabbed her arm. "Hey, B. Davis, is there something wrong with Peyton? She's acting a little strange."

Brooke tried to stay quiet, but the urge to tell Skills was to overpowering. "Ok, but you didn't hear it from me," Brooke said in a hushed whisper. "Peyton lost her virginity last night."

"Wow! That's some coincidence!" Skillz exclaimed.

"What? Why?"

"Well, Lucas told me he lost his virginity last night too."

"You don't think they-"

"Actually, I did, but now I'm 100% positive that I'm correct."

"Wow," Brooke said in a low voice. She was angry at Peyton for not telling her, but happy that it wasn't just some stranger. "Should we tell them we know?"

"No. Let's just act like we don't know anything. I'm sure they'll tell us eventually." Skills looked over at the table where all of their friends were sitting. "C'mon. Let's get back to our friends before they suspect anything. Plus, I'm sure you're dying to see Julian."

"Skills!" Brooke exclaimed, swatting his arm.

Skills huddled over in defense and laughed. "You think I don't see these things, B. Davis, but I do."

"Whatever. But you better keep your mouth shut!" Brooke gave Skills a warning look and he quickly nodded. "Alright. Let's go."

End of Flashback

"Skills and I still keep in contact. We mostly talk about you two, but other things have come up," Brooke said with a shrug.

"You just assumed Lucas and I hooked up because of that? It could have been a weird coincidence," Peyton argued.

"That and the fact that during the entire lunch, you guys looked like you wanted to have each other again right on top of the table!" Peyton rolled her eyes, so Brooke added, "Ok, I'll admit I was feeling a little doubtful myself after awhile, but something happened that proved it to be correct."

"And what was that?"

"OK. It was the day of Lucas's birthday party in our Freshman year of college.."


Brooke watched Lucas as he stared at Peyton, a hurt look on his face. She didn't understand why Peyton would bring Jake to Lucas's birthday party, but she was pretty sure it had something to do with her not trusting herself around him. She knew Peyton's feelings for Jake were not real. Everyone knew that. Well, it wasn't like she was any better. She was going to bring someone to the party to make Julian jealous, but he ended up cancelling last minute.

Brooke snapped out of her daydream of Julian when she saw Lucas stand up. He walked into the house and Nathan immediately started a conversation with her. She only half payed attention to what he was saying, but he didn't seem to notice. As soon as Lucas left, Brooke noticed how Peyton pushed Jake away. They exchanged a few words, and Peyton was following Lucas into the house within seconds. Brooke was prepared for this. She had remembered to leave a box of condoms on the bed and she even took the time to place a thoughtful little note next to it.

Brooke smiled at Haley as she climbed into the pool with them. They invited Jake to come in, but he merely shook his head and looked away, continuing to text on his phone. After a while, Brooke noticed everyone start to get suspicious.

"Where are Lucas and Peyton?" Haley asked. "I really want him to open his presents now. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees what I got him."

"I know. Where are they at? I want him to see what I got him too," Nathan repeated.

"Peyton is getting my shirt from the room where we left all of our clothes," Jake said. "But come to think of it, it was a little while ago..."

"You know what? I'll go check," Brooke said, getting out of the pool. "Lucas! Peyton! Where are you guys at?! It's time to open presents."

She walked into her house, trying to take up as much time as possible so that Lucas and Peyton would have a little while longer together. That is, if they're doing what she thinks they're doing. She opened the door to every room in the house, making sure to thoroughly inspect the space before leaving. Finally, Brooke approached the door she knew Lucas and Peyton were in. She waited a few seconds before opening the door. She called out their names once again, seeing no trace of them.

"Peyton? Lucas? You guys in here?" Brooke asked.

She walked into the bathroom that was in the room, and still found nothing. She was just about to check the closet, when she saw Lucas and Peyton's swimsuits. Lucas's was laying in a heap on the floor, while Peyton's bikini pieces were slightly spaced apart from each other. Brooke ran out of the room silently and as quick as possible. She knew for a fact that what her and Skills had thought had happened between Lucas and Peyton was true.

"Where are they?" Haley asked once Brooke reappeared outside.

"Peyton's in the restroom and Lucas is on the phone with his mom," Brooke lied. "They should be out any second."

"Oh, ok." Haley looked to the side and saw them talking to Jake. "Look! There they are!"

"Great. Let's go," Nathan said, walking with Haley and Brooke.

"Hey, Guys!" Haley exclaimed, hugging Lucas. "It's time to open presents. Luke, how's your mom?"

"Good, I guess," Lucas answered.

Brooke can't even keep her brain up with what happens in the next few seconds. All she knows is that Lucas punched Jake and Peyton rushed Lucas into the house for some ice. Now she stared at a wide-eyed Haley and a confused Nathan.

"What happened, Brooke? Why did Lucas do that?" Haley asked.

"Haley, just don't ask Lucas about it and I'll tell you," Brooke promised, lying once again to protect two of her best friends. She knew Lucas hit Jake because of something to do with Peyton.

"Ok, I won't ask him. What happened?"

"Jake kept calling Peyton these horrible names whenever she wasn't around, and Lucas got tired of it. After having enough, he called him out on it. Jake got mad because Peyton broke up with him."

"Wow... Lucas is so awesome," Haley admired.

"Shh, here he comes. Don't say anything," Brooke repeated.

"Hey, Guys," Lucas began.

"No. You don't have to explain, Lucas. Let's just open presents now, ok?" Haley interrupted.

"Ok," Lucas agreed.

He opened all of his presents in the order Brooke handed them to him. Then, Brooke looked at Peyton. "Peyton, where's your gift?" she asked.

Peyton remembered that she had left the gift in the car, and Jake had just taken off with it. "I-"

"No she didn't, Brooke. She already gave me her gift," Lucas said with a smirk.

Brooke found it weird that no one even noticed that comment and the shared look between the two. They acted as if nothing had happened. Later that night, Brooke called Skills and told him everything. She could practically hear him smiling on the other end.

End of Flashback

"Ok. That's pretty good proof," Lucas said. "I had forgotten about that little comment. How come you never mentioned it?"

"Yea, Brooke. Why didn't you say anything? We're best friends. If you told me you knew, I would have told you everything," Peyton said.

"Well, it doesn't matter now," Nathan said. "Everyone knows."

"Yea," Haley agreed. "But I still have one question. How did you guys officially end things? I mean we all know you still saw each other. It's been like five years later and you guys barely had sex again last night. What made it ok to be with each other, without actually being with each other?"

"I'll explain this one," Peyton said. "It was a month after Lucas's birthday party. We made plans to meet with each other to discuss our... situation."


Peyton pulled into the parking lot of the fancy restaurant Lucas had made reservations for. She checked her make-up in the mirror before heading into the restaurant. She immediately spotted Lucas, who grew a huge smile at the sight of her. She walked over to him and he stood up to push in her chair for her. When they were both situated, he poured them each a glass of wine and began talking.

"Peyton, it's so good to see you. I've missed you so much." He stared at her and she could tell he meant every single word. "You look beautiful, by the way."

"Thank you, Lucas. I've missed you too. Actually, that's the reason I wanted to meet with you again." Peyton shifted in her seat, suddenly uncomfortable.

"Ok..." Lucas waited patiently for her to continue, his blue eyes encouraging her on.

"I'm not going to lie, Lucas. With the events that took place during our last few moments together, I sort of developed feelings for you," Peyton began.

"Me too, Peyton," Lucas said, beaming.

"Well, it's gotten to the point where I'm finding it hard to concentrate, because you're on my mind."

"So, what? Are you saying we should date? Because I would love to."

"Lucas, I would love to, too, but we cant. Our colleges are too far apart, and it would hurt way too much to not see each other."

"Ok, then what do you suggest we do?" Lucas asked.

"Well, knowing we'll never be together is torture, but knowing we will someday will make it a lot easier not to miss you so much. Knowing that it's not over for us, it's perfect," Peyton told him.

"I agree with you, Peyton. Once we finish school and are in a position to be in a relationship, then we should give it a try. I know someday we'll find our way back to each other."

"To someday," Peyton said, raising her glass of wine.

"To someday," Lucas repeated, clinking his glass against hers and taking a drink.

End of Flashback