This is my first story ever! Please read and review.

Chapter One

"You did what!?", Lucas exclaimed. He was just getting home after a long day of work coaching the Ravens. Haley and Nathan let him move in with them since they had an extra bedroom and needed the money.

"I set up a date for you and Peyton", Haley said simply. She put her keys on the counter and looked at Lucas.

"I heard you the first time, Hales. I just could not believe it", Lucas said. He put his arms on his head and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry if you're mad at me, Luke, but I was getting sick of hearing you talk about her and what you would give to be with her. Trust me. One day you're gonna thank me for this." Haley turned around so her back was to Lucas and smiled. She knew she had gotten him.

"Okay. I'm not mad. I just feel kind of embarrassed that you had to ask her for me. I mean I'm a grown man now, Haley. You shouldn't have to be the one to get me a date with a girl." Lucas walked into the kitchen and pulled a beer out of the fridge. He took a chug and placed it on the counter.

"It is not just any girl, Luke. This is Peyton Sawyer we are talking about here. You have been in love with her for as long as I can remember and you haven't made a move once. We both know that if I hadn't done this, it would have never happened." Haley walked to the stove and began to make dinner. Lucas watched as she chopped up carrots and potatoes.

"Fine. I can't pretend like I was planning on asking her any day now. Well, what was your conversation? And I want exact words." Lucas moved in right next to her and started seasoning the chicken.

"I promise I'll will say exactly what happened." Haley made the motion of crossing her heart. "First, I asked her what her plans were for tomorrow night and she said she didn't have any. When i invited her over to the house for a dinner with you, she basically jumped with joy. After that we just talked about the things we normally talk about. Except this time, she seemed a little distracted."

"Do you think she could actually like me back?" Lucas smiled at the thought. " I really thought that I would have lost any opportunity with her after college. We hadn't seen each other for four years and who knows what kind of relationships she had. I guess this year we spent catching up went well."

"Lucas, do not act like you were not in any relationships during college", Haley scolded.

"Haley, we both know they did not mean anything to me. There has only been one girl on my mind." Lucas turned around at the sound of footsteps behind him.

Haley brushed past him and ran straight into Nathan's arms. Lucas smiled at the picture in front of him. "What have you guys been talking about?", Nathan said looking at both of them.

"Lucas has a date with Peyton!", Haley blurted.

"What? Since when?", Nathan said in shock.

"Since today", Lucas explained. "Haley decided to set it up behind my back. I just can't believe Peyton actually agreed to it."

"Why wouldn't she? Luke, you could tell she has liked you for awhile now", Nathan said turning on the game. " Or at least that's what it looked like."

"Well, even if everything goes perfectly, what am I going to tell Julian? He is really not gonna like this." Lucas walked into the living room and joined Nathan on the couch. "He is always trying to convince me that I could do better. He doesn't like Peyton for me. I cant even bring up her name anymore without him getting pissed off."

"Don't worry about him. All that should be on your mind is your date tomorrow. If it doesn't go perfectly, I'm not sure I could get you another one", Haley said teasingly. Lucas and Nathan just laughed.

You're right. Tomorrow needs to be perfect", Lucas said as he walked away.

"Well it's about time!", Brooke Davis, Peyton's best friend since pre-school, said." You and Lucas are way over due."

"What?", Peyton couldn't believe this was Brooke's reaction. She expected her to be excited and jumpy, not bored. "This was not the reaction I was expecting from you, B. Davis."

"C'mon, Peyton! We all knew it was gonna happen eventually. I'm just a little surprised it took you guys this long!" Brooke and Peyton were in their two-bedroom house. Peyton had only told Brooke about her date with Lucas a few seconds ago, but Brooke had already started helping Peyton pick out her outfit for her date with Lucas tomorrow night.

"Ok. The point is it's all going to happen tomorrow and I am so nervous about it, I can't think straight!" Peyton observed the outfits Brooke sprawled out on her bed. Brooke sure had a gift when it came to fashion.

"What's to be nervous about P. Sawyer? Everything is going to go great!" Brooke knew what had Peyton so nervous before Peyton even said it.

"Brooke, you already know that I have trouble letting people in." Peyton was ashamed of that quality, but it wasn't like she didn't have her reasons.

"I know, Peyton, but you know you can let Lucas in. I mean you guys have been friends since 2nd grade!" Brooke saw that Peyton still looked unsure. " Peyton, really think about it. Lucas would never leave you. Friend or more than that."

"You're right, Brooke. I need to stop worrying about silly things like that. Everything will be fine. The date will go perfectly and me and Lucas will finally get our Fairy Tale ending!" Peyton smiled at the thought of her and Lucas being together officially.

"Now that's what I like to hear!" Brooke put down her latest combination of outfits." This is perfect! This is the one you are wearing on your date with Lucas tomorrow!" Peyton smiled.

"Yes this is the one!"