The Sky finally was shattered. Without the rightful heir, and the Vongola Gears back in their sealed forms along with the Ring of the Sky regressed to its crude stone state, unable to be restored or emit flames, the Vongola is on the brink of chaos. Amid the turmoil, with the Guardians scattered and their relationship strained, the Vongola is at the door of a daunting war involving the entire underworld, one that can lead to the complete destruction of the Famiglia. But there might be still hope with the appearance of a mysterious figure who strangely looks like a mixture of the deceased Tenth and Primo. TYL and AU
Ciao, minna-san!
So after a long time without updating my older stories, here I am again! And I apologize for the long waiting, and I promise I will not let that happen again!
As always thank my super-beta Tora-chan83, her help is crucial for me!
Before you read the chapter, watch the video I made for this fanfiction ^ ^
ht*tp:*/*/ww* *tu*be.c*om/*wat*ch?*v=Z*xC8*Lec4*kTw [you take the * of the link]
Disclaimer: KHR belongs to Akira Amano-sensei, only the plot is mine!
Meeting Arc: Part 2
The depth of their feelings is reflected in the consistency of the bonds that unite them. When these links are broken there is always more than what the surface reveals. And it is never only one side that gets hurt.
The imported car stopped near the entrance that led to the Namimori temple where a handsome blond with an unhappy look on his face stepped out. It had almost been a week since his attempts to negotiate with a certain frustrating former mayor. It was by pure coincidence that Dino had come to Japan to resolve some outstanding clean business with a company that had been expanding considerably in the last two and half years or more. Although the company's main headquarters was in France, the Cavallone boss had to come to this so nostalgic country, just on this gloomy date to finalize the details of his new investment in the region. But the trip had a bonus for which the blond did not expect; he managed to find Kyoya at the headquarters of the Foundation- since his former student tended to cut out any contact with the Famiglia and allies, which extended to Dino at the same time, it was impossible to locate him. Whatever Hibari makes of this date was something that nobody had enough guts to try to figure out - the skylark was still the most feared Guardian in underworld for a certain reason.
But so far both his attempts to score a lunch to remember the old times, this being instantly rejected by the Cloud, as well as his calls for Kyoya go to the Vongola headquarters, at least this year, failed miserably. All leading to his last attempt, which was the reason for his current visit to the temple. Even with his private jet at the airport waiting for him to return to Italy, Dino made a turn on his way and headed for the Foundation in another attempt to persuade the stubborn and aloof Guardian for the last time. Altogether it would be good for the Famiglia's morale, as it was already quite broken, if the Cloud decided to join them on this date. Moreover whether Dino liked it or not, the underworld lived from appearances, and it was very apparent to all that the Vongola was unstructured. In addition the distance between the members of the Tenth Generation had not made the situation any better, if anything it had only increased the speculation that the current leaders of the most powerful mafia Famiglia were unable to come to an understanding with one another. So it was with no doubt that the presence of Kyoya would help erase those so annoying rumors.
"I thought you had already left Japan." - Hibari commented indifferently without looking up from his paperwork, his temperament as cold as ever.
"The jet will depart in less than forty minutes. Just stopped by to hear your answer." - Dino responded, standing at the door of the office where the Cloud worked; Kusakabe had already left them alone after guiding the blond through the familiar corridors, going in search of some files that his boss asked for.
"I do not know what you are talking about."
"Kyoya, you couldn't have forgotten what day it is tomorrow!" - the blond exclaimed, somewhat exasperated.
"With you talking all week about the same subject it is impossible to forget." - the former mayor replied evenly, still not looking up from the paper in his hands, much to the growing frustration of the other man in front of him.
"Kyoya, you really want to miss this year too?!
"I have no reason to go. I dislike agglomeration, especially with those herbivores."
"You're still one of Tsuna's Guardians, if you haven't forgotten what it means to wear the Vongola Ring of the Cloud on your finger, Kyoya!" - Dino replied sounding louder than he wanted as irritation was getting the better of him.
Talking about his little brother was always painful no matter how much time passed. Because Dino was the last person who really saw Tsuna alive. On the night before everything came crashing down the young Don experienced another collapse and Shamal had to be called again. As Reborn was out on a mission, and with the Tenth given explicit orders to all employees of the mansion not to involve his Guardians, the perverted doctor informed Dino on the situation of the 'Vongola brat' and the blond immediately rushed to the headquarters of the biggest mafia Famiglia.
One of the last memories that the Cavallone boss painfully burned into his mind was of his little brother; pale, skinny, mumbling incoherently due to high fever, and lying on a bed. The next day, Tsuna, even though he was still weak and feverish, went out alone to find his own death at the hands of some filthy coward of a Famiglia who never was identified. Dino bitterly regretted having heeded the request of the Tenth and returned to Cavallone headquarters with the promise that the two would talk to each other at the end of the day. A promise that was never fulfilled. Not even the fact that the blond called his former Spartan tutor and told him what was happening, which was as soon as he was informed of the situation from Shamal, alleviated the guilt in his heart. Had he acted sooner, if he had stayed in the mansion despite Tsuna's protests, perhaps his brother would not have left, and then today he would not be returning to Palermo to visit his grave.
"There is no need for clouds if there is no sky. And if that was the only reason why you came, you're wasting your time." - asserted the former mayor, finally facing the blond with his sharp blue-gray orbs, the indifferent aura still emanating from his body, if anything Hibari was starting to get annoyed with the conversation; Tsuna's death was a touchy subject for all the Guardians, Kyoya being no exception.
Before Dino could refute, the muffled sound of a phone ringing, clearly the old hymn of Namichuu, echoed in the room. Reaching into his jacket, Hibari took out a purple cell phone - the same shade as his Shinu Ki no Honoo - and observed the handset screen. A light sheen of something that Dino was not able to identify passed through the Cloud's orbs. After a brief moment Kyoya placed the phone back into his pocket and nonchalantly returned to work on his paperwork. The Cavallone Don watched the scene with a slightly surprised expression. He noticed the phone was not the same one that his ex-student had when they met days before during the period the blond came to visit him for the first time. Sliding his eyes to the Cloud's desk, the older man easily perceived the other phone resting alongside the laptop. The blond never knew that the former prefect was the kind that carried many devices on his person. Despite some things, Hibari had also changed over the years.
"Listen Kyoya, your presence is important. I'm sure that Tsuna would have wanted you to go. Even if you do not agree, he always considered you as part of the family. And you and I both know that." - Dino finally lectured, he released a sigh of annoyance and weariness prior to turning away and walking towards the exit; an action that caused him to miss the faint ironic smile that played on the lips of the Cloud - "I hope you change your mind. And Kyoya, do not disappear again." - futilely declared a worked up Dino as he left the room.
Once Dino's presence disappeared completely, Hibari removed the purple cell phone from his pocket once more. A keen glance fell on the screen of the device before the former mayor began to initiate a call.
"I regret that it has not succeeded." - Kusakabe spoke, seeing the Don exiting the Foundation, the clumsy man's presence emitting clear frustration.
"Ah. I should have known that Kyoya would not agree. But because of Tsuna I had to try. To think that I actually thought Kyoya would be a little more approachable because he has not abandoned Tsuna." - Dino sighed, settling his hands into the pockets of his pants - "It's at times like these that I have to admire my little brother. He knew how to deal with Kyoya better than any other person. Tsuna always managed get that stubborn man to do what he wanted."
"This is because Sawada-san managed to gain the respect of Kyo-san."
"And yet Kyoya refuses to go visit him." - Dino said while a sigh escaped his lips - "Well, anyway, at least this time I was able to find him. He travels so much that it's difficult to locate him."
"Kyo-san is doing research and investing in technology from other countries." - the man explained with his usual weird hairstyle protruding from his head.
"It seems that Kyoya became a bigger workaholic than I thought he would be. Anyway, it's time to leave. Romario must be getting impatient while waiting for me. Have a good day, Kusakabe."
"Good journey Dino-san, please send my feelings to all."
"I'll do that." - the Cavallone Don said, a smile pasted on his face.
Bidding farewell to the blond, Kusakabe returned to the office of his boss, bringing the expected documents. Upon entering, the tall man found his boss with a predatory glare on his face, a glow that only came because of the same reason. Something definitely happened.
"Something wrong, Kyo-san?" - he asked, sensing the powerful aura exude from the Cloud Guardian, who muttered a 'Hn' while dangerously narrowing his eyes, the purple cell phone wedged firmly in his right hand.
The black car made a screeching halt in front of the main entrance of the Vongola headquarters. The heavy rain, which started shortly after noon, had not given respite. If nothing else it only intensified while occasionally lightning ripped across the sky. The vehicle did not stop completely when Hayato jumped out, slamming the door hard and ignoring the cold rain, which immediately hugged his body and began to freeze his skin. Racing to get inside, Gokudera invaded the lobby of the strangely silent mansion. Reborn-san's words constantly rang in his mind like a macabre mantra, almost making his ears bleed. "Tsuna is dead. Go back to the mansion" were the exact words spoken on the call he received from the Arcobaleno shortly after the end of his meeting.
"Hayato." - a tired voice acknowledged down the hall.
At the sound of his name, Gokudera turned instinctively to the person emerging from the shadows in the hallway to his right. Instantly green-gray orbs fell on a Shamal wearing a bloodstained lab coat. The Storm's mind froze. His ears were unable to assimilate the phrases spoken by the perverted now solemn doctor as he ran up the stairs several steps at a time, almost losing his balance in his headlong rush.
Crossing the hallways completely devoid of life, with an empty mind and a shaking body- not caused by the cold, but by fear - the Storm headed to the infirmary. His heart beat wildly in his chest. The irregular breathing caused his lungs to sting by the simple run. With a sudden stop, Hayato found himself face to face with a mahogany door. A trembling hand extended toward the doorknob, only to halt in the air, a few inches from cold metal. A tear, then another and another, streamed down Gokudera's pale face when his mind finally seemed to back up and work, joining the events of moments before and adding in the call of the Arcobaleno - it just could not be true.
He had been avoiding him for a long time, to the point where he was almost not in the mansion. And until this call, not even once had Gokudera thought something similar might really happen, it was simply impossible. But to hear that clipped tone coupled with a mixture of frustration and anger in Reborn's voice, Hayato felt a terrifying fear take possession of his body also awakening all the promises buried in his chest that he made to his Sky and that he carelessly broke.
From the depths of his soul he hoped the Hitman could have finally lost patience with them and decided to be his usual sadistic self and devised a punishment for them for having walked away. Desperately the Storm clung to the idea that it was all just a joke in very bad taste, and that in the mansion the Jyuudaime would be in his office buried under piles and piles of damn paperwork, completely outside his tutor's plots. That upon entering in the office, the Tenth would face him with a slightly surprised and painfully hopeful look, and would give him a warm welcome as he always did, even though his family had given him their back and everything would be fine. But at the sight of blood, something inside him knew it was not a joke and his assured rationality disappeared.
Feeling his lungs ache, the Storm realized he had been holding his breath since he stopped in the hallway. In a new attempt to prove that everything was just a punishment, - and that what he saw was not really blood, even if it was, it did not mean it was his boss's, probably the only thing the Tenth had was a collapse and he was sleeping peacefully - Gokudera let his trembling hand touch the cold metal and open the door.
But he was wrong. All his hopes were unfounded. There was no Jyuudaime. There was only one empty bed and bloodstained sheets. And then the only word out of all that Shamal said and that he ignored in his torpor, yet his mind now seized, roared in his head, ripping him from the inside - "cremated."
Pain, fear and guilt stormed through his body, making him shudder. With tottering steps taking him back, Gokudera felt his back hit the wall of the hallway. His legs no longer could support his weight and his body glided toward the ground. Finally a scream ripped from his throat, followed by a burst of tears. His precious friend. The person who gave him a family that gave him a reason to fight, to live. His beloved Sky was gone forever. And his body was now nothing but ashes.
Green-gray orbs opened up painfully when the light penetrated his eyelids. Aware of his head buzzing, Gokudera slid a hand through his silver hair. Beside him on the small coffee table, two empty bottles of wine rest next to a glass cup. After a discussion with Yamamoto had caused another one of Lambo's crying crises, Hayato decided that only one bottle was definitely not enough to drag him from reality and into a damned dreamless night courtesy of a high level of alcohol in his body. It did not work. Instead he was stuck all night long reliving the memories of the day when his world was completely devastated. Bitter memories that he was sure he never would forget. And as much as it hurt him, such remembrances served as a reminder of why he was still struggling. Of why he still got up every morning, though the Sky was no longer with them. The memories served to remind of his new determination.
Rising from chair, having at some point fallen asleep in the piano room, the Storm felt the effects of drowning in wine combined with a night of uncomfortable sleep. This was the second time something like this happened, within the same week too - which only worsened the symptoms. Days before when his mission to negotiate with the damn Avanzo Famiglia to stay in the Vongola alliance became a complete disaster, the Storm sank into alcohol in a bar where, about five years before, he, Yamamoto and the Jyuudaime ended up during one of Reborn-san's many tests. So far Gokudera was not sure how he returned to the room at the hotel where he was staying. Before when he called the bar asking about the account, the clerk told him that someone paid it, if it was Hayato or not, he knew nothing. In the lobby of the hotel the receptionist said that she also did not recall seeing him come with someone. As nothing had been removed from his person, the Storm decided to leave the story at that. Maybe he returned on his own and the hangover erased his memories. Though since Gokudera woke the next day, a strange sense of nostalgia clung to him and it was seldom that Hayato felt it so intense.
Currently, to match his throbbing head and aching body, his stomach was knotted meaning that today he would have only a cup of espresso for breakfast.
Moving out of the room, Gokudera contemplated the day. A quick glance at the clock told him that it was not yet seven o'clock, giving him about twenty minutes to shower and get ready for the day. And with how the others should be coming to the mansion today, it would not be good if they found him wasted. Not that any of them actually cared about the rest of the family.
Making his way to the room, Hayato questioned to himself if whether or not he should check the condition of the brat. 'Maybe he was locked in his room again' the silver haired man thought distantly. After the confusion of last night it would be expected that the Ahoushi chose to ignore his promise and lock himself in his room as in previous years. He had that right, but Gokudera was not willing to accept it. With a small deviation in the hallway the Storm soon found himself at the room of the Thunder. After a deep breath, he let his hand rest on the cool metal of the doorknob, which to his surprise gave in easily, allowing him passage into the still darkened room. With a quick peek at the ball - fortunately asleep in the middle of the bed - Gokudera closed the door and returned to his original path. There was a long day ahead, and he could not afford to lose time, not when that day was coming.
Like the previous day, Yamamoto was in the dojo, but this time the Rain was not training. Sitting on the floor, his back against the wall, Takeshi allowed himself to take in the details of the place that was built specifically for him to train by Tsuna's request when the swordsman said he would also come to the headquarters in Italy. Even though the Tenth told him that he could stay in Namimori and monitor the development of the Japanese base along with Shoichi, Spanner and Giannini, Yamamoto refused to abandon his friends, especially Tsuna. To think that about three years later he would do exactly the opposite; choosing to walk away from his precious friend because of mistrust, suspicion and fear. Such actions made him feel self-hatred every day with increasing intensity.
At that time moving away from his precious friend was painful, but strangely it was easier than he thought it would be. Maybe it was like what the boy said that day when the structures of their world collapsed, 'their ties were weak and fell apart when exposed to the darkness of the underworld'. And this simple truth was a stab in the heart of Rain. To know that his determination to protect the one whom he owed his life to was so weak, only made him more disgusted with himself. He should have known that Tsuna would never do something without a good cause. The gentle boy who hated fighting, never put innocent people at risk, let alone sacrifice them without a second thought. On the contrary, his Boss would willingly deliver himself to death to protect others. Yet even then he had doubts, and his doubts cost him the life of his Sky.
Takeshi no longer was able to remember when was the last time he smiled - not even forced smiles outlined his lips. Or the last time he really expressed any emotion other than anything but anger, hatred. He did not know when was the last time he felt himself be like the quiet rain that washed away all adversities. Maybe that was why the Gears shifted back to their sealed ring forms, it was because none of them had the resolution to maintain the flames flowing through the rings. Because they no longer followed the will of the First Generation. Because they broke their oaths and became unworthy. Or maybe it was really a punishment for having broken their Sky completely, as Reborn-san liked to remind them. All Yamamoto knows was that he changed. All of them changed, and blatantly, it was not for the better.
Raising his hands to the height of his caramels orbs, Takeshi could not prevent his eyes from seeing red. Before Tsuna's death, before all of this started, he never knew what it was like to take a life. Dye his hands in blood. To see the flame of life expire right before his eyes. But now he was unable to see his clean hands or recall how many bodies his blade tore through in these past three years. He was completely lost in his frustration, sadness and bitterness. The Rain became exactly what he hated most. He broke all the oaths he promised to himself. Before he fought for his life, to protect people, and especially his family. Yamamoto went to his missions with the certainty of defeating his enemies at maximum of disabling them, but never take their life. But when the sky left them it was as if those morals at which he maintained himself to, were broken.
On his first mission after the death of Tsuna, Takeshi lost control and let out all the frustration and hatred trapped in his body for weeks on his enemies in a furious downpour. When his mind finally cleared, he found himself surrounded by bloody still bodies. Not one, not two, but several bodies. His blade shred a whole squadron of a rival Famiglia in less than a hour. Such a sight made his blood run cold in his veins, only serving to make him feel even more hate. Hatred of himself and of others because nobody bothered to console him or question how his heart was feeling now that his hands were stained. Nobody was there to support him when he felt himself breaking, when he felt afraid of himself, or when the unrelenting nightmares began to haunt him, not letting him sleep at night. But what hurt more, what most struck him, was knowing that this was exactly what he did that day.
Determined to push the bitter memories to the back of his mind just for today, Takeshi rose from the ground. Shigure Kintoki in hand, the tall man walked to the center of the dojo and began training. Actually Gokudera was not entirely wrong in his assertion, even if he did not want to admit it, the Rain trained partly in self-pity, because in the time he focuses his attention on training, his mind became completely clean, and he was able to temporarily forget all the things that wanted crush him like an insect. Yamamoto was able to forget that he also stained his hands with his guilt in Tsuna's death.
It was past noon and a certain boxer had not stopped training. Fortunately for Vongola's subordinates - who were exhausted and barely keeping on their feet - the Guardian had released them for lunch to recharge their energy. Needless to say that many fell before reaching the dorms and had to be carried by other colleagues, who have also had their daily doses of pain, sweat and blood, or were still waiting for that. From the top of a rock, a pair of blue orbs carefully observed his student acting more extreme than usual. But the Arcobaleno was fully aware of the real reason behind this explosion of energy, after all even he was affected by the death of Vongola's Sky.
With a small sigh of resignation, the blond decided it was time to approach his student before he exceeded the limits of his own body. And with all that was to come, it would be problematic if the Sun was incapacitated when the Famiglia needed him most. In addition, the other Sun would surely rebuke him if he did not do his part as a tutor - Reborn knew how to be a major pain when he wanted to be. After all the Hitman made the situation clear when they spoke on the phone yesterday. With that in mind the Arcobaleno picked up his rifle and focused the crosshairs.
Ryohei was about to complete his twentieth lap around the base that was used for training the members of Vongola's squads, of which eventually gets beginners from some of the Famiglias that were a part of the main alliance - who still respected the agreements made in the past when Vongola was sovereign in the underworld with a Sky that harmonized all. At that moment a blue glare opened a large crater in the exact location where he would be in a few seconds. The Sun instinctively took a fighting stance, fists ready to strike his attacker. From farther away this sight evoked a whistle from a certain Arcobaleno.
"So extreme as always, kora!" - the blond exclaimed, putting the powerful rifle back on his back and joining the Guardian.
"Master Colonello, what are you doing here?" - Ryohei asked, lowering his fists in acknowledgment of his former tutor's presence, one of the few people who still seek him out.
"Do I really need a reason to visit my student, kora?" - commented the Arcobaleno, while Falco alighted on his right shoulder, since the bird could no longer carry his master as when he was in his baby form - "I came to see how you're doing with the new recruits' training. I knew that the Amadio Famiglia sent some of their subordinates to you." - Colonello continued, recalling the last group that he saw from the Guardian's training, the poor men were on the verge of losing consciousness from exhaustion.
"Ah, they are weak and only a bit extreme! They can hardly to keep up with training." - the Sun muttered, frowning and pressing his fists.
"I see. But is it alright for you to be forcing your body? I thought I taught you to stop and leave your cells to rest, kora." - the blond remarked, noting the many new bandages on display around the body of the Guardian, making it clear that the boxer extremist was being careless with himself again.
"I extremely cannot rest now! I extremely still have energy!" - Ryohei shouted, his eyes shining and his body seeming to inflame with bright flames of the Sun.
"You haven't forgotten what day it is tomorrow, I suppose." - the comment immediately darkened the mood of the Guardian while the flames extinguished.
Colonello really preferred not to have to touch the wound, but this seemed to be the only trigger that could still stop the overly bright Sun of the Vongola. As bright as to be self-destructive, sometimes harming himself and others with his inability to control himself. Without the Sky, the Sun did not have a guide to show him the right direction and so he ended up exceeding his boundaries.
"I could never forget." - the boxer said in a strangely low tone, mixed with emotions and feelings where anger and frustration were the ones that stood out - "That's why I need to expel all this extreme energy, or I may end up burning the others." - Ryohei growled the last part.
Colonello observed his student for a few seconds. For a long time it was not a secret to everyone connected to the Famiglia that the situation between the Guardians had deteriorated to the point where they could no longer tolerate the presence of each other. They avoided meeting together and parted after the last big fight. It was a miracle that they still remained operative in favor of the Vongola. Simultaneously all this seemed to be picking on the nerves of a certain Hitman.
The blond still remembered the expression on Reborn's face the last time he saw him during one of several meetings with all Arcobaleno, almost two weeks ago. In all the years they had known each other, the pacifier holder of the Rain could not recall seeing the Hitman with an aura so angry. It was a surprise that after the meeting he invited him to practice a little - which yielded a higher than normal dose of destruction on the isolated area they chose for their training. Such a reaction just showed how much the situation had worsened since the Vongola Don died. Reborn was not the type who loss his cool and manly composure - the only exception remaining precisely the day of Sawada's death. In the end, perhaps it was not only the Guardians of the Decimo who needed help.
"I see. I have no other choice but to direct you in a safer way to eliminate all this energy that you still have accumulated." - the Arcobaleno said, taking the rifle again - "Prepare yourself, kora!"
The big clock in the living room rang punctually at 18 hours when Lorenzi opened the main door at the Vongola headquarters, giving way to a gray-haired figure with bandaged fists and a bandage over his nose. Ryohei entered the room and immediately felt a wave of painful nostalgia momentarily neutralize all his energy. The bright Sun of the Vongola always felt his extremism vanish when his feet touched this ground, now stained with the blood of his boss, friend and little brother. Even the dense Guardian knows he had his share of blame in the death of his Sky, however so, it did not mean that his heart was ready to accept this painful fact.
"So you came, Sasagawa." - Hayato growled, appearing in the hall of the mansion while Lorenzi took the arrival of the Storm as a suggestion to withdraw from the room, after all, the situation tended to get tense when the Guardians met.
"Like I was extremely going to miss it. Do not think you're the only one who cares." - the boxer replied tersely, tucking the bag hanging from his shoulder where only his basic belongings were kept, his best suits remained in the Vongola headquarters when he decided to move in the base where the training of the Famiglia's squads was held - "Who else is here?" - he continued, ignoring the silence that for three damn years hung around the mansion, a complete 180 turn compared to the excessively noisy one, now only heard during fights.
"Just you and Yamamoto." - the Storm responded with a note of disgust in his voice when he mentioned the name of the Rain, obviously the discussion from the night before had not been fully digested.
"I wonder if Hibari will appear this year..." - Ryohei wondered, crossing his arms over his brawny chest.
"Tch! As if I care about that bastard."
"So you've arrived." - Yamamoto spoke with his usual cold expression, also entering the room with his Shigure Kintoki slung over his shoulder, not glancing at Hayato - "Now we are only missing Dokuro and Mukuro."
Since the discussion last night, Rain and Storm have clearly avoided the presence of each other. Takeshi spent more than half the day at the dojo training, and the rest of time he was occupied when the boy asked him to help do the paperwork that had accumulated in the absence of Gokudera, something the Rain did in his own room since Hayato settled in the mansion's library. Neither went to Tsuna's office as it had become one of the many areas that the Guardians began to avoid whenever possible, feeling like they were desecrating something they were no longer worthy to access.
"Now that I think about it." - Ryohei began, breaking the tense and uncomfortable silence that suddenly enveloped them - "Do you know something about this meeting that Reborn-san marked? I have extremely no idea why."
"I assume that nobody knows, because our leader was not even informed." - Yamamoto grumbled, propping himself against a pillar at a distance from the other two, Gokudera being near the staircase, and Sasagawa standing at the center of the lobby.
Hearing that comment Hayato immediately fired a sharp and venomous look at the Rain, who just narrowed his caramel eyes back. Unexpectedly of all them the relationship between the two was by far the most unstable - ironically it was those two who were always the closest to Tsuna. Choosing not to arrange another unnecessary fight, Gokudera turned his attention to Ryohei, after all he was not in the spirit of provoking the wrath of a certain fedora wearing Hitman, who would not think twice at filling them with bullet holes.
"I questioned Reborn-san after breakfast, he said he will only talk when everyone is here. But I can only think that it is something related to the Nono's current condition." - the Storm replied while recalling the serious and cold expression of the Sun Arcobaleno.
Ever since Jyuudaime passed on the Spartan tutor spared no effort in punishing them for abandoning their boss and consequently attracting the death of the Sky. It became more than obvious to all that the Hitman blamed them for what happened, as if they were not already fully aware of their own guilty burden as a result of their stupid choices.
"I heard about it from Irie, Nono's health has worsened recently." - Yamamoto commented, also crossing his arms over his chest.
"Does this means that Sawada's father will have to assume the head alone?" - Ryohei felt his throat tighten at the mere mention of his deceased boss.
Once again a tense silence surrounded the trio, all were painfully aware that the Famiglia was starting to crumble just as their relations did some time ago. Even with their efforts to keep the Vongola functioning in an attempt to prevent everything that their beloved Sky made from being destroyed, alone they knew that they were completely powerless and the dread of failing again haunted them every new day. They were not able to save their precious friend. They were not able to save their failed relationships. And now they may not be able to save their Famiglia.
"It's a possibility. But if that's the only reason, then I do not know why Reborn-san has marked this meeting." - Gokudera was the first to break the self-imposed reticence, his expression more serious than usual, while his mind ran rampant formulating possible theories, but each without establishing anything.
"Maybe he wants to discuss new tactics of extreme action." - Ryohei suggested sounding uncertain.
"Or maybe they finally decided it's time to we hand in the Rings." - with that said statement two pairs of eyes shoot towards the swordsman.
"What are you extremely talking about?! Lose our rings?! Why?" - the Sun yelled confused and angry, staring pointedly at Takeshi.
"You thought about this, right Gokudera?" - Yamamoto plowed on ignoring Sasagawa, his caramels orbs fixed on the smoker whose expression assumed an unreadable expression - "Since Tsuna died, I've been wondering when the day will come when we will be waived. I confess that took longer than I thought." - the Rain spoke with palpable bitterness.
"Tch! Do not go jumping to conclusions." - Hayato growled, pressing his hands into fists to stop himself from itching towards his dynamite.
"Come on, admit it, after all it was our fault that Tsuna di-"
A loud sound echoed through the mansion as it shuddered.
Standing, hands in his pockets and staring at beyond the large window with a lost expression, Reborn observed the sun disappear at the horizon. Completely bathed in colors, the sky was so alive. Light from the setting sun casted strange shadows inside the office that was once occupied by his dame-student. The Arcobaleno still remembered the many meetings, discussions, threats - dame-Tsuna truly hated his task of doing the damn paperwork - or simply conversations that used to take place between these walls. They had not faded, nor had the feelings. Or the pride he felt ignite in his chest when his student inherited the Famiglia, when Tsuna led with absolute perfection at his first meeting with the bosses of other Famiglias, when the young Boss began distributing orders as if he had always done that, or the brightness of the admiration that the new Don aroused in those who had the opportunity of meeting him personally. Likewise, Reborn bitterly remembered the strange feeling of emptiness that came over him when his eyes fell on the pale and lifeless face of the boy he saw grow and start on the path of the formidable man who he was destined to be.
Reborn was never stupid, much less someone who lied to himself, and that was why he knew he was very attached to the weak, cowardice boy, that when the Ninth instructed him to drag that same boy into the dark world, it would eventually take his life and his innocence. He was carried away by the peaceful aura and kind and warm smiles, just as he, the world's greatest Hitman, a loner by choice, let someone come into his heart, and even allowed his heart to link itself to someone. But it was always like that when you are faced with a real and big Sky, they envelope you and accept you no matter who you are or what you did and do, and receives you with open arms as family - despite what others see him as, before a tutor or Hitman, Reborn was also a Sun, and thus even he needed the existence of a Sky.
Letting his gaze wander back into the office, the Arcobaleno examined the table that used to be overwhelmed by damned paperwork. The surface was completely clean as it was Iemitsu or Nono himself, who sign the important documents; Nono in his new residence south of Palermo, and Iemitsu on the property where he resided when he was the leader of CEDEF. As for the other paperwork, such as mission reports, accounts and files related to the various squads of the Vongola, all those were handled by Gokudera, who chose to use the mansion's library instead of the office. The brats had not realized that they avoid the places that were most frequented by their boss the same way that they shunned him when he was still among them. Anyway, it was not like the Hitman cared about that, as long as the Famiglia was still standing, the details could be ignored.
With his gaze wandering around the office, Reborn let himself dive into the memories of the last time he and his dame-student were in this room, more than three years ago.
"What is the meaning of this, dame-Tsuna?" - the Hitman narrowed his black orbs at his pupil who was sitting in a leather chair with his hands folded on the table - "I thought I told you I would not leave the mansion."
"It is an important high level mission. I cannot send someone else."
After the response full of meaning, Reborn forced himself not to gnash his teeth in irritation. He was the only one currently in the mansion. The only one Tsuna could still fully trust, since the brats have been avoiding him for over three months now - with the exception of Cloud, who remained observing the situation from the outside as he always does. In fact, if anything, the former mayor seemed even more hostile toward his fellow Guardians and strangely calmer around the Tenth - something which just gives more certainty to the Arcobaleno that Kyoya knew something. But Hibari spent more time minding his own business than interacting with the Famiglia, and even though the distant Cloud had never refused a mission, Tsuna did not like to be pushing his most powerful Guardian, who, although never openly admitted it, had long accepted the young Don as his Boss, as the title of 'omnivore' suggested.
"You can ask Hibari. He will go, the Skylark loves any chance to use his tonfas, and will certainly not reject the mission." - the tutor insisted, knowing that it was useless, Tsuna did not send him in this mission without a good reason, yet something in his gut, call it intuition Hitman, tell him to go is a bad choice.
"Kyoya does not fit that mission. I'd send Takeshi, but ... He is on a mission in Scotland. And Mukuro is ... Busy."
Despite the laudable attempt to make the tone of his voice plain, the trained ears of the Hitman were able to capture the note of bitterness and loneliness in Tsuna's words. Also, Reborn knew that Yamamoto's mission was self-assigned when the Guardian of Rain returned after almost being a month away, having immediately picked up a new assignment and departing after staying less than twelve hours in the mansion. About the Guardian of the Mist, the man probably simply refused to talk to his dame-student, and Tsuna, being too kind for his own good, probably did not insist, preferring not to force the illusionist.
There was resignation and a faint glow of determination in those hazel-brown orbs, which had gradually become dull and lifeless. Once again the Arcobaleno had to stop himself from grinding his teeth in frustration. But one thing for sure, when he comes back from this damn mission he sure will duly punish those stupid brats. It was his duty as tutor to use all available methods to teach his lessons and make sure that they were not only learned, but recorded. In addition, he sat out, just watching his dame-student suffer in silence and doing nothing for more than enough time.
"Okay, dame-Tsuna. But don't you dare do anything stupid while I'm gone."
Reborn at the time did not know exactly why he felt a cold chill in his stomach when he said it, or why his chest strangely tightened when Tsuna smiled at him, the first smile he saw appear on the face of the young Don in weeks since his family decided to turn their back for him. Unfortunately this smile did not reach his dull eyes. It was only about a month and a half after that that his fears were confirmed by a call from a panicking Dino asking him to return to the mansion because the health of his little brother had deteriorated too much and Tsuna was alone again, and refusing to alert his Guardians.
He knew by the calls he made to Tsuna, the telling about of his mission, that something was wrong, the vague tone of voice and short answers given by the young Don were more than enough proof of that. And Dino's call was just the push Reborn needed to drop everything and return to the Mansion. But nothing prepared him for the vision of the bloodied body of his student. Ultimately it seemed that it was not only Iemitsu who lost a son that day.
Suddenly a loud bang, followed by a jolt in the structure of the mansion pulled the Hitman out of his bitter memories, shoving him back to reality. With Leon in the form of a gun in his grasp, Reborn left the office, making his way to the first floor, already anticipating what caused all the confusion. In the end, all the brats were to meet again, something that only occurred on this date.
"You two idiots went crazy!" - Gokudera yelled, staring daggers at the two Guardians who were still in combat position.
The pillar where Yamamoto was propped up seconds before, now was printed with a crater twice as wide as Ryohei's hand in the exact spot where the Rain's head used to be. Takeshi had not finished his sentence when in a sudden movement the boxer jumped at him with his bandaged fist aiming for the other's face. Luckily Sasagawa did not activate his flames of the Sun, or else the damage would have been in completely different proportions.
"Never say that again or I'll extremely smash your face!" - Ryohei snarled, ready to use Takeshi as a punching bag, feeling that all the training with Colonello was not enough to spend his energy.
"For announcing the truth? That it's our fault that Tsuna died! "- the Rain hissed, Shigure Kintoki firmly in his hand, the blade pointed dangerously at the Sun.
Once again the two jumped, ready to attack each other when instantly a yellow glow cut across the room and caused both Guardians to retreat. Moments later a crater was formed in the ground, where they would be if they had not stopped.
"So it's through trying to kill each other that you want to remember Tsuna?" - the sharp and cold voice followed by a thick murderous aura flooded the room.
A painful look immediately formed on everyone's faces while Reborn descended the stairs without hiding his displeasure, the brats have only been causing problems since that damn day.
"I hope you have not forgotten that it is because you were stupid that you have lost the Sky. The same goes for you two." - the Arcobaleno stated, pointing the gun at the empty space to the right of Gokudera.
"Oya! It seems that we have chosen a bad time to come back, my dear Chrome." - a voice echoed through the mansion's hall leaking a well-known sinister laughter.
From inside the mist two illusionists emerged, Mukuro with a slightly amused look in his bicolor orbs, while the young woman had the same depressed look since Tsuna died. In the past Chrome had opened up more to the family due to the Boss' attempts to approach her, but like the others, she turned away from him - by distrust and fear.
Before anything was said, a loud sound akin to crying was heard followed by the thumping of footsteps running down the long hallways of the mansion. Immediately everyone knew who it was. Yamamoto increased his grip around his Shigure Kintoki in visible frustration while Ryohei pressed his fists tightly. Reborn allowed fedora hat to cover his face. He had ignored the brat's presence at the top of the stairs in favor of stopping the two stupid Guardians from causing more destruction and maybe seriously injuring themselves-nevertheless, the Famiglia needed them, even more now.
"Tch! Dokuro, can you take a look at Ahoushi?" - Gokudera snapped, turning to the female half of the Mist, who glanced at Mukuro before nodding in response and climbing up the stairs in search of the Thunder.
Since the time that the Jyuudaime was still with them, only the Tenth and Chrome could get Lambo to stop crying, but only the young Don could really calm the brat and without the need to bribe him with candy. It not was in vain that Lambo considered him and still considers his favorite 'nii-chan'.
"Listen, I'll not tolerate another mess by all of you. If you have problems to solve, do it without destroying the mansion. And if you want to fight, use the training room. While I believe that Tsuna will never be happy with his family fighting each other." - the tutor growled, releasing a little more of his murderous aura - "And dealing with repairing the damage. I suppose you have not forgotten what day it is tomorrow." - Reborn concluded, turning his back and leaving the room.
A brief and tense silence surrounded them. Everyone momentarily sunk in their thoughts. Even now they still cause pain and grief to their beloved friend and boss, as if all the loneliness and bitterness that they caused Tsuna to pass on was not enough already.
"Kufufufu. It seems that the Arcobaleno is angrier than last year." - Mukuro noted, his signature laugh sounding a little more tense than usual - "Well, I'll let you take care of housekeeping. After all neither I nor Nagi were responsible for this mess." - And with that, the mist concealed his body and disappeared completely.
"Tch! You two, I'll warn Lorenzi about the damage and check on the progress of the preparations for tomorrow. You better not try anything, or it will not be just Reborn-san who will blow you up." - Gokudera threatened, leaving the pair alone in the hall.
With the departure of Hayato, Ryohei took the bag with his belongings, which in his rage to attack Yamamoto he threw down on the floor, and left the room, muttering something about needing an 'extreme race' to calm down. Now alone Takeshi felt the hatred for himself only increase. Long ago he could not control himself and ended up causing fights and unnecessary arguments, just like he was the one who used to separate them. Just like when he used to be the one who was always laughing carefree and easing the tension in the air. It looked like the quiet Rain that washed away tribulations and was like a blessing to the Famiglia, dried definitively. So forlornly similar to the bonds that united them and presently made them a broken family.
"Tsuna... I'm sorry." - Takeshi muttered before also leaving the room.
And once again the deafening silence surrounded the mansion.
So minna-san, I hope that the chapter has offset somewhat the long wait. And bear with me, I like to develop my plots as well, so it may take a while for the story to start moving faster.
In any case, I have an invitation to the fans of Code Geass: I'm writing a story post-canon and I'll be very happy if you decide to take a look at my new plot. Incidentally, my super beta is already the second chapter of the new story, then soon there will be new posts.
Now I say goodbye and I will wait anxiously for your comments!