Last chapter! You all ready?! Let's get started! Woohoo!

Thank you's and mentions:

LinneaPike: Haha, well we've got a new chapter :D

xXYearOfTheCatFanXx: Lol, thanks :3

MinaTepesakaTorhuslittlesis: I know! Sowwie /.\

Heaven's Hell: I can see how that last one was confusing. Hopefully this chapter will clear things up. Don't know..


Yuki was prancing. Hyperventilating Thinking he was insane for the entire day. After last nights events, well...he didn't even know what to think of it. How could that cat talk? That wasn't normal. Was it really all a dream? But he never even remembered waking up.

"Hey, what's the matter?" ,Machi asked him as she walked into the apartment. Yuki stopped pacing and went up to her to give her a welcoming hug.

"Ah, sorry. I've been sort of stressed today." ,he admitted

"About what?"

"Well, it's not important. Why don't we have some lunch?" ,Yuki suggested.

"No," ,Machi said bluntly. She placed her hand on his shoulder and shook her head. "I want to know what's wrong so that I can help."

Yuki was at a loss. He didn't want to hide this from her. He never wanted to hide anything from her or from anyone, at that. But telling her about what happened last night also meant that he had to explain...the entire curse. He worried that would be to much for her to take in. Still, she deserved to know.

"Okay," He led her over to the couch and set her gently on the cushion where she sat next to him. He took a deep breath and then began.

"I had meant to tell you this along time ago but, at that exact moment when I had tried to, I was set free." ,he began.

Her face showed nothing but confusion. But he went on anyway.

"My family used to not be normal. We used to be under a curse where we would transform into the twelve animals of the zodiac whenever we were hugged by a member of the opposite sex. Shigure was a dog, Kyo was a cat, and I was the rat. This curse had run through our family for generations. But it was finally lifted last year and now we are free from this curse."

"...what?" Machi was wide-eyed. She knew this had to be a lie. He had to be just fooling with her. But by the look in his eyes, she knew he was being honest. She was completely shocked.

"That's insane." ,she stated.

"I know." ,he chuckled.

"And does Tohru know about this?"

He nodded. "Oh,yes she found out a long time ago."

"I see. Wow, that actually sounds pretty cool."

Yuki raised his brow. "Huh?"

"Being able to transform into animals, that would be kind a amazing." ,she smiled.

"Well not exactly." ,he sighed. "It came with some costs. But here's the problem..."

She waited, intently. "What is it?"

Yuki looked down in disappear. He didn't want this to be true but he had a feeling that it was. "I-I think this going to return..."

It was early in the morning. Torhu was busy doing the laundry. She was still over at Momiji's house. She didn't want to go home just yet because she felt that she would be..lonely. With Kyo not there, it would get pretty lonesome and she enjoyed Momiji's company. After all, he was one of her closest friends. She just hoped that she wasn't being a burden.

Momiji hopped into the laundry room. "Hey, I'm gonna go to the store to get us something for breakfast and lunch, alright?"

Tohru dropped the bucket of clothes she had in her hands and waved them back in forth in a frantic motion. "Oh, no! I can do it! I don't want to have you go to all that trouble!"

"But I want to!" ,Momiji whined. "How about this, you tend to house duties and I'll go get the groceries. Fair enough?"

"Uh..." Momiji had a point. She assumed that that would be fine. "If you insist?"

"Yay! I'll be back in a bit!" Momiji raced out of the house and to the grocery store.

Tohru sighed. That boy was just to nice. Well, that was one of the reasons that she loved him. She took joy in that energetic personality of his. Even though he had grown up, he was still the same Momiji.

Tohru put the wet laundry into the dryer and went to the spare bedroom to make the bed. She started with the mattress cover, carefully sliding it on then she put the sheets on top. She bent to pick up the comforter.

"Ah!" ,she gasped and clasped her stomach. All of a sudden, this stabbing pain rose from her lower stomach.

How strange, she thought. For sure it was a cramp. But it was a really bad one. She had just gotten off her cycle so she just thought the additional pain had not gone away yet.

She ignored it and continued her work with the bed. After she was finished, she went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. She took the sponge and scrubbed the dishes with care, setting them on the counter beside her and stacking them into piles. She washed one of the serving plates, dried it, and then went over to put it in the glass cabinet.

"GAH!" She got another cramp, but this one was a thousand times worse. The plate fell out of her hands and shattered to the floor. Bits of glass scattered all over the kitchen. Tears swelled out of her eyes. This pain wasn't normal. She knew something was horribly wrong.

She limped to the bathroom. Sharp pains coming with each step as she gasped aloud. She sat on the closed toilet, not sure what to do. The pain wouldn't go away. It hanged there. It shot through her ten times every second.

She was scared. And she didn't know what on earth was happening. She decided to get an ibuprofen that was in the cabinet above the bathroom sink. That was sure to help.

She got up slowly and dragged herself to the sink. Opening the cabinet, she took out a bottle of medicine. She opened the lid to it then-BOOM!

The pain hit again and it made her drop the bottle into the sink. This time, the impact made her sink to the ground. She cried hot tears. She felt a burning sensation in between her legs. Building pressure coming from her lower abdomen Pain that was so unbearable, so much worse than any pain that she had ever experienced that she finally let out a piercing scream.

She screamed for an entire minute at the top of her lungs. There was something inside of her. She could feel it. It was shooting through her. Digging itself out. Coming out from under her dress. The pressure worsened. She found herself pushing to get whatever was inside of her out.

She thought she was dying. No; she knew she was going to. This pain was killing her. She became weaker and weaker with every push. She thought of the ones she loved, her entire family, Uo, Hana, Kyo. Oh no, she thought. She would never tell Kyo goodbye. How would he live without her? This couldn't be happening.

Please, she begged. Don't let me leave him alone. Please,

She screamed again, that was it. She pushed one last time and was gone. The pain was gone in an instant.

Wait it was...gone? Just like that, she felt no more pain at all. She opened her eyes wide. She felt better again. But how? So suddenly, the pain had just subsided? How was that-?

She gasped loudly as she noticed the sight in front of her. She clasped her hands over her mouth. Her face turning red. She couldn't breathe. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be. But it was in front of her before he very eyes.

Right underneath her layed a bloody newborn baby. It wasn't breathing. It didn't cry. It layed there, motionless.


"Hey, Tohru, where are you?" Momiji had just walked into the apartment. Tohru gasped in relief.

"MOMIJI!" ,she screamed loudly.

She heard footsteps race through the hall and to the bathroom where she lie. When he opened the door, Momiji was in a state of pure shock at the sight before him.

"W-w-wha?" He had the same reaction as Tohru did.

"Help...HELP HER PLEASE!" ,she yelled, begging him.

Momiji took out his cellphone and dialed 911. He heard the line pick up."Yes I have an emergency! My cousin just had a baby!...No, it's not breathing!...Please hurry!" He shut off his phone

Momiji then did what he though of next. He went to get a blanket to wrap the baby up in. Hopefully, to give it some warmth.

He came back in seconds. "Don't worry, I'll hold her, okay?!"

He picked up the baby carefully and placed it on his chest. Then-Poof. A cloud of smoke appeared and the two could not believe what they had just witnessed. The newborn changed from a baby into a small horse.

"No it can't-" Tohru gasped and layed back, about to go unconscious.

"No, Tohru stay with me!" ,Momiji begged bending down to her with the dead foul still in his arms and his free hand violently shaking Tohru's shoulder.

But it was to late. Her world had gone black.

C-L-F-F-H-A-N-G-E-R! I know! AHH! Don't worry! The sequel will be out in no time!

And thank you so much for those who have stuck with this story with me up to now. I have such a passion for the original Fruits Basket story and it's been an honor to create my little piece of it for all of you. I really hope you all enjoyed!

Anyway, please tell me what ya'll thought of the story. Have I surprised you enough, yet? :D

Review! Review! Review!

Now for a ceremonial story stats!:

Total Words: Rounded to 29,300

Total Chapters: 26

Total Views: 11,172+

Total Reviews: 110

Total Follows: 48

Total Favorites: 32

Most reviews goes to: the sakura trees!

Longest Review goes to: just me Kyle!

Congrats! Please except this virtual award and hugs \(^.^)/

Stay tuned for the sequel It will be separate from this story. It will be titled, "These Bonds that Form and Break", so look out for it. It will be posted sometime this week. I'll be a little busy for the next few days so just try to be patient with me. I'll have it out eventually though. And I'm really excited to start it so I'll probably have it posted quick!

Goodbye, for now!

