
They rode twenty minutes from the country to somewhere Tohru wasn't aware of. She held onto Kyo's hand the whole way there while pondering through her thoughts and ending up getting frustrated when Kyo wouldn't tell her where they were going.

"Why can't you tell me where we're going?" ,she whines.

"Because it's a surprise. Don't worry, you'll love it." ,he replies, glancing at her and briefly holding her hand against his cheek to reassure her that everything was okay.

She gave up bickering about it with him. And she isn't the kind of girl who picks fights so she let it slide.

But Kyo was right when he said she'd love where they were going. In fact, she's completely blown away.

They were standing in front of Shigure's house. Shigure hadn't lived there anymore. He ended up moving back into the main house with Akito. But the house had yet to be sold.

It's been over a year since Tohru's been here. She can remember each passing day she spent here with Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo. Every day here was so special to her and she missed the days when they were all together again.

Tohru ran up to the front porch jumping up and down like a little kid in a candy store. She looks back at Kyo with a beaming smile. Kyo was so glad to see she was happy. He loved it every time she smiled.

He went to her and took her hand and led her into the house. It was very empty, but it still felt like home to her. Even though all the rooms were bare, the memories were still there.

They visit Tohru's old room last. Tohru laughs when they get there. She remembers the first time she came into this room. She was with Yuki and it was after her first night staying over here. She remembers how startled she was when she saw Kyo crash through the roof of the room. Once he started to fight with Yuki, she had pushed him away, only to crash into him and turn him into a cat.

Tohru had flipped out at that point. It was the time she first found out about the curse. She had been so confused.

At least the curse was broken now. Which she was so happy about.

She made her way to the window and Kyo followed her. She looks out the window far into the forest, taking in all its beauty.

Then she turns around to face Kyo and notices him sweat drop. She sensed he was feeling nervous but didn't know why.

"Is there something wrong, Kyo-Kun?" ,she asks, very worried.

"No, of course not." ,he reassures her. Tohru could see he was blushing and didn't know if that was good.

"Are you sure? You seem so nervous." ,she says.

He sighs. "Fine, I am." ,he admits. He pats her head and slowly moves his hand down to her cheek. "There's something I have to do."

Tohru anxiously waits for what he had for her. He reaches behind and reveals to her a tiny box which he places in her hand.

Tohru looks at it and then back at him, asking if it's okay to open it. He nods and she very slowly, opens the little box.

Inside it is a beautiful diamond ring just small enough to fit on her petite fingers. Her eyes widened at the sight of it. Only then did she realize what was happening.

"Tohru, I love you so much and I know I never want to live without you." He looks straight at her and somehow, doesn't feel nervous anymore. "Please, will you marry me?"

Tohru went from shocked to ecstatic. She was just so happy. "Yes! Yes, of course!" ,she exclaims, almost in tears.

Kyo looked relived and finally takes the ring and places it on her finger. She smiles at the sight of it. But then seems troubled.

"Kyo-Kun, I really wasn't prepared for this at all." ,she says in her usual panicky way.

He smirks at her. "It' a proposal, silly girl. You're not supposed to be prepared."

"Oh, well I guess that's true." She finally calms down. Kyo lifts her chin up to get a good look at her. She was so beautiful that night and he knew he was so fortunate to have her at last.

He then gives her a kiss before they leave.

*This is my very first fanfic Woohoo! Still more come. Stay tuned and hope you enjoyed. ;)