Title: Papa Don't Preach
Chapter: Watch Me Now
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Kimberly, Tommy, and 'The Gang' belong to SABAN, Ms. Applebee including. The parents belong to me. Courtland Jacobs and Mackenzie Oliver belong to me. And the baby belongs to me.

Summary: MMPR: Here comes the baby
Authors Notes: Just to let you know, I don't know jack squat about childbirth. I don't know how the school testing over in California works, but I know where I live we have exams. We're also going to assume that people in California start school in August, ok. This is the last chapter of this story. I know it was short. If you want a Part II, please say so in your review. This is a DOUBLE song fic The first song is 'Papa Don't Preach' by Kelly Osbourne and the second is 'Watch Me Now' by Play

~The Last Week~

She was loving today, it was a Sunday and where was she gonna be tomorrow? At home. She didn't have to go to school. Why? Because the baby would be due any day now. What week was it? The last week? Yep, it was the last week of school and the last week of her pregnancy. They had taken all their required end of school year tests that previous Saturday and Sunday. Tommy was at the grocery store. She had sent him there to get some eggs. The funny thing was, they had eggs in the refrigerator. He had asked her three times that morning if she was in labor and whenever he sat down his leg started shaking like a dog. She hoped that if he got out of the house he would calm down. He should be back any minute now; hopefully he would be a little more relaxed. She got up and walked towards the kitchen, she felt like she was going to burst. She looked at her stomach and wondered how the skin stretched like that. Any other time it bleeds. It was one of those things she may never know. She got bottled water out of the refrigerator. She was trying really hard to keep calm herself and to keep her blood pressure low. It was a little high the first few months. But once she started ignoring all the assholes, she went back to normal. Another thing that did bother her was that she wouldn't have a flat stomach anymore. Her mother did tell her that she came home with a flat stomach when she had Rick, but she wasn't her mother (thank god).

She leaned against the corner. She tried to picture the moment when the doctor would pull out their new baby and say, "He/She's beautiful." She would take him/her in her arms and smile. Tommy would have this proud look on his face and he'd smile. She could picture the baby. He/she would have big beautiful brown eyes and dark brown hair just like Tommy. Or maybe dark brown eyes and light brown hair like hers. She knew for sure the baby would have Tommy's eyes. But even if the baby had her eyes, he/she would still be the most beautiful baby in the entire world. Nothing would ever change that. Another thing that was on her mind was the sex of the baby. She wanted a girl, mainly, but she also wanted a boy. Tommy wanted a boy. Even though he hadn't said anything about a particular gender, she knew. He left subtle, unintentional, clues. Whenever they went to the store, he'd pick boy things over girl things. One day they were looking at blankets and his first choice was a football one. Not that girls can't play football, it's just more of a guy thing. When they were picking out baby names, even before the pregnancy, he'd pick boy names over girl names. The first thing he always said was, "How about Thomas Patrick Jr." and she'd always say "No." Maybe it was because he was a boy and that's what he's used to, boy stuff. It didn't really make that much of a difference, she just wanted healthy.

The sound of keys fumbling at the door snapped her from her little daydream. Tommy walked into the door, empty-handed. She had never seen the boy so casual. He wore his black karate pants, a white sleeveless shirt, and a pair of ADIDAS sandals. Yep, next to his 'Just boxers' around the house outfit, that was the most casual she had ever seen him in. He walked over to the refrigerator, opened it, and then closed it. He looked a little frustrated; well he wasn't shaking like he was before, so he had calmed down a little bit. He walked over to the couch, lay down, and turned on the TV. It took him a couple of seconds to remember that on a school day, nothing was on during school hours. That was a new way to keep kids in school. It wasn't working. They shouldn't have invented arcades. He turned of the TV and put the pillow over his head

"Why did you make me go to the store?" He asked her through the pillow. She could make out most of the words.

"Because we needed some eggs." She said, "Where are the eggs?" She asked him, she sat on the chair next to the couch.

He took the burgundy pillow off of his face. He looked exhausted. How, he went to the store and back. "In the refrigerator where I left them this morning when I finished eating breakfast. And would you believe there are ten eggs left?"

"Really, I didn't know." She lied.

"You lie. Why did you send me to the store?"

"To calm you down." She told him. She took a seat on the other end of the couch.

"What do you me, calm me down?" He asked her. He didn't sound as frustrated anymore.

"You were all fidgety this morning." She began, "You kept asking "Kim are you Ok, Kim are you in labor." It was so annoying. I figured if you got out of the house, you'd stop worrying."

"Kim, you could send me to the moon, you'd still be pregnant, and I'd still be a father to be in less than two days." He told her. She looked at him with this confused look in her eyes.

"Kim, I have to worry about you and a baby I've never met before. I couldn't take it if we lost the baby, or if I lost you, or both. I don't wanna raise a baby by myself and I don't want my father breathing down my back. How can I help but not worry?" He said. Kim held her arms out and Tommy gave her a hug. She kissed him on the cheek. He sat on the floor between her legs and she began to lightly stroke his hair. He leaned back and melted in her touch. She grabbed the remote control and turned on the VCR, they decided to watch a movie instead.

~That Night~

Kimberly shook constantly. Her pillows tossed, twice she had to pull the covers back over her, and she kept moaning and talking. Tommy was fast asleep; he couldn't feel a thing. Her dream was weird, it was…

"One baby, two baby, three baby, four cost seven dollars, eight dollars, nine dollars more. HURRY HURRY, come and get your baby, half off. We have cute babies, small babies, long babies, short babies, pageant babies, ugly babies, smart babies, dumb babies, crack babies, HURRY, HURRY!!!" Kim walked in a maze of people all waving their hands in the air, screaming and hollering and pointing at babies that were in floating carriages. Each was under categories that said: Cute babies, Small babies, long babies, and so on. She could hear the announcer loud and clear but the crowd was silent. Their mouths were moving, but no sound. The announcer wore one of those red, white, and blue circus caps and had a baton in his hand pointing to pictures on a bulletin board. A thin brown rattail was hanging from that hat. He looked in Kim's direction and smiled, but he wasn't looking at her. She rubbed her belly; it was flat. Her baby was here somewhere, being sold. She had to find her…or him. Come to think of it, she didn't know what her baby looked like, all these babies looked alike, but some were crying, somewhere sleeping soundly. All of sudden a bucket of water was poured on her by someone in the crowd. She shook it off as best as she could but…wait, this isn't water. It's too…nasty to be water. It's…she didn't know what it was. She walked in tiny circles before she saw it. A tiny bundle was wrapped in a pink blanket; it was fidgeting and making funny noises. Then the wind began to blow, keeping the blanket from covering whatever was in it. It was a baby, not just any baby, her baby. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, it had eyes like Tommy and hair like hers. She reached out and grabbed the baby. Judging from the pink blanket, she assumed it was a she. And she was beautiful. She looked her in the eye and smile. "GRAB HER, GRAB HER" She turned around and saw people running towards her with bats in their hands. She pressed the baby tighter against her bosom. She turned around to run, but the crowd was too thick. She could hear their feet stomping and the swish of the bats as they swung them in the air. A lone tear fell from her cheek. "TOMMY!" She screamed. He was nowhere to be found. He was always there, where was he now? Someone grabbed her by her shoulder, she turned around, hoping it was Tommy, but…whoever it was just knocked her upside the head with a bat. The carefully extracted the baby from her hands and ran through the crowd. "STOP, STOP, DON'T TAKE MY BABY…TOMMY…"

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" She jolted up, and light perspiration, covered her face from her writing. She looked around; she was in the safety of her own apartment. She looked next to her; there was Tommy, still fast asleep. She rubbed her belly; she was still pregnant. She let out a breath of relief and leaned back. She adjusted herself so that she was comfortable and…she felt something wet and…warm under her. She removed the covers and saw a dark wet spot under her and all over her underwear. 'Did I piss myself or…' For ten seconds, she stopped breathing. Oh…my…god, she's in labor.

"What do I do? What do I do?" She asked herself over and over again.

"Wake Tommy up." She reached over and lightly touched his shoulder. Then she shook the life out of him. Before hitting his head on the headboard, he finally began to wake up.

"Baby, wake up."

"Huh?" He looked over at her. He had this 'What the hell' look on his face. "Kim, what is it?"

"My water broke!" She screamed.

"Go get a glass, then." He said. He plopped his head back on the pillow. She looked at him in disbelief. 'Is he that tired?' She asked herself. Then his head popped up again.

"YOU'RE WATER BROKE?!?" He screamed. She nodded. He pulled the covers off of him and ran to his dresser to get his pants and shoes. He figured the shirt he had on was fine. Then he ran over and helped her out of bed and to get her shorts on. He got her coat and suitcase out of the closet and walked her to the door. Before Tommy unlocked it, Kimberly stopped him and gave him a tender kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, for being here." She said. He looked at her; he looked deep into her eyes and found what was there all a long and what will always be there. Love, his love, their love. It's the love they'll give to their newborn baby. It's forever love. He couldn't believe it; he was walking his wife to their car so they could go to the hospital. Why were they going to the hospital? To deliver their baby. There ain't another seventeen-year-old on the planet that was as happy as he was right now. Everyone had told him that he would be miserable, but he was the exact opposite. He couldn't explain how he was feeling. He kissed her on the lips and said, "No, thank you."

"I need a doctor." He yelled as he entered the emergency room. A nurse walked up to him grabbed his shoulder.

"Can I help you, young man?" She asked.

"My wife's in labor?" He said in a rush.

"Wife? How old are you?" "Seventeen."

"Seventeen?" She looked at him in disbelief.

"Fuck my age, my wife is in labor." He screamed. She looked over shoulder and waved some more nurses over.

"Get a gurney." The other nurse nodded and ran off. Tommy showed her to the car. Kimberly was doing her breathing and tears were slowly traveling down her face. She had never been so scared and so happy in her life. She couldn't believe it. By tomorrow, she would be a mother

~Next Morning~

Tommy lay on the couch next to Kimberly's bed. Kimberly had to literally sing him to sleep; he was so worried. He wore his green hospital outfit, hat and everything. He had only gotten ten hours of sleep. He had checked her into the hospital at eleven-forty, it was six-fifty now and she was halfway dilated. They were expecting a baby by noon. Tommy wanted a baby NOW!!! Not in five hours. But it was a bodily process. You can't force the baby to come out…well yes you can, but Kim wasn't having it or a Cesarian. She wanted this to be a natural thing, not a medical procedure. Tommy still wanted a baby...NOW!!! It was taking too long. Kim stirred in her bed. He wanted to hold her now, more than anything. But she was all moody and bitchy and Kim's not one to mess with when she gets like that. So he stayed back.

The one thing that would make this perfect would be for his and Kim's parents to be there, to hold their grandchild. He silently wished that one day they'd regret the way they acted towards their kids and grandchild. That's right, they not only abandoned him and Kim, but their baby too.

~Angel Grove High School~


Aisha walked into English class with her boyfriend, Rocky, and her friends. The other night was the best night of her life. Never had Rocky been so romantic and never had he cooked such a good meal. The only thing that kept the house let were candles. They spend the rest of the night on the couch laughing and talking, just enjoying each other's company. It was magical. They walked into the classroom hand in hand. Their relationship was getting deeper by the minute. Was it love? Like hell she knew.

Him and Adam were busily talking about their football. She was into the discussion, but then her mind drifted off. She couldn't help but think about Rocky's demeanor on Saturday. He was so sweet, so loveable; he really knew how to treat a girl. He was perfect for her.

"They've never won a game." Adam told him.

"They'll get better." He said. Adam rolled his eyes and sat in his seat. Aisha sat behind him, and Rocky behind her. She placed her book bag on her left and relaxed. They had exams today. This sucked. What was the point of exams? No one remembers what he or she learned first quarter. She couldn't remember first quarter. Their schedule was switched upside down. They had their second period first and after this exam, they'd have their forth period. Tomorrow would be three more classes. And on Wednesday, they'd have the last two classes and they'd get to go home early.

When she reached into her book bag, she noticed something was missing. It was quiet. She looked up; the two seats next to her were empty.

She turned towards Rocky and said, "Looks like Mr. and Mrs. Oliver are gonna fail the eleventh grade." She joked. He laughed.

"The price for gettin' pregnant." Adam said. The all laughed. Ms. Applebee walked in the door. She wasn't her cheerful self like she usually was. It was obvious, but not noticeable. She set her papers on her desk and pulled out a stack of small booklets from her drawer. Everyone groaned. It was the dreaded English Exam. Rocky put his jacket over his head and started shaking. Maybe she wouldn't notice him.

She started passing out the tests. Then she came across two empty desks.

"Now where are…oh, yes, I forgot?" She giggled to herself and walked past and continued handing out tests.

"Where are Kimberly and Tommy, Ms. Applebee?" Aisha asked. Ms Applebee turned around, looking for the girl who asked her the question. Then she found her.

"Kimberly is due sometime this week, so the principal let them stay home the last week."

"Why?" She asked.

"So Kimberly would go into labor during school?"

"What about their exams?" Billy asked.

"They took them over the weekend." She said. She turned back around and continued passing out tests. So much for them failing.

~City of Angel Grove Hospital~


"And…push!!!" The doctor screamed. "Come on, Kim, almost there." Tommy wiped the little bit of perspiration that he had off of his forehead. He looked up and silently thanked that he was male. Kim looked like she had just taken a shower. This was too much pressure was too much for him. Kim concentrated on pushing and breathing. And she was doing a good job. How she did it was beyond him. It inspired him. She rests her head back and closes her eyes. She could feel slight movement between her legs.

"We've got a head." The doctor. Tommy got a towel and wiped Kim's face with it. She looked over at him with this blank expression on her face.

"Next…time…you're havin…the baby." She said between breaths.

"And I'll be more than happy to carry your baby." He said. She smiled and gave him a kiss. He leaned his forehead against hers. In minutes, he'd be a father. He'd be holding his child. He could barely hold the excitement in. He closed his eyes and reminisced to the early days of his and Kim's relationship. They were so shy around each other. Holing each other's hands felt weird, hugging each other in public felt so awkward. Now, three years later, they were at the hospital, delivering their first child. Was it meant to be?

Another Contraction. She wondered to herself if it was hurting baby, cause it was hurting her.

"OK Kimberly, one more push, can you do that for me." She looked over at him. He had this confident look in his eye. She felt better. She nodded and pushed. They counted to ten. They were almost there.

"Hurry up." Tommy said silently. He was so anxious to meet this baby. Time was going to slow. He wanted so desperately to just jump into space and fast forward time. It would make things so much easier, for him anyways. Things were really starting to piss him off. They were having a baby. Considering Kim's tiny and the fact that she didn't show that much, the baby can't be that big.

"Are we almost done?" He finally asked.

The OB giggled. "Tommy, be patient." He looked over at Kim who looked exhausted.

"Ok Kim, this is it, this is the last one. Push real good and you'll be holding your new baby." Kim took in a deep breath and looked over at Tommy. She couldn't tell whether it was a happy expression or a scared one. He took her hand in his and squeezed. It was both. She had never loved anyone as much as she loved him. He could have left and claimed the baby wasn't his, but he stuck with her through everything. And what amazed her was that he was still here. He's with her when he didn't have to be. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"OK Kim, here we go…PUSH!" And she pushed. Tommy took both of her hands and squeezed. She pushed for all she was worth; she wanted this baby out now. Her entire life flashed before her eyes. From the times she was a baby to now. It was all a daze and then…the stinging pain was gone, her legs relaxed, she could feel Tommy's cool lips against her cheek. Was it over, did something happen, what's going on?

"Beautiful…" She could, just barely, hear her name that nickname that Tommy gave her after their first kiss, their first real kiss, when they stopped being shy around each other. It was her name, copyright Kimberly Ann Oliver. She slowly opened her eyes, back to reality, her hearing returned and…she could hear crying, and baby crying. She opened her eyes. The OB was holding a baby, her baby, She leaned up to get a closer look.

"He's beautiful, Kim." The doctor said 'He'

"He…it's a boy?" She looked over at Tommy who had a joyous smile on his face. "We have a boy?" She asked him.

He smiled an even bigger smile and gently caressed her cheek. "Yes, Kim. We have a boy." He kissed her on the lips. A nurse walked over and placed him in her arms. He was so tiny and so precious. He was still crying. She began to slowly rock him.

"Shhh, it's ok baby, Mommy and Daddy are here." She said softly. He began to quite down some. Now he was just fidgeting. Then he started crying again. Boy, he's got a set of lungs. She took his little hand in hers and began to gently rub his baby soft skin. He finally quieted down. His eyes began to flutter; the light was too bright. Tommy walked over and dimmed the lights a little. He adjusted to the light and opened his eyes. He looked at Kim and Tommy and then around the room. Kim was right; he had big beautiful brown eyes just like Tommy. His hair was like hers but darker. He was perfect; he was what she had wished for, even when she was a little girl. She could see so much of Tommy in him; those facial features were his. She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. A lone tear fell down her cheek. She was finally holding her son. She placed him in Tommy's arms. He looked so nervous and so scared. He had held babies for, but…this was different. Those were cousins and friends; this was his son.

"Hey, there. We've been waiting a long time to meet you." He said. He began to cry. She has known him for three years and this was the first time she had ever seen him cry. He took his tiny hand in his. They were so little. And to think, at time in his life, he was that small. Now he stood six feet, two inches.

"Thank you Kim. Thank you, for giving me a son." He said. His eyes seemed to sparkle, as he looked her in the eye. The image before her was precious: a father and his son. She wanted a camera

"No, thank you." He handed him back to her and began to slowly rock him to sleep. His eyes fluttered open again. She couldn't get enough of his eyes. He was a little Tommy, a very little Tommy. He could hold in his hands he was so little.

She had waited a lifetime for a moment like this, to be able to hold her first child with her husband by her side. To see their eyes open for the first time. They look around the room, check out their surroundings, and get a view of the new world they've entered. Then they take one look at you. It's like magic. 'Who are these people?' Then they speak, and they say to themselves 'I know that voice, I know who that is!' It's something out of the twilight zone. You hold this bundle that, for the next eighteen years, is going to depend on you for security, warmth, and love. It's a 24-hour job, seven days a week. You're in it for life, at least until they move out.

"Hey David." She said to him. He yawned and they went back to sleep.

Tommy pulled the cover around him so more "That's my boy."

~Oliver Residence~

"Honey, pass me the spatula." Mr. Oliver said to Mrs. Oliver. It was fried chicken night. Mr. Oliver made the BEST fried chicken in Angel Grove. Rocky used to come by, pretend he was homeless and beg for chicken. He had a sign over his neck that said: WILL WORK FOR CHICKEN.

Little Mackenzie Oliver sat at the kitchen table with her best friend, Courtland Jacobs. He had been invited over to dinner. He said yes, but not as happy as he usually did. Courtland didn't have any older brothers or sisters and Tommy was the closest thing. Since he was gone and married, that space is empty again. Courtland's dad didn't pay much attention to him because he was mute. He was making progress. He could say hi, yes, no, and a couple of small phrases. But his limited vocabulary didn't slow down or stop their friendship. They had their own system of communication. They were even able to talk on the phone. No one knew how, but they could.

Both of them were drawing. They had this game where each would start to draw a picture. Then they'd switch and draw a little more, and then they'd switch again. They'd keep switching until both pictures were done.


Mackenzie hopped out of the chair and picked the phone up of the receiver.

"Hello." Her face brightened up at the sound of the voice over the phone.

"IT'S TOMMY!!!" She screamed "Hi, Tommy, what's up?" Courtland nearly fell trying to get to the phone. He wanted to talk too.

"Where are you?" Her parents stopped what they were doing and walked over towards their daughter.

"At the hospital? Why?" Mr. and Mrs. Oliver exchanged glances.

"REALLY!!! Guess what, mom. I'm an aunt Mack."

"Mackenzie, hand me the phone." Her father said. She ignored him. She knew if she gave him the phone he would just hang it up.

"Boy or Girl?" She asked him.

"Wow, it's a boy. What's his name?" Courtland was jumping up and down, dying to talk on the phone. Mackenzie rested her hand on his shoulder, calming him down. He immediately stopped jumping up and down. She looked over at him and smiled.

"Guess what, his name is David Courtland Oliver." He took in a deep breath and smiled. Mackenzie gave her friend a hug.

"He says thank you." She told him. "Guess what, I…hey!!!!" Before she could finish her sentence, Her dad snatched the phone from her hand.

"Hello, Thomas, goodbye." He hung up the phone.

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?" She screamed. He went back to his cooking and so did her mom.

"I asked you a question." She yelled again.

"Quit screamin, you're actin all immature." Her father said.

"Comparing you and Tommy, I could tell you who the immature one is. I'll give you a hint, it's not Tommy." She said. He slammed the pot on the stove and circled around towards her. But before he could do a full 360, his wife grabbed him by his slave.

"Don't you talk to me like that young lady." He scolded.

"You know, just because you hate your son, doesn't mean you have to take it out on me." She picked her markers and crayons up off the table and walked towards the front door.

"Come on Courtland." Without hesitation he came right behind her.

"Hello." Tommy said. 'Asshole.' He slammed the phone on the receiver and walked back to his wife's room. It was official; he'd never be able to talk to his kid sister again. When he walked in he saw a sight that put tears in his eyes. She had her baby boy in her eyes and was feeding him. She was using the clear bottle with blue stars; the one Tommy bought.

"Did you get to talk to your parents?" Kim asked. Tommy shook his head. He sat in the chair next to her bed.

"What happened?"

"I got to talk to Mackenzie. I told her it was a boy and his name. She said Courtland was happy." Kimberly smiled.

"She was about to tell me something, but my dad took the phone from her and hung it up. I know he hates me, but why punish Mackenzie and Courtland for it?" He asked. His eyes began watering up.

"Baby, don't worry about it." She said. The bottle was empty. She rested him on her shoulder and began lightly patting his back.

"Oh yeah, I can't wait till you call your parents." He said.

"Oh Man."

~Angel Grove High~


Ms. Applebee walked up the hallway to her classroom. She could have sworn she was loosing her mind. She printed 15 copies of the test instead of 30. The class had shortened by two, not by half.

She walked into her classroom; it looked like everyone hadn't moved out of their seat. That's a lie.

"Ok students, I have the right number of tests, now." She said.

"Did you find your brain while you were at the copy machine." Rocky said. Everyone laughed. She smiled herself. She loved that boy's sense of humor. It was one of a kind.

"You know what, I still can't find it. But while I'm looking for mine, I'll look for yours." She fired back. Everyone laughed even harder. Rocky gave her two thumbs up. She passed out the rest of the tests. Then there was a knock at the door. One of the students got up and opened it.

"It's the principal." She said. Ms Applebee continued to pass out papers.

"What can I help you with today?" He signed for her to come towards him. She placed the papers on her desk and stood next to him.

"Just thought I'd let you know that Kim and Tommy had the baby." Aisha nearly fell out of her seat. She leaned forward so she could hear them better.

"Oh really," She said, sounding excited, "Boy or Girl?"

"Uh…Boy. I think he said…David. Yeah, they named him David."

"That's so sweet." She said. He smiled and walked out the door.

"Rocky, did you hear that?" Aisha said. He nodded and looked behind him at Adam.

"A boy." He said. Rocky nodded.

"Named David." Aisha finished.

~The Hart Residence~

You always taught me right from wrong

I need your help, daddy please be strong.

I may be young at heart

But I know what I'm saying

Andrew Hart whistled to the tune of the song on the radio. Mrs. Hart was wiggling her hips as he whistled. She was fixing dinner and her was paying bills. One of the most annoying times in the Hart household tuned out to be the most…musical!

The one you warned me about

The one you said I could do without

We're in an awful mess, and I don't mean maybe, please

Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep

Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep

But I made up my mind, oh, I'm keeping my baby

Ooh, Ooh, I'm going to keep my baby, ooh

"Almost done, Drew?" Mrs. Hart asked.

"Yep almost."

He says he's going to marry me

We can raise a little family

Maybe we'll be all right

It's a sacrifice

But my friends keep telling me to give it up

Saying I'm too young, I ought to live it up

What I need right now is some advice

The phone rang, startling both Mr. and Mrs. Hart. Mr. Hart walked over to the wall and picked up the phone. Mrs. Hart continued with what she was doing.

"Hello, Hart Residence. Andrew speaking."

"Daddy." He drew in a deep breath at the sound of the soft voice

"Kimberly." His voice was very shallow and superficial.

"Hey, I'm calling from the hospital." She said to him. He had this dim-witted expression on his face. Mrs. Hart stopped what she was doing and stood next to him.

"What are you doing at the hospital?" He asked him.

"I just had the baby and I…"

"You're picking adoption. That's wonderful Kim." He interrupted her. Mrs. Hart put a big smile on her face. She thought to herself, 'Finally, things will be right again.' Kimberly on the other hand was astounded that her father would think such a thing. But it was expected.

"No, we wanted to let you know that you have a grandson. His name is David. He has the cutest brown eyes."

"A grandson. So you're keeping it."

"Him, dad. And yes, we are keeping him." She told him.

"I don't wanna hear this." He said to her.

"Dad. This is your grandson." She begged.

"Good bye, Kimberly." He hung up the phone.

Don't stop loving me daddy

I know, I'm keeping my baby

Don't stop loving me daddy

I know, I'm keeping my baby.

Kimberly put the phone back on the hook. She buried her head in Tommy's shoulder and cried.

~The NEW Oliver Residence~

Tommy couldn't sleep. This was all too exciting for him. His wife was sleeping soundly next to him and his baby boy was sound asleep in the other room. He could see his crib from their room.

Don't you cry, don't you look so sad

We both knew somehow this day would come

I know you want what is best for me

And I need to see you smile

In nine months he had gotten his girlfriend pregnant, been dissed by his parents, dissed by his friends, gotten married, and given birth to a son. He recollected to two days ago. Kimberly was so amazing, and boy did she have a grip. This had been the best year of his life. He may have to make some sacrifices, but he wouldn't change it for the world. Why? Ask David.

From where I started off to where I am

It's a million miles; I can't go back there again

But no matter where I go from here

You will be part of me from now on

For every door that opens up

When another has to close

You got to trust me now

Be strong and let me go

His son started to cry; he smiled. He immediately, no hesitation, got out of bed and attended his son. He looked so cute laying there in his blue pajamas and his white blanket. He looked over to his right on his table. The unfinished wooded nameplate rested there. He picked him up and rested him on his shoulder. He walked to the kitchen and fixed him a bottle.

Watch me now as I go my way

The time has come

And I gotta say, I'm not afraid

Watch me now, every step I take

I feel stronger, so much stronger

The road ahead is a mystery

Your love is here

Oh and I believe inside of me

Watch me now; I can stand my ground

I will be all right; yes I'll be all right

After he was finished feeding him he took him back to his room and slowly rocked him to sleep. Kimberly stood outside the door and watched them. Tears came to her eyes and she watched them, father and son, their first real moment together. She wondered what he was thinking. What was going through his mind, as he looked his son, David, in the eye?

You were someone who believed in me

When I wasn't even sure of myself

And I always will remember how

You were always there to help

And I heard so many things from you

And I'm ready now to try them out in the world

Though it hurts too much to say goodbye

We both know (We both know)

There's no other way

She couldn't help herself. She walked in the room and her arm around his waist. It was dark, but she could still see his face. He was gleaming with joy. He had a sparkle in his eye. It was something she had never seen before. Was it love? Was it joy? Whatever it was, it was powerful

I will feel your loving arms

When I'm out there in the cold

'Cause all of my thoughts of you

Will still be mine to hold

"You're up." He said, startled. She nodded and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and kissed her back. She wondered right then and there what her life would be like from now on. The one thing she was afraid of was her grades slipping. She could do it; she knew she could. As long as she had confidence in herself and in Tommy, they would succeed. It was evident that her father was no help, at all. He would never get to know his grandson, and that was something she had to except.

Watch me now as I go my way

The time has come

And I gotta say, I'm not afraid

Watch me now, every step I take

I feel stronger, so much stronger

The road ahead is a mystery

Your love is here

Oh and I believe inside of me

Watch me now; I can stand my ground

I will be all right; yes I'll be all right

She could still hear the music from their room. They slowly rocked to the music. Mother, Father, and Son, as one.

You will find me running back sometime

When I really need a guiding hand

We'll be closer than we were before

And I know that you will understand


Watch me now as I go my way

The time has come

And I gotta say, I'm not afraid

Watch me now, every step I take

I feel stronger, so much stronger

The road ahead is a mystery

Your love is here

Oh and I believe inside of me

Watch me now; I can stand my ground

I will be all right; yes I'll be all right

"I love you Tommy."

"I love you Kimberly."

"We love you David."

Oh I will be all right.


THE END!!!!!!! You Like??? Watch Me Now is a really pretty song. For those who would like to hear it, you can e-mail me at [email protected] and I can send you the link to listen to it. It is a really pretty song.