A/N: Happy birthday to Yui! Agh, the idea for this was a lot less...

well, I don't wanna spoil. Hopefully you all enjoy it and keep in mind that

lovesickness can lead to OOCness in even the most elated person!

Enjoy! ... ; u ;

Disclaimer: I do not own K-ON! it belongs to Kakifly and KyoAni.

Chapter III: Birthdays 2

Yui lay in her bed with a pocky stick dangling from her mouth.

Every now and then she would nibble it and then turn onto a different part of her body in order to get herself comfortable. Her chocolate brown eyes stared up at the ceiling as she rolled around in her bed.

Two weeks.

She snapped the pocky stick in her mouth and finished it up before reaching over and grabbing another one.

It had been two weeks since Azusa's birthday and since the two had starting going out. Thanks to everyone, the events of the evening had gone by fairly well and their sleepover had been full of cuddling and staying up late talking to each other about how their lives were going. The hours had gone by quickly and before they knew it, Azusa had fallen asleep in her arms and the two had woken up around noon.

Two weeks.

The older girl finished up her pocky stick and reached for another. When she couldn't feel the box, she sat up and looked for it. Since it was missing from its original spot, she groaned in slight frustration before walking over to a shopping bag on her desk and fished out another one.

It had been two weeks...too many.

When Yui had prepared her confession to their pigtailed kohai, she had been warned that the effects of a long-distance relationship had and that there were many things that could go wrong with it. Not only did this make the airheaded girl feel grounded with the reality of it, but it also brought forth a new feeling that she had not expected to feel.


Since Akira always scolded her, she hadn't noticed at first that the lectures had increased, but it had gotten to the point where her friends had pointed it out as well. The one thing that had manage to snap Yui out of her daily reverie was knowing that on her birthday the next day, she would finally see the one she was pining for.

A small smile crept onto Yui's phone as she allowed herself to fall back onto her bed. She placed the new pocky stick in her mouth and pulled out her phone.

Three days ago, Azusa had emailed her and told her that she would try to take the train over and visit after school was over. She said that if she couldn't make it, she would let her know beforehand though if she didn't, school work was becoming rather heavy and she was busy.

"But Azunyan isn't like that…" Yui murmured to herself and closed her eyes. "My Azunyan can do anything!"

The brunette grinned to herself and stretched her arms out as far as they could go. The tightness in her chest seemed to disappear at the thought of being able to hold her dear Azusa again.

"Just one more day," Yui murmured to herself. She let out a huge yawn before snuggling her head into her pillow and falling asleep.

One more day and it would all be worth it.

~K- ON!~

"How the hell did you fall asleep with this mess all around you?"

Yui sheepishly grinned up at her neighbor as the latter ransacked her room and tried to shove the various snack wrappers and crumbs into a garbage bag. The short-haired black girl grumbled to herself about being appointed to babysit an adult and that it just wasn't right.

"But Aki-chan, you're cleaning up because you care," Yui beamed.

A dark gleam filled Akira's violet eyes before she jabbed her finger at Yui's chest and scowled.

"I'm only doing this because it's your birthday! That and I don't think your girlfriend doesn't want to walk in to her see her lover living in a pigsty," Akira stated.

Yui snapped up at her friend's words and gasped. That was right, Azusa was coming today! A feeling of dread made its way into her system and led her to panic.

"W-What should I Aki-chan? Oh no, I really should clean!" Yui shouted as she quickly clambered out of her bed and began to pick up more of her junk off of the floor.

Yui hastily ran around her room and picked up stray clothing from the ground and ktossed it into the laundry hamper. If she timed everything right, then she would be able to go to class and then rush to the laundry room. After that, she could try to grab a quick snack and then run back to the dorms to clean up. She had another class right after though, so if she sprinted fast enough, perhaps she could make it in time.

After running all the calculations in her head and realizing that she still had homework to complete, Yui felt her brain short circuit before she fell to her knees.

"O-Oi, Yui, you okay? You're literally steaming," Akira nervously said as she swatted the area over her head.

"Aki-chan, at this rate, I won't have any time to see, Azunyan today," Yui cried as she latched herself onto the short-haired girl's leg.

Akira let out a sigh of frustration before scratching her head. They had been in a similar situation two weeks earlier where they had let Yui leave early in order so she could catch her train.

"Well, what time is she supposed to arrive?" Akira asked.

"Around 4 o'clock," Yui pouted.

"Well, if you clean up as much as you can now, that should save you time later so you can do all of your other stuff," she said.

"Thanks Aki-chan, you're the best!" Yui shouted as she jumped up and glomped her friend.

"A-ack, Yui, geroff me!"

After a few seconds of hugging, the two heard a knock come from the door. Yui glanced over at the doorway and saw the rest of their friends.

"Hohoho, getting friendly with Akira, Yui? On your birthday too? Not sure Azusa will like this," Ritsu mischievously said.

Yui let go off Akira and ran over to the tawny-haired girl. She placed her hands on her shoulders and then slightly shook her.

"No, Ricchan, it's not like that!" Yui whimpered.

"Tainaka, you know I have a boyfriend," Akira grumbled.

"Don't listen to that one, Yui. You know she's just teasing you," Mio said as she glared over at Ritsu.

"Happy birthday, Yui-chan," Mugi softly said as she held up a small bag.

"Oh, Happy birthday!" Ritsu and Mio said simultaneously.

Yui beamed up at her three friends and quickly pounced on them in a group hug. The tightness in her stomach loosened a bit, but at the thought of their missing kohai, she felt her heart squeeze.

"Sachi and Ayame are thinking of going to a karaoke bar later in order to celebrate, unless you just wanna spend the day with Nakano," Ritsu said.

Yui bit her lip and crossed her arms. She weighed out the two options; with one she could introduce Azusa to the rest of her friends and to the person that had helped them get together in the first place, but with the other they could have some well deserved alone time.

"I think Yui-chan could hang out with us for a bit along with Azusa-chan and then they could go off to a nice restaurant. If you need help with that, Yui-chan let me know," Mugi said as if reading her mind. Yui saw the sparkle in her blue eyes and knew that the blonde wanted to be part of this.

"That sounds great, Mugi-chan!" Yui laughed.

"Well, it's settled down. I'll let Azusa know right now since Yui will probably forget," Mio said.

The four of them would have continued talking if a cough from behind them didn't catch their attention.

"Well, if you guys don't mind, I have class in 10 minutes and you're blocking the doorway," Akira said.

"Oh, sorry, Aki-chan!" Yui laughed.

Akira gave her a weird look for a few seconds before the black-haired girl smirked and then left the room.

"Haha, I can't wait to see Azunyan again! It's been so long," Yui said as she leaned her head on Mugi's shoulder.

"It's only been 2 weeks, Yui," Ritsu said.

"Imagine two weeks without Mio-chan, Ricchan! Then you'd know my pain!" Yui retorted.

The brunette watched a dark blush creep onto the drummer's face before Ritsu coughed and looked away. Yui smiled knowingly at her before looking over at Mio who was giving them a confused look.

So Mio-chan doesn't know yet. Yui thought before grinning.

"Wait a second...Yui-chan don't you have the same classes as Akira-chan?" Mugi softly asked.

"Yeah, why Mugi-cha-" Yui began but cut herself off. She glanced over at the digital clock on her desk and gasped.

"I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" She shouted before rushing them out of her room and closing the door. "I'll see you all later!"

As Yui ran away from the dorms and toward her class, she felt a smile creep onto her face. Sure, the day had gotten off to a bit of a rough start, but hey, it was her birthday!

What was the worst that could happen?


The quiet churning of the dryer as it revolved filled the laundry room. Yui sat down at a table near the edge of the room and glanced down at her hands.

The knot in her stomach had come back, but it was tighter than before. She looked at her phone which was across the table and pulled it back over.

Yui bit her lip before flipping it open in hopes of any sort of notification. When she didn't see one, she sighed and closed it again.

Azusa hadn't sent her a happy birthday message yet which was weird because the former was punctual with Good Morning messages.

The dejected girl slowly tapped her fingers on the table's smooth surface in order to ease her anxiety. Loading the machine with her dirty clothes had managed to distract her for a bit, but during the time that it had to wash, she was left alone with her thoughts. Her reverie had been interrupted when she had to put her garments in the dryer, but now she was back in it.

The constant ravenous feeling that often consumed her was replaced with an emptiness that she couldn't describe, but it was one that made her heart ache and eyes tear up at almost every cause.

Before Yui realized it, twenty minutes had passed, and it was time to fold her clothes. She walked over to the machine and began to sort out her clothes. She had class in thirty minutes, but as this rate, she didn't feel well enough to go. She just felt like going to her dorm room and lying down.

Maybe that's what I should do…

Yui slowly folded her clothes until she stumbled upon one that made her eyes tear up. She separated the white t-shirt from the pile and glanced at it. On the front, it had a star and three bolded letters on it.


Yui bit her lip and fought back the urge to cry. The longer she held the shirt, she was reminded of her graduation day and how reality had separated the four older members of Houkago Tea Time from their kohai. Reality had been cruel once again and separated the new couple with the harshness that was distance.

A tear slid down Yui's cheek and before she realized it, there was a steady stream running down her cheeks. The brunette glanced around the laundry room and for once was glad that it was empty. She quickly wiped her tears and finished folding her clothes.

Yui then quickly made her way to the dorms. She fished for her key and unlocked the door. After fumbling with trying to open it for a few seconds, she placed her laundry bag down on the floor and then easily unlocked it.

A sudden feeling of anxiety crept into her chest before she opened the door. What if this had all been part of a surprise party or something? What if Azusa was waiting for her in her room?

Elated at the possibility, Yui beamed and threw the door open. She turned the lights on and placed her bag on the floor.

"Azunyan!" Yui shouted, but then froze up at what she saw.

Her dorm room was as empty as it had been when she had left that morning. The brunette fought off the disappointment with a weak smile before she closed the door to her dorm. She sat on the edge of her bed and then burst into tears. She wasn't going to fight the foreboding feeling that consumed her body, she didn't even try when a dark voice in her mind started speaking to her.

Could it be that Azusa had forgotten her birthday?

No, what if she had gotten into a bad accident or something and Yui didn't know? Wait, no, that only happened in cheesy dramas.

Yui gasped at the newest thought that had creeped into her mind. She felt the knot in her chest tighten painfully before a fresh wave of tears slid down her cheeks.

What if Azusa had found a boyfriend and was too ashamed to say anything about it so she was ignoring her?

"B-But, Azunyan, w-wouldn't do that, right…?" Yui murmured to herself as she quickly took one of her pillows and hugged it tightly to her chest.

Well, Azusa is a really beautiful girl. You shouldn't be surprised if she was playing with you all along and was actually hiding her true feelings. A dark voice whispered into Yui's mind as if confirming her fears.

The brunette buried her face in the pillow and began to cry. It wasn't fair. She shouldn't feel like this on her birthday.

You know what...then I'll end it now so it doesn't hurt now. Yui thought to herself, the dark voice murmured agreement.

Yui reached over for her phone and quickly typed out a long message. Her thumb hovered over the send button for a few seconds, before she pushed it down. She then chucked her phone across the room and pulled the covers over herself.

She wasn't in the mood to go to class anyway.


The sound of chattering filled the mess hall. Right now, it was Mio, Ritsu, Ayame, and Sachi eating a quick snack before they headed out for dinner. It didn't help that Ritsu and Ayame were firing off at each other with jokes that only the two of them seemed to understand.

Mio glanced over at the tawny-haired drummer and the short-haired blonde and watched as they shot spitballs at each other.

I swear, it's like I'm watching over TWO children. Mio irritably thought to herself before focusing on the soup in front of her.

"So, are we going out with Yui-chan later?" Sachi asked.

Mio looked up at the tall brown-haired girl and smiled at her. From the plans that they had made earlier, they were all going to go out for karaoke and then they would split off from there.

"Yes, that IS the plan. The only problem is that Yui's not replying to my messages for some reason," Mio stated.

Sachi's eyes gleamed worriedly before she glanced down at her meal. She then looked back up at Mio and went to speak, but Ayame beat her to it.

"Oh yeah, Akira said that Yui didn't go to her last class today or something. I wonder what's up," Ayame nonchalantly said before dipping her straw into her drink and sipping it.

The table remained in silence for a few seconds before the blonde girl's words sunk in.

"Wait what?!" Ritsu and Mio shouted.

Ayame, who was startled by the sudden outburst, choked on her drink and began to cough as Ritsu and Mio gave each other incredulous looks.

Mio stared into Ritsu's amber eyes and knew that the drummer figured that something was horribly wrong as well.

"Well, that would explain the text that Azusa sent me," Ritsu murmured as she pulled out her phone.

Mio quickly pulled out her own phone and then felt her jaw drop when she saw that she had 5 messages from Azusa and three missed calls.

"Oh my," Mio softly mumbled as she went to read the messages.

Before she got to start though, she felt a hand on her shoulder and then turned around and met blue eyes.

"Mio-chan, Ricchan, we need to talk," Mugi said in a grave tone.

Mio quickly nodded before excusing herself. Ritsu imitated her before the two of them followed Mugi out of the mess hall. Once they entered the outside, Mio began to shiver at the cool air. She saw fabric out of the corner of her eye and then watched as Ritsu wrapped a scarf around her neck.

She silently thanked her friend before she focused her attention back on Mugi who had begun to pace.

"Mugi does this have to do with the messages that Azusa sent us? I read them and replied, but I couldn't pick up her call because i was in class," Ritsu said.

"Yes...I'm afraid a misunderstanding has occurred and now we are dealing with two friends who are in extremely fragile states," Mugi said.

Mio felt a wave of guilt overcome her body, she knew that something was wrong, but she wasn't sure what exactly because she hadn't read the messages.

"Damn, but to think Yui would do something so rash?" Ritsu added.

"People do crazy things when they're in love, Ricchan," Mugi softly replied.

The grey-eyed girl glanced between her two friends and then down at the phone in her hands. She had to tell them that she hadn't read the messages yet, other than that she'd feel like an even worse friend for lying, though she already had a clue what could have happened.

"Guys, I haven't read the messages yet… I didn't notice that my phone had gone off. Gosh, I feel terrible," Mio said as she brought her palm up to her forehead and bonked it.

"You can't blame yourself, Mio. Just read 'em now and catch up. I'm gonna go to the dorms and try to get Yui to get out," Ritsu said before she took off.

Mio met Mugi's eyes and saw that the blonde was watching her with a knowing look in her eyes.

"You should read it as we walk toward the train station, Mio-chan, I'm afraid we are running low on time," Mugi said.

As the blonde began to walk, Mio quickly sped up to catch up to her before she opened her phone and glanced at the first message.

[3:00 PM]: Mio-senpai, I'll be arriving around 5:00 pm, if you could pass the message onto Yui-senpai, it'd help! I don't think that she's getting my messages…

[4:00 PM]: ...Mio-senpai, I'm not sure what just happened? If I read the message right then...Yui-senpai just broke up with me?

[4:10 PM]: I'm sorry to be bothering you, senpai, but I'm not sure what to do. My heart hurts and I feel like nothing is going right. I've been trying to message her, but she's not replying. I'm going to call you soon...I need to talk to someone. Even Ui is confused as to how this could have happened.

[4:20 PM]: Mugi-senpai said I should still come… but I'm not sure if Yui-senpai wants to even see me? It felt like everything was going right! I guess closure is better than nothing…

Mio felt her heart jump up to her throat and the guilt consume her as she read through her kohai's message. Why hadn't she been more mindful of her phone? Azusa had needed her desperately, but she hadn't been able to be there for her.

Mio hadn't realized that she had stopped walking, but then felt a pair of warm arms encircle her body before she leaned her head on Mugi's shoulder. A sob tore through her body as tears slid down her cheeks. Mugi softly pet her head and murmured soothing words in her ear.

"It's okay, Mio-chan. It's not your fault. It's going to be okay, we will fix this," Mugi mumbled.

Mio nodded in her friend's embrace before she pulled away and wiped the tears away from her face. In order to face Azusa, she'd need to be a rock. The younger girl had always looked up to her, so breaking down was not an option.

I will do this for you, Azusa. I will be strong.

Mio slowly inhaled and exhaled in order to calm herself. Mugi gave her a comforting smile before double buzzing noises caught their attention.

Mio pulled out her phone and then glanced down at it while Mugi did the same.

[4:55PM]: The train is almost there. Are you sure this is the right thing to do? I'm a bit nervous...

"We need to be brave, Mio-chan," Mugi stated in a calm voice.

The noirette nodded in agreement before the two of them took off and went over to the train station. Mio glanced down at her phone once more and narrowed her eyes.

She had known that Yui was downtrodden, but what exactly had she made herself believe to approve of breaking up with someone that she cared dearly for?


"Yui, I swear to God, if you don't open the fucking door this instant, I'm going to break it down."

Yui lay in her bed and faced the wall. She hugged the pillow tighter to her chest and tried to block out Ritsu's voice. Her friend had been knocking on the door for the past ten minutes and had been getting louder.

"Yui, I'm not kidding. I will get a battering ram and take this door down!"

The brunette blankly stared at the wall before closing her eyes. She could hear Ritsu's frustration growing from the other side.

"Yui! I'm giving you to the count of three!"

The airhead girl sat up and glanced at the door.

"One, two….THREE!"

Yui hadn't expected the door to burst open, but she had to stifle a giggle when it slightly budged before looking like it had not been touched.

"Shit that hurt… Yui...please open the door..."

Finally taking pity on her friend, Yui got up and walked over to the door. She slowly unlocked it before opening it. She went to meet her friends eyes and apologize, but was tackled down to the ground by an angry drummer instead.

As she blankly gazed up at Ritsu's eyes she immediately knew the reason for her anger and averted her eyes.

"The fuck, Yui? I thought you loved Azusa, why the hell did you dump her?" Ritsu hissed.

Yui weakly smiled at her before allowing her bangs to cover her eyes. From the moment that she had sent Azusa that text, she felt as if something had snapped within her. It was as if all the emptiness had managed to engulf her emotions.

A small gasp escaped the brunette's lips as Ritsu harshly pulled her up in order for their eyes to meet. She felt a shiver run down her spine once she saw the fury in her amber eyes.

"Give. Me. A. Fucking. Answer," Ritsu hissed. The venom in her voice made Yui bite her lip and immediately look away from her face.

"You're not usually like this! Jeez, I'm sorry for cursing so much, but what the hell, Yui? One seccond you're a lovesick puppy and then you're this...this shell of a person!" Ritsu said as she shook her slightly in order to regain her attention.

"Maybe it's for the best, Ricchan. You all warned me that long distance relationships wouldn't work...I mean, Azunyan has already found someone else," Yui softly said. She looked into Ritsu's amber eyes again before forcing herself to smile.

The drummer stared at her in disbelief for a few seconds before she raised her hand. The brunette hadn't expected what came next. All she really took in was that there was a loud smack before her cheek began to sting.

Yui froze up under Ritsu's grip and blankly stared up at her. Ritsu seemed to freeze up when she realized what she had done and gave her an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, Yui, I know it's your birthday and all, but, with the situation and everything, I just- agh," Ritsu stammered.

Yui met her friend's eye and forced herself to smile once more. At the sight, Ritsu seemed to tense up again.

"It's okay, Ricchan. I deserved it anyway. You should go comfort Azunyan, I'll just...go out with Aki-chan and the girls after," Yui softly said.

Ritsu squeezed her shoulder before she scowled. She seemed to contemplate with herself for a few seconds before groaning in frustration.

"Yui, you just don't get it!" Ritsu shouted.

"Get what, Ricchan? That I made a mistake? That I did something wrong two weeks ago by starting all of this?" Yui retorted, she felt a tear slide down her cheek.

I made a horrible mistake, Ricchan… and I'm not sure if I'll be able to fix it. She thought to herself as she watched Ritsu pump her right hand a few times and breathe slowly as if trying to calm herself.

"What's pissing me off, Yui, is that you're being selfish. God, I mean I know YOU'RE upset, but did you even think about what it did to Azusa?" Ritsu hissed.

"I made things better, Ricchan. When she gets over it, she'll go after whatever she wan-" Yui began, but stopped herself when she saw Ritsu raise her hand once more.

Yui closed her eyes and waited for her to strike again. When the blow never came and she heard someone shout, her eyes quickly flew open.


She gasped when she saw Mio tightly holding Ritsu's wrist and Mugi standing by the doorway with a newcomer. Her stomach clenched uncomfortably as she met the newcomer's eyes.


Yui watched the smaller girl burst into tears before she chucked a small parcel at her and ran out of the room. The brunette remained frozen for a few seconds before she looked down at the little box on her chest.

"You should go after her, Yui-chan," Mugi whispered.

Yui nodded before picking the parcel up and running out of her dorm room. She didn't care that it was cold outside and she was just wearing a t-shirt. The fact that she had made Azusa cry was making her heart ache.

As she stood in front of the dorms and glanced around desperately for any sign of the pigtailed guitarist, she saw three figures approach her.

"Damn Yui, aren't you cold?" Ayame asked.

"Shh, Ayame, that is not important right now," Sachi scolded her. The short blonde shrugged before grinning.

Yui met Akira's eyes and watched as the dark-haired girl approached her. The two faced each other for a few seconds before she spoke.

"That girl that just ran past us crying...that was "Azunyan", wasn't it?" Akira slowly said.

Yui nodded and bit her lip. She saw Akira move quickly before her previously stinging cheek began to sting again. The brunette brought her hand up against her cheek and remained silent.

"W-what'd you do that for Akira?" Ayame said in disbelief.

"Yui, you better fix whatever you just fucked up. I knew you were dumb, but I didn't think you'd be THIS dumb," Akira hissed. She then pointed toward the right and added, "She went that way. Better hurry up."

Yui quickly nodded and sprinted in the direction that Akira had pointed to. She ignored the people that gave her weird looks because she was running in a t-shirt. When she finally reached a dead end, Yui glanced up at the wall in front of her and placed her hand against it.

She shivered before rubbing her hands together and sitting up against the wall.

How could she have been so dumb?

She had played off of the paranoia it had possibly cost her one of the most important things in her life.

"Some birthday this turned out to be," Yui muttered to herself before scratching her head.

Chocolate brown eyes glanced up at the night sky and she saw that it was rather cloudy out. The grey clouds seemed to make the surrroundings glow. Yui slowly exhaled as she rubbed her arms in an attempt to warm them up.

A lone tear slid down her cheek before she tasted the salty drop on her lips. Yui remained as still as possible as a constant stream of tears began to form. She would have indulged in her sadness, if she hadn't heard a muffled sob come from her right.

The brunette quickly stood up and glanced at the direction from where the sob had come. She felt her heart leap to her throat when she saw the small figure sitting inside an alleyway that she had walked past.

Yui slowly made her way over and to the huddled figure and plopped down next to her. She remained silent as Azusa continued to sob. After finally gathering the courage, Yui carefully wrapped her arms around the smaller girl and pulled her into a weak hug.

If she wanted to, Azusa could easily break out of it, but the girl merely tensed up and stayed still. The two remained in the embrace until Azusa slightly backed up, not breaking it, but just enough to look at Yui's face.

Once she saw the hurt in her eyes, Yui felt her stomach clench uncomfortably.

"Why are you here?"

Yui slowly reached up her left hand and slowly placed it on Azusa's cheek. She had to fight with the urge to pull away when she saw Azusa flinch and gently stroked her cheek. The younger girl moved her head away and glared at her.

"Answer my question. YOU broke up with ME. For no reason either," Azusa said in a harsh tone.

Yui let out a deep sigh and watched as the vapor turned into a white mist before it dissipated. She pulled Azusa a bit closer with her other arm and then tried to meet her eyes. When she saw that Azusa was not looking at her face anymore, she weakly smiled and glanced away.

"Love makes people do stupid things…" She murmured.

Azusa jolted back and pushed her away. The look of disbelief and anger adorned her kitten's facial expression.

"Y-You, what?! How the hell does that even account for the fact that you think I cheated on you? Do you not trust me?" Azusa yelled.

"If I told you that I was paranoid because you hadn't replied to my messages in three days, would that make my reasoning a bit better…?" Yui softly mumbled.

Now that she really thought about it, it was pretty irrational to think that Azusa would cheat on her. Darn her overactive imagination for creating wild scenarios.

"But I DID message you...I messaged you today too," Azusa replied in a hurt tone.

Yui gently stroked the teary eyed girl's cheek and tried to ignore the warmth that was seeping into her body from the touch.

"Azunyan...no...Azusa, if I could take it back...I would. I just- the distance and the longing, it- I and Aki-chan told me that long distance relationships are difficult, and then with the no replying, I panicked and then…"

Yui pulled Azusa back into a hug and buried her face in the crook of the younger girl's neck. She tried not to shake as tears slid down her cheeks and onto Azusa's jacket.

When the pigtailed girl didn't respond, Yui adjusted herself so she could look at her. The moment she noticed that Azusa was crying as well, she moved back a little and gently wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"You idiot, don't you think that I missed you too?" Azusa cried before trying to pull out of Yui's grip.

The brunette pulled her back her back in for a tighter hug and ignored the slight pain as Azusa pounded against her back in order to make her let go.

"I hate you. I hate you for making me feel this way. I hate you for having so much power over me. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you," Azusa wailed.

Yui kept her strong grip on the sobbing girl and slowly rubbed the back of her head.

"I'm really really sorry, Azusa. If you...don't forgive me, that's okay. It was a stupid thing for me to do anyway and I-" Yui said in a slow tone until something warm cut her off.

The brunette stared at Azusa as the younger girl pulled away. She looked into Azusa's garnet eyes for a few seconds before she pulled her back in and pressed their lips together once more.

"You idiot, you just have to have a bit more faith in me," Azusa growled into the kiss.

Yui smiled into it before tilting her head and allowing the younger girl to part her lips. With Azusa so close, she could almost ignore the cold. Even though her arms were aching and pleading for her to go somewhere warm.

As Azusa slipped her tongue into her mouth, Yui fought the urge to dominate the kiss and remained as passive as she could

When the need for air became urgent, the two pulled apart and gasped for air. Azusa placed her head on Yui's shoulder and remained silent. Now feeling a sudden itch in her nose, Yui turned away and loudly sneezed.

It was then that Azusa finally realized what she was wearing.

"Yui-senpai, why are you out here in just a t-shirt? You're going to get sick, thank god it's Friday you have the weekend to heal, but seriously?" She scolded.

Yui merely flashed her a thousand watt smile and that caused her young girlfriend to shut up.

"I'd be even more mad at you if it wasn't your birthday, you know?" Azusa grumbled.

Yui stood up and held out her hand to Azusa. Her kohai took it without a hesitance and the two walked back to the dorm rooms. When they finally got there, Yui noted that the lights were off.

The moment that she opened the door, she was greeted by an outburst of "Surprise!"

Ritsu and Ayame had mini-horns which they began to blow as they walked into the room. Meanwhile, Mugi, Mio, Sachi, and Akira stood off to the side by a table full of snacks.

"How did you all get in here?" Yui asked.

"Yui-chan, you left us here when you went to get Azusa-chan, remember?" Mugi softly replied.

Yui felt Azusa squeeze her hand before she glanced over at the smaller girl. Azusa pressed up a bit into her side and interlaced their fingers. Yui walked her over to the bed and the two of them sat on it as the others brought out a cake.

"Time to sing!" Ritsu shouted. She met Yui's eyes before giving her an apologetic smile. Yui nodded back and gave her a knowing glance.

She then felt something warm wrap around her and saw that Azusa had moved up spare blanket in order to cover her. Yui lifted up the end and allowed the younger girl to be covered by it as well. As soon as Azusa was underneath, Yui wrapped an arm around her waist and basked in the warmth.

"Happy birthday to youuuu, happy birthday to youuuu, you look like a monkey and smell like one t-ack, Mio I was just kidding!" Ritsu yelped as she nursed her new lump.

"After everything we've been through why would you ruin the moment with something as silly as that?" Mio said as she glared at her.

Yui watched the two of them bicker before someone walked in front of her and blocked her view. She looked up at met Akira's violet eyes before she saw that she was smiling.

"My name is Wada Akira," Akira said as she reached over to shake her hand. "So you're the "Azunyan", I've been hearing so much about. Sorry if I couldn't help with Yui's paranoia. I didn't think she'd do something so stupid."

Yui looked over at Azusa and saw her smile.

"She's always been a handful, so i'd like to thank you for bringing us together and watching over her," Azusa said.

Akira and Azusa gave each other a knowing look before the two burst into laughter. Yui looked between the two of them with an incredulous look on her face since they seemed to be sharing some sort of private joke.

When Yui let out another loud sneeze, the partygoers figured that they would wrap up, mostly because Mugi urged them to let the birthday girl rest in order to not get sick so they could all celebrate the next day.

After promising her an extra slice of cake, Mio had finally managed to lure Ritsu out of the room which made it an easier task to get Ayame out as well. When everyone had finally left, it was just Azusa and Yui.

"I can't believe I almost ruined my own birthday," Yui murmured.

"You'd be the one to do something like that," Azusa laughed.

At the sound, Yui felt her cheeks heat up and stomach tingle with butterflies. She pulled her girlfriend down and rested her head on the pillow behind her.

"Are you going home soon, Azusa?" Yui asked.

The raven-haired girl stirred and looked up at her. She eyed Yui for a few seconds before she smiled.

"Not as long as you need me here...Yui," she replied.

At the lack of a honorific, Yui felt her jaw drop. She looked into Azusa's eyes and saw the mischievious gleam in them.

"Well then prepare to stay here forever, Azunyan," Yui grinned before she pulled Azusa in for a deep kiss.

Her lips made contact with the girl's cheek though and then she felt Azusa pull away.

"I think you should open my gift before we do anything," Azusa murmured.

Yui sat up and looked over at the table next to her bed. She saw the small package on it and quickly grabbed it. After quickly tearing off the ribbon, she began to slowly unwrap it.

When she finally opened it, she almost dropped the box and felt her jaw drop when she saw its contents.

"A-Azusa, are you proposing?" Yui asked.

"W-what? Of course not! We JUST started dating," Azusa quickly replied.

Yui looked into her girlfriend's face and saw a dark blush on her face. She then peered back down into the box and saw what unmistakably was two rings.

"I-I was just thinking...since we've known each other for years...and since we're so used to each other and stuff...that we could get promise rings for the future or something, I mean it's not like you have to accept it," Azusa said before she quickly averted her eyes.

Yui froze and felt her cheeks heat up. She then knew what to do as she grabbed one of the rings and slowly took Azusa's hand in hers. After placing the ring on her finger, she pressed her lips against the back of her hand.

"I promise to remain faithful and love my Azusa until I die. Then we can get married and do stuff that couples normally do," Yui said in a happy whisper.

Azusa took her hand and imitated the notion. After kissing the back of her hand, the younger girl looked into her eyes and said.

"I promise the same thing. I hope that one day we can get married...and even though we just started dating two weeks ago, I know that I love you," Azusa softly murmured.

Yui reached over to turn off her lamp before she tucked Azusa in. She softly pressed her lips against her forehead and adjusted herself so Azusa could arrange herself comfortable on the bed.

"Happy birthday, Yui," Azusa whispered.

Yui grinned at her and pulled her in for a quick kiss.

Well, it would have been quick if the two hadn't gotten passionally absorbed into it.

And though Yui had initially assumed this would be the worst birthday of her life, it was a day that she would look back on and laugh at with her lover. It taught her a lesson that day and she knew from then on to actually talk to her partner before making wild assumptions.

That and that Azusa was a really great kisser.

A/N: I'm sorry for writing such an angsty birthday story. T_T

It was not originally this intense, but then for some reason it evolved into this and I was like oh gosh how am I going to fix this... Hopefully the loose ends were tied up well. ; u ;

Happy birthday to Yui! It was a bumpy ride (in this story) but you got your happy end! :'D

Reviews and such are appreciated.

Have a nice Thanksgiving!

imuffinator out~