EDIT: Hm, for those wondering why this has nothing on it. I had to take it down so I could fix it. So sorry for those that favorited and took the time to review.

Any who, I'll stop holding whoever is reading this up and then let the series of one-shots begin!

Disclaimer: I do not own K-ON!, it belongs to Kakifly and KyoAni.

~ I: Introduction ~

Bright rays of light permeated through patches of dark clouds. The navy blue sky was slowly blending into a warm shade of orange. Groggy chocolate brown eyes observed the skyline intently as the sun dutifully worked its way into the horizon.

"Hehe, seeing the sunrise never fails to make me happy!" A brunette whispered in awe as the sky continued transitioning into its regular shade of blue.

Fresh air blew softly through the surrounding area and rustled the motionless leaves. Yui looked up and observed as a bird soared over the trees until it dived down toward one. The longer she watched, the faster she discovered where it was heading.

Soft chirps overtook the silence as hungry mouths awaited the return of their parent. A small smile worked its way onto Yui's face before she looked away and glanced down at the group of sleeping girls to her right.

So it looks like I was the only one that got to see the New Year's sunset, ne?


Brown eyes immediately moved toward the sound that seemed to come from her left. Once she caught sight of the stirring figure, her smile widened.

A girl whose raven hair was tied in two pigtails continued stirring until she slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning and Happy New Year, Azunyan," Yui giggled softly at the sight of the girl's attempts to sit up.

Garnet eyes blankly stared at her for a few seconds before realization entered them. The sleepy girl worked to stifle a yawn before replying.

"G-good moooawrning…darn it," Azusa pouted before pinching the bridge of her nose and shaking her head slightly. After she looked a bit more awake, she continued, "Happy New Years to you too, senpai…wait is the sun up already?"

The brunette nodded and laughed lightly when she saw the disappointment in the girl's face.

"Well, it's not completely gone, Azunyan. If you look up, the sky is still that pretty shade of orange!" Yui happily replied before looking up again.

The sky was not as dark as it had been a few moments earlier, but now it had phased into a color that was more beautiful than it had been before. Somewhere along the way, instead of becoming just orange, the sky had started mixing into an azure blue.

"Whoa, it's so beautiful!"

Yui laughed inwardly at the younger girl's amazement. She then glanced back over at the other girls and giggled again.

"What's so funny, Yui-senpai? Azusa asked, she was curious to find out why the former had giggled.

"They were all so excited about seeing the sunrise! Too bad that Sawa-chan and Ricchan's antics tired them all out!" Yui continued giggling.

"Ah…Sawako-sensei, if only the student body could see you now…" Azusa's disapproving voice held an amused tone.

Yui's brown eyes looked over at the four sleeping girls until they landeed on the grown woman. She had to stifle a laugh when she saw their normally composed teacher. The woman's long brown hair was splayed all over, her glasses lay askew on her face, and she had a line of drool on her chin.

Hehe, I know that Sawa-chan definitely had the most fun out of all of us…I think that her drinking might have knocked her out for a while though.

A loud snore alerted her attention to the two girls lying next to Sawako. A raven-haired girl had her arms wrapped tightly around a shorter girl with tawny hair. Yui quickly placed her hands over her mouth and worked to stifle her oncoming laughter.

Mio's arms were wrapped tightly around Ritsu; the shorter girl seemed to be struggling in the girl's arms. From what Yui could see, some of Mio's long hair was covering Ritsu's face and the fact that she was in a bear hug made the drummer struggle for air. The brunette continued watching in amusement as Ritsu struggled in Mio's strengthening grip.

"W-what are they doing? M-Mio-senpai would be so embarrassed if she saw herself like this!"

The sudden sensation of Azusa's warm breath so close to her ear caused Yui to shiver slightly. She wrapped her arms around herself and nodded at the younger girl's comment.

"Hehe, even in sleep, Mugi-chan's enjoying herself," Yui smiled while she tried to shake off the tingly feeling in her body as observed the blonde.

She could hear Mugi's faint laughter as the girl seemed to shake.

I wonder what's so funny.

Signaling Azusa to follow, Yui crawled over to where Mugi was. The moment that she reached the blonde, she peered down into the blonde's sleeping face. Yui smiled when she glanced down at the blonde's baby blue eyes before so looked away.

Hehe, Mugi-chan is so cute when she's asle-wha?

The brunette froze up and immediately glanced down again only to find that the girl's eyes were closed.

E-eh? Am I imagining things?

"We should really wake them up soon, Yui-senpai," Azusa whispered before tugging on Yui's sleeve. The elder girl smiled at her kohai before nodding and sitting up.

"Ne, Azunyan…?" Yui softly asked.

"Hm? What's up, Yui-senpai?"

"I have a feeling that this is going to be a good year!"

Yui quickly turned to face the raven-haired girl and beamed at her. Azusa slightly tensed up; the brunette's sudden change in attitude seemed to unnerve her.

"W-Why do you say that?"

"Hehe, I can just tell!"

Oho! There's something that I've forgotten to do!

"Hoo, Azunyan!" Yui half-shouted before raising her right hand up as if she was asking a question.

"Y-Yui-senpai, don't be so loud! What do you want?" Azusa shushed her before glancing around at the sleeping girls.

"But, Azunyaaaan," Yui whined before pouting.

"What do you want?"



The brunette immediately launched herself onto the younger girl and wrapped her arms tightly around her. She placed the girl's face on her shoulder and rested her cheek on her head. The two remained in the embrace for a few seconds before Azusa started to struggle.

"O-okay, you can let go now, senpai!" Azusa hissed at the older girl.

"Hehe, okay! My first Azu-recharge of the year is complete!" Yui giggled after releasing her irritated kohai.

"Heh, so it's begun, eh Private?"

"Yeah, Captain, wait…" Yui laughed before glancing at the tawny-haired girl and examining her for a few seconds, "Ricchan you're awake!"

"W-wait, Ritsu-senpai, you s-saw that?"

"Heh, I saw EVERYTHING Nakano. Mio's killer death grip woke me up ages ago!" Ritsu grinned before placing her arms behind her head.

"Hehe, looks we don't have to hide it anymore then, ne Azunyan?" Yui mischievously smiled at her kohai.

"E-eh? W-we have nothing to hide!" Azusa half-shouted before stopping and realizing what she said. "I mean there is nothing to hide in the first place!"

"But Azusa-chan, I saw that too!" Mugi beamed at them.

"Ah, Mugi-chan's also awake!" Yui said before going to hug the blonde.

"Mugi-senpai, not you too!" Azusa whined before Ritsu put her into a headlock.

Yui immediately let go of the blonde and stood in front of the girl struggling in Ritsu's grip. The brunette nodded at the drummer to release the younger girl. The moment that Ritsu released Azusa, the younger girl stumbled forward only to be steadied by Yui's hand.

"A-ah, thank you, Yui-senpai," Azusa weakly whispered.

Yui placed a hand on Azusa's shoulder and made her face as serious as possible.

"Azunyan, I have something very important to ask of you…" Yui slowly started, her cheeks were a light shade of pink.

"E-eh, w-what do you want?" Azusa stuttered at the sight of the former's blush.

"Azunyan…will you…" Yui blushed and looked down at the ground. The younger girl shook under her arm in anxiety, before Yui took a deep breath and continued, "Go with me to that new cake store around the corner later?"

The pigtailed girl stared blankly at her for a few seconds before regaining her senses.

"W-what? That was it?! You got me worked up for that?!" Azusa grumbled before folding her arms and looking away, her cheeks were a brighter shade of red than Yui's.

"Eh, what did you think I was going to ask, Azunyan?" Yui innocently responded.

"N-nothing! That's what I thought you were going to ask!" Azusa shouted before backing up slightly.

"Really, Nakano? Didn't seem like it from your reaction?" Ritsu teased.

"It was nothing!" Azusa blushed and quickly turned so her back was facing the group.

Yui watched as Mugi and Ritsu stood on both sides of the girl and continued teasing her. She continued smiling while she glanced at the two sleeping figures on the ground. Her brown eyes watched the older woman stir around as if she was going to wake up soon.

"Nnghh, where am I?" The teacher asked and sat up slowly. The woman's dazed eyes looked around until she caught sight of Mio's sleeping figure. An odd smile appeared on her face when she looked at the bassist.

"It seems that Kami-sama has blessed me with an unprotected Mio-chan so I can make her try on my costumes!" Sawako continued before going to wake the sleeping raven-head.

"Sawa-chan let Mio sleep!" Ritsu shushed before pulling at the teacher's arm to keep her away from the bassist.

Yui watched the next series of events unfold quickly as the raven-haired girl woke up. The moment that her grey eyes took in her surroundings, she saw Ritsu and Sawako towering over her leading her to emit a shriek. The noise that followed was a loud smack and a pained yelp from the drummer.

"Urgh, w-what'd you do that for, Mio? I was helping you!" Ritsu groaned while she held her head.

"Idiot, don't watch me when I sleep!" Mio scolded before folding her arms.

"First action of the dangerous queen in the ye-ack…!" Ritsu yelped again after taking another blow to the head.

Yui smiled weakly before returning her attention to her kohai and the blonde. Mugi was watching the interactions with a slight blush on her cheeks; whereas, Azusa was trying to stifle her laughter, but Yui could plainly see that she was enjoying herself. A warm smile worked its way onto the airhead's face before she glanced up at the skyline again.

It's going to be an interesting year, ne? It's just the beginning and already everything seems to be exciting!

(For some reason I feel that if someone decided to play Cagayake girls at the end of the last line...It would just fit the scene, but that's just me xD)

And so the craziness begins! Heh, this is one of my first attempts to write something...happy. Hope you all enjoyed it! Future one-shots will not really be tied to each other, but if they are then I'll give a heads-up. Reviews are appreciated! (Especially since I sort of "YOLO'd" this and went without a beta, not exactly the smartest thing, but I was extremely bored one day and I didn't want to bother her...xD) Anywho, I hope that it was enjoyedd! If you sneezed while reading this well, then bless you, if not oh well~

Until next time! Ja ne~