A/N: So this is something I've been wanting to do for a while but the new 2012 TMNT on Nick got me writing it. This is a trail run, depending on the response depends on if I will continue writing. It was based off the 2003 Episodes, my favorite ones and ones that are good for an OC. Please let me know if I should continue!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Garnet!

Things Change

"My name is Leonardo and right now my brothers, sister, and I are in a mess of trouble. Our backs are up against the wall in some trash-thrown alley cornered by the toughest street gang on the East side. He's wrong… we're not wearing costumes."

A swift kick ended the sparring match. The woman smirked as she leaned her weight onto her right leg before placing her hands on her hips.

"Well, that was fun." The woman said in her standard New York accent, as she brushed her hair out of her face. A growl left the down man's chest. She chuckled before pulling her hair out of its ponytail, running her fingers through it to straighten it out.

"You cheated." Crimson colored eyes rolled at the man's accusation before she turned and sat down next to her three "brothers." The woman stood up before looking back at the three.

"I'm running to the bathroom." She said as he began to walk up the stairs of the lair. After using the bathroom and washing her hands, she looked in the mirror. Black hair crimson eyes stared back at her. She honed in on some features such as the cat ears on the top of her head and how her eyes had taken the shape of a cat's pupil. She also sported fangs, a tail, and claws. Garnet had become a mutant when she was five, it was also the same time that she was found by Master Splinter and met her "brothers".

Master Splinter should have scared her when they first met but he didn't. Her father figure was a large rat but the man had taught her everything she knew from speaking correctly to wielding her weapon of choice, the Tessen. Her brothers were out of the ordinary also, they were all talking mutant turtles. Her eldest brother was Leonardo, followed by Raphael, and then Donatello. Garnet and Michelangelo stood as the youngest in the family.

The girl splashed water on her face before looking into the mirror again, watching the water drip down her face. She reached over and grabbed a towel to pat her face dry before hanging it back up and walking out, flipping the light off as she went.

"Man! Raph, that hurts!" The dark haired woman came around the corner to see the second oldest beating up the youngest.

"Raph, leave him alone." Leo said as he finished polishing his swords before putting them back in their sheaths. Garnet rolled her eyes before she plopped down between Leo and Don. The woman watched them rough-house on the floor, she watched the way Raph's skin stretched over his flexing muscles. She'd always had a crush on her older "brother" as they grew up. By the time the hotheaded turtle had hit fifteen, he began to fill out, growing taller and becoming thicker with muscle. It took Garnet until last year to begin to fill out, her body was now getting that hourglass figure she'd been after and because of her ninja training, she was definitely in shape.

"My sons and daughter…" Splinter said as he entered the living room. The five of them quickly moved in front of their master and father before sitting down with their feet under them, as if they were on a Japanese pillow. "After much thought and consideration, I feel as though you are old enough to go to the surface." The teens smiled at each other before Splinter began speaking again. "But, you will need a leader." He said as he looked at the group. They all glanced at each other before Leo turned to the rat and got a serious, determined look on his face.

"Master Splinter, I would be honored if I could take on the roll as leader." Leo said as he bowed his head slightly. Garnet and Raphael both rolled their eyes before listening.

"Well, that seems like an appropriate decision." Master Splinter said as he looked at each one of his "children". "You are allowed to go to the surface until the sun begins to rise." The mutant teens nodded before they stood and smiled at each other. Garnet pulled her hair into a high ponytail and tied her signature red bandana around her neck; she had this just in case she needs to cover her face or ears. Before the teenagers could make it to the opening of the liar, the ground started to shake. It was so powerful; Garnet had to grab a hold of Leo's arm to stay upright.

"What's going on?" Mikey asked loud enough that the group could hear him.

"Could it be an earthquake?" Leo asked as he wrapped his arms around Garnet to pull her into a door way to avoid falling debris. Donnie put a hand to his chin.

"It's possible but highly unlikely." The purple clad ninja said before jumping out of the way of a large falling brick. Suddenly, the roof collapsed in, separating the teens from their father.

"Master Splinter!" Leo yelled as he ran through the settling dust, the rest of the mutant teens following after him. After pulling on some of the bricks, they came to the conclusion that it they weren't budging. Leo took in a deep breath before turning to Donnie. "Donatello, is there any way to make contact with Master Splinter?"

"Yeah, the shell cell." The purple banded turtle asked as he pulled it out of his bag and dialed a number quickly. The group smiled when they heard Master Splinter's voice on the other end, asking himself how you are to answer the phone.

"I'm so teaching him to work the cell after this is over." Garnet said, causing Raph to chuckle from next to her. When the meeting place was arranged, Donnie closed the cell and put it back into his bag.

"Goodbye broken pipe. Goodbye grungy payphone. Goodbye dented manhole cover. Goodbye home sweet home." He finished by placing a hand over his heart. Garnet chuckled and watched as Raph walked up behind him.

"And hello cruel world. Come on." He grabbed Mike's bandana and pulled him towards the other teens. They turned and began to follow Leo out of the lair. As they walked, they surveyed all of the damaged sewer walls.

"These walls are seriously compromised. It's lucky this roof hasn't caved in yet." Donnie said before they came to a stop. Garnet peeked around her eldest brother to see the pathway blocked with what looked to be the roof of the tunnel.

"You were saying." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, what now?" She asked, glancing at Leo and Don.

"We can't go forward and we can't go back." Leo said. Raph looked up and saw a manhole cover. He turned back to his siblings.

"We go up." He said before walking towards the latter that sat under the manhole cover. Leo, Don, Mike, and Garnet followed him.

"Going to the surface is a bad idea." Leo said as he caught Raph arm.

"But we've got no other way to go Leo." Don said, holding out a hand to show him the blocked path.

"I'm with Don." Garnet said. "If we wanna find Master Splinter than the only way to go is up." Leo turned to the three still behind him, with a sigh.

"Fine, but we're going up just to come back down the next manhole, got it?" He asked. "There will be no fooling around." Garnet rolled her eyes before walking over to the latter.

"Remain in the shadows. Never be seen. It's dangerous to be seen let alone captured. We get it Leo, we've heard the speech all of our lives." She said as she placed her boot-clad foot on the bottom step. Raph nodded before he began climbing.

"Just follow my lead." Once reaching the top of the stairs, Raph pushed the manhole cover off and began looking around. Garnet sighed before reaching up and grabbing his calf.

"Not that I'm not enjoying the view or anything but move it Raphie, I don't want to be staring at your butt any longer than I have to." She said. When Raph jumped out, Garnet was quick to follow. Before Leo could get out a guy on a scooter drove by, Raph hid along the darkest part of the wall while Garnet ducked down behind a dumpster. Garnet watched as Raph went ahead, but she stayed and waited for her other brothers to exit the sewers. They watched Raph go down an alley, be stopped out the mouth of it and watched as the red banded turtle kneeled down. He stood up, growled, and kicked the truck.

"Way to be stealthy Raph." Leo said from his kneeled position.

"Yeah, I don't think they heard you over in Jersey." Mikey said, adding an accent to 'jersey'.

"Give me a hand." Raph said as he pointed to the truck. Mikey raised his hands as if he was going to clap but Raph beat him to it. "Don't even think about it Mikey." He pointed a finger at his younger brother. Leo shook his head at Mikey's antics while Garnet chuckled softly. "Whatever, I'll push it myself." Raph said before he walked towards the back of the truck to try and push it off the manhole cover. Garnet began to walk towards the hot headed turtle when her ears flicked to the door, someone was coming out.

"Hid Raph." She whispered as she turned around and quietly ran back to her hiding place. Raph glanced around before going to the only place he could apparently think of, the back of the truck.

"Poor choice Raphael." Mikey said with his hand on his forehead. Garnet began to bit at her claws (nails) in nervous anticipation. The men threw some bags into the back of the truck before closing it and locking it up.

"What was he thinking?" Garnet turned and asked Donnie, who shrugged at his little sister's question. The truck drove by them, the four remaining teens hiding behind a parked car. They stepped out from behind it when the truck's lights could no longer spot them.

"Imagine their surprise when they open the back of that truck." Mikey said.

"This is exactly what Master Splinter was talking about." Leo said, drawing his sibling's attention to him. "We've got to get him out of there." Garnet crossed her arms over her chest.

"You know, I thought maybe we would just leave him there." She said before narrowing her eyes at her oldest brother. Suddenly, the four turned and began running for a fire escape so that they could get on the roof.

"Last one to the roof hatched from a rotten egg." Donnie said as he jumped up.

"I never hatched from an egg." Garnet said as she flipped over Mikey. After landing on the roof, they ran to the edge to watch the truck. They began jumping from rooftop to rooftop following the truck. The truck pulled to a stop in an alley, it was dark with no other people around, which was good for the siblings. Mikey jumped down first, quickly knocking out the guy watching the truck.

"Nice work Mikey." Leo said as he landed.

"It's a ninja thing." Mikey said with a smile on his face.

"Now, let's get Raph out of that thing." Leo said as they turned to the truck. Raphael was saying something while beating on the doors, but it was muffled.

"What's that Raphael, you're gonna have to speak up dude; I can't hear you." Mikey said in a teasing tone of voice. Raph kicked the doors… hard.

"Okay, I heard that." Mikey said. Garnet rolled her eyes before punching Mike in the shoulder.

"Will you stop antagonizing him? You know how he gets afterwards." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest, getting a large smile from Mikey. They watched Donnie work in silence, when he connected the last wires the doors popped open quietly. Garnet never noticed that Mikey moved closer behind her.

"Hey Raph, welcome back dude." He said as he held his arms out. Raphael came running out of the truck. It took Garnet a second to realize where he was going and with cat-like reflects, she ducked, letting Raph tackle Mikey to the ground.

"What a hot head." Leo said to Don. Garnet stood up and glared at Mikey.

"Dude, don't hide behind me when you piss Raph off. I'm not your savior!" She said. Garnet's ear twitched to the right, glancing out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed the men coming back out. Leo drew his katana and Don his Bo-staff. Garnet's eyes became slitted and cat-like as her claws grew out slightly, a growl could be heard from her. Another part of Garnet's mutation is that she can become a big cat (such as a lioness, tigress, etc.), usually she stands at six foot when transformed but she can also control the size.

"Raph, we don't have time for this." Leo said as he backed up.

"And why not?" Raph asked, his hands pinning Mikey to a column behind him.

"Cause we're not alone." Mikey said as he was slowly lowered to the ground. The men walked closer.

"Look at the freaks." The leader said.

"This ain't Halloween." Another said from behind him.

"You're going down freaks." The leader said as he twirled what looked like a Bo-staff between his fingers. "No one messes with the purple dragons and gets away with it." Within a matter of seconds, the five teens had knocked down almost all of the Purple Dragons but the leader, who ran when he saw the first opportunity.

"Let's get out of here!" He yelled as he ran for the opening of the alley, the downed Purple Dragons following him. Raph and Mikey high fived before Donnie stepped forward.

"Well, that was easier than expected." Raph turned to his younger brother.

"I hope there are more of those guys, I'm just getting started." He said as he flexed his arms. Garnet snorted before her ears began twitching around to see if they were in any more danger. A shadow loomed over the five mutant teens. Mikey turned and pointed to one of the roofs above them.

"Well, it looks like you got your wish Raphie boy." The rest of them turned also. Garnet's ears perked forward before lying flat, she didn't hear them coming and that was odd.

"Are those guys' ninjas?" Leo asked as he raised his blades. Right after the question, the ninjas jumped down and surrounded them. "Be ready for anything."

"I'm so gonna enjoy this." Raph said, glancing around the circle. Eyes turned to the girl as she kneeled down and began her transformation. Bones shifted, muscles became larger, skin stretched, and fur grew. Her crimson eyes changed to pure gold and her hands and feet became paws. When the transformation was complete, a large panther replaced the girl. The ninja took a cautious step back; they weren't prepared to fight an animal like that. The fight began, each having his (or her) own group of ninjas. The ones surrounding Garnet took extreme caution, all had out their weapons and were not close enough she could lunge for them. A snarl erupted from her chest as she snapped at one of the men.

In the back of her mind, behind the big cat's conscious, she heard the truck start. She turned and pinned her gold eyes on it, realizing that it was Donnie in the driver's seat. With a quick swipe of her paw to the left, half of the men around her had been knocked out. The other's retreated away from her. She turned and growled at them before she heard Mikey calling her. With a quick glance back at her brothers, she began to back up, keeping her eyes on the ninjas in front of her. When she reached the back of the truck she jumped inside, followed by Leo, Raph, and Mikey.

"Whoa! Nice driving Don, for a turtle with no license." Mikey said as he was bounced around from Donatello's driving. He fell off the bench and the three mutant turtles fell silent as a pair of gold eyes landed on the youngest turtle. Mikey had landed on her tail.

"Hey Garnet…" Raph said carefully from his place by her head. The eyes stayed on the turtle on her tail but her ears became trained on the red banded turtle. "You should change back; we're not in any more danger." Then her large head turned to look at the turtle. Within seconds, they could hear the sound of bones shifting, sliding, and cracking. The four turtles winced at the sound. Her paws became hands and feet as the fur disappeared and was replaced with skin. When the sickening sounding transformation was over, Garnet sat on the floor next to Raph's legs, leaning against them.

After stopping to throw the money at some police, Garnet vowed to herself that she would teach Donnie to drive because she didn't know how much more bouncing around she could take after her transformation. When they stopped at the meeting place Donnie turned off the car. The five teens jumped out and ran over to their father, Garnet jogged with a slight limp before hugging Splinter.

"I'm glad to see you too my children." Master Splinter said as he looked over his children.

"Master Splinter, so much has happened today." Leo said.

"Yes, yes. There will be time to tell me about it later, Leonardo. But first, I wish to take you all home." The teenagers all looked at each other before watching their father as he walked away.

"But Master Splinter… we have to home…" Garnet said as she wrapped her arms around herself in a hug. Raph laid a comforting hand on her back.

"Do not worry; I think I have found a solution to our problem." Their father said as he smiled back at his children. "Follow me my children." Leo followed first, then Donnie, Mikey (with a push from Raph), a chuckling Raph, and then Garnet. At the end of the tunnel, she noticed the shells piling up before she ran into her brothers. They all stood and followed their father before they came to an opening in the sewer. It was HUGE! There was more than enough room for Master Splinter and the five teenagers. They all went and picked their rooms before Garnet and Leo jumped down and walked over to Splinter.

"You see my children, change is good." Splinter said as he smiled at all of the teenagers.

"We couldn't agree more Master Splinter." Leo said with a smile on his face before he reached over and hugged his younger sister to his chest. Garnet smiled and wrapped her own arms around his shell.

"Good, so let's see you kids clean up for a change. This place is filthy." Master Splinter said causing the teenagers to groan.