AN: Okay, so I'm really sorry for how long it's taken me to update this. I've just been really blocked with this section and had time writing this chapter. However, I have finally done it. After this, there are only a few more chapters left. I appreciate all the reviews, follows, and favorites for this story. I especially appreciate those who have stuck around, despite how long it has taken me to update. Anyway, as always, constructive criticism is welcome.

Disclaimer: I don't own Castle

Kate approached the bed, her gaze softening as she took in her mother's appearance again.

"What happened?" she asked

"What did your father tell you?"

"Just that that cold never actually went away. Why didn't you tell me?" Kate said as she pulled a chair to beside the bed.

"I thought it went away," her mother explained. "Except it got worse and then when doing the tests, the numbers kept going down. So, Doctor Reid decided to infuse me with steroids to see if my numbers would go up with the PFTs." Dr. Reid was Johanna's pulmonologist.

"And if they don't?" Kate raised an eyebrow.

Johanna shrugged. "Then, we'll look at other options. He wants to take it one step at a time."

Kate nodded. While Dr. Reid wasn't a wait and see kind of person, he still was cautious when it came to treatment.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kate asked, still a little angry, but more upset that her mother didn't inform her of such an important change in health.

"I didn't want you to worry," Johanna said simply. "You were with Rick, I didn't want to take you away from that."

Kate frowned. "You're more important than spending a summer in the Hamptons. Also, now that I'm here, I'm staying,"

Johanna shook her head. "No, no you are not!"

"But Mom-"

"No buts. By tomorrow night, I want you on your way back to the Hamptons." Johanna's voice held a tone of finality to it.

"What if something happens?" Kate said, not wanting to leave her mother.

"Then either me or your father will call you. In fact, I'll call you every night if you want. Deal?"

Kate sighed, knowing her mother wasn't going to budge one the issue. She just nodded in response before taking Johanna's hand in hers.

"Deal," she replied. "So, how are you? Besides being stuck with an IV and being sick."

Johanna chuckled. "I'm okay. Didn't get much sleep though, with the nurses coming in and out to check my vitals and poke and prod me." She rolled her eyes. "Besides that though, I'm fine. How are you?"

Kate decided to humor her mother. She knew she wanted to change the topic.

"I'm good, been having fun."

Her mother raised an eyebrow. "Come on, Katie. You can do better than that." A playful smile formed on her lips.

Kate laughed before going into the details of her vacation.

Meanwhile, down in the cafeteria, Rick and Jim sat in silence, both eating sandwiches. They hadn't really talked much, but were still comfortable in each other's presence. Jim was the first to break the silence.

"Thank you," he said to Rick. The writer gave him a confused expression as he took a bite of his sandwich. "For bringing Katie here. I know it's a long ride."

Rick shrugged. "It's no trouble. I'm happy to help."

Jim smiled. "Still, thank you."

"Honestly, she was ready to drive out here last night." Jim grimaced at the information, making Rick slightly happy that he was also uncomfortable with the notion of Kate driving in the storm. "I convinced her we would go early today. And now we're here."

"Katie is stubborn as a mule. Unfortunately, I think she got that from both her mother and I."

Rick chuckled. "I see a little of it in her mother."

Jim nodded. "Johanna is definitely hard to persuade." He sighed, looking down at the table. "She had problems listening to the doctors after the fire. As you can probably tell, she still does. Katie was similar, but she was more compliant when it came to medical advice, except when it came to resting." He chuckled. Then he shook his head. "I don't know what I would do without them."

"Kate told me you were great when it came to helping afterwards. I think she thought you were being slightly overprotective." Rick raised an eyebrow.

Jim frowned. "I almost lost the two most important people in my life, of course I was overprotective. I'm not sure what I would have done if I had lost one of them." He played with the scrap of paper the sandwich had been wrapped in.

"I think you would have been okay and made it through," Rick replied. Jim looked at him surprised. "I mean, after a time. Your family is strong; there is no doubt about that." He gave the man a kind smile.

"It certainly didn't feel like that at the time." Jim shook his head. "If I tell you something, can you keep it between us?"

Rick frowned. "Is it something Kate would be concerned about?" He didn't want to hide anything from her even if whatever it was would upset her.

"No, not anymore." Rick furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Jim sighed. "A few days after Jo woke up in the hospital, she insisted that I go to the hotel room I was in and rest…and take a shower." Rick snickered and Jim rolled his eyes. "Anyway, once I was there, everything was quiet. No doctors, no nurses, no family that needed to be tended to. It was just me and my thoughts." A sorrowful expression appeared on the older man's face.

"I'm guessing those thoughts weren't good?" Rick pressed.

"That time alone allowed me to think about the what ifs and the whys. Why did it happen to them? Why wasn't it me? Those kinds of thoughts. While I was thinking these things, I was also drinking some scotch I found in the mini refrigerator." He grimaced. "Soon, I was drunk, but I didn't care. So, I drank a few more shots and began to feel numb. It felt nice, to not have any fears or coherent thoughts, so I kept drinking. Before I knew it, I passed out on the bed."

"What happened after that?"

Jim shrugged. "I woke up a few hours later in the same spot. However, what I saw horrified me." Rick raised his eyebrows. "Apparently, during my drunken stupor, I had thrown the pillows off the bed and to other parts of the room. Small scotch bottles were on the floor as well as broken pieces of glass. I figured out that I had thrown the glass vase that was on the night table." He sighed. "I realized that what I had done was dangerous and selfish. I had two other people to think about. So, I dumped out all the alcohol and threw away the bottles. Also, I called housekeeping, gave the lady a very large tip, and apologized to my neighbors for any disturbance I may have caused."

Rick looked at the man in front of him, surprised. He wouldn't call Jim selfish, since he was only reacting to his situation. However, the author was glad that Jim knew he couldn't keep acting the way he had been.

"Did you go to the hospital right after?"

Jim shook his head. "No. First I took a shower, nursed my horrible hang over, and then went to the hospital. I didn't mention any of this to Katie or Jo and thankfully the hotel staff didn't either."

Rick nodded in understanding. If he had ever done something like that, he would never want his mother, Alexis, or Kate to know.

"Well, at least you're all okay now," Rick said.

"I know," Jim replied, smiling. "I always thank whatever higher power there is that I have my family, even if Katie doesn't appreciate us all the time," he joked, winking at Rick. "Anyway, enough of this serious talk. Let's go see if both Beckett women are still alive, shall we?" Rick chuckled before following the older man out of the cafeteria and into the elevator. He was sure the women were doing just fine.

He hoped.

"So, then Alexis came out screaming, running away from him!" Kate exclaimed, finishing her story.

Her mother laughed. "That's too funny. Well, it looks like you've found a nice family, Katie."

Kate nodded. "I have." The Castles were a great family and she was lucky enough that they had welcomed her with open arms.

A moment later, Rick and her Dad walked through the door.

"Looks like everyone is still alive," her father joked. Kate rolled her eyes.

"Oh hush you," Johanna scolded, but a smile formed on her face.

Rick walked over to Kate and wrapped and arm around her waist. She leaned into his shoulder and sighed happily.

"I'm guessing you two are okay?" he asked.

"Yes," Kate muttered eyeing her mother.

Johanna smirked and said, "Yes, we are both fine and as I told Katie, I expect you to be heading out to the Hamptons no later than tomorrow."

"Well, I see where Kate gets her determination from," Rick joked. This earned him an elbow in the ribs. "What?"

"I foresee the couch becoming your bed tonight, in whatever house it is we're in." Kate narrowed her eyes in warning.

"But I love your determination," he replied, giving her a charming smiling.

"Sure," she teased before giving him a quick peck on the lips.

Kate furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when she realized her parents had been silent through the whole interaction. "What?"

Johanna snickered. "Nothing. It's just that you two are so darn cute." A twinkle of happiness appeared in her eyes, which made Kate smile.

"Mom," she groused.

"It's okay, Katie," Jim chimed. "I remember when your mother and I were like that." An expression of fondness flashed across his face.

"You still are." Kate chuckled.

Johanna shook her head. "Anyway, you two should get going. There is nothing that you can do here, and I don't think the doctors will appreciate having so many people around."

Kate pouted. "I already packed some luggage, so now what?"

"We can stay at the loft overnight if you want?" Rick suggested.

"That's sounds like a good idea. We can drive to the Hamptons tomorrow." She replied. She then turned to her mother with a raised eyebrow. "Remember…"

"I know, I know, call you," Johanna said impatiently. "Now shoo. The nurse will be in any minute to check my vitals and she already gave you a warning the about overcrowding last time she was in here."

Kate sulked. Stupid nurse.

She leaned over and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Mom," she said and then gave her father a hug. "Bye Dad."

"Bye, Dear. Goodbye, Rick," Johanna gave him a wave.

"Goodbye Rick. I enjoyed our little chat," Jim said, shaking the author's hand.

Rick smiled. "Goodbye. Get better, Mrs. Beckett."

"I'll try." Johanna let out a dramatic sigh and Kate laughed.

Once the two exited the room, Kate leaned her head on his shoulder, again.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as they entered the elevator.

"Not really," she hummed. "However, I am craving Vegetable Lo Mein."

"Your wish is my command then. I'll order Chinese once we get to the loft."

"Maybe some dumplings?" She gave him a sheepish grin.

"Of course." He gave her a smile and a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you," she said. She couldn't believe how incredible he was sometimes and that he kept her grounded. She loved him, she knew that.

Now if only she could find a way to tell him that.

AN: So there you go! I know where I want to go with the rest of this, so hopefully it shouldn't take me as long to update. Anyway, constructive criticism is welcome.