OMG guys I am so so sorry! I know, it's been a year and more and I'm the worst ever. Everything's been so hectic and I really didn't know how to finish this, but I wanted to give it some sort of conclusion. I know it's rubbish and such a letdown after all this time. Thanks to everyone who actually enjoyed the original story and I'm sorry for not updating much much sooner. Love you all Viralsfan101 ONE YEAR ON Katniss We did it. We managed to disable the bomb and escape to England. But at great cost. That night after my meeting with Snow, Cato, Finnick, Haymitch and I drove to the nuclear base. Cinna and my prep team stayed behind to try and delay Snow from leaving, and Effie worked to get Annie and Prim out. As Cato and Finnick used the plans to disable and destroy the nuclear device, Cinna, Octavia, Flavius and Venia are being shot live on television. Haymitch received wind of it and turned it on just in time to see Cinna die, and as he was shot, he whistled the song of the Mockingjay. Finnick finally managed to take it apart just as Snow left his house. We drove down to the port and met Prim. She explained to us, through ripping sobs, that Effie had been shot as they ran away and that Annie had collapsed two miles away. She told us of her failing heart, how she'd been keeping it secret so to not hurt us, and how there was nothing to be done. Finnick immediately fell silent, not speaking again for hours. We got a boat to England, and when we docked, we were finally safe. Finnick, Cato, Haymitch, Prim and I managed to survive, and we ran to a small village deep in England. Cato and Finnick got jobs, we moved into a massive house and we mourned our friends. And slowly but surely we began to move on with our lives. Cato and I got married again, quietly this time. Prim met a nice young man, who supported her, even when she finally told him the truth about our past. Finnick never married, mourning Annie for the rest of his life. Part of him died with her, and even though his front was still as cocky as ever, I knew him better than anyone and I could see straight through it. Haymitch really turned it around though. He stopped drinking completely, married a lovely woman and really looked after us all. With Haymitch around, for the first time in far too many years, I really felt safe. CATO POV We actually survived, against all the odds. Not without great losses though, and the people who died for me will haunt me forever. Kat's prep team went first, shot live on television. From what I heard afterwards, they didn't even cry, completely prepared to die if it meant she lived. Cinna went the same way, and we watched this one. As the gun was pointed at his head, he whistled four simple notes, the song of the Mockingjay, and then his head exploded and his body hit the ground. I didn't think it could get any worse. Effie died next; Prim told us about how she was shot as she tried to flee the Capitol. Annie died too; her heart gave out as she and Prim were running. Her death broke Finnick; he never recovered from that loss. Prim was horrified that she couldn't do anything to help her; it took us an hour to calm her down. We got onto a boat and fled Panem, travelling to England. All the way there, nobody cried. Finnick sat, sheet white and silent. Prim sniffled a bit for about half an hour and then she fell asleep. Haymitch went downstairs and got drunk. And Katniss, she didn't move, she didn't speak or scream or cry, not even when we got to England. For a while I was worried that she'd cried herself out and that she had no tears left to cry. And then one night, I woke up at about 1 in the morning to see her sitting at the end of the bed, sobbing silently. I crawled down and put my arms around her and we sobbed together for the whole night. After that, we tried to move on. Prim met a nice guy and he supported her in her grief; she lost so many for someone so young and it was good for her to have someone who understood. Finnick never really got over it, but he and Katniss stayed as close as ever. He was no longer a threat to me, because he was so broken and that made it much easier for me to support him. It may sound awful, but Kat and I needed each other to get through the pain. However, Haymitch was the best support we could ever have asked for. He stopped drinking, married and settled down, proving he was prepared to do absolutely anything to protect us, which I appreciated. I couldn't do as much as I wanted to help Katniss recover, because I was still grieving myself and it was nice that someone was there to support her. Kat and I eventually remarried in a very intimate ceremony. We used the opportunity to honour all those we'd lost, and to remind each other of what we still had. The day was hard, really hard, but it was good for us to have a small bit of happiness in all our grief. And now? Now we're trying to move on. Katniss isn't ready to have children yet, although Prim and I are trying desperately hard to persuade her otherwise. Even Finnick is helping out and I think he put it perfectly. Coz, after all, 'we're not in danger any more'.