Hey! This is an all new story for me and I decided to write it, because some of you said that the relationship moved too fast in the other one. Thank you to WonderGirl556 who encouraged me to keep writing. Lemme know what you think!
Shit. How can this have happened? It's her first reaping for crying out loud. My name was in there 20 times but they have to pull out Prim's. And of course I was going to volunteer. Prim didn't want it but I could practically feel my mom willing me to do it. And I promised I would win but as I watch the recaps, over and over again, I know that my chances are slim. The Careers from 2 look tough; the boy is a giant, muscular and tall. In contrast the girl is tiny – she doesn't look she could do any damage but her hand was up faster than anyone else's to volunteer, so there must be something super special about her. 11 is the most shocking though. Their tributes could not be more different – the boy is massive, even taller than 2 and the girl is tiny, only 12. She reminds me of Prim and I feel sad as I watch her walk slowly up to the stage.
Suddenly, I'm brought out of my thoughts by a loud knocking and I realise not only is someone there, but Peeta has been speaking to me too – for several minutes. I ignore him and jump up to answer the door, hoping someone will tell me this is all a big mistake. As I open it, I'm met by a figure so massive he's almost like a wall. 2. He growls when he sees me before speaking, "All tributes have to eat together on the first night, even scum like you, 12. Come. We're waiting." I roll my eyes and turn away from him but he catches my arm, shouting, "Something wrong, 12?" I laugh, astounded by his cockiness, "No, 2. I just need to change before dinner. Is that alright with you? Why don't you take Peeta and I'll be along presently?" He nods curtly, and I wonder whether answering him back like that was the smartest move at a time like this. Peeta leaves and I change hurriedly, chucking on one of the many outfits laid out for me.
As I make my way to dinner, an arm blocks my path. "So 12. You really think you're it, huh?" 2 growls. Despite myself, I laugh again and stick out my hand, "Katniss. And you are?" He takes it and squeezes gently, replying, "Cato. I think I'll still call you 12 though. Wouldn't want to forget you're scum, even if you do clean up good." With that, he walks away, nose in the air. He's clearly done whatever job he was sent to do, but his stupid mind games won't work on me. I've been called scum all my life, but the compliment threw me slightly, I must admit. He may be tougher to crack than most of the other tributes.
Shit. It should not have happened like this. Why is it that my year is the one which has other tributes who actually have a chance? 11 worries me, because he's taller and could probably last a while in a fist fight. But 12. Wow. She's hot. And the only 12 tribute ever known to volunteer. The one thing they drilled into us in the Academy – brute strength beats everything. But they were wrong, I see that now. Because she's determined, and has a reason to win, something worth fighting for. That's stronger than anything. She's clever too, and brave – not scared of me at all. I was sent around the train, to intimidate all the other tributes. I barely managed 11, but the girl stopped us from scrapping then and there. Then I went to 12.
She answered the door and I can't help but growl as I see her looking up at me innocently. What game is she playing? I say something rude and she rolls her eyes. No-one has ever rolled their eyes at me before. I catch her on the arm and shout, "Something wrong, 12?" She laughs. She actually fucking laughs. Then she says something sarcastic and sends me away, with her partner in tow. I point him in the direction of the dinner cart and lay in wait for her.
About 2 minutes later, she emerges looking smoking hot, in some beautiful black ensemble. I say something rude again and again she ignores it, sticking out her beautiful hand and telling me her name. I shake it, tell her mine and call her scum – again – but still no reaction. Before she can think of a comeback, I walk off with my nose in the air. I've been taught to look arrogant so I know I'm covered but inside I'm fuming. Fuck her, undermining me like that. However, as I play our conversation back in my mind, I remember how I complimented her, and how her face flickered just for a moment. Maybe that's her weakness. And that will be her undoing.