"What's that?"

Tony looked up from his tablet at his 8-year-old son. Firstly he thought that Peter was referring to the device and it caught him surprised as Peter was already familiar with different machines and was good at dealing with them, despite his young age. But he didn't refer to the tablet. He was pointing his small finger at the glass with scotch in Tony's other hand.

"Oh.. That's.. That's daddy's drink, Peter," he answered, uncertain where this conversation will be going.
"Aha.." the young boy took his eyes from the glass and looked at Tony. "Can I try it?" The brunet smirked a little hearing that.
"Sorry, buddy, it's for big boys," he said in a soft voice.
"I'm a big boy," Peter answered, slightly huffing his cheeks, insulted that his father treats him as a baby.
"Sure, you are, but I meant like really big boys, like me or your papa," Tony explained in a calm voice, looking fondly at his son.
"Oh.. Okay then.." he drifted corner of his eyes away from Tony. Tony followed his gaze and saw that the boy is looking at the liquor cabinet. Peter was a smart kid, even a bit too smart for his age. Surely there was already a plan in his small head that if Tony doesn't want to let him try the beverage when he asks, he would try it on his own. He couldn't let that happen.

"You know what, Pete? I think you are big enough, to try just a little."
"Really?" Peter beamed a smile towards him.
"Yeah," Tony smiled, placing the boy on his lap. "But just a small sip, understand?"
"Uhm," he nodded, excited.

Tony took the glass with scotch, and placed it at Peter's mouth. The child eagerly grabbed the glass with both hands, and Tony tilted it just a little bit. Before even the alcohol could touch Peter's lips, the scent hit his nostrils. He started to cough from the strong, alcoholic scent. Tony smirked at that and placed the glass away on the table, rubbing his son's back. He was still coughing. In the next second Steve rushed into the room.

"Peter, are you alright? Are you sick?" he panicked, getting closer to his husband and son, dropping on his knees to look at Peter. Tony just rolled his eyes. Steve was overprotective. It was a miracle that Peter didn't get sick every other week. In Tony's opinion they should let Peter eat a spoon of dirt to gain some immunity, but Steve didn't want to hear about it.
"He's fine," Tony reassured the blonde. The boy stopped coughing and smiling turned to Steve.

"Daddy gave me a drink!" he beamed. Tony stiffened. He forgot that Peter was bluntly honest, just like his papa.
"What? What are you talking about, Peter?" Steve was looking carefully at his son. Tony tried to get Steve's attention, but before he could say anything, Peter pointed to the glass on the table.
"He gave me this," he said smiling proudly, "Daddy said I'm a big boy and I can try it!" he continued, not being aware that he is digging his dad's grave. Steve face darkened. He swallowed hard and forced a smile on his lips.
"That's.. That's great, Pete" Steve answered taking Peter off Tony's lap. "Hey, remember that you were supposed to visit uncle Bruce today?"
"Can I go now?" he asked excited, he loved spending time with Bruce in his lab.
"Sure, you can, just go into the elevator, I will tell your uncle that you're going to visit him."
"I can take him!" Tony finally spoke, trying to get up.
"No, you can't," Steve shot him a glare and Tony sunk further into the couch.
"Is something wrong?" Peter asked, sensing that the atmosphere has changed.
"Of course not, sweetie" Steve kissed his head. "Now, go to uncle Bruce".
"Okay," Peter believed his papa and giving them both a quick kiss rushed out of the room.

Steve slowly stood up, glaring holes through Tony. "Stay here," he gritted through his teeth and turned to the intercom. He pressed the button. "Bruce? Bruce, I'm sending Peter down to you." He heard some papers rustling in the background. Bruce was working.
"Is something wrong?" he asked.
"No, I just need to talk with Tony." Bruce chuckled hearing that. He knew that "talk with Tony" was a synonym for "I need to give him a scolding and don't want Peter to hear that".
"I see. Good luck, Tony!" he said amused, ending the conversation. Tony made an outraged face at Bruce's comment, but as soon as Steve turned around to face him, his expression changed. Steve stood in front of Tony, crossing his arms on his chest. Tony didn't like that.

"In my defense.." he started.
"Don't even try it," Steve interrupted him. He was eyeing the brunet. He knew that talking with Tony doesn't give any results as he was sorry for like 30 minutes and then just shrugged it off. He had to always learn the hard way. Steve turned around from him, going into the door's direction. Tony looked worriedly after his husband. Silent treatment. Steve changed the direction and approached the liquor cabinet. He opened it and took out the scotch bottle and exited the room. Tony was sitting stunned at blonde's behavior. And then it occurred to him.

"NO!" he bolted from the couch, darting after Steve. He rushed into the kitchen where he saw Steve pouring the content of the bottle down the sink.
"Steve, don't do it, please! This scotch is over 30 years old!" he clung to Steve's back trying to take the bottle. It wasn't a problem for Steve, to hold the smaller man at some distance with his free hand. Soon the bottle was empty and Tony leaned over Steve's back in defeat. Steve put the bottle on the counter, feeling the brunet's head on his shoulder.

"I hope you know why I did that" he said firmly.
"Yeah, I know.." Tony muttered into his arm. Steve couldn't help but feel sorry for the brunet. He deserved it, but Steve had a soft spot for him. He turned around to give him a hug, but in the next second, Tony painfully shoved him at the counter. Steve gasped surprised as he felt the brunet grabbing his thighs, lifting him up and placing on the counter. Next his cheeks flushed as Tony's teeth started nibbling at his collarbone. Grabby hands under his shirt.
"T-tony!" he gasped, shooting his head to the back.
"I just realized we are alone," Tony whispered, grazing his lips over Steve's exposed neck. He gently sucked Steve's Adam apple, to which blonde responded with a soft moan.

"Please.. Tony! No, I have a headache.." he breathed. Tony's eyes immediately snapped wide open as he shifted from Steve, utter horror on his face. He had hoped to never hear this line from his husband. Steve snorted, placing his hands on Tony's hips pulling him close again.
"I'm kidding," he flashed a grin at the brunet. He responded also with a grin.
"Not a smart move, Rogers," he murmured, entangling fingers in Steve's blond hair to tilt his head to the back, kissing his jaw line.
"That's.. Captain Rogers to you.." he groaned, knowing this game too well.