The Lonely Zephyr

Normal POV

"Finally…the homework is done!" Kariya said while exhaling in relief due to the finished homework.

"Yeah, finally. Eh? It's already five o'clock? Ranmaru, we better get home now," Shindou said to his pinkette 'friend'.

"Ah, okay. See ya later, minna," Kirino excused.

"W-wait! Hikaru and I wanna go home, too!" Kariya yelled while holding (or you can say; pulling) Hikaru's hand until they reach Aoi's front door.

"O-oi, wait for me!" Tenma tried his best to catch up with his friends. Meanwhile, Aoi was escorting her guests to the front door with her head filled with sweatdrop thanks to her friends' random actions…

"Hee…captain, Kariya, you brought motorcycles? Lucky you!" Tenma pouted who thought that the action was kinda unfair.

Unfair…how? Well, if you think properly, Kirino will definitely go home with Shindou and Hikaru will be with Kariya so he must be the only one who walks home later on!

"Ranmaru, I think we better get home…together. Since, well…you know…it's almost dark and you kinda…look like a…girl, so…"

Without further ado, Kirino sat on the back of Shindou's motorcycle.

"Yes yes…I know what you mean…" he said with a smile which could make any boy or girl pass out.

"Hikaru, you too…a shota like you is more likely to get stalked by fujoshi at times like this…" Kariya reasoned to which Hikaru sighed…

"Honestly…" he replied to the unacceptable-but-true statement. But he got on to Kariya's motorcycle later on as well.

"Tenma, do you want me to accompany you home?" Aoi offered.

"Ah, it's okay…I'm a guy, right? I don't think I should be escorted like that…" Tenma replied.

"What do you mean?" Kirino and Hikaru asked at the same time…and with the same glares.

"Ah, donmai…" Tenma sweatdropped.

"Tenma, you sure you don't want a ride? I think you're just as shota as Hikaru is," Shindou said.

Tenma released a faint sigh and said, "hontou ni daijoubu da, captain! See you!" Tenma excused and then made his way to the streets.

The streets were decorated with street lights...

But still…it couldn't cover the darkness inside Tenma's heart.

He didn't feel well, or you can say…very unwell.

He felt so lonely…without the navy ex-SEED by his side…

SuzuRyuuji presents

Another super random fic

Originally a continuing sequel of The Wild Mist

The English translation of

The Lonely Zephyr

Requested by: AniSeanna

Starring: Matsukaze Tenma/Tsurugi Kyousuke

Genre: Romance/Friendship

Warning: Shounen-ai, a bit random maybe since it's a translation from an Indonesian fic and you can say; every language has its own uniqueness.

Don't like? Don't read.


"Tsurugi, you're going home already?" asked the snake striker or also known as Kurama.

"Yeah…the assignment is done already, right?" the ex-SEED replied.

"Well, yeah…but…"

"Just tell Seto-san that I have something to do. My parents don't want me to go home late anyway," he added.

"Um…okay. Then Minamisawa and I will go home, too. Oi Hamano, Hayami! Don't you wanna go as well?" Kurama asked which kinda gives a not-so-good impression.

"Okay, but would that…err…Seto-san let us?" Hamano asked who's already traumatized by that 'strong' lady.

"Well the thing is; I'm also not allowed to get home late. We also have a test tomorrow, right?" Kurama reminded.

"Oh no! I nearly forgot!" Hayami exclaimed while hitting his forehead.

"Okay then, we better get going," said Minamisawa; still with his narcissist personality.

As it was settled, they all went outside of Midori's house.

Minamisawa offered Kurama a ride, and Hayami was with Hamano.

As for Tsurugi…?

Well, he also brought a motorcycle along.

Although he was…alone…

"Tsurugi, you sure you're alright on your own? You're the only one who's heading to a different direction," Minamisawa said suddenly.

"Ah, no problem. Do I look like someone who needs to be accompanied?" he answered while turning on his motorcycle.

"Err…okay then…see ya!" Hamano exclaimed, and Tsurugi made his way.

Tsurugi's POV

"Do I look like someone who needs to be accompanied?"

Am I…really like that..?

Well, it's true…I do feel lonely.

Nonetheless, an ex-SEED like me was supposed to suffer this.

I'm just a 'nobody'…there's no way that a person in Raimon trusts me in more than just team mates…

Hold it, maybe there is…

Normal POV

The next day, the students in Raimon are pretty surprised by the new couples who showed up.

If we count the time since Kariya and Hikaru are officially 'you-know-what', two weeks have passed. In other words, it has been a week since the random shipper's action (aka Hamano) was stopped by the yell from the master of the Great Wall of China (this is actually a part of the Wild Mist).

Anyway…why are we getting to that again? Well, at least it's still connected rather than not at all.

Now, time skip to math class.

Tenma's POV


Why am I suddenly thinking about Tsurugi?

Is it really true that I will…I will…

"Psst, Tenma!" someone suddenly whispered right to my ear.

I turned around; only to find a girl whose name suits her hair color.

"Aoi…" I called out. "What's the matter?"

"Here," she gave me a small piece of paper, to which my curiosity awakes.

"Err…Aoi? What is this…?" I asked with a hint of sweatdrop.

"It's just a note, Tenma. But it's not from me," she replied simply. Th-then…

"Who is it from?"

She made a zipping move around her lips.

"I'm not allowed to say anything so…I think it would be better if you find out on your own…"

Normal POV


School was finally over…for that day anyways. Tenma took his steps to the rooftop; just like what the note told him earlier…

Meet me at the rooftop

It won't be long. Three o' clock

That's all it says.

Simple words, indeed…but can make someone's mind become uncontrollable!

Well technically because it is simple so that someone's mind can…yeah…

As for Tenma, he kept those words that are actually easy to be understood in his mind…however, his heart can't just grab the real purpose behind it.

What does the note mean…exactly…?

Finally, he made it to the rooftop. There are a plenty of plants there since the gardening club do their stuff there so the air was very fresh.

After exhaling from all of that running, Tenma needed ten more minutes to figure out who just called him out of nowhere.

"TSURUGI?" he yelled out with an extremely shocked expression.

Apparently the mentioned figure did too- minus the yelling, since he didn't notice the brunette in the first place. Although he got back to his 'real' self after 1-2 minutes.

Tsurugi sighed, "Matsukaze, I have something to tell you."

Tenma's eyes widened a bit. "W-what is it, Tsurugi?"


Tsurugi seemed to be stuttering. Although it's not usual for someone who's as frontal as he is to stutter like that!

Well well, what's going on here?

"Actually, I'm-"

"Tenma, Tsurugi! Everyone's been waiting!"

Ah…too bad Tsurugi forgot about the soccer practice they'll have after school.

He should've wrote five o'clock…not three.

"Ah, okay captain!" Tenma said.

Without a, b, c, or even d, he quickly ran downstairs to the soccer field.

As for Tsurugi…?

"Tsurugi, you also better get…going…?"

Shindou became quite…speechless; noticing the other's eyes which are close to tears.

Okay, if Hayami was there, he would definitely say that this is the end of the world. Is it true that TSURUGI KYOUSUKE; the bad boy of Raimon, can cry in front of someone who is known to be MORE of a crybaby than he is?

Shindou shook his head for a while but then he patted Tsurugi's shoulder slowly.

"Tsurugi…don't tell me you're…"


Silence came back again to the atmosphere…

"That's right, captain…"


Shindou gasped a bit but also keep calming down Tsurugi.

"Ore wa Matsukaze- iie, Tenma daisuki da!"

Ina: And THAT is the end of the chapter! I will translate chapter 2 when I have the time since…I don't know why I'm a bit busy nowadays…=.=

Hikari: Anywho…WHY AM I HERE?

Ina: Cuz you're a KyouTen fan, am I right?

Hikari: Well, yeah…but…

Ina: Okay, the author notes!

Note1: I'm not very good with shounen-ai

Note2: I don't even know since when I'm interested with shounen-ai

Ina: (look around whether Kariya was there…) Okay, continue.

Note3: Sorry if this is not good enough since this was my first fic about KyouTen.

Note4: Once again, this is a translation from INDONESIAN…if it doesn't make sense in here then don't blame me. I already added a few changes to make more sense in English but well…

Note5: Anyone mind to review this random translation?

Ina: Please do mind the notes above before you start flaming and stuff…more description, I will try that.