Chapter One: What's Next

Wakahisa Kame's father told her that she would have no problems switching schools, that it would be just like her old on. He told her that she would like living in Japan again and that Ouran was going to be a new adventure. However, her father neglected to tell her that she would get lost on her way to class everyday, that the uniforms at Ouran are yellow and make her look like a piece of cotton candy. But the biggest thing that he forgot to inform about is how weird the kids at Ouran are.

Wakahisa Kame has just moved back to Japan from Scotland so she could be closer to her family; more like her father made her. For the last three years she has been going to a boarding school in Scotland, but for some strange reason her father decided that it would be better if she attended a school that would prepare her for her future. Meaning that she would be taking over the family business, her family is the largest Textile supplier in Japan, basically they make fabric. So she packed up all her stuff and got on a plane to Japan and started at Ouran a week ago.

Her first week at Ouran has been interesting to say the least. She has managed to get at least a dozen times in the labyrinth of a school. Also she has stayed unnoticed by the student population, well not completely, some blond haired elementary student dressed in the boy's high school uniform has tried to talk to her. But she has managed to avoid him since why would he want to talk to me? Other then those events she has had a pretty normal first week of school and that is exactly how she wants it to be.

As normal, her day has been uneventful and a little on the boring side, just mindless hours spent on taking notes about different subjects that are suppose to help her in the future. Has the final bell of the school day rings; she can barely hold in her excitement. She puts her books away and stands up to go explore the school grounds, something that she has been wanting to do all week. But has not had the time too because her parents have wanted her home right after school. Today though they want her to look into the school clubs and possibly join one. Which is something that she is not completely looking forward too, it is not that she doesn't want too. It's more like she doesn't really like the kids at the school, there is nothing wrong with them, it's just that they are different from the people at her old school.

The students at Ouran just seem to be too worried about getting good grades and taking over their family businesses. It's not she doesn't care about those things, it is more like she's not as serious about it. She knows that there is a time for work and a time too relax and take a brake from all the school work. The kids just don't seem to know how to have fun, which is something that she misses about her old friends.

She finishes putting away her books and stands up grasping her bag putting it on her shoulder. She begins to slowly walk to the door, she is trying to avoid the hyper active blond kid who is always grabbing her hands and giving her roses, and his glasses wearing friend. She somehow manages this and exits out of the class room and into the hallway. In the hallway kids are meandering around , talking to their friends and hanging about. Kame makes her way to the nearest bathroom too change out of her itchy uniform.

In the bathroom she changes into a pair of kaki pants and a green flowing blouse and a pair of black flats. When she's done changing she looks in the mirror and is surprised that her hair has stayed in place. That is something that is really rare, and since she just got her hair cut in a different style, is was something that was unexpected. Her mother made her get it cut so she could see her eyes, her bangs use to cover her left eye and her hair use to go down to her waist. Now her black her stops at her mid-back and her bangs are cut so they are long on the sides of my oval face and the rest of my bangs stop just past my eyebrows. She can now see both of her big light green eyes and that she is rather pretty.

She brushes her hair to get the nots out and then she walks out of the bathroom. Out in the hallway she sees that a girl with long black curly hair that goes to her waist and an oval baby face, walking towards her. The girl passes Her and Kame notices that the girl has also changed her clothes and his now wearing a pair of dark jeans and a blue shirt. The girl is walking kind of fast and her eyes are darting around her nervously.

Kame finds this a little strange but she thinks that the girl probable has her reasons for what she is doing. So Kame walks the other way down the hallway, she only goes a few doors down when she hears a scream. Turning around Kame sees that the girl that passed her before is now being dragged back the way she came by to red headed twins. The two boys are holding her by her arms on both sides of her and pulling her along as she tries to get away from him and yelling all kinds of weird things. "This is not how the club works!" The girl yells but the boys don't say anything and just continue to pull her. They past by Kame and soon are all the way around the corner.

Kame shakes her head and mumbles,'crazy people at this school.' She turns around and walks the other way down the hallway so she doesn't run into those kids again. She walks through the school hallways without running into anymore people. When she gets to the door that leads to the grounds, she sees that there is a boy carrying a big brown paper bag that looks like its filled with instant coffee. The boy has brown shaggy hair and big warm brown eyes, if Kame didn't see that he is wearing the boys uniform she would swear that it is a girl at the door. For the the boy has quite a feminine face.

The boy is struggling to open the door with his hands full so Kame opens the door for him and holds it open as he walks in. As the boy passes her, he says a quick thank you and then goes back to mumbling something about a boy named Tamaki who needs to buy his own dame coffee. The boy hurries down the hallway leaving Kame standing there wondering about the kids at this school.

Kame walks out into the grounds and starts to wander aimlessly around amazed at all the wonderful plants that the school has. As she walks she passes that blond elementary student that has been trying to talk to her and a really tall black haired high school student. The blond boy is sitting on the high school student's shoulders with a pink stuffed bunny sitting on the high schoolers head. She passes them by trying not to laugh at the strange sight.

She continues to walk through the many gardens that the school has without a real destination. Soon she come across a fountain that is beside one of the schools many pink buildings. The fountain has a statue of an angel peeing into the water and flowering lily pads floating in the water. Kame sits down at a bench facing the school and across from the fountain under a tall tree. Where she is at there is no other students so she decides to do some of her homework, so she pulls out her math notebook and begins to work on the problems that where assigned.

After a few problems she finds that she is starting to get tired. She stops and puts her pencil down and rests her head in her hands trying to wake up a little. After a few minutes she dozes off to sleep with her note book in her lap.

She soon wakes with a start and wonders how long she has been asleep. She looks at her phone and sees that she has been sleeping for twenty minutes. She runs her hand through her hair not caring if it gets messed up and decides that it's time to go look at some clubs. She goes to put her stuff away and notices that her notebook is missing. She looks on the ground thinking that it fell off her lap and landed under the bench. Much to her annoyance the notebook is nowhere to be found. She looks towards the fountain and doesn't see it anywhere. She just happens to look up and she notices that her notebook is now hanging from a branch high in the tree above her. The branch that the notebook is hanging on is close to the building and is not reachable from the ground.

"What-? How does this freaked happen?" She mumbles to herself. She tries to jump to reach it and soon gives up realizing that its fertile , it's just to high up. She thinks about maybe standing on the bench to try to reach it but then she sees that the bench is nowhere near the branch. So instead she finds a few rocks and tries to hit the notebook out of the tree. After missing the first two try's she final hits it. However instead of falling to the ground, the notebook defies gravity and flies through the air. She watches as the notebook flies through an open window. To her horror she hears a crash and screaming.

"Crap! Stupid fairies!"