"He's your what?!" Naruto Uzumaki yelled at his two best friends standing in front of him. He looked down at the bundle of blankets in Sakura's arms and back at the couple. Sakura and Sasuke looked at each other and at the ground. "How? When? Why?" He yelled again only to receive a harsh shush from Sakura as she rocked her son back and forth.

After a few minutes Sakura finally answered. "He's our son, Naruto. How, well you know how a child is conceived and born. When, he's about 3 months old, so a year ago is when I became pregnant. And why, Sasuke and I are married. We want children and-" Sakura was interrupted when her son started to cry. Loudly. "Shh Taiki everything is okay. Kaa-san's here." Sasuke watched the scene unfold in front of him and all he could do was smile. He immediately stopped when the blankets fell off his head and a tuft of blood red hair showed itself. Naruto gasped and his eyes widened.

"H-He has red hair! Sakura how are you going to explain the fact that your son has red hair? You have pink and Sasuke has black. I don't think that's going to get the villagers convinced." Naruto pointed out as he ruffled the red hair on the baby. Immediately his mood changed. "So I'm an uncle! Can I hold him?" Sakura slowly handed the whimpering boy to Naruto. Suddenly when the child's eyes opened Naruto was shocked. Emerald orbs met cerulean and Taiki started laughing, reaching up to touch the mans face. "He looks just like you Saku-chan! He especially has your eyes. Teme I still don't know how he's your son. He looks nothing like you." Naruto grinned and started wiggling his fingers in front of his face.

Sasuke gave a sigh and took the baby from him. "Look dobe, he has red hair because Sakura's mother had red hair. It's a recessive trait and I don't want you to call me that in front of Taiki. He might get the wrong idea." Sasuke looked down at his son and smiled. The baby stared up at his father before he reached up and pulled his bangs that hung on the side of his face. Naruto laughed at the boys actions and watched as Sasuke struggled to get out of the child's grasp.

"Sakura he is definitely your kid. He has your inhuman strength." Naruto whispered as Taiki released Sasuke's hair and gave a small yawn. Suddenly a thought came across the blondes mind. "Eh Saku-chan I guess I should have told you this before but... Your apartment was kinda torn down during the past year. So your gonna have to live with Te- Eh Sasuke. I can help you find baby things and fix up Sasuke's house." The blonde said sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. Upon hearing that Sakura began to fume.

"What do you mean my apartment was KINDA torn down?! All of my things were in that apartment. I grew up there! I-" She was once again interrupted by her crying son, her face softened and reached out for him only to have Sasuke shake his head and gently rock him back to sleep. She sighed and looked at the sky. "I'm going to have to tell Tsunade about Taki and the mission. I guess we will stay at the Uchiha compound. I also accept your invite to help with the babies things. First I want to go home. Naruto, you and Sasuke-kun go buy a crib. I'm going to take Taiki home." She gently wrapped him in the blankets and kissed Sasuke goodbye. Sasuke watched as his wife and son disappeared in the distance.

"Looks like Saku-chan is stressed out. Oy Sasuke-teme after we get the crib do you wanna go to Ichriraku's and get some ramen?" The blonde looked at him with a hopeful grin on his face. Sasuke sighed. He hasn't seen Naruto in a year and he didn't want to turn his best friend down, but knowing Naruto he would eat around ten bowls of ramen while Sasuke would barely eat one. That would take all night. He just wanted to go home and sleep in his real bed with his wife.

"Lets just get the crib for Taiki and go home. Its been a long day and I want to sleep. Maybe tomorrow." Sasuke ran his hand through his hair and waited for the blondes response. Naruto gave him a cheeky grin and hugged the very surprised Sasuke.

"Alright Teme! Lets get that crib!" Naruto yelled causing the Uchiha to cringe. It took an hour to finally find a shop that was open that actually sold baby things. Sasuke chose a crib that was painted dark blue with white accents. He also picked out bottles, blankets and baby clothes. He looked at the assortment of stuffed animals and managed to find him a small panda. He remembered when Sakura told him she was pregnant. They had just gotten married and it was two weeks after they had arrived in Suna, two weeks after their honeymoon. The night she gave birth she asked him to put the Uchiha name on his birth certificate. Sasuke was confused until the nurse brought the child in. All he saw was red and green. No onyx hair or eyes.

"He's not mine, Sakura." He started to get dizzy. Did she cheat? Was the child really his? Was she raped? Thoughts clouded his mind as Sakura watched her husband stare at her son. He sat down in the chair with his head in his hands. Thinking of the past nine months. They were perfectly happy in their little home in Suna. Now... He felt heartbroken.

"He is yours Sasuke-kun. They ran a blood test. I never cheated. I swear." She was crying now. The nurse had handed him a piece of paper. The test results. The child was his. He was just red headed. Very red headed.

He looked at his wife and then to his newborn son. "Is that why you asked me to put the Uchiha name on his birth certificate? Because you thought I wouldn't believe you?" He was surprised. He knew she was right. He didn't believe her until he saw the test results. He got up from the chair and walked over to her. He gently placed a kiss on the top of her head. He reached down and stroked the boys chubby cheeks with his thumb. "What are we going to name him?"

She thought for a second and finally looked down at the baby. "Taiki. Taiki Uchiha." Sasuke looked at her and nodded, kissing her forehead in the process.

"Taiki Uchiha it is." He said and took the baby from his mothers grasp. He walked over to the window and watched the small bundle sleep. "Welcome to the world Taiki."

'I atleast wish I could have named him... But I guess Taiki fits him. Great Radiance.' Sasuke thought as he and Naruto carried the supplies home. Naruto began talking about how much they have missed in the past year. Naruto and Hinata got married, Neji and TenTen were engaged, Ino and Shikamaru were dating and she was already pregnant, Kakashi was currently a teacher at the academy. Tsunade was the same but was getting better at drinking. "Oy Teme Saku-chan is awake!" Naruto yelled as they neared Sasuke's home. Naruto began to walk faster which caused Sasuke to curse the hyperness of his friend.

'I'm going to chidori his ass if he doesn't slow down!' Sasuke thought as he was being dragged down the road. "Dammit Naruto if you don't-" Sasuke stopped when he saw his very angry wife standing on the front porch with a curious Taiki in her arms. 'I'm dead.'

Sakura began tapping her foot on the concrete waiting patiently for the men to get in the house. "I heard that Sasuke. Don't think you will get off the hook. If Naruto can't call you your nickname you can't curse. That means for all of us. I don't want Taiki's first word to be vulgar." She looked at them both and stepped inside with a snickering Naruto and a sulking Sasuke behind her. "Sasuke you can choose the room for Taiki, I wouldn't want to disturb anything that shouldn't be disturbed." She waited for them to kick off their shoes before heading back to Sasuke's bedroom. Sasuke and Naruto walked up the stairs behind her to stop in the hall.

"What is it Te- I mean Sasuke?" Naruto asked. The dark haired man looked around and sighed. He had to use either the guest rooms, his bedroom, or Itachi's bedroom.

"Sakura and I will have to sleep in my room for now, Taiki will sleep with us until I get the other rooms cleared out." He stated and moved to his room to find Sakura tickling Taiki. They put the crib together and managed to bathe him without Sakura helping. Naruto had left, Sakura had fallen asleep in his, their, bed and he was now putting his son to bed. He kissed him on the forehead and slid in next to Sakura. 'Tomorrow's going to be a long day' Sasuke thought as he drifted off to sleep.