A/N: Two chapters in two days yay! I like this chapter, I hope you do as well. Feel free to review if you have the chance. If possible I'll be giving sneak peeks in my replies as an added incentive. Enjoy!

Lily landed with a soft thud on the floor of the Shrieking Shack. The wood was cold and splintery; she found her thoughts wandering to Remus and wondered how he handled this every month.

"James…" she whispered.

When he did not respond Lily shifted for a better view. He laid splayed across the floor, unconscious a few feet away. Torn between addressing his wounds and safeguarding the building, Lily stood. She chose the latter option and moved quickly, checking the shack for other intruders and putting up protective charms.

"Ouch! Hey watch it, Evans!" James hissed as she prodded the wound in his side a few minutes later.

"Oh good, you're awake," she muttered sarcastically. "Do you know what you got hit with?"

James shook his head, and her eyebrows knitted in frustration. She had spent the past twenty minutes trying to heal the large gash in his side but had yet to succeed.

"Why?" he asked.

"I can't heal it…" Lily admitted.

"You can't? Wha…what?"

"Relax, I'm good, but I'm not actually a qualified Healer. There's a lot that I don't know," Lily lied easily. In truth, she knew almost everything already. She took a Healing course at St. Mungo's over the summer and had read more books than she could count on the subject, but what James didn't know would not hurt him.

"Why didn't you tell me about this in the cell?"

"You didn't have a wand. It's not like you could have done anything other than wrap it, which someone had already done while I was unconscious. That's weird right? The Deatheaters attended to my wounds before giving me more, doesn't make sense. Anyway, I didn't think worrying you was worth it," James said.

"They needed you alive for torture," she explained grimly. "By the way, I don't appreciate that you lied. Also, how did you get my wand back?"

"Oh, both of ours were sitting on a table outside of that room. I'm surprised you missed it. He wanted us to see it—it was either supposed to taunt us or act as a reward. Ya know, prove to us that if we cooperated we'd be repaid." James breathing grew more ragged as he spoke.

"Shh, you really shouldn't strain yourself. You've lost so much blood. I set a Patronus ahead to the castle…though I'm a bit worried. They should have answered by now."

"I'm sure they're on their way. No one would leave Lily Evans waiting," he smiled. "How did you know about that door?"

"Oh… um you remember that German guy? When he brought me to that room he just barely whispered that it would be unlocked. I don't know who he is, but he seemed awfully familiar. I thought I'd imagined what he said about the door honestly…"

"He's a double agent," James said.


"The Auror office sends people in undercover sometimes. It's tricky business and is usually stupidly dangerous. You have to be really good before they'll let you do that. I thought I recognized him too when he took you from the cell, and now I know why."

"You've met him?"

"Yeah," he said.

Suddenly, Lily began murmuring in languages James barely recognized. He picked up a bit of Gaelic and Latin, perhaps some Swedish. After a few minutes, which felt more like hours, she lapsed into silence. He watched her face, though she kept it emotionless, for signs as to how bad it really was. The fact that she hadn't relaxed yet made him increasingly nervous.

"Evans?" he said eventually, his voice cracking.

Her eyes flickered to meet his gaze for just a moment before shifting back down to her work. She bit her lip slightly, and James realized she'd just confirmed what he knew all along.

"The cut is too deep, and you're losing so much blood so quickly…I can't stop it. And they should be here by now, damn it!"

"It's okay," he said, not knowing what else to say.

"No it isn't. Damn it, James," her eyes flashed with sudden anger. "The worst part is that I know what it is—he just never told me the bloody antidote."

"What are you off about? Who's he?" James asked.

"Snape. The spell is Sectumspra. He created it himself during 5th year. I found it written in one of his stupid books. We fought about it for weeks. I'd hoped it was something else, that's why I asked you, but truthfully, there's nothing else it could be," she said in a rush.

"I always said either you or Snape was going to be the death of me."

"That isn't funny."

"Aw c'mon yeah it is. Now tell me…is this really going to kill me?"

"It depends. I'm replenishing your blood every ten minutes, but that won't work for long. You have a few hours at best in this condition. I'm so sorry James," she whispered sounding horrified.

"Don't be sorry. You're doing great. Thank you," he said, starting to slip in and out of consciousness again.

"I'm not giving up. There are probably a few things I could try still…"

James' eyes flickered closed and his breathing lessened.

"Hey, you can't go to sleep okay? I know you want to, but there's a chance that you'll never…"

"Evans?" he mumbled.


"Humor me okay? I'm a dying man."

"What is it?" she asked.

"Just hear me out, yeah?"

She nodded and tears began running down her face, surprising her.

"Go out with me?"

She let out a watery laugh and said, "I'd rather go out with the giant squid, Potter."

James smiled and grabbed her hand, squeezing it lightly.

"I'm wounded, Evans! Literally this time!"

"Your jokes are shit," she said halfheartedly.

"But you love them. I'd bet you always have," said James.

"Actually, there's something you should know…"


Before Lily could respond the blackness threatening to overcome James won over.

The room was cold and white. Everything seemed to be made of chrome or steel. James wondered if he was in heaven or purgatory—it definitely didn't seem like hell. If it was not so damn bright and blurry James felt he would have been able to look around and figure out where he was.

"Oh, Mr. Potter, you're awake!" a woman with long brown hair exclaimed. She wore blue robes and held a plastic clipboard. When he tried to sit up she pushed lightly on his chest, forcing him back onto the cushy white surface.

"Do you know where you are?" she asked.

James shook his head.

"I figured as much." Her voice was smooth, reassuring. "You're at St. Mungo's. You had quite the nasty run in. You barely made it. How do you feel? Does anything hurt?"

"I'm sort of numb at the moment." The woman looked concerned. "Not really numb, just like…well nothing hurts yet, I suppose."

"You can call me Jennifer. I'm just an attendant—I check to make sure the patients are alive and comfortable. One of your Healers will be in soon."

She turned to leave, but stopped short when James called out to her. "What's the date?"

"January twentieth. I'm afraid you've been out for a while."



James wanted to look around the room, but he still couldn't see due to his current lack of glasses so he settled for resting his eyes.

"Mr. Potter?" a soft voice called from the doorway.


"I'm Healer Ambrose, I…"

"Wait, Ambrose? I know you…you played Quidditch. My first year, you were Gryffindor's seeker, right?"

"Good memory. Suppose we don't have to worry about any long-term loss then," she laughed.

"Listen, Healer Ambrose…"

"Call me Sarah."

"Sarah, can I have my glasses?"

Wordlessly she slipped the metal frames into James' open hands. His vision fully restored, James noted that Sarah had honey coloured hair and warm brown eyes. Her face was pleasantly round, though she was a thin girl. She looked just like she had seven years ago, just a bit older.

"Ms. Woods said you weren't in any pain, but let me know if you experience any discomfort. Now, do you remember any of what happened?"

He launched into a long summary, starting with the attack and ending at the present moment. He spared a few details along the way, knowing that the Aurors would expect to be told more than her later.

"Good. Excellent really, it seems you suffer from no memory loss."

"So what else is wrong with me then?"

"Well like you said, you had a laceration across your abdomen that was very difficult to heal and spread a bit. We've never seen anything like it before. We had to keep cleaning it and constantly replenishing your blood until Dumbledore was able to find the counter-curse. Lily did a wonderful job doing that before you got to us—she's going to be a brilliant Healer. I really doubt you would have made it had it not been for her quick thinking."

"Yeah she's something isn't she?" he muttered.

"Additionally you had some broken ribs, minor abrasions, and some bruising, most of which has already been fixed. The wound will leave you sore for a while though—you'll have to take it easy. No Quidditch I'm afraid."

"Oh, c'mon! That's just cruel. You know how awful that is!"

"It's only a few months at most, James. You'll survive I promise," she laughed.

"Easy for you to say…"

"You should get some rest. I'll be back in a bit to check you over again." The Healer moved toward the door, extinguishing the lights as she went.

"How is she?" he asked. "Lily I mean."

"She's all right. Your injuries were much worse than hers physically…" Sarah said apprehensively.


"But, you have to understand…Lily's had a rough time. She's lost her parents recently and then practically watched you die right in front of her. It's all very stressful."

"Can I see her?"

"She's at school now, but maybe tomorrow."

"What about Sirius? Or Remus? Peter? My parents?"

"Your friends are at school as well, and unfortunately, your parents were called away two days ago. Your mother was very reluctant to leave, but your condition hadn't changed in days so she ultimately decided to accompany your father. They're short-handed as I understand."

James wasn't surprised by his parent's absence. He knew other people needed them more than he did, after all he was all right, but it still stung a bit that neither of them had stayed.

"Professor Dumbledore is on his way to see you. He should be here within a matter of minutes," said Sarah, but James had already turned away from her and pretended to sleep.

"James," said Dumbledore as he entered the room half an hour later. "How are you feeling?"

He shrugged. "Been better."

"I must confess, I'm terribly sorry that all of this has occurred. I was away when the attack began I never thought…"

"Professor, no reason for you to apologize. You couldn't have known. This is no one's fault."

"You're too merciful," he chuckled.

"Well that is honestly something I can say no one has ever told me before."

"I suppose not," said Dumbledore. "I'm terribly sorry that your parents couldn't be here. I'll write to them tonight if you wish to let them know that you're awake."

"That's okay. I don't want to risk jeopardizing the mission. I can wait until they get back."

"All right. Is there anything else I can do for you Mr. Potter?"

"My friends…can I see them? Lily, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene…"

"Of course. I can bring them here later today if you wish."

"What time is it?" James asked.

"About three. I'm afraid your friends are in class at the moment or I would fetch them now, but a few of them have already missed a great deal of work."

"I can wait a few hours. Do you think you could have one of the House-elves bring the work I've missed? Might as well get a head start while I wait."

"I'm afraid your Healers wouldn't appreciate you exerting yourself like that so you've been excused from anything you missed thus far," Dumbledore said.

"Oh…right…never mind then."

"Get some rest. I'll return later with your friends."

"Professor?" James called as Dumbledore turned to leave.

"Yes, James?"

"How long before I have to talk to Moody or some other Aurors about the attack and imprisonment?"

"You won't have to speak with them unless you want to. They've gotten enough accounts from other witnesses, as have I. You've been asleep for a while."

"Oh I see. Okay."

"I'll bring your friends soon, but for now, relax," Dumbledore said, and he walked out of the doorway.

"PRONGS!" cried Sirius as he entered James' room.

"Mate! How've you been?"

"Not my best couple of weeks," he shrugged.

"Mine either."


"Yeah, Padfoot?"

"Is it…okay if I hug you? I mean it's just you almost died and all and I…" said Sirius.

James held open his arms, a lopsided grin splaying itself across his face.

"Don't fucking do that again. I…it was…shit…"

"I'll try not to die, but it's really such a struggle you know," James laughed.

"Don't," Sirius said, breaking the hug and stepping back. All of his former excitement vanished, leaving behind a stony, stoic appearance.

"Hey, I'm good okay? Don't worry."

"I did my worrying already. Now I'm mad at you because you're being a prat about it."

"I'm sorry, mate. I just don't know how else to handle this. Joking is how we always deal with the hard stuff," he offered up lamely.

"I know, its just…this is…different. I almost became an only child again. It was scary," said Sirius.

"You know you do have a biological brother that is still alive, right?"

"We'll he's a git so…"

"You're impossible sometimes."

"I try," Sirius said, flashing James his signature smile.

"Ugh stop. Save that for your admirers!"

"I thought you were my admirer, Jamesie!"

"Oh sod off," James laughed. Laughing felt nice.

"Where are the others?" he asked.

"McKinnon has detention for hexing a bunch of Slytherins—she's taken over your job as Lily's defender—so she couldn't make it I'm afraid. It's Remus' time of the month so he's obviously already in the shack. Alice and Frank were holed up in Merlin knows which broom closet when Dumbledore spoke to us so they missed the offer to come. Pete's been acting weird lately. He said he needed to get some air, plus he wanted one of us to stay with Remus so he didn't come. And, uh, Lily's waiting outside. We rock-paper-scissored for who got to go in first."

James eyed him questioningly.

"It's a muggle thing."

"So, Padfoot, you know I think you're great and all, but—"

"You want to talk to Lily?"

"Yeah if you wouldn't mind," said James.

"I'm hungry anyway. We missed dinner to come here! I'll head downstairs to get some food. You want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks."



"I'm really glad you didn't die."

"Thanks, Sirius. Me too," James said sincerely.

"Okay, going now."

Lily didn't come in right after Sirius left. James wanted to call out to her, to tell her to come in, but he didn't. He waited.

"James," she said, barely above a whisper. Her voice was so perfectly gentle and familiar James thought he might actually cry.

"Hey," he said, his own voice suddenly horse.

She stood a foot away from the bed—too afraid to come close. He thought she looked beautiful, but then again, he always thought she looked beautiful. She still wore her uniform—skirt rolled up so it fell to her mid-thigh, white blouse disheveled, tie loose around her neck. Her hair sat upon her head, tied up with a white bow. A few frizzy ringlets had escaped and fell to frame her face. There were rings of black just under her eyes from her mascara and dark purple-like marks below that. It had been a long time since Lily had slept properly.

"C'mere," James said, hoping she'd let him touch her. He needed to know that she was okay, that everything was ok.

She moved exceptionally slowly and perched on the edge of the bed. James slid his hand into hers; her hand felt so wonderfully warm.

"Hey," she said. "How are you feeling?"

"Not my best day, but hey, it's been worse!"


"I'm fine. Thanks to you; see I'm good," he said, holding out his arms as proof, but wincing in the process.

"You're going to tear the stitches!" she chastised.

"The what?"

"Stitches. They're a Muggle medicine practice that's used to hold wounds together, glorified string really is all it is. The Healers added them as an extra precaution—I think they were planning on removing them tomorrow anyway. "

"Your idea?"

"Sometimes the old-fashioned ways are the best," Lily said.

James shifted to find a more comfortable position, but stopped as he felt a stabbing pain in his side.

"Should I feel like there are knives being shoved into me?" he asked through clenched teeth.

"Oh! Um, well no, I'm mean you'll be sore but…" she trailed off as she jumped off the bed and started fussing with James' bed coverings. "Let me see it."

"Oi, no offense, Evans, but I'm not entirely sure what I've got on underneath this ruddy gown so if you wouldn't mind…"

Lily rolled her eyes. "You have underwear on. Besides, it's nothing I haven't seen before."

"Oh all right…wait…WHAT?"

"Hmm this looks infected," Lily said as she eyed the wound. "I'm going to go fetch your Healer."

"Wait, wait, we aren't finished with this conversation! Who else's trousers have you been looking around in?"

"None of your business, love," she laughed, and he grimaced, not finding it quite as amusing.

"Sirius', during February of our fifth year. It was after a full moon, remember?" Lily called from the doorway.

James relaxed—though he hated the idea of the girl he fancied seeing other men naked, he supposed that the man in question was only Sirius made it all right. Sirius and Lily were rather like siblings; James knew that.

"Mr. Potter, what seems to be the problem?" a tall woman with grey hair asked as she entered the room. "I'm one of your Healers. Healer Donnelly technically, but you can call me Anne."

"I know who you are. I've known you since I was six—you're Mum's best friend. I didn't lose my memory, Aunt Anne."

"Just checking," she muttered. "Oh dear, this is infected. Jennifer must've forgotten to put the salve on often enough. No matter, we'll just apply more now."

"So…was Mum okay, you know, when it happened?"

"She was upset, of course. Yelling at everyone, telling Mediwitches they weren't doing their jobs right, but that's who she is. She doesn't trust just anyone with you—that's why she asked me to take you on as a patient. I'm your head Healer per her request."

James noticed that Lily had slid back into the room and seated herself in the chair across the room. It faced the windows so it appeared that was where she was looking, but he could see that her head was turned ever so slightly in his direction, and every few seconds she glanced over to him.

"Honestly, I don't think she trusts anyone with you aside from herself and me when it comes to your health. Oh and Lily of course. Your mum is a fan of that one," she chuckled, motioning to where the redhead sat. Blush crept up Lily's cheeks and she moved her hair to cover it.

"Well there you go, should be good for a while. Lily?"


"Could you be a dear and reapply that in another hour?"

"Of course, Healer Donnelly."

"Really, call me Anne. Anyway, I've got to attend to some other patients. I'll be back to check on you after my rounds, James."

"So, Lily," James said after Anne had left," do you think you could tell me what happened? After I blacked out I mean."

"Oh right that, yeah, I suppose. I'm sure they've told you most of it."

"They really haven't told me much of anything…"

Lily nodded and moved the chair she'd been sitting in before so that it was closer to the bed and facing James.

"Well there isn't much to tell. After you lost consciousness I kept up with the charms, and eventually Dumbledore got there. He had you up to the castle faster than I thought humanly possible, and then you were transferred to St. Mungo's. They wouldn't let me in here, but I know bits and pieces of what happened. They've definitely left out some key information…"

"What do you mean?"

"I really shouldn't…."

"Please?" James asked as he tugged on her sleeve. Lily smiled at his childishness.

"James," she sighed, "this is so much more complicated than you understand. When I told you in the forest that I couldn't stop it…I didn't just mean the bleeding. I meant that I couldn't stop the curse from spreading. I'm still not sure how it happened. The spell, Sectumsempra, isn't really supposed to keep spreading once it's cast. Basically it functions like an invisible sword, each wand movement creates a gash as a dagger or sword would, but again it shouldn't work on it's own—the caster has to manipulate it. Something when wrong when the spell was originally cast and it spread as your condition deteriorated. The more blood you lost the worse it was, gave me a right fright really."

"So Snape created it, but he wasn't the caster?"

"I don't see how he could have been. That kind of work is too sloppy for him. I'm almost positive it was someone else using his spell and doing a shitty job. Plus…you didn't realize at the time, but it was meant for me. You stepped in my path James."

Suddenly he understood why sleeping was difficult for Lily lately.

"Ruddy Deatheaters," he cursed.

"I wasn't done before," Lily continued, "Listen, like I said the curse spread, all over. Your leg, you lost so much blood….well just look at it…"

James tore off the sheet obstructing his view. He paled as he took in the condition the marred surface. Across his thigh were angry gashes, held together with what he could only assume were the muggle stitches Lily spoke of. The wounds were red, making his skin pink and blotchy.

"S' not so bad," he mumbled, looking back up at Lily. Her eyes were red and watery, a surprising sight—Lily Evans rarely cried in front of people.

"It'll heal. You'll need more dittany and the salve, but in a few weeks it'll be like it wasn't even there. Normally, they'd have already healed it, but this is taking longer…it was dark magic," she explained.

"So what else is wrong with me?" He'd already forgotten the medical jargon the Healers had rambled off before.

"Um, well the worst wounds were to your abdomen and leg. The curse spread to your some of your organs, but the Healers were able to stop it in time. You had a lot of bruising and a few broken ribs—but most of that is healed already. You hit your head when you fell, that's why they were so worried about memory loss, but you seem to be fine. Plus minor cuts, that sort of thing."

"Hm, well I wish I could say I've had worse, but I guess I haven't." James yawned.

"You should get some sleep; I know you think you aren't tired, but near death experiences put a real strain on the body, and you've had a busy couple of hours. I'll be downstairs with Sirius for a little while longer, and we'll be back with the others in the morning. Goodnight."

"Lily," James' whispered.


"Could you…I just need…"

"What is it?" Lily asked, growing rather impatient. She'd missed dinner and needed some protein soon.

"Nah, never mind," he said quickly.

"What is it?" she insisted, her voice softer now.

"Come here for a second, to the side of the bed."

Lily moved to where he asked reluctantly, afraid he was going to do something stupid. James too moved with hesitation, not wanting to upset her as he wrapped his arms around her hips. His head rested against her stomach so he could feel every intake of breath.

"Oh, James," she whispered as she snaked her arms around his shoulders, one hand resting on the top of his head. They stayed that way for a few minutes, not speaking, just holding each other.

"I'm sorry," he whispered eventually. "It's just everything, everyone, is so cold here. Even Anne, and I've known her for my entire life. I just need to feel something warm."

"Don't be sorry." He looked so small to her suddenly, which was odd because James Potter had always been rather muscular and he reached 6'1''.

Lily realised that the sad part was they were still kids. She hated that the war had forced them into adulthood. It wasn't fair—James was still just a kid who'd never fully grown up, though he may have appeared to. Her heart ached just thinking about the things he'd seen, the things he'd done already. She knew his past was much darker than hers.

James fell asleep in her arms. Lily pressed a kiss to his forehead before she left because she felt it was the grownup thing to do. However, she doubled back once she reached the doorway to press another kiss to his cheek and squeeze his hand simply because that was what 11 year old Lily would have done.