A/N: Why hello lovely fanfiction world, I've missed you! So this is my second attempt at a James/Lily story and I feel that it is going to be much better than my first fic. I'm definitely more open minded with this one, so I'd love to have a beta take a look at it. If you're interested please message me. I just would like to say that I give out cookies in exchange for reviews…just throwing that out there. Do with that knowledge what you will. Anyway, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I practically own nothing here. It is almost all J.K. Rowling's; I just like to play around with the world she's created. I don't claim to own anything unless it is something that I have personally created. Most of the characters are hers; she get's all of the credit.

"Harry! Come look at this..." Ginny called.

"Coming," Harry called back as he made his way to the master bedroom where his girlfriend was sitting.

Harry and Ginny were spending the day at the Godric's Hollow house looking for anything that could be considered salvageable. The house had seldom been touched since the night of James and Lily's deaths; this was even Harry's first time really setting foot in the broken shambles of his former home, so everything was in pretty awful shape. It seemed as if any given item wasn't broken, than it was covered in layers of dust and dirt.

Ginny was there mainly for support, but she was planning on cleaning up some and doing a good bit of exploring. She would never admit it, but honestly they, James and Lily, intrigued her. She secretly yearned to learn about their lives…about who they were before that day. Even more so she wanted to know what Lily was like, and if she could successfully follow in her footsteps as the next great Potter wife. Granted her and Harry were far from being engaged…but the thought was always there. They'd been together for years; it was only a matter of time before he would want to take the next step. Thus it worried Ginny often that she wouldn't be good enough, so she was secretly hoping there would be something hidden in this house that could help her.

For a good hour Ginny wandered around, avoiding the room she wanted to explore the most. Harry seemed to be avoiding it too, but for different reasons. Finally, when she could wait no longer she gave in, climbed up the stairs, and entered the Master bedroom. After inspecting the room carefully, Ginny came across a loose floorboard and lifted it gingerly, revealing loads of dust and an old journal.

"What is it?" Harry asked as he walked through the doorway.

Wordlessly she handed him the thick journal, which he accepted slowly as he sat down next to her.

Harry looked down at the book in his hands. On the earthy green cover it read "The Story of Us" in surprisingly shiny gold letters. The rest of it was covered in a layer of dust, but the letter had stayed perfectly clean. A spell had obviously been cast to keep them that way, but by whom?

"Magic," he murmured softly under his breath while running a finger over the letters.

"Open it," Ginny urged gently as she placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

He nodded, took a deep breath, and opened the first page. On it was a letter, penned in impeccably neat, curling black cursive. It read:

Future Readers:

My name is Lily Evans Potter. By the time you read this, I shall surely be dead. Don't fret, for I will have died by side of the man I love. We will have died at the hands of a tyrant: a…man, if he could even still be considered that, who seeks vengeance for deeds my husband and I have committed against him and his followers. We are, or rather were, members of the Order of the Phoenix, an organization created to fight the war he has created. This man possesses incredible magical skill and lusts for more power than any man should ever behold. Perhaps you will already have heard of him, he is rather famous. Unfortunately, he will find us, of this I have no doubt, but for now it is a waiting game. My husband, son, and I will be forced to live out the remainder of our days imprisoned in our home, hiding from a man made of evil. Occasionally a close friend will stop be, for we have no family left. That is one of the main downsides of war…it takes away those dearest to you. However, it has made me stronger. Anyway, aside from these less then frequent and slightly dangerous visits we spend our days here with little to do. My solution to this problem-everlasting boredom-is to write our story to the best of my capabilities. I by no means a professional writer. You have been warned, expect errors .One of my husband's greatest fears is that we will die here and be forgotten, so I am writing this in the hope that I prevent just that. Should you choose to turn the page, you will be entrusted with this story. I ask little of you, just simply pass this story on after you read it. I hope that you find it entertaining…and maybe even instructive.

Best Regards,


"Harry…" Ginny said softly.

"Well I suppose we should read it…I mean we have to don't we?"

"What do you want to do?" she asked, disregarding his question.

He thought about it for a moment, but his decision was clear, it had been from the moment he laid eyes on the leather bound storybook.

"I want to read it," Harry answered confidently.

"Okay then, chapter one I suppose?" Ginny said with a smile as she flipped the page.