My Everything

So now you see why I'm scared
I can't open up my heart without a care
But here I go, It's what I feel
And for the first time in my life I know it's real
But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
So please don't catch me
If this is love please don't break me
I'm giving up so just catch me

Demi Lovato – Catch me

Thank you to everyone who reviewed! I'm sorry about leaving it on a cliff hanger, hopefully this should make it up to you! I am also sorry for the long, inexcusable wait for this chapter. Real life caught up to me in a big bloody way. My Mums been rather sick and well, it hasn't been easy. Also sorry if there are any spelling/grammar issues in this chapter, I felt so bad and just wanted to get it to you guys. Plus my search for a beta has come up with nothing. Enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight. Only Kevin is mine.

Chapter Fourteen

Forgive me

Previously on My Everything:

But that felt like nothing compared to what was on my wall. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos were pinned up. In all of them I could see my face staring back at me, my arm chucked around Amy's shoulders. The thing that really made my stomach turn though was the one someone had taken a knife and scratched out my baby sisters face.

Jared put his hand on my back and gently rubbed. Thats when the tears started again. He leaned down and put his arm around me. "Shh. I'm here. It's okay. It's okay"

But, even as he said it, I knew it was a lie.

Jared was talking, but I couldn't understand a word he was saying. Everything was a blur and I was starting to feel dizzy. I barely registered what was happening when Jared leaned down and picked me up in a fireman's carry. His warmth Washed over me and I tried to focus on that. I just wanted the word around me to disappear so that there was only the two of us left.

Jared was here. If he was here then everything else was going to be okay.

It had to be.

For the next few minutes it was like I was outside of my body. I watched from above as Jared carefully carried me down the stairs. He gently placed me in the passenger seat and pulled my seat belt around me. It amazed me how someone so large could be so gentle. It was like he was scared he was going to break me. He said something else but I still had trouble understanding him. Was he speaking English or was I simply going mad? When I remained silent he smiled sadly at me and closed my door before he climbed into the driver's seat.

Even the loud rumble of the truck starting didn't make me twitch. I leaned my head against the cold glass of the window and tried to make my house appear through the blur. I knew it was there, right in front of me but it was just too hard to focus on it. The second Jared stared to pull away from the curb I had a moment when the haze cleared and everything became clear.

I saw my family's home. The clean white walls and gloss finished black shutters. The stone pathway that my Dad had laid by hand in the summer when I was six, right along with the colourful flowers that my Mum had planted along side it. There was the dark wooden porch that I had fallen off of, resulting in me broking my arm when I was younger and then, to the side of it was-


That's wrong.

Can't be.


I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath. That wasn't right. There was no way on this earth that could be right. By the time I had reopened my eyes and looked back to that spot it was gone. I leaned back in my seat and concentrated on my breathing. There was defiantly something wrong with me-

"I think you've gone into shock" Jared said before my thoughts so could run away with me. Good timing on his part. I turned my head slightly to look at him. His featured was more defined now and I could finally hear him clearly. That had to be a good sign.

But then it all came back to me.

"Oh my god" I turned in my seat to face him "Jared my parents. Amy. I don't know where they are. Something might have happened to-"

"Its fine, Kim" he interrupted "I didn't smell any human blood in there. Chances are they haven't even been home yet" he reached towards the dashboard and grabbed him mobile phone "I'll call the guys and warn them about what has happened. I'm sure we can sort out...your room before they get home"

I nodded absent-mindedly but his words didn't help calm my nerves. I knew that I wouldn't feel right in till they were in front of me, safe and sound. A beat of silence passed before he spoke.

"Kim I am so, so sorry"

I frowned.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I should have never let you go into that house on your own. If I had been paying more attention then you wouldn't have had to see any of that. I should have smelt it sooner and known that one of them had been there"

Just like that he wasn't making sense again. I wasn't sure if it was the slow way my mind was currently processing information or if I just didn't understand what he meant.

"Smell what?"

He shot me a look and returned his eyes to the road.

"I think we should wait in till we get to Sam's before I try and explain everything"

I went to argue with him before I noticed the way his arms were shaking. Now was not the right time to push him.

"I'm sorry" he said again "I'll just feel better when we have more members of the pack looking after you"

Looking after me? I grimaced. What the hell did that mean? I had a bad feeling about this.

I knew that I had been right to have a bad feeling about this. I was sitting silently at the kitchen table as Jared tried to explain to everyone what had happened. It all sounded so bazaar to hear someone else talking about it. Nothing about this situation sounded right. There were the pictures with the scratched out eyes, the dead dog that had had its insides removed before they were scattered around my bed and the blood.

All that blood.

Hearing it talked about was making me feel sick. The only thing that was helping me stay sane was the warmth of Jared hand that was holding tightly onto my own under the table. I wasn't sure if anyone had noticed but, if they did, no one mentioned it. Emily put my fourth cup of sweet tea in front of me and I smiled gratefully up at her. Jared was coming to the end of the story and I was starting to become restless. I knew that when he had finished they would have some questions for me.

"...and then I put her in the truck and we came straight here"

Sam nodded from across the table and turned his attention to me. As soon as his gaze locked onto mine I felt my body tense.

"Is that what you remember happening Kim?"

I nodded. As far as I remember he hadn't missed out anything.

"So you didn't notice anything that Jared might have missed?

I hesitated a second before replying.

"No. There was nothing"

There was the dark wooden porch that I had fallen off of, resulting in me broking my arm when I was younger and then, to the side of it was-


That's wrong.

Can't be.


I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath. That wasn't right. There was no way on this earth that could be right. By the time I had reopened my eyes and looked back to that spot it was gone.

I wasn't sure why I was lying. I didn't want to lie to Jared. I didn't want to lie to any of them, but it was like my mind refused to do anything else. The words were there but my body was refusing to let me say them. After all, I had been in shock. I couldn't be sure of what I had seen. There was no point in wasting their time with my messed up minds fantasies.

He watched me closely for a moment before he was satisfied that I was telling the trust. He looked back at Jared and I let out a breath that I hadn't even known I had been holding. I was shocked at how relived I felt. It was then that I started to think that maybe I was doing the wrong thing. I opened my mouth to tell him what I had seen when his next question caught my attention.

"What about her parents?"

Jared sighed.

"As far as we know they weren't there. Kim said that they had gone out for the day"

"Did they say where they were going?"

"No" I answered as my unease returned "They were gone by the time I woke up this morning. They left a note for me saying that they would be back some time before dinner. Normally that means about five, maybe just a little bit after" I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and I felt my heart sink. It was already half past five "if they decided to stop off for dinner on the way home then they would have called to let me know"

I resisted the urge to look at my mobile time for hundredth time. I knew that, just like the times before, there would be no message waiting for me from my parents. I had tried calling them a few times but every time it had gone straight to their voice mail. While their silence was making me feel sick, I was thankful that they had picked today of all days to spend time with Amy. I couldn't bear to think about what the result would have been if they had been home.

I knew that Kevin was a werewolf and, while he was perfectly capable of looking after himself, I was also glad that I had decided not to call him and invite him over. There was no telling what would have happened if her had been there when the Vampire had come.

Yeah, that's right. It hadn't just been anyone that had broken into my house.

It had been a bloody Vampire.

You know, the killing and sucking all of your blood out of your body kind.

I thought back to the way they had taken the time to scratch Amy's face out of every single photo that had been hanging up on my wall and I shivered. It had felt like a warning.

"Who do you think did this?" I blurted out before Sam could say anything "Do you think that they want to hurt Amy?"

Jared and Sam shared yet another look that I didn't understand and I had to fight the urge to scream in frustration. I felt like a small child whose parents were lying to her in order to protect her. I didn't need their protection right now. All I needed was for them to be honest with me.

"I think its best that we don't assume anything right now. We don't know enough about whoever did this to make any assumptions about what their intentions might be"

Jacob snorted.

"Intention? Since when does a Vampire need a bloody reason? Their killers. They kill for the joy of it, not because they have a reason!"

Sam scowled at him and he stopped talking.

"This is different. They didn't go in there to kill anyone. They went in there to send a message. We just need to find out who it was" He sighed and sent me a small smile "For the time being, to be on the safe side, we are going to position someone in the forest surrounding your home. I think it would be best if we had someone close by in case they decided to come back"

"Do you think it was the Cullens?"

I wasn't sure where the question had come from, but I had to ask it. They were the only Vampires that they I knew. Sam was shaking his head before I had even finished talking.

"No. The scent that Paul and Kevin found at your house doesn't match them. We had already looked into that option"

I nodded and squeezed Jared's hand slightly. Part of me was happy to know that it hadn't been them. I couldn't explain why, but it pleased me to know that I hadn't been wrong in my judgement of Doctor Cullen.

It was at that moment that the front door opened and Kevin and pulled walked into the kitchen. The moment my eyes locked with my best friends he was crossing the kitchen and walking over to me. I stood up and held open my arms before he had reached me. As soon as he hugged me I felt myself fall apart.

"Oh god, Kevin" I sobbed into his chest "in my house, I found...I found..."

"I know" he muttered into my hair "I know, Kim."

He kissed the top of my head and looked at Sam without realising me "It's all cleaned up. Kim's parents and Amy arrived home just as we were leaving out the back door"

My tears increased as relief washed over me and Kevin's tightened around me.

Sam nodded.

"The bed covers?"

Paul held up a bag that I hadn't noticed before.

"Right here"

Sam nodded again.

"Okay. Put them in the front room and we'll look at them later"

Without another word Paul went to do as I had asked.

When Paul had been sent to the house I hadn't realised that Kevin was going to be going with him.

We had barely entered the front door before Jared was going over the high lights of what happened with Sam. Emily took me by the hand and gently led me over to the kitchen table.

"Sit down, honey. I'll make you some tea"

I nodded and tried to ignore what Jared was saying. I didn't want to listen to what had happened again. As soon as he had mentioned smelling a Vampire Sam had directed his attention to Paul.

"I need you to go to Kim's house and see if her parents have returned. While you're there sort out her room and get rid of any evidence of what happened. Hopefully you'll get there before them so that we can avoid any awkward questions"

I felt sick.

I didn't like the way he said if.

"Bring her bed covers back. We should see if any of us recognize the scent"

Paul didn't look partially pleased to be sent of an errand but he nodded and stood up none the less. He held out his hand towards me and I looked at it, confused. He sighed and rolled his eyes.


I flushed and reached into my pocket.

"Right. Sorry" I apologised as I handed them to him. With one final nod towards Sam he left.

I snapped back to what was happening around me. I wanted to talk to Sam about his idea to have someone constantly guarding my house but he seemed to know it was coming.

"Kim, I know the idea of having us close to you all of the time might be a problem for you, but right now its necessary" I opened my mouth to tell him he was wrong, that I wasn't scared of them any more, but I stopped myself. As much as I wanted to deny it I knew that I had no grounds to, up in till now I had never given them a reason to think otherwise of me.

I needed to try and change that.

"You have to remember that we aren't just doing this for you. There is a chance that you whole family are currently in danger"

I nodded and tried to swallow. He had found my one weakness and he knew it. I would rather die than allow someone to hurt my family.

"So" Emily said as she walked into the kitchen "Who's staying for dinner?"

I almost laughed when everyone, including Sam, raised their hands. Emily smiled warmly at me and I smiled back. With one final head count she nodded and made her way back to the fridge.

"What I want to know" Kevin muttered once Emily had started to cook dinner "is why Kim ended up going into that house in the first place" He looked towards Jared and scowled "Her fucking house stinks of Vampire so badly that I could smell it as we pulling into the road"

Jared rubbed his hand over his face and avoiding looking at me.

"I didn't smell it in till I was at the end of the road. I...I wasn't really paying attention"

Sam nodded but he didn't look pleased.

"Was the scent still fresh?"

Jared frowned.

"I-I'm not too sure. It was defiantly there, but it was like it was hard to define it"

Sam sighed.

"What time did you leave the house this morning Kim?"

"Just before eleven" I replied once I had thought about it "I had a cab booked for ten minutes to because the appointment was for quarter past"

It was weird to think that only six hours had passed since then. It felt like it had been a life time. I let go of Kevin and sat back down before reaching for my tea. I was so tired. All I wanted to do was go home to my parents.

"So they were there some time between when you left and when Jared took you home"

"They were gone by the time I got there. I would have noticed otherwise"

Paul sniggered as he walked back in and sat down at the table.

"I thought you weren't paying attention"

Jared shot up from his seat and Paul followed a second later. Kevin carefully pulled my from my seat and placed me behind him, away from the angry wolves. I gripped onto the back of Kevin's shirt and tried to peak around his arm. Both Jared and Paul were glaring across the table at one another. Jared's arms were quickly starting to shake while Paul was already vibrating at full force. I gasped and went to take a step back when I caught sight of everyone else. They all looked...bored?

Sam sighed and stood up from his chair.

"Paul, step outside. Now"

For the brief moment I thought he was going to refuse. It was only at the last moment that he nodded and stormed out the back door. Jacob shot me a quick smile before he followed. I heard the sound of material ripped from the back garden but I didn't dare look. I wasn't ready for that just yet. Instead I kept my eyes on Jared. His chest was heaving up and down and his eyes were clamped shut as he tried to calm down. I went to take a step towards him but Kevin held out his arm to stop me.

I scowled at him.

"Give him a second" Kevin insisted "Just let him calm down for a moment"

I nodded reluctantly and waited.

"Pull yourself together Jared. You don't want Kim to see you like this"

At the sound of my name Jared's eyes shot open and he turned around to look at me. His breathing started to even out and his body seemed to relax. I smiled hesitantly at him and my heart skipped a beat when he smiled back. Well. That was different.

Kevin finally moved out of the way but I stayed where I was. My urge to get closer to him had died when I realised that everyone in the room was looking at me.

"You okay?" I asked awkwardly.

Jared's smile widened and he nodded.

"I'm good"

My eyes locked onto the dimples that had appeared on his face when he smiled. I had never seen anything so breathtaking in all my life. I forgot about the people watching. I forgot about him being a werewolf and the fear that I had once felt for him. In that moment there was nothing else. The world stopped turning and life itself stood still.

All I could see was him.

He was looking at me with such...such love that it overwhelmed me.

My palms had started to sweat and my mouth felt dry. I ran my mouth along my lips to wet them and his eyes shot down to my mouth.

Oh, good god.

Not realising what I was doing I took a step forward.

Closer. I needed to be closer.

"Erm, Kim?"

I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of Kevin's voice. My eyes snapped away from Jared and the world carried on turning with such force that I got whiplash. Realisation of what had just happened washed over me and I blushed in mortification. Had I honestly just tried

In a true sign of kindles Emily stepped forward and cleared her throat.

"Come on everyone, clear the table. It won't be long before dinner is ready"

Just like that everyone was moving. They started walking around the kitchen, each of them doing their own task that made me think that this was something they did often. I smiled to thanks to Emily and started to help her, I needed the distraction right now.

But, try as I might, I couldn't help but notice the satisfied smile that was on Jared's lips.

Sitting around the dinner table with a bunch of hungry, teenage werewolves turned out to be a completely new dining experience for me. While the boys, after a quick reminder from Sam, had allowed Emily and I to fill our plates first, it only took less than a minute for all of their plates to be filled to the brim with food.

It would seem that werewolves had big appetites.

Even Kevin, who used to struggle to finish a burger and fries on his own, was already on his second helpings before I was even close to finishing my own.

Not that I was really hungry.

As soon as I had gotten over my mortification I had asked Sam if I could go home, but he had insisted that I at least stayed for dinner. It turned out that Kevin had left a note at my house from me saying that I wouldn't be home till late. As first I had been angry. All I wanted to do was to go home and see my family. But, once they had explained it to me, I could understand why they hadn't let me go. I wasn't in the right frame of mind to see them at the moment. I had spent a few hours this morning believing that there was a good chance that my family were all dead. There was no way that I would be able to look at them without sobbing in relief.

I push my plate away and tried to smile.

"Sorry" I muttered when Emily asked if something was wrong "I'm just not that hungry"

"No matter" Seth said as he leaned across the table and grabbed my leftovers "more for me"

"Oi!" Jacob yelled before the younger boy could place the extra food of his plate "give me that!"

I watched in amusement as they started to fight over my left over food. Quickly the other boys started to join in. Jared was the only one stayed silent. While his plate was empty he made no move to get any more, instead he reached for my hand under the table and looked pointedly towards the back door. I looked out into the darkness and then back at him before I realised that he was trying to say. Swallowing my nerves I smiled and nodded lightly.

Jared stood up and kept hold of my hand.

"Kim and I are going to get some fresh air"

Emily smiled and nodded, but she seemed to be the only one who had heard him. Everyone else was still too busy fighting over the left over food. And I had thought normal boys were bad.

As soon as the cold wind hit my arms I wished that Jared had thought to grab my coat-

I jumped as something warm was placed gently on my shoulders. I smiled when I realised that it wasn't my coat but Jared's.

"I thought you might be a little bit cold"

I smiled in thanks and sat down on the back door steps. Their garden wasn't fenced off from the woods, instead it was open. I looked into the darkness and shivered. I hated thinking about what could be out there. Jared took a seat next to me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I just can't believe how much I never knew"

He smiled warily.

"I know how that feels"

I laughed lightly.

"I guess you do" I hesitated before carrying on "do you like it now?"

He frowned.

"Like what?"

"You know, being a, erm..."

"A shape shifter?"

I nodded.

He looked back out towards the trees and seemed to think about it before he answered.

"I like what I've gained from it. It's not the best thing that could have happened to me but at least I know that I'm doing something good with my life" he smiled at me "I get to spend my life protecting people"

I returned his smile.

"I guess you do. I had never really thought about it like that"

"It took me a while before I could. At first I was just angry. It was like someone had taken my life away from me. It wasn't mine any more"

He looked so sad in that moment that I couldn't help myself. Without over thinking it I put my hand on his and squeezed it.

"What changed?"

"I guess I did. I just learned to stop looking at it from just my point of view and instead look at the bigger picture. There are dangers out there that normal people wouldn't stand a chance against. I on the other hand could do something about it. It would be wrong of me to refuse"

We fell into a comfortable silence and the noise from inside had died down slightly. Despite the light from the kitchen I could still see all of the stars shining brightly. They looked perfect. I was just trying to find the North Star when Jared interrupted my search.

"You seemed to have calmed down a lot"

I shrugged.

"I don't know what else I can do. You and Kevin are werewolves and that is just how it is. Nothing you or I can do will change that" I hugged his jacket closer to me and smiled. It smelt like him. "If I want you in my life then I need to accept you the way you are"

My face started to feel hot when I felt him looking at me. I knew that it hadn't escaped him notice how different I was being towards him. I wasn't able to help myself. Something about this felt different.

I felt different.


He sighed my name and I looked at him. He ran his hand down the side of my face and moved his body closer to mine on the step.

"I hope that you know that I would never hurt you"

"I know. I trust you Jared. I just hope that you can forgive me"

Jared frowned.

"Forgive you? Kim, there isn't anything to-"

"There is" I insisted "I treated you terribly when I found out what you were. I should have had more faith in you"

"Yeah, well, it's like you said: you barely know me"

"Fine" I relented "Then at the very least I should have trusted Kevin"

As soon as I said my best friend's name I felt some of my good mood disappear. While he had been nothing but kind to me while I had been here, I still felt like the last few months were hanging like a black cloud over what was left of our friendship. I knew I had made some big mistakes, but there was no denying that he had too. The sound of laughter from the kitchen behind us told me that the fight over my food was long over and instead they were all enjoying each other's company.

Almost like they were a family.

I was easily able to pick out Kevin's laugher from all the others, regardless of how much it had changed since the last time I had heard it. It was deeper now, the laughter of a man rather a boy. I briefly wondered if we would ever laugh together like that again.

"He misses you too, Kim"

I jolted in shock. How did he know what I was thinking? Jared laughed at my expression before he explained.

"He gets the same look on his face when he is thinking about you too" He smiled sadly at me "You two are really close, aren't you?"

"We were" I corrected him "I'm not too sure about now though"

"I don't know about that" he replied "Something tells me that there's still time to fix that"

I scoffed.

"I can hope. It just depends on if he forgives me or not"

"He will. You might find that he already has"

I raised my eyebrows at him and he held up his hands.

"Not that I'm speaking for him. I'm afraid that's a conversation that the two of you will have to have yourselves"

I nodded,

"Yeah, I know" I remembered the events from earlier, a piece of the story that he had missed out when telling the others and I felt my cheeks redden.

"Thank you, by the way. For helping me this morning" I explained "I know it couldn't have been pleasant"

Jared smirked.

"Now I don't know about that. I believe you said something about wanting to stroke me?"

I cringed. Would I ever be able to speak to him without feeling some form of humiliation? This was doing nothing to help my self esteem.

"I was in shock" I said defensively "I didn't know what I was saying"

"Hey, now. There is no shame in it. I am, after all, a very handsome wolf"

I hesitated.

"Can...can I see?"

Jared looked at me and frowned.

"See what?"

" your wolf form...again. I didn't really get a chance to look properly the first time"

"Do you want to see?"

I nodded. A small part of me was still terrified but a bigger part of me longed to see the wolf again.


I smiled and started to stand up but Jared took hold of my hand and pulled me back down.

"Not tonight" he explained when I looked at him questioningly "Soon" he promised before I could say anything "just not now. You've already been through a lot tonight. I don't want to do anything to add to your stress level"

I crossed my arms and scowled at him.

"What different does it make?" I demanded "It's not like I hadn't been you before"

"True" he allowed "but now you know it's me"

I scoffed.

"Shouldn't that make it better than last time?"

Jared smiled widely and my mind went blank. I blinked rapidly and tried to breath. How the hell did he do that?

"You have a temper, you know that?"

Despite myself, I smiled.

"Could you not tell that before?"

He laughed and stood up.

"Yeah" he admitted as he helped me stand up "but it's nice to see it when you're actually talking to me"

Feeling braver than I felt I shot Jared a quick wink.

"Give it a week. I'm sure you'll soon change your mind"

It wasn't in till hours later, when Amy was snuggled up asleep next to me, that I finally allowed myself relax. It had been hard to act normal when Jared had dropped my off at home, but somehow I had managed it. All I had wanted to do was put my arms around my parents and tell them how much I loved them. Instead I settled for sitting down at the kitchen table with them and asking about their day.

After we had finished I had grabbed Amy and invited her up to my room for a Pepper the Pig marathon. Right now I needed my sister. As I had painted her nails and listened to her talk it had taken everything I had to try and not think about what my room had looked like this morning. While I wasn't fond of Paul I had to give him some credit, the smell of blood was long gone from my room and, if I hadn't seen it for myself, then I never would have known it had happened.

Being careful not to wake up Amy I turned the TV off and started getting ready for bed. It wasn't unusual for Amy to spend the night in my room, so I knew there was no risk of our parents bothering us for the rest of the evening.

I was in the middle of drying my hair after my long shower when the phone next to my bed started ringing. I stubbed my toe in my haste to reach it.

"Shit" I hissed as I picked it up. That had bloody hurt.



My whole body froze. While I hadn't really thought about it I had expected it to be Kevin on the other end of the phone. In the last two years of having my own land line he was the only person I had even given the number to. I had only ever dreamed of this person calling.

"Erm, Kim, you there?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah" I quickly replied "I'm here"

Smooth, Kim. Real bloody smooth.

"Were you just swearing?"

"Oh, yeah. I was. I just stubbed my toe on the corner of my bed"

Jared laughed down the phone and I found myself smiling. I loved that sound.

"So...any reason you're calling?"

"No, not really. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay"

"I'm fine. Kinda freaked out still, but I'll deal with it"

My eyes wondered over to Amy sleeping soundly in my bed and I sighed quietly. I would have to find a way to deal with it.

"Good, good. I was worried about you"

My smile grew and I tried not to sound too giddy as I replied.

"You only saw me a few hours ago Jared. I promise you that I'm just the same as I was when you left me"

"Yeah, well, I can worry. Anyway, I was also calling to let you know that someone will be watching over you tonight. You don't have to worry, you and your family are perfectly safe"

I frowned. Was this the protection that Sam had been talking about? A small shiver ran up my back and I grimaced. It wasn't so much the werewolf thing that freaked me out any more, it was just the thought of anyone watching me from a distance. It just felt like something was wrong about the whole thing, but I knew that there was no use in fighting it. They were only trying to keep me safe.


I sounded unenthusiastic even to my own ears and I hated myself in that moment. Way to be a bitch, Kim!

"Seriously Jared. Thank you for this. It means a lot to know that you guys are looking out for me. So, who got stuck with the bad deal of babysitting the human? Please, please, please tell me its Paul. The thought of him standing out in the cold all night is just what I need to cheer me up"

An awkward silence followed and I frowned. I had only just started to wonder what was wrong when a sense of realisation washed over me. It was like all of the air was suddenly sucked out of the room and I could feel the hair on the back on my neck standing up. Surely he wasn't...

"Jared...are you...are you outside my house?"

A beat of silence passed and I found myself wishing that I hadn't asked.

"Is there any answer that I can give you that would be the truth and still wouldn't freak you out?"

I held back a nervous laugh as I took a step towards the window. My heart rate shot up unexpectedly and I swallowed loudly. I wanted to take the two final steps towards the window but I couldn't bring myself to do it. My emotions were jumping up and down so drastically that even I was having trouble keeping up with them.

I had no idea if seeing Jared outside my window would make me happy or terrify me.

"Happy" a small voice whispered in my head "how many times have you dreamed about this happening? Suck it up and be happy"

"Oh, yes" a completely different voice sniggered "a boy you hardly know is standing outside your window late at night, most likely showing you the start of his stalking tendencies, what the hell is there to be unhappy about?"

Great. I was finally starting to lose it.

"You can't lose what you never had honey"

"Oh, shut up!"

"Oh, right. I only meant-"

"No!" I panicked "not you, Jared. I was talking"

"To who?"

I held the phone away from myself and quietly groaned. Besides the fact that my attention had been on Jared for all of these years, there was clearly other reasons as to why I had never had a boyfriend. Situations like this for example. I held the phone back to my ear in resignation.

"Myself" I sighed "I was talking to myself. I do that some times"

"Oh, really?" I could hear the smile in his voice "I know the feeling. I hear voices in my head some times too"

I chucked and I could feel myself relaxing. Without another word I walked to the window and pulled the curtains to one side.

"You should probably see someone about that" I joked as my eyes searched the woodland area around my house. With only the moon light to help me I wasn't able to see a thing.

"It's the first sign of madness you know; talking to yourself"

I smiled.

"I don't believe that. Some times I think talking to myself is the only thing keeping me sane. Who else is meant to understand half the things I come up with?"

"Interesting point. Anyway, I was just calling to let you know that Kevin will be picking you up in the morning"

"Oh, right" I tried not to let my disappointment show in my voice, but something told me I had failed. I could practically hear him smirking when he replied.

"Thats not a problem, is it?"

"Oh, no. Of course not"

And it wasn't; it would be nice to spend some time with Kevin again and we had loads to catch up on, but I would by lying if I said that I hadn't hoped that Jared would be there as well.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Kim. You should get some sleep"

"Okay Jared, goodnight"

"Night, Kim. Sleep well"

I held the phone to my ear long after the line had gone dead, just looking out of the window looking for the large, brown furred wolf that I knew was watching over me.

So, thoughts? Feelings? Please review, I need a pick me up right now.
