My Everything

You're a falling star, You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.

And you play it coy, but it's kinda cute.
Ah, When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.
Michael Buble – Everything

Chapter One

As good as it gets

Groaning I leaned over and pressed my snooze button for the millionth time, I knew I was dangourasly close to being late for school but my bed was so warn compared to the normal rainy day waiting for me. I thought of best friend Kevin picking me up this morning and I sighed, if I made him late one more time this month he would kill me. I grabbed my glasses off the bed side table and checked the time. Yep, I really needed to get up.

Trying to gather my strength I dragged myself out of bed and started to get ready for the day. As soon as my feet hit the floor I shivered and ran over to my draws to grab a fresh pair of socks. My house was one of the oldest in La Push and while I loved its old and classic look I hated the wooden floors. Every morning my poor feet had to freeze to death, it was getting to the point where I craved carpet. Normal sixteen year old should not crave something as simple as carpet.

I quickly washed my face and tried to make myself have more energy. This time last month my mornings had been very different; I would have been out of bed before my first alarm and out side waiting for Kevin to arrive. School used to be something that I look forward to.

But knowing he probally wasn't going to be there was making it hard for me to be motivated about anything, let alone school.

Without putting too much thought into it I pulled on an old pair of jeans and a blue jumper that was two sizes too big for me. While I knew it wasn't the most flattering look for me I held some hope that it would take attention away from my depressing B sized chest.

"Kim! Your going to be late! Move it!"

I took one last look in the mirror and frowned at the boring girl looking back at me. My brown hair was thin compared to most peoples and it reached just below my shoulders after weeks of attempting to let it grow. My glasses made my dark eyes look too big for my small head and my skin was the same dark shade as my dads. And then ofcourse there was the glasses. Even at my age my mum flat out refused to let me pick out my own pair. The end result was having to walk around with these chuncky things on my face. I shrugged it off like I did every morning, this was as good as it was going to get.


"Coming mum!"

I picked up my bag from the end of my bed and made my way down the stairs and to the kitchen, knowing there was no time for breakfast I picked up an apple from the fruit bowl and placed it in my pocket before kissing my mum goodbye.

"I'll see you later"

"Will you be coming straight home today?"

I nodded, normally I would end up going round Kevins for a few hours before heading home.

"Yeah, Kevin's grandparents are coming round for dinner tonight"

My mum frowned in sympathy; she knew how much Kevin hated it when his grandparents came round. Kevin and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We had been raised together gone to school together and been there for all of each others mile stones in our lives. To put it simply we were as close as two friends could be. So when he had come out as gay two years ago I wasn't shocked. Sadly for some members of his family, mainly his grandparents, it was a different story. Instead of loving him for the person he was it was more like they were waiting for him to grow out of his "phase".

"Wish him luck for me!"

"Will do"

I had almost reached the door when the screaming started.

"Kim! Kim! Kim!"

Realising my mistake I turned back to the breakfast table to see my little sister Amy sitting in her high chair, a pout on her face and her anger at being so easily forgotten clearly showing. Trying not to laugh at how cute she looked I gave her a quick hug and she held up her toy dog Hugo, insisting I do the same to him.

"I'll see you later Bug"

She smiled at the use of my pet name for her and I knew I was forgiven. I opened the front door to be greeted by the normal sound of "Pink" blaring from Kevins car. Regardless of the fact that I lived in one of the quietest roads of La Push he always insisted on having his music on loud in the mornings. Apparently it helps inpiring him for the day.

As soon as he had been old enough Kevin had gone right out and passed his driving test. As much as I had begged my parents to do the same they still insisted on waiting in till I was older before letting me go near a car of my own. They claimed it was because we didn't have the money at the moment but I knew there was more to it then that. After what happened to my brother George I don't think my parents would ever want their children behind the wheel of a car. I took a deep breath and smiled before pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind. I looked at Kevins small blue car and felt my spirits lift, it wasn't the best one in the school parking lot but I loved it none the less, I had hours of happy memories in that car.

Chucking my bag into the back I took my place in the passenger seat and turned down the music. Rather then protest like he normally would he flashed me a cheeky smile.


"Morning" I muttered before slumping back in my seat and closing my eyes. Dear god, its too early. He chuckled.

"Well, someone woke up full of energy this morning"

I smiled as he started up the car and we made our way to school. I rubbed my hands together and placed them against the old heater to feel the smallest gust of warm air. I huffed with irritation and stuffed my hands in my pockets, that boy really needed to fix the heating in this thing. Sensing I was being watched I turned to see Kevin looking at me everything few seconds with a frown in his face.


"You need to get yourself sorted women. It's only been three weeks and you look about ready to give up"

I sighed and sat up; we had already had this talk.

"I'll have you know my mood had nothing to do with him" Lie. "I was up half the night doing that history report for Mr. Millor"

He frowned.

"Your brilliant at History Kim, why did it take you half the night?"

I shrugged and looked out of the window, I don't think telling him how bad my attention span had been in that class for the last three weeks would help my case. Not to mention the fact that its hard to write a report on what you have been learning for the past month when you've spent your time staring at the class room door rather then writing some much needed notes.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Like hell your mood has nothing to do with him, ever since he went sick its been the same thing with you everyday. You wake up late, mope around all day like some broken puppy then go home and do the same thing the next day. Its not healthy"

I bit my lip and tried to push down the rush of guilt I felt, as much as I hated it I knew he was right. I have been a crappy friend for the last few weeks. We pulled into the school parking lot and I stopped him before he could get out.

"Kevin wait" He turned to me and I took a deep breath, I hated apologising, mostly because it meant I had done something wrong. "I'm sorry. Your right, I have been stuck in my own little world lately. I promise I'll suck it up and stop being such a cry baby"

He watched me give him puppy dog eyes for a moment before he laughed.

"We both know that is not going to happen. Your still going to go into your history lesson and spend all of it looking at the door, just waiting to see if today will be the day that he comes back" He shrugged as he pulled a mirror out of his bag and checked how he looked "I can't blame you really, if I didn't get my dose of eyes candy then I would go nuts too" He put the mirror away and smirked as Paul and Jacob walked passed "Luckily for me I like my candy in all flavours"

I laughed.

"You are such a pervert"

"Better a pervert than a stalker" He joked as he climbed out of the car. Even though I knew he was joking the comment still stung a bit, not because I was insulted but because he was right.

I guess I should explain. I have been in love with the same boy since I was five years old. I may have been young but as soon as he asked me to pass him the green pencil I was in love. Sadly even at that age I had been awkward around most people. To this day if I close my eyes I can still remember the sound of me attempting to stutter out a response to this thank you. It wasn't in till I had squeaked out a "thank you" that I realised he had already turned away. His name is Jared; he has dark rich hair and light brown eyes that could make my knees shake with a single glance. Not that he glanced at me often. There was something about him that made me want to be close to him. The only problem with me being in love with him is that despite the fact we have attended the same school for the past eleven years he still had no idea who I am.

We have History class with each other. In fact we even share a desk. Maybe that's why it hurts so much that he had no idea I'm alive.

Jared and I are complete opposites of one another, while I was a ghost in my own school everyone loved Jared, it seemed I wasn't the only one who saw how great he was. Along with his group of friends they were the most popular kids in school. They were the classic stereotype of most schools, all the boys wanted to be them and all of the girls wanted to date them. Sadly all of the girls falling at Jareds feet only served to make me more invisible.

Normally I would be happy to just sit back in my seat and just be near him for part of my day but things were different now. Jared had gone off sick and from what I had heard not even his friends knew what was wrong with him. What had been twenty one days to everyone else had started to feel like a life time to me. Where the hell was he?

Stopping off at my locker to grab my books I would need for the morning I spotted Jacob and Paul standing a few lockers down with their normal adoring crowd around them. I watched as Kirsty practically chucked herself at Jacob and fluttered her eyes at him. Along with her two best friends Rachel and Becky Kirsty was personally responsible for every tear I had shed in my time at this school. For some reason her life mission seemed to be making my life hell. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes I stuffed my books into my bag and made my way to class. Jacob and Paul, along with Seth, Quil and Embry were Jareds best friends. While I had never talked to them before I could probably tell you more about them then they could tell you themselves. Hence the reason why I couldn't deny Kevin calling me a stalker...I kind of was.

Ducking my head to avoid scowls and smirks people normally chucked my way I made my way to History, my now Jared free lesson.

By the time I had sat down at my desk and unpacked my books for the class I had made a decision: Kevin was right. I was being stupid about this whole thing. Just because Jarded wasn't here didn't mean that I should ignore everything around me. It was true that I wasn't popular but neither was Kevin and we both liked it that way, there was no need for me to get worked up just because there was one less person here to ignore me. I smiled to myself as I opened my book, today marked a new start.

No more wining about Jared, no more staring at him when he wasn't looking, no more day dreaming about him or wondering where he was. For god sake I spent hours thinking about a boy who didn't know I was alive. What did that say about what I thought of myself? Clearly I had a problem.

It's fine, I calmly reminded myself, one more year of this and then I would be far away from here at college. One more year and then I'll finally have the room I need to move on and get on with my life. No more Jared.

I hated how much the thought of being away from him hurt me.

I pushed the thought away and started to take notes for the first time in three weeks. The lesson was already half way over when the door suddenly opened. It figures that the first day I stopped looking at the door would be the day that he walked through it. As soon as I saw him I gasped, thank god everyone else was doing the same so no one noticed.

Jared had changed.

Rather than looking like the young boy I had last seen he looked...older. If I hadn't known better I would have thought he was in his early twentys. His shoulders were broader then I remembered and his arms looked huge under his snugly fit shirt. His head almost reached the top of the door and I knew he would easily tower over me. Realising that I was staring at him I quickly looked down at my work and tried to seem busy. Feeling my cheeks heat up I groaned to myself, could I not see him at least once without blushing?

"Nice of you to join us again Jared" Mr. Millor said in a bored voice "If you would kindly take your seat and start your work, we're currently making our way through pages twenty to twenty four in our text books"

"No problem Mr. M"

A moment passed before I heard the seat beside me scrap along the floor before he sat down. Trying to focus on my work I attempted to ignore him while he searched around in his bag, his work book and text book were already on the desk in front of him. I heard him curse under his breath before the unthinkable happened. Dropping his bag on the floor he turned around and looked at me.

"Can I borrow a pen?"

Just like that. He hasn't spoken to me in eleven years and once again the only thing he asks me if he can borrow a pen. Maybe in eleven years he would come find me and ask me again. Story of my life. Trying to calm down my breathing I nodded without looking at him. Say something Kim! Hating myself for being a mute freak I opened my pencil case and grabbed a pen at random. Gathering up what little courage I had I tried to smile as I turned to him.

"Here" YES!

In that moment my whole world changed. Over the years I have seen multiple looks on Jared's face: joy, anger, annoyance. But I had never seen this one before. His mouth hung open slightly as he looked at me and my blush deepened as his eyes flickered across my face like they were trying to see everything. What was he looking at? Suddenly wondering if I had something on my face I handed him the pen and looked back down at my work. Hearing his chair move I risked a peak at him to see that he had moved closer to me. I jumped back in my chair in shock, his face was inches from mine.

Seeing my reaction he frowned and moved back a little.

"Sorry" He quickly said "I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?"

Not knowing what to do I gave a slight nod and tried to smile. This could not b happening. We have been going to the same school for years and he picks today of all days to start talking to me?

"I'm Jared"

Without thinking I said the first thing I could think of.

"I know"

His smile widened and I couldn't stop myself from smiling back, there was something about his expression that made him look almost excited. And then he kind of ruined the moment for me.

"What's your name?"

Ouch. That hurt.

"I'm K-Kim"

"Kim" He said my name slowly and then sighed with a larger smile on his face. I shivered as I looked at him smiling at me. He said my name. And he was smiling at me. Me. Oh god.

"Your new here right?"

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop myself from frowning, this was worse then him not knowing my name. My worst thoughts had been right, eleven years and he hasn't even known that I existed. I sat next to him three times every week and he had never seen me. I had thought at the very least he knew that there was a quiet and odd girl that sat next to him in History.

"No" I finally managed to choke out "I'm...I'm not new"

He looked confused.

"Really?" He asked "How long have you been going here?"

I cringed in embarrassment and my mind raced as I tried to decide I should lie or not. Not long, just a few weeks. Thats the reason that you've never noticed me. Not because no one ever notices me. Knowing I would most likely get caught in my lie I shrugged and tried not to look too upset.

"Jared we've been going to the same school for the last eleven years" I thought about it and my frown deepened "In fact now that I think about it you and I have taken more than a couple of classes with each other. And then there is the fact that I have been sitting next to you for months now." My rage shocked me but I couldn't stop the anger showing in my voice "We walk past each other in the hall way every day. You honestly have no idea who I am?"

He had a blank look on his face before it turned to a mixture of embarrassment and shame.

"No" He muttered with a pained look on his face.


With a nod I turned back to my work and tried not to scream. Jared had just talked to me. And I had yelled at him. For not noticing me. Dear god what have I done?

"It couldn't have been that bad"

I fell back onto my bed and cuddled into my pillow as I held the cordless phone to my ear. It had taken weeks of giggling with Kevin on the phone in the kitchen before my parents had snapped and agreed to fit my room with my own personal phone line. It was times like this that I was extra thankful for that decision.

"You weren't there" I mumbled into the phone "Kevin he finally talked to me and I had a go at him. I practically spent two minutes ripping into him about not knowing who I am. Who in their right minds does that?"


I nodded, even though he couldn't see me he knew my answer.

"No one" He chuckled.

I groaned but a second later I was laughing with him, in times like this I knew I could rely on Kevin to make me feel better. It was true I still wasn't looking forward to facing Jared at school tomorrow but at least I could laugh about it now.

"So any way" I said when my laughter had finally died down "How did dinner go?"

"It sucked" He said in a bored voice "They came over and did the usual. Talked to me about school, asked if I had a girlfriend yet. And then they spent the rest of dinner and desert asking me why I didn't have a girlfriend. So you know, nothing new there"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed in disgust, while I never said anything bad about them Kevin knew how I felt about his grandparents. In turn I felt mad at his parents as well, how could they let someone come into their house and insult their son like that?

"They should say something"

He sighed.

"Its my mum's parents Kim, you know they wouldn't dare" He said in a tired voice.

"You are their son!"

"And they are my Mum's parents. You know they love me"

"I know" I admitted "But they don't love you the right way"

He laughed and I could practically see his smile.

"They don't love me like you love me right?"

"Exactly" I laughed "You wait. One day you will find a guy that loves you almost as much as I do"


"No one could ever love you as much as I do idiot"

"Yes" He replied in a voice dripping with sarcasm "I can feel your love"

I let out a giggle as someone knocked softly on my door.

"Hang on a sec" I held the phone away from my ear "Come in"

"It's ten Kim" My mum said as she poked her head around the door "You know the rules. Lights out"

I nodded.

"I know Mum, I'm just finishing up"

She nodded and blew me a quick kiss before closing the door. I put the phone back to my ear.

"Lights out?" Kevin asked before I could start taking.

"You got it. See you in the morning?"

"See you then. And for the love of god women be ready!"

"Yeah, yeah. Night"


It wasn't in till I put the phone down that I remembered my reason for calling Kevin in the first place. Jared. Cute, gorgeous dark skinned god Jared. That I yelled at and ruined any chance of speaking too again. I turned off my bed side lamp and snuggled into my bed. It figures the day I grow myself a back bone would be the day I least wanted one.

So love it? Hate it? Let me know! I've already got a few chapters written up so it shouldn't be too long in till my next update. I'm enjoying writing this story but please let me know if you think its worth finishing!

I'm also looking for a beta if someone thinks they might be interested?
