Death, Be Not Proud
Black Beyond
Underneath Society

-Duo, stop bothering Wufei. We're coming back in an hour or so. With company.-

Duo froze in the midst of mixing pink pigment in with Wufei's supply of the special soap the Chinese warrior insisted Nataku only be washed with and grinned.

"Usagi! Babe! Darling! It's been so boring without you! You've been gone a whole day! And Wufei retreated into that damn meditation room you built him-- the one I can't go in?-- and he won't come out! And Heero won't snog with me... he's pouting about something... it *could* be that Relena moved in last Tuesday, but I doubt it."

In his head he could see Usagi rolling her eyes. -I'm not even asking what you did to the Throne Room this time to make you babble this much. But it had better be fit for Mordred's eyes or I will allow Koto to publicly humiliate you.-

Duo smiled a smug smile. "It's fit for kid's eyes, babe. You'll like it.

Usagi's voice was wary. -I'd better. Now, Inform the cooks of the company and please take down the pornography from the front halls that I know you've put up again.-

Duo pouted. "Baaaaabbbbeeeeee!"

Usagi smiled in his head. -Nup. Take it down.-


Duo laughed. "And that would be Wufei walking through the throne room."

Usagi groaned. -We're teleporting in soon. Clean up the palace. Love you, and I will see you."

Duo smiled. "Love ya too, babe."


E-mail me with any questions.

[email protected] or [email protected]

What? ^___^ There's nothing else to tell. Unless, of course, the demand for a sequel is to my liking...

In the meantime, I have another GW/SM fic: Reflections of a Soul... under my other FFN account, Black Beyond. And I've got an HP/SM up, as well as a DBZ/SM. Not to mention my bazillion other fics, all of which can be found under Black Beyond.

Happy reading!

*realizes how many of her fans she is pissing off by ending this series but really doesn't want to draw it out into a yucky, dry thing... as it is becoming*

Like I said... if I've forgotten to answer questions that I posed in my eariler chapters or there's something you don't understand-- please e-mail me. I can do all the coda chapters I want. ^____^

I love you guys! ^_^


Evil? Me? NEVER! Muwahahahahahahahahahahaha!